EPIC resolutions UNLEASHED



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Hello all again, i am once again on the journey to a better me. If you followed my last log, the last you probably heard from me i was on my way to Cayo Coco Cuba and was a very lean 180 at 6'2.5" tall. Well it's been a slippery slop since then ,a hell of a lot of fun, but a downward spiral none the less. I have been eating like a fat kid left alone at a buffet, running wild, eating everything in sight. It began on the vacation with the cuban cigars and rum, along with the most delicious buffet foods. I never usually ate breakfast before the vacation and would steer clear of carbohydrates until the afternoon post training. On vacation i was eating pancakes and french toast for breakfast everyday, ice cream and cookies/donuts at lunch and alcohol at every meal other than breakfast/ throughout the day. Yes it was a greasy good time and when i returned to Canada things did not get much better. I went back to work for 3 days and then i was off for Christmas Holidays.

With that being said though, when i returned from Cuba on Friday i began a prep phase reset. From Friday through til Thursday night after my workout, i did lots of hiit depletion cardio, i began using Olympus Labs Vitality (Creatine/Betaine) and i did not consume more than 30 grams of net carbohydrates a day. This primed my body to burn body fat freely again and completely emptied my glycogen stores. I knew on the Tuesday that i was completely empty of glycogen, workouts became extremely tough and muscles were completely flat. The Thursday night was Christmas eve and when dinner time rolled around, it was back to eating like a sumo wrestler.

i did continue to weight train the entire time i was on vacation and continued to do so when i got back from vacay. I only took a day or two off the weights the entire time and when i returned from Cuba i began my Cardio again. If i had to guess, while i was in Cuba i was probably eating around 8,000 calories a day. This is not an exaggeration, I love to eat and would often eat until i felt sick every chance i got. I also track my calories very closely 95 percent of the time so i did have a good idea about how much i was eating.Why on earth would anyone do this? I am really not sure, i just love to eat and am really fortunate that i have a fast metabolism that helps keep the fat off. My weight training was amazing in Cuba, i would train first thing in the morning and had tons of energy and crushed every workout. When I returned to Canada, apart from the depletion phase, my workouts have been consistently great. Ive been getting lots of rest and have been feeling over well good.

Here are my current stats
Age 27 years old
Weight 188 pounds (up 8 pounds since pre vacation levels) Also this is my weight as of this morning after taking creatine consistently since Saturday the 19th so for the last 9 days) so I'm guessing about 5 pounds of this is water weight.
Training Style: High Volume/High frequency training 6 days a week

Dieting Style: If you followed my last log, you know i am a fan of intermittent fasting. The main reason why i enjoy intermittent fasting so much is because i like to eat until i am full and by pushing most of my calories until later in the day i am able to achieve this. For this log I will be following Carb Backloading Strength Accumulation Protocol. The author claims that this diet is Intermittent Fasting Evolved. He claims it gives all the benefits of Intermittent Fasting plus additional recomp/muscle building effects. I did the prep phase immediately upon returning from Cuba. The author says that if you are 10 percent body fat or less that you do not need to worry about the prep phase at all and can skip it all together. I figure i am right around the 10-12 percent body fat mark (judge for yourself based on my before pictures taken today and yesterday). With that being said though i still did the prep phase. The creator of the diet says it is a 10 day ultra low carb approach, keeping usable carbs (carbs other than fibre) under 30 grams a day for 10 days. you can however shorten this process by 3-4 days by performing a few sessions of hiit cardio as described in the book and weight training alone should shorten the phase by a day or 2.

How he described hiit cardio in the book.
2-4 minutes very light intensity walking/ cycling with barely any output
30 seconds to 1 minute all out intensity pushing yourself as hard as you can.
for 4-5 cycles

Well i did this everyday upon returning to Canadaup until Thursday the 24th, doing 2 minutes low intensity followed by 30 seconds high intensity for 25 minutes each day pre workout. I then hit a push/pull/leg split afterwards hitting each muscle group to exhaustion. I have done ketogenic/carb cycling diets many times before now and have a feel now for when my glycogen stores are empty. I knew that by Tuesday i had successfully completely the prep phase, however pushed my first carb load off until Thursday for complete reassurance. If you do follow this prep phase you are supposed to write down your weight before beginning the prep phase and weigh yourself once again after it is complete to get an accurate estimate as to how many carbs you can eat post workout and still lean out. I was not able to do this however because i began loading creatine at the same time and that in itself would throw off all the numbers. Luckily i have tinkered around with this diet many times before and know that my carb load amount post workout to be in the range of 400-450 grams carbohydrates post workout.

In the morning time i am still practicing a somewhat intermittent fasting style approach to my day. I am using the accelerator shake as written in the backloading book to get me through into the after noon where i will have my 2 pre workout meals.

The accelerator shake that i have customized for me consumed immediately after waking and then 3 hours again later to tide me over until my first meal.

Accelerator shake
500 ml black coffee
8 grams of coconut oil
10 grams of whey protein isolate, vanilla flavour
2 table spoons of light whipping cream

Consumed 2x before first meal

Pre workout macro goals

100 grams protein
50 grams fat
Less than 30 grams Carbohydrates

Post workout Macro Totals (including pre workout macros)

Protein 230 grams
Fats 123 Grams
Carbs 415 Grams

Total Calories: 3680

I track and weigh all of my food. Nothing is left to chance. I am guessing that by following these macros, in this timed nutrient format i will maintain/ slowly lose weight over the course of this log. If my weight stays consistently below 185 i will be increasing overall calories, if my weight shoots up over 200 pounds i will be decreasing overall calories from carbohydrates.


I am hoping to be able to pull off a recomposition. It is my goal to maintain/gain a bit of weight while staying at or even losing a bit of body fat. I am not overly concerned with body fat right now,however i do not want to gain anymore. My next vacation is in May and i do not want to have a hard time cutting for that when the time comes. I know that i look very lean at 180 pounds so the goal is to stay within 20 pounds of that. Ideally during this log i will not go above 195 pounds. This way hopefully, when i cut down again, i can be at the same body fat percent i was at 180 at 185.


