Unanswered Trest update



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I did my last trest ace run without any test whatsoever and it was great. I had less E2 related sides this time for some reason.
Same reason high test with Tren or Deca aggravates sides. I promise Detroit Hammer waaaaay back in the day used to swear by cruising Tren with no test and just run a low dose of Caber. I can run NPP +200 if I drop my test really low. Same with Trest. If I’m over 350 test I can’t get Trest over 250. 150 test and I can get Trest almost to 300. No test is even easier. Just Ralox No AI with no test.


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Yip, fueledpassion was a proponent of tren and EQ, no test.
Thatd have me in an asylum due to anxiety


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Add in mast for a full blown panic meltdown.
I ran tren and mast this summer and was amazed at how I had no problems outside of sweating. I just realized how much my beta blockers were helping after quitting them a week ago...now I'm terrified to stick my leftovers.


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Add in mast for a full blown panic meltdown.
I ran tren and mast this summer and was amazed at how I had no problems outside of sweating. I just realized how much my beta blockers were helping after quitting them a week ago...now I'm terrified to stick my leftovers.


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@ItalOne so that’s your final answer??? Shiiiiit. @Matthersby
I’m just getting caught up on this thread but I’m in the same boat. Not blasting till the new year and currently on only about 200mg/test per week since September. I’ve decided to add another 100-150mg test prop per week to cruise at around 350 till blasting in the winter. As long as diet is clean, lipids will be fine while doing this.


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I’m just getting caught up on this thread but I’m in the same boat. Not blasting till the new year and currently on only about 200mg/test per week since September. I’ve decided to add another 100-150mg test prop per week to cruise at around 350 till blasting in the winter. As long as diet is clean, lipids will be fine while doing this.
I’m finding it harder and harder to make much of any progress on a cruise. I feel like this can be a valuable time to low dose cruise other injectables(quite different than what your blast entailed) and adding in anything that will add benefit, peptides, slin, Cardarine, and others.
The flip side that really sucks is cruising on test above a TRT dose or adding another low dose injectable almost guarantees the next blast won’t have quite as effective. It seems like a cycle that’s hard to get out of. It’s so easy to say we should cruise conservatively but I find it extremely hard.


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I’m just getting caught up on this thread but I’m in the same boat. Not blasting till the new year and currently on only about 200mg/test per week since September. I’ve decided to add another 100-150mg test prop per week to cruise at around 350 till blasting in the winter. As long as diet is clean, lipids will be fine while doing this.
My lipids are fine even on 500mg My only concern is pretty much rbc and hematocrit... I’m thinking about adding like 200mg primo to my cruise. Would you think it could add any kind of muscle building benefits to my 250mg test? Even if I just gain an extra 3-4 lbs during my cruise idc...


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@Matthersby @Renew1 @Nac @Smont thoughts on my post above?!


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@Matthersby @Renew1 @Nac @Smont thoughts on my post above?!
Primo or EQ would be great for cruises. I don’t think they would interfere too much with your responsiveness of the next blast. But I’m reeeaaallly going to try other ways so I can get the most out of my next blast. If my coach says cruise, this time, no added Trest or Proviron. I’ll just bring up peptides and slin and get him on board. This blast is adequately dosed and I’m not seeing those huge jumps that I would have seen if I had chilled and cruised. But personally, it’s really hard not to add stuff to cruises. Mild stuff like primo would be ideal though.


