pyrosten... bunk?



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If your stats are correct and you're really 6'3 183lbs you need to focus on eating everything in sight. Not sure what your diet looks like but I'd be shooting for like 5K calories a day
At his stats, 3500-4000 should blow him up. Im 6’0 193.5 atm and even 3500 cals will throw weight on me fairly quick.


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At his stats, 3500-4000 should blow him up. Im 6’0 193.5 atm and even 3500 cals will throw weight on me fairly quick.
I don't care who you is.... if you aint taking two or 3 big ole turdz a day then you aint neva gonna be mr o


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The fun really started today. I felt like I was controlling the weight a lot better across the board. My 5rm on bench was 10lbs higher since Friday.


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If your stats are correct and you're really 6'3 183lbs you need to focus on eating everything in sight. Not sure what your diet looks like but I'd be shooting for like 5K calories a day
I’m gonna have to agree here big time. I haven’t been able to get under 200 since boot camp. You could literally eat a quart of ice cream after every meal and probably not put any fat on you. Trust me, I’ve been doing it for that last 3 nights at bedtime and I’m not gaining much but muscle and some water weight..


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I've been averaging 2900-3200 cals, and it's hard to keep myself from going overboard.


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I’m gonna have to agree here big time. I haven’t been able to get under 200 since boot camp. You could literally eat a quart of ice cream after every meal and probably not put any fat on you. Trust me, I’ve been doing it for that last 3 nights at bedtime and I’m not gaining much but muscle and some water weight..

Gonna third this. At that height/weight there is another limiting factor, not being your natural limits/test. I know it’s annoying to hear, but adding compounds won’t do anything if you don’t figure out why you aren’t gaining now. It’s pretty simple, you either aren’t eating enough or aren’t working out hard enough, likely the former. You don’t have to be anal about tracking everything you eat, although I think it’s good when you’re starting so you can have a better idea of how your growth/body como. is effected by caloric intake and your macro ratios. 1st make sure you’re getting enough calories(most important, it’s impossible to gain weight in a deficit, w/o aas, and hard to with aas) then make sure you’re getting adequate protein, and then tweak your fat/carb ratio as needed based on energy, body comp, etc. I used to wrestle so I knew exactly how many calories and protein were in everything I ate, and now it’s kind of second nature for me luckily. But you need to at least have an idea of what you’re eating so you can adjust based off what your body shows/feels. If I’m training my ass off and losing weight I know I need more calories, make sure you hit your protein and then tweak fat/CHO accordingly. Sorry typing this on my phone while driving so may not be the most coherent.


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Gonna third this. At that height/weight there is another limiting factor, not being your natural limits/test. I know it’s annoying to hear, but adding compounds won’t do anything if you don’t figure out why you aren’t gaining now. It’s pretty simple, you either aren’t eating enough or aren’t working out hard enough, likely the former. You don’t have to be anal about tracking everything you eat, although I think it’s good when you’re starting so you can have a better idea of how your growth/body como. is effected by caloric intake and your macro ratios. 1st make sure you’re getting enough calories(most important, it’s impossible to gain weight in a deficit, w/o aas, and hard to with aas) then make sure you’re getting adequate protein, and then tweak your fat/carb ratio as needed based on energy, body comp, etc. I used to wrestle so I knew exactly how many calories and protein were in everything I ate, and now it’s kind of second nature for me luckily. But you need to at least have an idea of what you’re eating so you can adjust based off what your body shows/feels. If I’m training my ass off and losing weight I know I need more calories, make sure you hit your protein and then tweak fat/CHO accordingly. Sorry typing this on my phone while driving so may not be the most coherent.
While I agree wholeheartedly with all of this ^ above, if for anything for you to really dial in the calories you’re getting and knowing most by heart, inherently...
But at 190, you could be eating almost double the calories you’re talking about eating now and will grow faster than on any steroid. I’m in the same boat, my thyroid is going bonkers and I’ve been eating 5000 calories a day plus a pound of peanut butter every day before bed, and there were days I gained nothing anyways. Whatever you are eating, add more... I felt guilty using gear for bulking at 225lbs, to me, that waaaaay too small to be using gear to gain.