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The back is from before vacation, unfortunately my fiancee is working today and i couldn't get a more updated photo.


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The Supplements I will be using are:
Epic Unleashed Caps x 2 bottles
Epic Unleashed Transdermal x2 bottles
Epic Unleashed Preworkout x2bottles
Olympus Labs Hydro x 2 bottles
Olympus Labs Vitality x 2 bottles

This will be an 8 week log.


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Epic Unleashed Caps/ Transdermal Write Up

Once again, Olympus Labs has set the bar for the category of natural anabolics with its reformulation of EP1C - EP1C Unleashed!

We have not strayed from the core value of our highly praised product, EP1C, but have only improved upon it. EP1C Unleashed still provides the high quality (-)/- epicatechin backed by our 3rd party purity tested lab analysis that you should demand from your supplements. We have also added additional ingredients and the latest in delivery absorption technology to improve bioavailability of the product. This ensures that you get the most out of your experience and produces even better results!

EP1C Unleashed provides:

Increased strength and power output
Increased endurance / stamina
Enhanced vascularity
Fat oxidation
Muscle growth and differentiation
Overall health benefits


The key ingredient to EP1C Unleashed is the inclusion of (-)/- epicatechin, a flavanol found in cocoa seeds and green tea. While the health benefits of (-)/-epicatechin (Epi) have been known for centuries, recent research has demonstrated that this flavanol may be useful for treating the age-related decline in muscle mass and associated strength, or sarcopenia, due to its action as a myostatin inhibitor. You may be familiar with myostatin, as it is a protein involved in preventing the increase of muscle size and differentiation, so blocking its action would be beneficial to those seeking additional muscle mass. Initial studies demonstrated that administration of Epi for 5 days increased follistatin (which binds to and inhibits myostatin) by 2.5 times. And in a pilot study with human subjects treated for 1 week with Epi, changes to markers of muscle differentiation were demonstrated, in addition to increases in hand-grip strength. Specifically, the study with epi demonstrated that the ratio of follistatin/myostatin was increased by almost 50%!

But there are also several other benefits to Epi, including reduced cardiovascular risk, enhanced exercise capacity and enhanced oxidative capacity, as well as increased angiogenesis (ie, creation of blood vessel formation) and improved vascular functioning via a NOS-dependent mechanism. Importantly, recent findings with satellite cells - precursors of new muscle growth and differentiation - identified that nitric oxide is a key messenger for maintaining function and enhancing proliferation of these precursor cells. All of these properties make Epi a very promising myostatin inhibiting compound.


Another well-known polyphenol is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a constituent in tea that has been studied in a host of conditions, from weight loss to cancer to osteoarthritis and Alzheimer’s. In addition, EGCG has been investigated for potential influence on parameters of endurance and lipid oxidation. However, both Epi and EGCG suffer from the known problem of bioavailability, with absorption of oral Epi occurring at less than 50%. Many plant derived compounds are hampered by their poor oral bioavailability - meaning that the amount of active ingredient that your body is able to use after ingestion, may be very little, and in some cases too little to actually have the desired effect.

However, while the anti-oxidant properties of EGCG are beneficial, the inclusion in EP1C Unleashed was a two-fold strategic choice, as coadministration of other polyphenols with Epi has been shown to enhance its bioavailability. Specifically, research on gallate catechins, such as EGCG, has been shown to increase the intestinal absorption of Epi. But simply adding EGCG with Epi would not elicit enough of a change for the results we really want. So, we did not stop there, we had to provide something that no other company has done...

Enter PhytoFUSE™

PhytoFUSETM - Enhanced Delivery System

EP1C Unleashed also utilizes a unique delivery technology, PhytoFUSETM, to further enhance the bioavailability of Epi. While the poor bioavailability of catechins has hampered use, PhytoFUSETM helps to overcome these issues. That’s right, we poured funding into the research & development and testing of a completely new delivery system. What other company can claim that? Research has shown that this method of delivery can enhance potency anywhere from 2x-6x! That means that EP1C Unleashed is 200 - 600% more potent than Epi alone! This enhanced delivery system, unique to Olympus Labs, utilizes specific lipids to complex with Epi on a molecular level, allowing for greater solubility and enhancing bioavailability, helping to effectively shuttle and prevent degradation en route to the intestines where it can be taken up. This means that more ingredient is delivered to the site where it can be utilized effectively, ready to be delivered to the bloodstream to flood your muscles with potent myogenic factors.

Real World Results

Once again, we could have just released this supplement at this point, confident on the research in the literature. But Olympus Labs drives results based on real world testing. We invested in independent alpha testing, to ensure that the changes made to our formula would pay off. And while we knew that the results of EP1C Unleashed were going to be positive, the results exceeded even our own expectations. In tester results, users reported breaking PR after PR, nearly unlimited endurance in between reps and sets, breezing through cardio, and enhanced vascularity. And this was from only a few days in. Additionally, significant body composition effects were very apparent on a bulk, a cut, and especially during a recomp phase. But don’t just take our word for it. Here are real results from some of our testers:

“Still noticing the same effects I have since the beginning. Increased sweat, endurance has been crazy, good pump and vascularity, muscle hardening. Seriously feeling like I barely need to rest at all when I sit the weight down. Muscles have been feeling fuller when reaching super compensation with my carb refeeds as well.” - carmineb1

“I started my 2 caps pwo and lol this stuff has now gone to borderline mild prohormone status for me. 10/10 pumps, great focus and just amazing strength.” - corbin@nutra

“Muscle Hardness/pump- 10/10 This is one of the very best attributes of this product in my opinion. I did not take a pwo and trained fasted for the majority of the run. The pumps I received were some of the very best I’ve ever had. Muscles would feel harder and full even into the next day… I started this log at 170lbs and ended at 177lbs for a solid 7lb gain!!!! This is an awesome gain to me for a natural product with very little body fat gain! Endurance was tenfold increased running this product. Workouts lasted longer with more reps and exercises. Felt like the energizer bunny all through the cycle!” - corbin@nutra

