Tongkat Ali LJ100



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Thanks man. I'll order some and give it a try.
I think you'll really like it, especially at your age. LJ100 is one of the few test-boosting ingredients that everyone seems to universally love, and it has more benefits than just test boosting, including adaptogenic stress reduction, cortisol and estrogen control, and of course, strength and body comp benefits. If I could afford to run it as a staple, I absolutely would.


Anyone get very tired after taking lj100? I've only taken it for a couple days but I've had to take a nap an hour after each dose in the morning and afternoon both days.


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Anyone get very tired after taking lj100? I've only taken it for a couple days but I've had to take a nap an hour after each dose in the morning and afternoon both days.
Never heard about that.
Let us know how it goes after 1 week or more


Never heard about that.
Let us know how it goes after 1 week or more
Okay. It could be caused by something else. I just wanted to make sure it's not possibly caused by the lj100.


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Okay. It could be caused by something else. I just wanted to make sure it's not possibly caused by the lj100.
I have never heard that kind of "issue" caused by TA. It is not sedative .
Have you changed workout routine lately, more stress or ?


I have never heard that kind of "issue" caused by TA. It is not sedative .
Have you changed workout routine lately, more stress or ?
No but I did start taking ksm-66 before bed a week ago. Figured it was out of my system by daytime but maybe not.


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No but I did start taking ksm-66 before bed a week ago. Figured it was out of my system by daytime but maybe not.
That explains everything!
KSM66 can give pretty sedative effect for someone and it did for me too. 500-750mg prior bed and I was so tired and lethargic 2 weeks. My friend felt that 4 weeks and he stopped with KSM66.


I'm in my mid twenties. Total test is pretty good, shbg is highish, bio available T and dht are pretty low , same for sex drive etc..Needless to say I could benefit a lot from TA. Anyway, I started this week with OL lj100, two caps per day, then two in the morning and one in the afternoon. I've had some excellent days in terms of libido, I felt like effects tapered a bit the past two days but I'll need to try it more, took two caps this morning and feeling great again. I have noticed increased body heat (sweated like a ****ing pig during a hot day) . Honestly if the effects keep happening I'm taking this for life! 4 caps tops as it's too darn expensive. As for acne, I also started taking pycnogenol (+ l-citrulline for erection quality), and it's the second time I take pycnogenol and notice my skin (especially face) looks amazing on it, no spots, soft etc..
I had tried Worldabs TA a year before, when they sourced from Sumatra Pasak Bummy, well it was absolutely worthless.
I admit I'm mainly worried about the possible blood pressure sides, not many people have taken the time to check their bp on TA and a few have reported an increase, this can't be good long term. Do you guys use a device to monitor it at home?


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KSM-66 is a great sleep aid, which in turn, might cause you to feel lethargic. I never felt the lethargy, but we all know supps effect everyone differently. Been running LJ100 @ 200mg for awhile, the benefits I noticed are no longer there so maybe my body has normalized. Tempted to raise the dose....


Many people have reported the 200mg dose stopped working after a while, I hope it's just a coincidence and they quit too early. I can see the benefits of having 200 mg twice per day, or 200mg in the morning, and then 2x100 mg spread out during the day.


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200mg is ok dose and pretty good dose for hypogonadism. But for us with normal T levels, dose should be higher than 200mg.

Even if libido effect decrease after 2 weeks on TA, it does not mean the compound is not more effective. Libido is a tricky thing where physical and mental factors are involved.
Even injecting 200mg Testosterone weekly does not mean it would give massive impact on libido everyday! And even not giving any increase in libido does not mean it is not working


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200mg is ok dose and pretty good dose for hypogonadism. But for us with normal T levels, dose should be higher than 200mg.