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i was 150 a 2-3 years ago, then i decided to bulk. ate a ton of good food, no anabolics. i was about 200 in december of last year and in the process of bulking i put on a substantial amount of fat. i couldnt take how it felt so i cut from december till july and got to 176. i maintained all of my strength and even gained some in that time, i feel like i also preserved alot of muscle.

so my goal here is just to put on actual muscle and not fat, thats my im not just going to eat 5000 calories. by eating tons of food i also put on tons of fat.

im on trt so i figure why not take the msten to help gain more muscle in this process.


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Yea gotta chime in on the weight at that height as well. I'm 6'1" and weigh 220. Now I'm probably about 15% bf based on my last test and visible body composition changes but I also powerlift so...more focused on the amount of weight on the bar and what the wife thinks about how I look naked. Don't get me wrong I respect all you guys that body build for the discipline and control you have. I enjoy my food too much lol.


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i was 150 a 2-3 years ago, then i decided to bulk. ate a ton of good food, no anabolics. i was about 200 in december of last year and in the process of bulking i put on a substantial amount of fat. i couldnt take how it felt so i cut from december till july and got to 176. i maintained all of my strength and even gained some in that time, i feel like i also preserved alot of muscle.

so my goal here is just to put on actual muscle and not fat, thats my im not just going to eat 5000 calories. by eating tons of food i also put on tons of fat.

im on trt so i figure why not take the msten to help gain more muscle in this process.
I’m betting you wished it wasn’t brought up, but no one here is trying to be critical of you and if we didn’t care about your goals, we would just ignore the entire thread.
There’s something being missed here. Something with genetics, diet, training, metabolism, something. Cutting to 176, I can’t even imagine at the same height as you. I was 16 years old the last time I was 176. I’m sure our genetics are very different, but still... it could be as simple as an obsession with low bodyfat, but I can’t actually have fat on me at under 200lbs. I would drop some money on a Physique coach and get his/her opinion on every aspect of what you’re doing. Maybe WE are wrong, but there’s a good half dozen of us thatve been around a minute that are struggling with those numbers. But when you say 6’3 150 at one point, I assume your scale is in kilos or you’re 1% bodyfat.
Old Witch

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I'm going to chime in with a much less scientific approach to nutrition and say if you're at 2900-3500 cal and not really gaining then eat all that and ADD an 8oz steak and six eggs as well. Food is the most anabolic substance, after all.

You shouldn't "just" eat 5000 calories, you should eat 5000 of the most nutritious and protein packed calories you can get.

You say by eating tons of food you will gain tons of fat, this is simply not going to be the case if you're taking a solid dose of Msten and training hard, and not just eating ding dongs and hohos for carbs.

Also, to help digest all the food, use a probiotic multi enzyme (the Walmart one is fine, green bottle yellow top and label) and you may think about taking 7 Keto dhea (it can be cheap) which I find helps me digest massive amounts of food very quickly. Those will also help prevent fat and bloating. If you're very worried.


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If you are carb sensitive, like I am, and put on fat quickly when you eat carbs then stick to one or two sources of carbs to help with this. My only regular source of carbs is white rice. Lots of chicken and red meat, with carrots, peppers, spinach, and other veggies mixed in when needed. For example my breakfast the other day was 4 eggs, an 8-10 ounce sirloin, and a peanut butter and honey sandwich. That's a 1000 cal meal right there and it's high in protein with moderate carbs and fat. Provides your body with everything it needs to take on the day.


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No doubt this stuff is good. Weights have been going up literally every workout this week, and I'm looking bigger/much fuller


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Would doing 5 weeks be a bad idea? I'm nearing the end of week 3, and feel like it really just started hitting. Still no noticeable sides.


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I think it would be ok. a lot of guys will run 6-8 weeks on orals... if youre not dealing with side effects it seems like your body handles it ok.


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Let’s keep VL off AM...
its a hard fine line to walk my friend.. we have to keep VL on here for now while we are working hard to become a stronger company. we are seeing some good growth atm. I know what you mean though..kinda in between a rock and a hard spot right meow.


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All good things come to an end.. Are you aware that one of the admins on this site is a claims on FB to be a registered dea agent? not naming names.. but he has asked many strange questions. to some of the industry guys I know. just saying you are being watched as is this site.