“The positives are still the same-DOMs, vascularity, endurance, fat loss/maintain strength and mass. If I had to make a direct comparison it would be very similar to [11-kt]” - Afi140

“For me [EP1C Unleashed] outshines mild ph's (or not so mild) in the endurance department. Rest time in between sets is ridiculously short...never had that experience with any hormonal compound. For pumps it goes on par with mild ph's… zero lethargy...which does happen to me on a lot of ph's, aas.” - edje007

“So standouts this week have been two things, noticeable body composition and recovery. I trained 6 days this week and could have easily done the whole 7 no problems… Other mentioned things, volume and weights continuing to progress. Body composition wise, as I mentioned earlier in the week my waist size has significantly reduced… That is impressive, a natural supplement actually allowing me to increase my work load and causing fat loss and muscle gain simultaneously.” - NoAddedHmones

“This product most notable effect is tied between endurance and recovery. Both Are out of this world. Never had a supp provide the magnitude or even ball park it. I was able to consistently progressively over load in volume, weight( power days) and frequency over the entire course of the run. Effects kicked in within a few days and only got better. Other effects which are worth noting are the pumps. This was the only supp bar caffeine i used pwo and i was consistently achieving outrageous pumps. The GDA effect also is worth mentioning, talk about vein city after a large carb meal.” - NoAddedHmones

EP1C Unleashed is truly unlike any product that has come before it. While other companies may use deceptive marketing tactics to confuse the consumer, Olympus Labs will continue to innovate and provide the highest quality products, backed by independent third party verification, clinical science and real world results, to ensure that you can attain the physique that mere mortals only dream about.


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Ultra Premium Pre-Workout Fuel!

Krushed Kandy
Lemon Rox
Strawngberry Kiwi
Maniacal Mango

Several companies have been exposed for the practice of spiking protein with free form aminos instead of base protein powder. These unscrupulous companies are increasing their profit margins by adding cheap fillers to their products and deceiving the consumer. NEWSFLASH: The pre-workout category is far worse than the protein spiking fiasco. Whereas companies have been shamed into being more transparent with their protein formulations, similar treachery continues unabated in the pre-workout category.

Most pre-workouts on the market today are filled with heavy stimulants and rely on over stimulating the central nervous system (CNS) which, eventually, creates long term problems for individual users. These pre-workouts are specifically designed to trick you into feeling energized, but provide no real ergogenic benefit to your workout, and what's more? They leave you lethargic once the stimulant high subsides, and addicted to chasing that stim feeling again.

Another tactic that companies employ is including ingredients in their product that can be beneficial to your workout, but underdose them to the point that you do not realize any tangible benefits. They escape accountability by hiding behind a “proprietary blend” consisting of well known ingredients. Through pure marketing these supplement manufacturers are able to mask poorly formulated and underdosed ingredients behind a “proprietary blend,” calling their product a game changer. Do not be fooled, everyone knows how these ingredients should be dosed to be effective, it is no secret. These companies don't use proprietary blends to hide some sort of “magical formula” with the “perfect ratio” so competitors can't steal their idea. Their sole motivation is to maximize profits regardless of the ethical implications.

Olympus Labs has never condoned, nor have we ever needed to employ such tactics to sell our products. We only formulate innovative products that deliver results, based on clinically efficacious doses. We stand by our commitment to our mission statement:

Innovation. Value. Results.

These are the three pillars of our company. What that means for the consumer is effective products with clinically dosed ingredients, in a transparent formula. That is exactly what you will get in CONQU3R Unleashed.

CONQU3R Unleashed is an all-in-one formula that contains only the highest quality ingredients, including 5 patented ingredients, an unparalleled feat in sports nutrition! Furthermore, each ingredient is supported by human data, because there are no rodents allowed on Mount Olympus. But that's not enough, we carefully selected the doses to provide optimal results. CONQU3R Unleashed is comprised of 4 main matrices delivering laser focus, extreme energy,
an incredible pump, and amazing endurance.

In addition, we made a significant discovery of a new, naturally occurring stimulant with the one and only, J. Regia. Through internal testing, J. Regia provided extreme focus and energy. So extreme that we structured the entire energy blend of CONQU3R Unleashed to complement this one ingredient and the synergy it provided. Since we vastly improved the energy aspect of CONQU3R Unleashed there was no other choice but to intensify the pump and endurance aspects to match the intensity. The outcome? The barriers to success have been removed, CONQU3R is now Unleashed!

Key Benefits:
Laser Focus
Incredible Energy
Insane Pumps
Amazing Endurance

Maximum Endurance Matrix:
If you are going to the gym and short staying your visit due to the inability of lifting any longer, you are missing out on precious gains. CONQU3R Unleashed has you covered with two ATP generating compounds, 2 g of Creatinol-O-Phosphate (COP) and 150 mg of ElevATP®. ATP, adenosine triphosphate, is known as the cell's energy currency. In fact, ATP production during weight-lifting or anaerobic events, such as high-intensity repeated, short but intense bursts of activity are largely fueled by anaerobic respiration and through another mechanism of action known as phosphorylation. Phosphorylation is how creatine exerts its potent ATP generating effects and it has been hypothesized that COP elicits its results via the same mechanism or by acting as an intracellular buffer.

Creatinol-O-Phosphate is a synthetic analogue of creatine, but it should not be confused with creatine as it does not carry the same benefits. It is actually metabolized as creatinol in the body once it loses the phosphorous group. It is a relatively new ingredient designed to aid in strength, performance, and recovery. Although COP has been shown to increase ATP like creatine, it has a higher rate of absorption in muscle tissue. This will result in greater contractility of muscles meaning users are able to carry out a longer anabolic load. Punishing your muscles for a longer period of time will help users gain more strength and size! COP has been proven to possess anti-ischemic and anti-arrhythmic activities associated with improved ionic balance and heart performance.