Even if libido effect decrease after 2 weeks on TA, it does not mean the compound is not more effective. Libido is a tricky thing where physical and mental factors are involved.
Even injecting 200mg Testosterone weekly does not mean it would give massive impact on libido everyday!
Definitely not gonna complain when the obvious answer has been in front of me. Enjoying the libido effects at 200mg were awesome. Maybe I'll ramp up the dose with the 1.5 bottles I have left.


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Anyone who thinks they have libido problems needs to go into the local (high quality hopefully) strip club, have a couple shots, and see where things point. That'll tell you if you have a problem or not, LOL.


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Anyone who thinks they have libido problems needs to go into the local (high quality hopefully) strip club, have a couple shots, and see where things point. That'll tell you if you have a problem or not, LOL.

My libido itself is pretty good, but during the first 2-3 weeks at 200mg I was pretty damn horny (like a teen). It was pretty bad. I don't take it for the libido effects though, I took it for the supposed stress adaptogenic effects and as well as the possible test boosting effects (which I will never know of because I don't take bloodwork). Got it for insider pricing so it was cheap.


Dang even young guys have a blood pressure measuring device at home?!

Well the thing is I'm not expecting a boost in total t, it's already pretty good and I'd probably need a hefty dose of Tongkat for a meagre boost , what I'm looking for is to reduce shbg and increase bio available t and dht. I'm mostly interested in the resulting libido and mood effects such a change would produce, so far they have been good. A member of this forum did bloodwork after a month of 2 caps lj100 5 days on 2 off, and his shbg had dropped by 17 points.


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My libido itself is pretty good, but during the first 2-3 weeks at 200mg I was pretty damn horny (like a teen). It was pretty bad. I don't take it for the libido effects though, I took it for the supposed stress adaptogenic effects and as well as the possible test boosting effects (which I will never know of because I don't take bloodwork). Got it for insider pricing so it was cheap.
Nice :)

Nice !
I am really tired of hearing about 5 days on and 2 days off dosing. Its just made up and there are no studies supporting that dosing and all studies are done on ED dosing.

"I used TA and after 3 weeks the libido decreased. Should I take a break or dose it 5 on and 2 days off to avoid adaption"

First of all, TA is not viagra and like I said, our libido is affected by physical and mental factors so its very normal where libido and sex drive may vary from day to day. It is not like: "hey today I feel no sex drive, I bet my T levels are low".
It is showed that even after 8-9 months on TA, SHBG was decreased and T levels increased.

Take TA everyday and the best way to find out if it does anything to the T levels is bloodwork .


Hey thanks for the advice, not sure if the last part was a reaction to my post but I did not say I would use it 5 on 2off, I just quoted what a guy did and despite this on and off schedule bloodwork showed an important drop in shbg, which is impressive. It's the seventh day so far and it's still working , 3 caps seem to be better, especially having the possibility to dose an other time in the afternoon is nice.


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Hey thanks for the advice, not sure if the last part was a reaction to my post but I did not say I would use it 5 on 2off, I just quoted what a guy did and despite this on and off schedule bloodwork showed an important drop in shbg, which is impressive. It's the seventh day so far and it's still working , 3 caps seem to be better, especially having the possibility to dose an other time in the afternoon is nice.
No problem at all and you was just asking. :)i am sorry if I acted like a jerk. Its just the way I am writing :)


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I agree the testing protocol, I have used both and 5 on 2 off was better and product lasts longer. Take that for what it's worth. Just what works for me.


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I agree the testing protocol, I have used both and 5 on 2 off was better and product lasts longer. Take that for what it's worth. Just what works for me.
So you have ran bloodwork both times and 5on and 2 off gave you more T Levels and less SHBG??
If you havent ran bloodwork then you dont know exactly how it worked


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I agree with the blood work have not, just going by results which is all that matters to me when using a test booster per say. Do not have test or libido issues so luckily not relying on blood work for anything. Just remember athletes are always ahead of doctors on sports supplements and their use and dosage.