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Primo or EQ would be great for cruises. I don’t think they would interfere too much with your responsiveness of the next blast. But I’m reeeaaallly going to try other ways so I can get the most out of my next blast. If my coach says cruise, this time, no added Trest or Proviron. I’ll just bring up peptides and slin and get him on board. This blast is adequately dosed and I’m not seeing those huge jumps that I would have seen if I had chilled and cruised. But personally, it’s really hard not to add stuff to cruises. Mild stuff like primo would be ideal though.
That’s my opinion too but do you really think as little as 200mg primo could really have muscle building benefits on a cruise? I’m not sold on that 1


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I’m finding it harder and harder to make much of any progress on a cruise. I feel like this can be a valuable time to low dose cruise other injectables(quite different than what your blast entailed) and adding in anything that will add benefit, peptides, slin, Cardarine, and others.
The flip side that really sucks is cruising on test above a TRT dose or adding another low dose injectable almost guarantees the next blast won’t have quite as effective. It seems like a cycle that’s hard to get out of. It’s so easy to say we should cruise conservatively but I find it extremely hard.
Yup, I used to cruise on 500mg/test. Trying to be conservative now at 3-350 :D


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That’s my opinion too but do you really think as little as 200mg primo could really have muscle building benefits on a cruise? I’m not sold on that 1
It would be more for not losing gains from your last blast I think. I’m starting to see more value in mild dht’s if only for strength purposes so you can keep the progression going and not do 2 steps forward, 1 step back. Sometimes after several years, cruises can be pitiful, losing a lot of what you gained on the last blast. I think that’s why I’m going to start throwing non hormonal stuff at them.


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not for nothing.. that BLR vector makes me hungry as ****.. perhaps try it to see if it can help with maintenance. the eats will surely help.


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I see things a whole different way. Your not going to gain 12 months a year, right? I always take 3-4 months between blasts. Nothing except 180-200mg test. Maybe a little methyl tren for preworkout very r aas rely for fun. Just trying to maintain. I can say that my blasts are still just as effective as when I started...maybe not quite to the degree, but I'm happy with the gains and come out looking like a different person.


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I see things a whole different way. Your not going to gain 12 months a year, right? I always take 3-4 months between blasts. Nothing except 180-200mg test. Maybe a little methyl tren for preworkout very r aas rely for fun. Just trying to maintain. I can say that my blasts are still just as effective as when I started...maybe not quite to the degree, but I'm happy with the gains and come out looking like a different person.
You do it the right way.
Sometimes the addict in me presents with this hobby. I know no moderation. I try hard though as I’ve unlearned a lot this last decade.


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Add in mast for a full blown panic meltdown.
And yet so many people run the classic test/tren/mast cycle... i am thinking that us who are having major issues with these compounds already have some peripheral anxiety/psychotic issues.
So many people around me run tren and they all seem to be fine.

Masteron gives me panic attacks, higher dose of test with crashed estrogen too. 50mg + proviron and it is just uneasiness, but no panic. Even damn TD 11 ketotestosterone gave me panic attacks.

I am thinking that more frequent, smaller injections are the answer.
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And yet so many people run the classic test/tren/mast cycle... i am thinking that us who are having major issues with these compounds already have some peripheral anxiety/psychotic issues.
So many people around me run tren and they all seem to be fine.
I can barely smoke weed. Luckily I can get by with most aas. 500npp these last 6 weeks and I am ready to sleep at 10 every night. But both times I’ve added just 35mg Trest Ace to it, the day after I’m a psychotic mess. Both are fine on their own, I actually enjoy those two more than any other injectables. But stacked they are trouble, almost assaulted a kid last night. Put the Trest away for a later date. Some times I’ve ran superdrol and been happy the whole time. Sometimes I’ve ran it and my heart races and wakes me up 6 times a night. It’s periodical, and you never know how at certain points you’re going to react to stuff. A low dose of escitalopram, you may even be able to run Tren or Mast. After enough tries though, you gotta be able to recognize drugs that just aren’t for you.