In a study of patients with acute myocardial infarction, the levels of six serum enzymes were investigated following supplementation with 3 g of COP. After 3 days, the six enzymes all decreased between 33% and 49% in the COP group as compared with the placebo group, reaching a degree of statistical significance of less than 0.01. The decrease in these enzymes was attributed to the protective action of COP on cell membrane permeability, in agreement with a series of previous studies, and suggests COP has a cardioprotective effect.

ElevATP® is a patented ingredient consisting of a proprietary blend of plant bio-inorganic trace minerals and a polyphenol-rich apple extract. ElevATP® will increase levels of ATP in human blood following ingestion. I know what you are thinking, oral Adenosine 5’-Triphosphate DiSodium (ATP) is already widely available. While that is true, ElevATP® seeks to remedy several issues with supplementation with oral ATP; its poor bioavailability and its tendency to increase reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lactic acid production.

In a double blind, placebo-controlled study, 18 generally healthy adults were given either a 150 mg dose of ElevATP® or 50 mg of an encapsulated silica oxide (placebo). The researchers measured an acute increase in blood levels of ATP by 64% (P=0.02) when compared to the placebo group. In addition, the ROS and lactate level in the supplemented group were unchanged.

A second study with 20 healthy subjects who had fasted overnight (12-16 hours) and were administered a single, 150 mg serving dose of ElevATP® also showed an increase in blood levels of ATP. The average levels of the control group were measured as 40% over baseline levels at 60 minutes and 28% over baseline levels at 120 minutes. Similar to the first study, ATP levels in cell-free plasma and lactate levels remained unchanged.

Incredible Pump Matrix:
If that endurance matrix wasn't powerful enough on its own, the pump matrix in CONQU3R Unleashed is composed of four ingredients: 4 g of L-citrulline, 2 g of HydroMax™ Glycerol, 1.5 g Nitrosigine™ and 1 g Agmatine that help reduce fatigue and also improve endurance. However, these four ingredients were primarily selected for their ability to increase blood flow. The pump effect achieved through the delivery of sufficient blood and oxygen to your muscles will ultimately lead to muscle growth. Of course CONQU3R Unleashed is designed with clinically effective doses to induce an insane pump, like nothing you have ever experienced.

L-citrulline increases arginine and ornithine plasma content, resulting in a spike in nitric oxide levels which gives you that sought after pump effect. But wait, if L-citrulline will increase plasma levels of arginine and ornithine why not just supplement with L-arginine and L-ornithine directly? The problem is that L-arginine and L-ornithine are not absorbed by the body as well as L-citrulline. You would need upwards of 10 g or more which may cause GI distress.

In a study in healthy males, L-citrulline dose-dependently increased AUC and Cmax of plasma L-arginine concentration more effectively than L-arginine (P < 0.01). Moreover, urinary nitrate and cGMP were increased from 92 ± 10 to 125 ± 15 µmol mmol−1 creatinine (P = 0.01, 95% CI 8, 58) and from 38 ± 3.3 to 50 ± 6.7 nmol mmol−1 creatinine (P = 0.04, 95% CI 0.4, 24), respectively.

Glycerol is a naturally occurring metabolite that has several benefits for athletes. It can prevent athletes and bodybuilders from becoming dehydrated during the course of strenuous aerobic or anaerobic exercise. Glycerol can also enhance exercise performance and endurance for bodybuilders because it can keep the body hyper-hydrated.

It has been demonstrated in human studies that hyperhydration with glycerol combined with water is far superior to water alone, and significantly increased fluid retention by approximately 900 mL over placebo. Of course an endurance athlete can also drink an over exceeding amount of water, however this will only help the athlete reach a temporary state of hyperhydration due to the fall in osmolarity causing the kidneys to remove the excess water and causing the athlete to make frequent trips to the bathroom.

Regular Glycerol Monostearate (GMS) contains only 5-12% free molecular glycerol, which is nowhere near the acceptable or effective range of glycerol supplementation. CONQU3R Unleashed uses, HydroMax™ Glycerol, highly concentrated powdered glycerol which yields 65% free molecular glycerol. This means 1.5 g ofCONQU3R Unleashed’s HydroMax™ Glycerol equates to more than 8 g of standard GMS found on the market!

Glycerol’s osmoprotective solute quality can be used to improve physical endurance. The reduction in serum blood osmolality and the effects on ionic gradients caused by glycerol ingestion delay fatigue; therefore, endurance and athletic performance are improved.

In a study assessing the effect of glycerol supplementation on aerobic and anaerobic performance of athletes and sedentary subjects, 40 volunteers were divided into four groups. The first was the placebo group (S), which only consumed water; the second group (GS) consumed glycerol followed by water. Neither of these groups did any exercise for 20 days. The third and fourth groups consisted of the exercise group subjects; they were required to perform a 20-m shuttle run test every day for 20 days. The third group’s subjects, the exercise placebo (E), only consumed water. The last group (GE) consumed glycerol followed by water. The glycerol supplement was found to have an increasing effect on aerobic and anaerobic performance in GS, E and GE. A similar effect was found for the covered distances and time in the same groups.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is jhk-34-69f1.jpg
Figure 1. Changes in anaerobic power of subjects (mean ±SE)

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is jhk-34-69f2.jpg
Figure 2. Changes in relative anaerobic power of subjects (mean ±SE)

Nitrosigine™ is a patented complex of bonded arginine silicate scientifically designed to significantly boost nitric oxide (NO) levels. We previously reviewed the positive effect from arginine on NO. Unlike supplementing directly with L-arginine which could get “messy,“ the Nitrosigine™ complex was shown in preclinical (animal) studies to be absorbed efficiently, raising plasma arginine and silicon levels. Silicon can strengthen and provide flexibility to your arterial walls, helping to increase blood flow. Silicon is not well absorbed through dietary intake, but Nitrosigine™ was shown in preclinical studies to dramatically increase silicon absorption.