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I agree with the blood work have not, just going by results which is all that matters to me when using a test booster per say. Do not have test or libido issues so luckily not relying on blood work for anything. Just remember athletes are always ahead of doctors on sports supplements and their use and dosage.
I agree that there is merit to using tongkat ali (and "test boosters" in general) more for subjective feelings (energy, libido, mood, etc; I find that AlphaMax XT, which contains ashwagandha and tongkat ali, provides me with a nice boost in libido and mood), so if you feel it works for you, then that's great, but there are times when athletes end up being wrong about supplements (CEE, DAA, etc).


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I agree with the blood work have not, just going by results which is all that matters to me when using a test booster per say. Do not have test or libido issues so luckily not relying on blood work for anything. Just remember athletes are always ahead of doctors on sports supplements and their use and dosage.
Understand but there is one thing most people do wrong when it comes to T boosters.
1. If libido effect decrease , they believe its not working as good as before
2. The mental part. "I felt it worked better this and this way". Its huge difference between what you feel and what actually blood work show.

If I give one person 200mg Testosterone weekly and then increase to 300mg.
Maybe that person would feel better increase in libido with 200mg but if he took bloodwork, he would have more T levels with 300mg than 200.
When it comes to Libido, energy ++, it vary from day to day, week to week etc :)

I also bet LJ100 works better with higher doses than lets say 100-200mg. But I do understand those who stay at lower dose if their BP is an issue with higher dose.

But at the end of the day, if a x dose feels better than y dose, well thats great :)


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Understand but there is one thing most people do wrong when it comes to T boosters.
1. If libido effect decrease , they believe its not working as good as before
2. The mental part. "I felt it worked better this and this way". Its huge difference between what you feel and what actually blood work show.

If I give one person 200mg Testosterone weekly and then increase to 300mg.
Maybe that person would feel better increase in libido with 200mg but if he took bloodwork, he would have more T levels with 300mg than 200.
When it comes to Libido, energy ++, it vary from day to day, week to week etc :)

I also bet LJ100 works better with higher doses than lets say 100-200mg. But I do understand those who stay at lower dose if their BP is an issue with higher dose.
Either way, natural test boosters aren't going to increase your test levels to supraphysiological levels, so the increases in testosterone you may get from these natty test boosters isn't going to be associated with the same benefits of increased testosterone as actual testosterone use, of course. Assuming you're not using a testosterone booster to help with low-T (many people use it for a little "edge/boost"), I'd be more concerned with either the subjective feelings (libido, energy, mood, etc) and/or physical changes (strength, endurance, body composition, etc) than a change in test levels within the normal range according to bloodwork.


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Either way, natural test boosters aren't going to increase your test levels to supraphysiological levels, so the increases in testosterone you may get from these natty test boosters isn't going to be associated with the same benefits of increased testosterone as actual testosterone use, of course. Assuming you're not using a testosterone booster to help with low-T (many people use it for a little "edge/boost"), I'd be more concerned with either the subjective feelings (libido, energy, mood, etc) and/or physical changes (strength, endurance, body composition, etc) than a change in test levels within the normal range according to bloodwork.
I do agree, but I am trying to say that even if a T booster does not increase libido, the T levels may be increased anyway.
I had severe sleep apnea before and my T levels was crushed. Still I had good energy, sick libido etc.

But I totaly agree with you.


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I agree libido is not a great measure. I would love to run lj100 up to 800mg for a couple months but I can't afford that. Would love to be a guinea pig and run that.


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I agree that there is merit to using tongkat ali (and "test boosters" in general) more for subjective feelings (energy, libido, mood, etc), so if you feel it works for you, then that's great, but there are times when athletes end up being wrong about supplements (CEE, DAA, etc).
What about when they were selling CME (creatine methyl ester)? Lol. honestly supplement market was absolutely pathetic until 4/5 years ago, other then hormones, IMO.


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Still to this day I feel cee was great, vascular and good pump. Having said that to even complicate things even more who knows what I was even consuming based off not being closely regulated.