What's that about?
usually any publicity is good publicity right? well in light of some of the products we sell not all publicity is good..


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its a hard fine line to walk my friend.. we have to keep VL on here for now while we are working hard to become a stronger company. we are seeing some good growth atm. I know what you mean though..kinda in between a rock and a hard spot right meow.
Is that why the sponsored ad goes to another competitors site?


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are you saying we have an ad that takes you somewere else?
Yes indeed! Ad says VL and several products displayed but takes you to another companies products and page. I’m pretty sure your not affiliated. Seems to just be a pathway error.


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it must be something to do with the new site enhancements
Old Witch

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it must be something to do with the new site enhancements
They're putting SYNTHOL in AM? You mean this forum is one of those Brazilian dudes with corn dogs for arms?


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They're putting SYNTHOL in AM? You mean this forum is one of those Brazilian dudes with corn dogs for arms?
LOL. Made me think...years ago, I was working security, and a guy who came in second at Myrtle Beach the previous year, and this HUGE Brazilian guy (NOT Synthol) got into it, and locked up grappling. I yelled "Hey, knock it off!!! And they did.
I was glad they did.


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Bench is up about 60lbs. I did start right after a drastic cut in which I lost a ton of strength, but still, incredibly impressed by VL.
Old Witch

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I got blasted just the other day for advocating in favor of strong oral solo cycles. Some guys really have a problem with that idea. Oh well. Rock on!


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I got blasted just the other day for advocating in favor of strong oral solo cycles. Some guys really have a problem with that idea. Oh well. Rock on!
people really got out of hand with our premise of a test base back in the day when we were pushing LGs dhea line..

people today have lost the start small end big theory... ive said all along if you start with everything, just were do you go when it stops working?


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people really got out of hand with our premise of a test base back in the day when we were pushing LGs dhea line..

people today have lost the start small end big theory... ive said all along if you start with everything, just were do you go when it stops working?
You mean people shouldn’t start with 5 grams of oil/wk and multiple orals for their first cycle??

Got all these guys under 21 looking to pin Tren for a first cycle; blows my mind.


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You mean people shouldn’t start with 5 grams of oil/wk and multiple orals for their first cycle??

Got all these guys under 21 looking to pin Tren for a first cycle; blows my mind.
its freakin nutz!!
stay safe out there kiddies~
Old Witch

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Hey guys, first post! Whoo! First cycle 19yo 155 lbs just started training this month

Sust 250 EOD
Tren E 700mg on Fridays
Dbol 65mg ED
Letro 2.5 ED

So I'm feeling like **** and it's only day 8, should I up the Tren?....

Yeah I don't know what the world is coming to.
Old Witch

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Hey guys, first post! Whoo! First cycle 19yo 155 lbs just started training this month

Sust 250 EOD
Tren E 700mg on Fridays
Dbol 65mg ED
Letro 2.5 ED

So I'm feeling like **** and it's only day 8, should I up the Tren?....

Yeah I don't know what the world is coming to.


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i was 150 a 2-3 years ago, then i decided to bulk. ate a ton of good food, no anabolics. i was about 200 in december of last year and in the process of bulking i put on a substantial amount of fat. i couldnt take how it felt so i cut from december till july and got to 176. i maintained all of my strength and even gained some in that time, i feel like i also preserved alot of muscle.

so my goal here is just to put on actual muscle and not fat, thats my im not just going to eat 5000 calories. by eating tons of food i also put on tons of fat.

im on trt so i figure why not take the msten to help gain more muscle in this process.
Hows the run going?


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i stopped after 3 weeks. I ran it at 1 cap a day. Gained 3 lbs, it was mostly lean muscle. No strength gains outside the ordinary. After i stopped taking it i started gaining fat around my love handle section (which i think im genetically predisposed to) so i know it was doing its thing.