Another study found that a complex of arginine-silicate in an efficiently absorbed form, improves vascular function and reduces nephropathy in an animal model of insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease whereas arginine-hcl was not effective.

In a study in healthy males, supplementation with Nitrosigine™ caused an acute increase in arginine, as quick as 30 minutes. The study also found a significant increase in arginine blood levels for up to 3 hours and silicon levels for up to 1.5 hours. Furthermore, the data showed an increased trend in baseline levels of arginine after subsequent use. So drink CONQU3R Unleashed 30 minutes before your workout, get a crazy pump for the whole duration and then get a better pump next workout. Sign me up!

Agmatine ((4-aminobutyl)guanidine) is known as the ultimate nitric oxide enhancing ingredient. It is a byproduct of arginine produced through a process called decarboxylation. Agmatine is similar to arginine but with the carboxylic acid end removed. Agmatine’s primary benefit occurs when it interacts with endothelial cells. These cells form a thin layer along blood vessel walls. As agmatine molecules pass through blood vessels, they attach to receptors on endothelial cell membranes. In response, endothelial cells make nitric oxide, a gas that dilates blood vessels.

A study was conducted examining the effects of agmatine on endothelial cell function by using cultured bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells. Agmatine stimulated nitrite production three-fold above basal nitrite formation by endothelial cells. This result suggests agmatine can act directly on endothelial cells to increase the synthesis of nitric oxide.

Immaculate Focus & Energy Matrix:
Unlike companies that use different forms of caffeine and call it a stimulant blend, CONQU3R Unleashed only features stimulants that work synergistically to provide maximum focus and energy. The immaculate focus and energy that CONQU3R Unleashed delivers is powered by a mixture of caffeine, the patented version of Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoryl Choline (Alpha-GPC), AlphaSize®, Higenamine, and an exciting new stimulant, J. Regia. Caffeine is well known for its ability to increase focus, mental alertness and exercise performance. Alpha-GPC (AlphaSize®) is a powerful nootropic that contributes to the laser focus in CONQU3R Unleashed. J. Regia is a potent extract of a naturally occurring stimulant that will provide an extreme level of focus and energy in combination with the other ingredients in this matrix.

Caffeine is the most widely used stimulant in sports and for good reason, it is proven and effective, it is the creatine of stimulants if you will. Caffeine increases focus, mental alertness, exercise performance, and reduces symptoms of fatigue due to its ability of producing higher dopamine levels in areas of the brain that are linked to “attention.” Caffeine has been found to improve focus and concentration during activity, even when an athlete has not slept well.

Caffeine can also improve physical performance and endurance during high intensity activity. It has been found to increase muscle contractility and can improve the time before exhaustion, helping you crank out a few more sets!

Furthermore, due to an increase in free fatty acid oxidation, caffeine will have a sparing effect on glycogen. Research has shown caffeine will elicit an ergogenic effect during endurance exercise performance, especially during periods of glycogen depletion. These results suggest supplementation with caffeine would provide performance benefits when training fasted or on a low carb diet.

In a study with collegiate football players at the NFL combine, the effect of caffeine on performance-based anaerobic exercise tests was examined. Testing showed 59% of the participants improved in performance with the caffeine during the bench press and the 40-yard dash.

Alpha-GPC increases levels of acetylcholine in the body, which help give an increased focus during a workout. It is an ideal ingredient to supplement pre-workout on an empty stomach. CONQU3R Unleashed uses the patented version, AlphaSize®, which just so happens to be supported by human data. That is not a coincidence! AlphaSize® has also been found to improve power output.

In a randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover design, seven men with at least two years of resistance training experience ingested 600 mg A-GPC (as AlphaSize®) or a placebo 90-minutes prior to completing 6 sets × 10 repetitions of Smith Machine squats at 70% of their predetermined 1-repetition maximum. Measurements were taken 30 minutes post-exercise and then the subjects performed three sets of bench press throws at 50% of their predetermined 1-repetition maximum to assess peak force, peak power, and rate of force development. All trials were performed after an overnight fast, a 48-hour abstention from intense exercise, and during the same time of day to minimize diurnal variation. Compared to baseline (pre) values, peak growth hormone (GH) increased 44-fold during A-GPC (from 0.19 ± 0.06 to 8.4 ± 2.1 ng/mL) vs. 2.6-fold during placebo (from 1.9 ± 0.8 to 5.0 ± 4.8 ng/mL, P < 0.03) (Figure 3). Peak bench press force was 14% greater in A-GPC (933 ± 89 N) vs. placebo (818 ± 77 N, P < 0.02).
An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is 1550-2783-5-S1-P15-1.jpgFigure 3. Change in growth hormone of subjects post-exercise (A-GPC vs placebo)

Research has also shown it should improve your ability to lose fat over time due to an increase in hepatic (liver) fat oxidation. In the same study, a significant increase in growth hormone was measured after 60 minutes of ingestion, indicating an acute response making it beneficial for supplementation pre-workout.

Alpha-GPC also stacks extremely well with caffeine. This synergy was confirmed in a study involving nineteen physically-active college students (17 men and 2 women) that were randomly assigned to a group that either consumed a supplement including caffeine and Alpha-GPC or placebo. Results indicated that acute ingestion of the combination can maintain reaction time while a decline in reaction time was observed in the placebo group. In the same study, increases in subjective feelings of focus and alertness to both visual and auditory stimuli were also reported following exhaustive exercise.

Novel Stimulant
We are proud to introduce you to this exciting new stimulant that is going to revolutionize the pre-workout category. J. Regia is a source of various psychoactive alkaloids and Olympus Labs uses a custom extract of it in CONQU3R Unleashed.

J. Regia? It sounds regal. That is because J. Regia is the new KING of stimulants and it is the crowning jewel of CONQU3R Unleashed. Get excited, get really excited because J. Regia will totally change the way you think about pre-workout supplementation. The alpha testers reported incredible energy and laser focus, with NO crash. In fact, the focus was so intense that we had to remove a choline source included in the previous version, CONQU3R DGE.