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I can barely smoke weed. Luckily I can get by with most aas. 500npp these last 6 weeks and I am ready to sleep at 10 every night. But both times I’ve added just 35mg Trest Ace to it, the day after I’m a psychotic mess. Both are fine on their own, I actually enjoy those two more than any other injectables. But stacked they are trouble, almost assaulted a kid last night. Put the Trest away for a later date. Some times I’ve ran superdrol and been happy the whole time. Sometimes I’ve ran it and my heart races and wakes me up 6 times a night. It’s periodical, and you never know how at certain points you’re going to react to stuff. A low dose of escitalopram, you may even be able to run Tren or Mast. After enough tries though, you gotta be able to recognize drugs that just aren’t for you.
Lol @ almost assaulted a kid

I remember adding just 50mg of masteron to my 50mg test e shots. I mean that is ridicoulous. My mood takes a huge hit. I become an unpleasant person. My tolerance for stuff goes way down.

For example i am a person who never verbally attacks others. I keep things to myself. But the other day (playing with 50mg mast per test shot as of last thursday) i was having lunch with these guys and one of them (guy in his 60s actually) started saying how i am a dumb fuk for watching what i eat @ such a young age and if i lived during his "time" i would be outcast and considered crazy.

I just sat there with smoke coming out of my ears and was so close to flipping the table onto the guy and pinning him to the wall. I just cant tolerate someone being cheeky towards me on any dose of mast, especially since i am not a cheeky person and expect grown men to behave like grown men.

and it is not the fact that he stated that he thinks watching what one eats is dumb that pissed me off. It is the tone he used to say that that made me want to destroy him. You know, that cheeky way of mocking you. And i previously knew that said person is full of himself...
oh man i just cant stand it
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@Matthersby @Renew1 @Nac @Smont thoughts on my post above?!
Ill be honest dude, I struggle every cruise to be patient, stick to my plan, and resist the temptation to add other AAS on top of my test.

Because of this, I just cant do lengthy "traditional" blasts and cruise periods. Im the same with dieting. I get bored sticking to a daily-weekly regimen (so I carb cycle through the week).

Ive ended up developing my own blast-cruise schedule based loosely on what fueledpassion and datbtrue called "priming". The basic idea is what we all know anyway: in order to maximise resposiveness you NEED to have periods of low exposure, followed by "high" exposure.

The low exposure primes the body for a growth period when higher doses are reintroduced. This principle occurs in training too: a deload phase, followed by a loading phase. And diet: a cut, followed by a caloric surplus. Put all 3 together intelligently, and you potentially have a very effective formula.

So long story short, you really should have "periods" of minimal dosing (TRT), periods of minimal carb intake, and deloads/low volume training. Im not saying I think you should do that right now, but at least consider implementing it at some point and regularly, to maximise your growth periods.


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Ill be honest dude, I struggle every cruise to be patient, stick to my plan, and resist the temptation to add other AAS on top of my test.

Because of this, I just cant do lengthy "traditional" blasts and cruise periods. Im the same with dieting. I get bored sticking to a daily-weekly regimen (so I carb cycle through the week).

Ive ended up developing my own blast-cruise schedule based loosely on what fueledpassion and datbtrue called "priming". The basic idea is what we all know anyway: in order to maximise resposiveness you NEED to have periods of low exposure, followed by "high" exposure.

The low exposure primes the body for a growth period when higher doses are reintroduced. This principle occurs in training too: a deload phase, followed by a loading phase. And diet: a cut, followed by a caloric surplus. Put all 3 together intelligently, and you potentially have a very effective formula.

So long story short, you really should have "periods" of minimal dosing (TRT), periods of minimal carb intake, and deloads/low volume training. Im not saying I think you should do that right now, but at least consider implementing it at some point and regularly, to maximise your growth periods.
Yes there needs to be contrast. Not to mention that one cant stay on high doses and not develop problems eventually and highly regret what he was doing down the line.
There are even people who advocate coming off completely for few months off the year to give body a complete break but that would be torture for you guys who have been B & C'ing for years.


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I agree with NAC.
We all struggle with keeping usage under control, but we should, for our own good.

The best decisions are USUALLY made ahead of time, without emotions tossing us all over the place. (It can help us to keep from making decisions like throwing an old man against the wall. LOL.)
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Ill be honest dude, I struggle every cruise to be patient, stick to my plan, and resist the temptation to add other AAS on top of my test.