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Still to this day I feel cee was great, vascular and good pump. Having said that to even complicate things even more who knows what I was even consuming based off not being closely regulated.
I don't want to get too far off topic, but there are multiple studies showing that CEE is ineffective/useless, and even some showing that besides being less effective than monohydrate at promoting intracellular (good) water retention, it actually increased extracellular water retention more than creatine monohydrate, meaning it did exactly the opposite of what it was supposed to do (minimizing extracellular water retention and/or bloat).


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Not disagreeing, point was we take stuff believe in it and think it is effective,the old placebo. Which is what we get from majority of supplements, take something clean up diet a little, train harder and we think it is the supplement helping.


On the testosterone aspect, it depends on where someone is at in terms of hormone levels. Let's say someone has highish/high total t but high shbg and feel **** because of low bioavailable t and dht, then the TA should help a lot , even if it's natural. Of course results are not going to be supra physiological but still results could be impressive.
So far a side effect of the lj is that my muscles are tensed, maybe I need to take it with a meal. Voice has a fuller sound which is great.

I see Olympus Uk have a discount if one orders 12 bottles of lj , about 24-25 dollars per bottle, not too bad . What is the use of having Olympus uk based in the US? Their bottles of lj100 are different but I saw it's a "sister" brand of olympus labs.

Understand but there is one thing most people do wrong when it comes to T boosters.
1. If libido effect decrease , they believe its not working as good as before
2. The mental part. "I felt it worked better this and this way". Its huge difference between what you feel and what actually blood work show.
That would suggest either the individual had a change in his life (stress, diet, lack of sleep blahblah) or that the TA boosts libido through a different pathway than freeing up and boosting T. I'm curious to know what this could be.


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Not disagreeing, point was we take stuff believe in it and think it is effective,the old placebo. Which is what we get from majority of supplements, take something clean up diet a little, train harder and we think it is the supplement helping.
CEE were advertised to be MUCH better than Mono. So ofcourse it felt better too :D good old placebo. Like you said. Changing diet, working routine while on a new supp and we think those gains are due to new supp. :)


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Anyone use universal nutrition n1-t? Has lj100 in it,just not sure how much or if whole complex is lj100? Any info? Price is potentially right.


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Anyone use universal nutrition n1-t? Has lj100 in it,just not sure how much or if whole complex is lj100? Any info? Price is potentially right.
They never answered my question!! That is not good!


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Agreed, just interested in running a high dose of lj100 but price point does not allow it.



HP Ingredients’ LJ 100 ® Receives Safety Confirmation
by INTERTEK And Health Canada NPN License
Tongkat Ali root extract deemed safe at 200 mg per day, receives Health Canada NPN License.
Barry Lynch, director, Food and Nutrition Group, Intertek Scientific & Regulatory Consultancy (Intertek), reviewed a total of 56 studies (human clinicals and animal studies encompassing safety, mechanism of action and efficacy in a range of sexual and reproductive support issues and concluded, "The available information supports the safety of LJ 100 at the intake level of 200 mg per day. "

In his written review (dated Feb. 16, 2016), Mr. Lynch asserted, "The components of this extract are consistent with the specifications established in the Malaysian Standard. Emphasis was placed on assessing the safety of incorporation of this specific aqueous extract of tongkat ali root into dietary supplement products and, further, to determine a dose not likely to cause significant adverse effects. Specifically, Intertek evaluated the safety of a proposed dosage of 200 mg/day in healthy adults."

The report also pointed out that researchers have reported increased serum testosterone and DHEA concentrations in several clinical trials in which LJ100 was administered at doses of generally 200 mg/day or more. Other researchers have reported no such effect on testosterone and/or DHEA concentrations.

Mr. Lynch concluded that based on an exhaustive review of the available data that show a lack of serious adverse effects at doses of 200 to 600 mg/day, there is no indication that consumption of 200 mg/day of LJ100 would be associated with adverse effects.