Higenamine (Nelumbo Nucifera) is also included in CONQU3R Unleashed because when combined with caffeine and J. Regia it will provide a synergistic effect and give users the best energy and focus that they’ve ever had in the gym, PERIOD.
Maximum Absorption Matrix:
BioPerine® has been shown to increase bioavailability and uptake of several ingredients withinCONQU3R Unleashed’s multifaceted powerhouse of a product! We selected the amount of BioPerine®, 10 mg, in the stimulant version to protect higenamine within the blend. Higenamine is susceptible to rapid breakdown via glucuronidation, but will be fully utilized with BioPerine® acting as a glucuronidation inhibitor.

When the Olympus Labs name is on the supplement label you can expect an innovative product, value for your money and most importantly, results. CONQU3R Unleashed is no different. If you want to get the most of your workout you need to put the most into your workout. CONQU3R Unleashed sets you up for success in that regard with the ultimate pre-workout fuel. It is an all-in-one formula that contains only the highest quality ingredients at effective doses including 5 patented ingredients.

CONQU3R Unleashed provides amazing endurance so you can work harder and longer than you ever imagined. You don't want be to be that person hollering for a spot because you couldn't squeak out that last rep. You will also experience an incredible pump from CONQU3R Unleashed that can only be matched by stacking multiple products. The pump matrix included in CONQU3R Unleashed will induce skin-bursting pumps. The synergistic effect of our stimulant matrix will provide intense focus and energy to power through the toughest of workouts.

You are getting all you need to fuel your workout in one supplement. You won't have to fumble with 3-4 different containers to mix your pre-workout drink. CONQU3R Unleashed will allow for more intense and prolonged workouts than anything on the market. Because let's be honest, if your workouts are not intense you may as well stay home.

CONQU3R Unleashed has been perfectly formulated for DemiGods and DemiGoddesses! It is NOT recommended for rodents! Unleash your potential and CONQU3R every workout!


Take 1-2 scoops 30-45 minutes pre-workout with 8-12 oz of water.
De Gasperi R, t al. Archivio Medicina interna. 1981; 3: 351-358.) Effect of treatment with Creatinol O-Phosphate. Medicina dello sport. 1984; 37: 85-92.)
Marzo A et al. Arzneimittelforschung. 1979;29(9a):1449-52.. Pharmacological and toxicological properties of creatinol O-phosphate. A review.
Knippel M, et al. Arzneimittelforschung. 1979;29(9a):1480-2. Effects of creatinol O-phosphate on serum enzymes in acute myocardial infarction.
Reyes, Tania et al. Journal of aging research and clinical practice 01/2013; 2(2):178-184. Effect of the dietary supplement ElevATP™ on blood ATP level: An acute pilot clinical study.
Schwedhelm E et al. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2008 Jan; 65(1): 51–59. Published online 2007 Jul 27. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2007.02990.x Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of oral L-citrulline and L-arginine: impact on nitric oxide metabolism
Magal M et al. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2003 Jan;35(1):150-6. Comparison of glycerol and water hydration regimens on tennis-related performance.
Burelle Y et al. J Appl Physiol. 2001;90:1685–1690. Oxidation of [13C] glycerol ingested along with glucose during prolonged exercise.
Suleyman P et al. J Hum Kinet. 2012 Oct; 34: 69–79. Published online 2012 Oct 23. doi: 10.2478/v10078-012-0065-x The effect of glycerol supplements on aerobic and anaerobic performance of athletes and sedentary subjects.
Hitchins S et al. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 1999 Oct;80(5):494-501. Glycerol hyperhydration improves cycle time trial performance in hot humid conditions.
Kalman D, et al. The FASEB Journal 2014;28(1):SLB418. A clinical evaluation to determine the safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of an inositol-stabilized arginine silicate dietary supplement in healthy adult males.
Proctor SD, et al. JCR: LA-cp rats. Diabetology 2005;48(9):1925-32. A Novel Complex of Arginine Silicate Improves Micro- and Macrovascular Function and Inhibits Glomerular Sclerosis in Insulin-Resistant,
Morrissey JJ et al. Proc Assoc Am Physicians. 1997 Jan;109(1):51-7. Agmatine activation of nitric oxide synthase in endothelial cells.
Woolf K et al. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 23.5 (2009): 1363-369. Effect of Caffeine as an Ergogenic Aid During Anaerobic Exercise Performance in Caffeine Naïve Collegiate Football Players.
Davis JK et al. Sports Medicine39.10 (2009): 813-32. Caffeine and Anaerobic Performance.
Sokmen B et al. J Strength Cond Res. 2008 May;22(3):978-86. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181660cec. Caffeine use in sports: considerations for the athlete.
Nehlig A et al. Int J Sports Med. 1994 Jul;15(5):215-23. Caffeine and sports activity: a review.
Ziegenfuss, et al. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2008; 5(Suppl 1): P15. Published online 2008 Sep 17. doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-5-S1-P15. Acute supplementation with alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine augments growth hormone response to, and peak force production during, resistance exercise.
Kawamura T et al. Nutrition. (2012): ahead of print. Glycerophosphocholine enhances growth hormone secretion and fat oxidation in young adults.
Hoffman JR et al. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2010 Dec 15;7:39. doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-7-39. The effects of acute and prolonged CRAM supplementation on reaction time and subjective measures of focus and alertness in healthy college students.


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HYDRO3 (240 Capsules) by Olympus Labs

The legendary “pump,” the feeling that bodybuilders chase after time and again, an indication that your body is supplying the key nutrients to your muscles, all the while making you look swole.

Once again, Olympus Labs is bringing you, *the competitor, the athlete * exactly what you want. HYRDO3 is designed to make your workouts EP1C, providing the most massive, skin-*splitting pumps imaginable!