I suppose if i ran it at 20 - 30mg for 4 weeks i would have gained a whole lot more mass. My drive was up while i was taking it. No sides at all besides some funky smelling urine at the end of week 3 (which may or may not have been the msten). It seems legit. But in all honesty i wonder if its under dosed. My reasoning is this-- In my previous experience with the antaeus labs ultradrol, i gained waay more at basically the same dose. But rumor has it that the Msten floating around is less potent. It seems to me that this could be case from small bit of research ive done; people generally take 20mg more recently but during antaeus ultradrol time most people seemed to take less and still get the same results. So idk but it does seem to be Msten and its definitely not bunk.


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i stopped after 3 weeks. I ran it at 1 cap a day. Gained 3 lbs, it was mostly lean muscle. No strength gains outside the ordinary. After i stopped taking it i started gaining fat around my love handle section (which i think im genetically predisposed to) so i know it was doing its thing.

I suppose if i ran it at 20 - 30mg for 4 weeks i would have gained a whole lot more mass. My drive was up while i was taking it. No sides at all besides some funky smelling urine at the end of week 3 (which may or may not have been the msten). It seems legit. But in all honesty i wonder if its under dosed. My reasoning is this-- In my previous experience with the antaeus labs ultradrol, i gained waay more at basically the same dose. But rumor has it that the Msten floating around is less potent. It seems to me that this could be case from small bit of research ive done; people generally take 20mg more recently but during antaeus ultradrol time most people seemed to take less and still get the same results. So idk but it does seem to be Msten and its definitely not bunk.
It has been said many times (I can't testify either way), that the original Ultradrol had SD in it.


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It has been said many times (I can't testify either way), that the original Ultradrol had SD in it.
Yeah i hear you. Supposably it was 10% superdrol (if my memory serves me correctly). That is either some super awesome synergism or theres something else going on. I think its a stretch to say 1.2mg of superdrol had a huge effect in the 12mg of ultradrol. Its possible i think, but i wonder if there was something else is going on.


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It has been said many times (I can't testify either way), that the original Ultradrol had SD in it.
Yeah i hear you. Supposably it was 10% superdrol (if my memory serves me correctly). That is either some super awesome synergism or theres something else going on. I think its a stretch to say 1.2mg of superdrol had a huge effect in the 12mg of ultradrol. Its possible i think, but i wonder if there was something else is going on.


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I'm about 10 days in and I think it's kicked in. Just added dark carnival as well. Definitely good ****.


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Yeah i hear you. Supposably it was 10% superdrol (if my memory serves me correctly). That is either some super awesome synergism or theres something else going on. I think its a stretch to say 1.2mg of superdrol had a huge effect in the 12mg of ultradrol. Its possible i think, but i wonder if there was something else is going on.
It's possible...


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Good! what dose are you taking?
20mg everyday for 6 weeks. The last 6-7 days will be at 30mg to use the whole bottle (that is if the sides don't get too bad, but I feel good now). This is also my first oral and strongest thing I've ever taken, so my results won't be the same as someone who's ran all the other PH's and such in the past.


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20mg everyday for 6 weeks. The last 6-7 days will be at 30mg to use the whole bottle (that is if the sides don't get too bad, but I feel good now). This is also my first oral and strongest thing I've ever taken, so my results won't be the same as someone who's ran all the other PH's and such in the past.
Are you running cycle support? Thats going to be tough on your body. Also, have you gained any weight yet? or strength?


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20mg everyday for 6 weeks. The last 6-7 days will be at 30mg to use the whole bottle (that is if the sides don't get too bad, but I feel good now). This is also my first oral and strongest thing I've ever taken, so my results won't be the same as someone who's ran all the other PH's and such in the past.
Keep us updated man. I just finished running the geozine and it was nice. I have a bottle of pyrosten in the future as well. I think you’ll really enjoy it, especially since this is your first time with something of that strength.
Old Witch

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It has been said many times (I can't testify either way), that the original Ultradrol had SD in it.
The original DMZ had Superdrol in it, I suspect the ultra drol had m1T in a similar way. Leftovers from synthesis.


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The original DMZ had Superdrol in it, I suspect the ultra drol had m1T in a similar way. Leftovers from synthesis.
Running M1T for the second time ever in a week. Never ran SD, but I have some - never considered running them together at half doses...yikes

I remember Nutraclipse Raptor did intentionally have both SD & DMZ; sold like hot cakes.
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