Because of this, I just cant do lengthy "traditional" blasts and cruise periods. Im the same with dieting. I get bored sticking to a daily-weekly regimen (so I carb cycle through the week).

Ive ended up developing my own blast-cruise schedule based loosely on what fueledpassion and datbtrue called "priming". The basic idea is what we all know anyway: in order to maximise resposiveness you NEED to have periods of low exposure, followed by "high" exposure.

The low exposure primes the body for a growth period when higher doses are reintroduced. This principle occurs in training too: a deload phase, followed by a loading phase. And diet: a cut, followed by a caloric surplus. Put all 3 together intelligently, and you potentially have a very effective formula.

So long story short, you really should have "periods" of minimal dosing (TRT), periods of minimal carb intake, and deloads/low volume training. Im not saying I think you should do that right now, but at least consider implementing it at some point and regularly, to maximise your growth periods.
If it came from FP, may as well be gospel.
Seriously though, I love being a part of this forum bc of the high volume of good advice constantly being dished out by good men.


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If it came from FP, may as well be gospel.
Seriously though, I love being a part of this forum bc of the high volume of good advice constantly being dished out by good men.
100% agree about this forum.


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This is exactly what I’ve felt for years. I made sure to stock up an insane amount of Trest Ace from Pure Oils before they stopped making it. So I had years worth. Everything I’ve used from 2017 to today has been about the same, a little bloat, definitely heavy estro, but nothing like what I remember in 2015. I end up cruising it since it’s not worth the estro to run it at effective doses when before I would have happily just smashed a ton of AI and Serm because the gains were just so nuts. I mean, it works and it’s probablyTrest, it’s just weaker. I have yet to run one that was indeed that OG super strong Trest, and I’ve tried many different companies including the one Cody is using now. I feel like it’s a raw issue. That’s why I think Optim may be a good one to try. They sell quick and are known for potent yet pricey chems. Maybe they test their raws more aggressively, but a lot of this is just me guessing.
Good to hear as Optim is where I sourced my Trest. Just started a log on it, hoping the log will be fruitful!


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I agree with NAC.
We all struggle with keeping usage under control, but we should, for our own good.

The best decisions are USUALLY made ahead of time, without emotions tossing us all over the place. (It can help us to keep from making decisions like throwing an old man against the wall. LOL.)
Yes, totally agree too! I get so tempted to make a cruise a blast every single time!


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I know mine is legit, bc stacking just 35mg with my npp made me a psychopath and required more ralox. But Optim is primo


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I know mine is legit, bc stacking just 35mg with my npp made me a psychopath and required more ralox. But Optim is primo
HA so it is not so side-free when it comes to mental sides.


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HA so it is not so side-free when it comes to mental sides.
Stacked: yes. But on their own with low test, I feel great! It’s the fact I’m on 500npp. The little bit of Trest added to the npp made it awful. Trest is definitely an aggressive steroid but more optimistic and happy. But definitely shortens fuses


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That’s my opinion too but do you really think as little as 200mg primo could really have muscle building benefits on a cruise? I’m not sold on that 1
I don’t know much about primo but I think 200mg might not be worth it. I wouldn’t consider EQ for a cruise if you’re worried about hematocrit. I cruised on about 300mg or more successfully post surgery for about 7-8 months but cardio took a big hit over time.
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Stacked: yes. But on their own with low test, I feel great! It’s the fact I’m on 500npp. The little bit of Trest added to the npp made it awful. Trest is definitely an aggressive steroid but more optimistic and happy. But definitely shortens fuses
Trest,npp and superdrol had a real effect on me mentally last summer. If I ever run that combo again, I need to run lithium orotate with it or something.


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Trest,npp and superdrol had a real effect on me mentally last summer. If I ever run that combo again, I need to run lithium orotate with it or something.
SD with anything at a sufficient dose is rough on my heart, it races and pounds hard all day and night. And Npp is fine, Trest is fine, I put them together when one is high enough, it’s crazy how bonkers I get within 48hours.