HYDRO3 benefits:

Increased vasodilation
Increased pump
Increased recovery and hydration
Increased endurance
Blood pressure and cardiovascular regulator

The “Pump”
The legendary “pump,” the feeling that bodybuilders chase after time and again, an indication that your body is supplying the key nutrients to your muscles, all the while making you look swole. This process scientifically is called hyperemia and is responsible for diverting blood flow to your muscles during high periods of demand, in response to increased metabolic consumption of oxygen. In addition to increased blood flow to the muscles, vasodilation allows for waste products such as lactic acid and CO2 to be removed.

HYDRO3 combines the power of HydroMaxTM (Glycerol Powder 65%) with the potency of potassium nitrate (KNO3) to ensure that you get the most out of your workouts. Offered in convenient, 240 count capsule form, HYDRO3 is the most versatile and cost effective pump-producing option available!

How does HYDRO3 assist with creating the ultimate pump?

HydroMaxTM is a premier source of glycerol, providing 65% glycerol as compared to glycerol monostearate, which is anywhere between 5-12% glycerol. HydroMaxTM is stabilized with silica, which is necessary to prevent moisture absorption and degradation. Supplementing with glycerol induces an osmotic gradient that results in hyperhydration, and has been shown to increase endurance, thermoregulation and enhance plasma and intramuscular expansion.

In trained endurance athletes, glycerol-induced hyperhydration resulted in significant improvements in both peak power output and time to exhaustion by 5% and 14%, as well as decreased heart rate, during a 2 hour cycling test. Similar results were found in an additional series of studies, demonstrating decreased heart rate and prolonged endurance. And in a study of trained runners, supplementation resulted in increased water retention, and significantly decreased body core temperature during hot exercise conditions, an indicator of improved thermoregulation.

Potassium nitrate, or KNO3, can be converted into nitric oxide (NO) – the molecule most often associated with vasodilation. This reaction, from nitrate (NO3) to nitrite to nitric oxide, is an important alternative and complementary pathway to the classical NO-synthase pathway to producing NO. Recent studies have demonstrated the various benefits of dietary nitrates on exercise performance, including reducing resting blood pressure, reducing the oxygen cost of submaximal exercise, and enhancing exercise tolerance.

Six days of nitrate supplementation resulted in decreases in VO2 and increased time to exhaustion. An additional study confirmed that this effect is both acute and chronic, continuing over 15 days of supplementation, with lasting effects on reduced blood pressure, decrease in VO2 and peak power output. In a study with subjects performing isometric knee contractions, nitrate supplementation resulted in a 25% improvement in time to task failure. It has been postulated that the benefits seen with nitrates may be due to a decreased demand of ATP cost for muscle force production.

With HYDRO3 you are destined to reach the very zenith, the peak of your training, with the ultimate pre-workout pump! HYDRO3 is engineered to be the foundation of your enhanced workouts, providing you with performance benefits that extend beyond just the coveted pump. Just 2 caps of HYDRO3 taken before your workouts will help take your experience to the next level! HYDRO3 will help provide the optimum environment your body needs, the hydration it requires, and enhance your endurance to help you push further past your own limits!

Korthuis RJ. Skeletal Muscle Circulation. San Rafael (CA): Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences; 2011.
Goulet ED, et al. J Physiol Anthropol. 2008 Sep;27(5):263-71.
Montner P, et al. Int J Sports Med. 1996 Jan;17(1):27-33.
Beis LY, et al. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2011 Dec 16;8(1):24. doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-8-24.
Jones AM. Sports Med. 2014 May;44 Suppl 1:S35-45. doi: 10.1007/s40279-014-0149-y.
Bailey SJ, et al. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2009 Oct;107(4):1144-55. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00722.2009. Epub 2009 Aug 6.
Vanhatalo A, et al. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2010 Oct;299(4):R1121-31. doi: 10.1152/ajpregu.00206.2010. Epub 2010 Aug 11.
Bailey SJ, et al. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2010 Jul;109(1):135-48. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00046.2010. Epub 2010 May 13.


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VITAL1TY "Vital Anabolic Ammunition" by Olympus Labs


Wicked Melon
Primal Punch
Rawberry Lemonade
Strawngberry Kiwi
Sour Apple Annihilation
Maniacal Mango

VITAL1TY is designed to aid in exactly what vitality means:
vi·tal·i·ty - the state of being strong and active; energy.

We have taken and put together the most effective and synergistic ingredients readily available to us and designed the ultimate staple product to ensure “Vital1ty.”

Staple in the aspect that when used chronically these ingredients will serve as the backbone to the gains you ultimately attain.

The most impressive thing about vitality is the fact that not only is it a staple product designed to be used on a chronic basis, but it is the ultimate pre-workout stacking product as well, designed to enhance your pre-workouts to not the next but the ultimate level.

Stacked with Conqu3r users will experience the most superior synergistic stack yet to be seen on the market.

We at olympus labs still maintain the philosophy that a pre-workout should be an all in one formula, and ultimately these “pump products” and “stim products” are just a scheme for manufacturers to rake in your money. We perfected Conqu3r by offering it in a “no stim” flavor and made it the most acute acting pre-workout on the market. We took out the chronically used beneficial ingredients in Conqu3r and made the perfect staple product instead, but the true beauty lies in the great synergy formed between the two products.

Now users only need 1 pre-workout choice since Conqu3r satisfies all tastes / needs and 1 staple product since Vital1ty is a powerhouse in itself. vitali1ty contains strength, testosterone, and lean mass inducing ingredients and enhances memory and overall cognition. This is a fully disclosed product that uses no proprietary blends, ultra concentrates, or cheap marketing tricks.

What’s in Vital1ty?

5g of Creapure® creatine monohydrate

Taking creatine monohydrate on a chronic basis has shown to increase intramuscular creatine, phosphocreatine, skeletal and lean body mass, and muscle fiber size. muscular strength and power will also both increase tremendously by taking creatine monohydrate.