About INTERTEK Health Services
INTERTEK Health Service International is a leading scientific consulting firm that specializes in developing scientific and global regulatory strategies, resolving toxicology and scientific issues and facilitating timely regulatory approvals for the food and dietary supplement industries. INTERTEK services include: ingredient and product safety assessments; expert scientific reviews; preparation of regulatory notifications and submissions [e.g., food additive and novel food petitions, natural health product (NHP) submissions, Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) and New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) notifications]; dietary intake/exposure estimates; study protocol development and placement of non-clinical toxicology testing programs; monitoring and auditing of safety and clinical trials; substantiation of health-related claims; and facilitation of global regulatory approval.


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On the testosterone aspect, it depends on where someone is at in terms of hormone levels. Let's say someone has highish/high total t but high shbg and feel **** because of low bioavailable t and dht, then the TA should help a lot , even if it's natural. Of course results are not going to be supra physiological but still results could be impressive.
So far a side effect of the lj is that my muscles are tensed, maybe I need to take it with a meal. Voice has a fuller sound which is great.

I see Olympus Uk have a discount if one orders 12 bottles of lj , about 24-25 dollars per bottle, not too bad . What is the use of having Olympus uk based in the US? Their bottles of lj100 are different but I saw it's a "sister" brand of olympus labs.

That would suggest either the individual had a change in his life (stress, diet, lack of sleep blahblah) or that the TA boosts libido through a different pathway than freeing up and boosting T. I'm curious to know what this could be.
Link to that offer please...:)


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So you have ran bloodwork both times and 5on and 2 off gave you more T Levels and less SHBG??
If you havent ran bloodwork then you dont know exactly how it worked
I was thinking about the 5-2 approach to make the bottles last longer. Currently I'm using 6 capsules each day. 3 bottles last me 30 days. The 5-2 approach would make the bottles last 50 days!


I was thinking about the 5-2 approach to make the bottles last longer. Currently I'm using 6 capsules each day. 3 bottles last me 30 days. The 5-2 approach would make the bottles last 50 days!
That's 600mg right? What do you feel? When did it start to feel?


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That's 600mg right? What do you feel? When did it start to feel?
I feel better/great. First time I tried the energy surge started after three weeks. This time after 2-3 weeks, I haven't felt as much energy as the first run, because I knew that it would work and didn't get the "placebo" effect I gof the first run. Placeboeffect isn't probably the right word to use...


Link to that offer please...:)

With the labor day sales you can get those prices in multiple places though.

Despite the fantastic weather I've felt a bit ill the past few days, others have reported getting a flu before quitting TA, I read it can weaken the immune system and it may be too much of a decrease for some. Will continue and see how things work out.


this is sitting on my shelf unopened because Im terrified to eff with many of you are getting that bs on this? Had it bad before, will never take a chance on anything that could bring it back, but libido is still in basement from natty contest prep....
It definitely gives me acne and oily skin. Mostly on my face, neck, shoulder, and upper back. It's not bad though, but it is annoying.
I've only used 300 mg for 10 days (feel the effects since day 2) but as I said earlier in the thread, pycnogenol and quitting all dairy products all have helped with skin health / acne, despite using the lj100 my back spots are disappearing and face looks great. We're all different though.


Sleep is great at night. No issue falling asleep, but waking up is a chore. Takes at least an extra 30-45 to wake up and even then kinda foggy and stay like that all day.
Interesting, I do have a mix of tiredness and feeling like when I'm about to become ill , as happens at the very start of a bronchitis / flu . On the other hand mood and libido are still up and I have more energy than usual. Sleep may be disrupted a bit as well.


I'm planning on doing 1000mg per day, sound like 40% test boost?


From your previous posts I get you did not even try 400 mg daily .
Make sure to monitor blood pressure at those levels. No one can say you'll get x test boost with y mg of lj, too many variables and everyone is different.
If you end up giving big amounts of lj a try, then maybe do blood work to see what increase you get!

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