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Trest,npp and superdrol had a real effect on me mentally last summer. If I ever run that combo again, I need to run lithium orotate with it or something.
It’s rare that two compounds make npp seem ineffective but those two would. Can’t imagine what kind of muscle you put on though.


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basically my go to favorite. DHT and trest with a touch of test... makes life just feel good.
In my possession currently I have test, td trest, m1ad, yk-11, mk677, rolox and exem. Probably will leave the m1ad alone but what you think about combining the rest at low doses. Like 250 test, 60 trest, yk would play around with till I find my sweet spot and mk at 25


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SD with anything at a sufficient dose is rough on my heart, it races and pounds hard all day and night. And Npp is fine, Trest is fine, I put them together when one is high enough, it’s crazy how bonkers I get within 48hours.
Have you found anything...supp, or script that helps with that crazy heart pounding? That has to mean anxiety right? But we dont want to be all doped up...I'm looking for something that just helps with the heart crap??


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Have you found anything...supp, or script that helps with that crazy heart pounding? That has to mean anxiety right? But we dont want to be all doped up...I'm looking for something that just helps with the heart crap??
Honestly Kratom. But that’s a recipe for getting hooked on it. Other than that, Benzos. Basically stuff you wouldn’t want to take daily for a month.


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Have you found anything...supp, or script that helps with that crazy heart pounding? That has to mean anxiety right? But we dont want to be all doped up...I'm looking for something that just helps with the heart crap??
Just picked up some phenibut on clearance from an RC going out of business. I don’t remember it ever doing shyt even close to what Xanax did, but I’m going to give it a whirl for recreational purposes. I don’t need anything right now. Npp treats me so damn good, I have not a care in the world and sleep like a baby. But that won’t last forever with mast and god knows what else coming up in Jan-March.


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In my possession currently I have test, td trest, m1ad, yk-11, mk677, rolox and exem. Probably will leave the m1ad alone but what you think about combining the rest at low doses. Like 250 test, 60 trest, yk would play around with till I find my sweet spot and mk at 25
id run that m1a as a kicker for a couple weeks. U will want to really watch that Mk677 combo here tho... i get really bad directed edema at full dose when using this stack.. last time i ran 10mgs eod and had a much better out come.. before that i would spend a full month after cycle just trying to get my feet to fit into my shoes again.

edit: what brand TD you have? if its a trest ace TD 60 is a lot!


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id run that m1a as a kicker for a couple weeks. U will want to really watch that Mk677 combo here tho... i get really bad directed edema at full dose when using this stack.. last time i ran 10mgs eod and had a much better out come.. before that i would spend a full month after cycle just trying to get my feet to fit into my shoes again.

edit: what brand TD you have? if its a trest ace TD 60 is a lot!
Yeah I’m just running TD Trest Ace at 30mg a day. 60mg is a lot.


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It’s rare that two compounds make npp seem ineffective but those two would. Can’t imagine what kind of muscle you put on though.
I could barely eat... but everything blew up lol. I still have a lot of SD left, but I'm going to stock up on TUDCA for next time.


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So after I get done with this 10weeks of Trest Ace, I’m switching to 12 weeks of high test, low primo and plan on finishing with 4 weeks of SD.

Wife is also about to do a primo run and finish with SD.


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So after I get done with this 10weeks of Trest Ace, I’m switching to 12 weeks of high test, low primo and plan on finishing with 4 weeks of SD.

Wife is also about to do a primo run and finish with SD.
I think you might need a little break at some point huh? That’s 22 weeks not including what ever you’ve been on since I joined in May..Think about your health man. Also I would save the Primo for another run. It’s a very mild cutting steroid. It would kinda be a waste to stack it at low dose with high test and SD. Primo should be run no less then 600ng week. Not sure what you have planned though.
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