Taking creatine monohydrate pre-workout is far more effective than taking creatine monohydrate at periods further away from working out . In 2006, there was a study conducted to test whether the results of taking supplements were greater in periods closer to working out or periods further away from working out. Strength, muscle-fiber hypertrophy and body composition were all tested during a 10 week program. The pre-post group exhibited greater increases in lean body mass and a greater 1 rep max in two of three exercises, ultimately leading researchers to conclude that creatine timing indeed matters and is most beneficial pre and post-workout.

Betaine anhydrous 2.5g

Chronic use of betaine dosed at 2.5g per day has been shown to decrease cortisol, increase squat force and increase both growth hormone and igf-1 levels. Betaine increases both force production and muscular endurance in healthy young males.

Recent research shows that healthy young males gained 4 pounds of lean muscle mass, increased arm size by 10 percent, and decreased body fat by 7 percent when taking 2.5g of betaine per day for only 6 weeks! Conqu3r includes the full clinical dose.

Bioperine 5mg

Research shows that when 5mg of bioperine is taken nutrient and ingredient absorption in supplements is increased by at least 30 to 2,000% percent.

Soy derived phosphatidylserine (400mg)

Phosphatidylserine is an extremely diverse ingredient in the aspect that it has numerous neurological and physiological benefits which include enhanced learning and memory abilities, mood enhancement, and less stress due to its cortisol balancing properties.

Phosphatidylserine has been proven to increase brain turnover of norepinephrine, dopamine, and acetylcholine. Combine ps with all the other ingredients in Conqu3r that produce a higher turnover of norepinephrine, dopamine, and acetylcholine and users now have the most comprehensive focus / mood enhancing pre-workout formula on the market.

Stacking Vital1ty with Conqu3r pre-workout will provide yet another synergistic effect. Phosphatidylserine found in Vital1ty and caffeine found in Conqu3r were found to decrease post-workout mood disturbance and the perception of post-workout fatigue in users stacking the two ingredients. Vital1ty contains the full 400mg of ps used in a study which resulted in users at the conclusion of the two week study showing a significant decrease in pre-post exercise perception of fatigue and mood disturbance.

Phosphatidylserine acts as a cortisol balancing modulator resulting in its users ability and body to handle stress better and giving its user a more productive workout. In a recent study, ps supplementation in golfers showed improved accuracy during tee-off due to ps’s characteristic of cortisol balancing.

Combine ps with full doses of L-tryosine (a known dopamine producing agonist), Alpha-GPC (arguably the most superior acetylcholine producing agonist), Huperzine a (another acetylcholine producing agonist), and ACLAR (the final acetylcholine producing agonist in Conqu3r) make stacking Conqu3r with Vital1ty an unparalleled experience in terms of enhanced cognition, memory, and focus producing results.

Olympus Labs Vital1ty: Increased cognition, testosterone, growth hormone, Igf-1 levels, lean body mass, and decreased cortisol / bodyfat make Vital1ty an essential staple that should be in every gym goer / bodybuilder’s cabinet to ensure a state of vitality.

VITAL1TY Ingredients:


VITAL1TY "Vital Anabolic Ammunition" Directions:

As a dietary supplement, take (1) scoop 30 minutes prior to workout. On non-workout days take (1) scoop with 8-12 ounces of water.

Allergen Warning: Made in a facility that may also process ingredients containing Milk, Egg, Soy, Wheat, Peanuts, Tree Nuts, and Shellfish.

VITAL1TY "Vital Anabolic Ammunition" WARNING:


NOT FOR USE BY INDIVIDUALS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 YEARS. DO NOT USE IF YOU ARE PREGNANT OR NURSING. Individuals who consume caffeine with this product may experience serious adverse health effects. Individuals who are sensitive to the effects of caffeine should consult a licensed health care professional before consuming this product. In case of accidental overdose, seek professional assistance or contact a poison control center immediately. Avoid alcohol while taking this product. Do not exceed recommended serving. Exceeding recommended serving may cause serious adverse health effects, including heart attack and stroke. Discontinue use and call a physician or licensed qualified health care professional immediately if you experience rapid heart beat, dizziness, severe headache, shortness of breath, or other similar symptoms. Improper use of this product may be hazardous to a person's health. Exceeding recommended serving will not improve results. Consult with your physician before using this product, especially if you are using any prescription or over the counter medication or if you have any pre-existing medical condition including but not limited to: high or low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke, heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease, seizure disorder, psychiatric disease, diabetes, difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement or if you are taking a MAOI (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor) or any other medication. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN."


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This is just the beginning for the Unleashed products i will be using during this log. I hit up the insiders deal and ordered 3x strength Unleashed and 3 x strength unleashed transdermal. I will be throwing these in when they arrive, however that could be awhile as i am in Canada. lets take a look at them anyways shall we:
STR3NGTH UNLEASHED and DERMASTR3NGTH UNLEASHED are here to UNLEASH the TRUE potential of this potent ingredient. It is totally understandable to get excited, Olympus Labs has accomplished another unthinkable feat and you, fellow DemiGod, are the benefactor. Get ready to obliterate the barriers to success and UNLEASH your TRUE STR3NGTH!

Key Benefits:

Extreme Strength Gains
Fuller Muscles
Cortisol, Thyroid and Glucose Control
Joint Repair
Enhanced Absorption

The vast majority of supplement companies continue to release underdosed and unproven products. They attempt to deceive the consumer with outlandish claims and snazzy marketing campaigns. When the consumer eventually catches on to these companies act, supplement companies then revert to other duplicitous tactics, redesigning their container labels but they fail to make any meaningful changes to the actual product formula. Olympus Labs will not engage in such shady practices. We are committed to providing Innovation, Value and Results for the DemiGod Nation.

To hold true to that commitment the DemiGod R&D team is continuously striving to bring the most effective products to the supplement market. That process includes evaluating our own product lineup to determine whether any enhancements can be made based on new research, technologies, and or delivery systems. Case in point, was the impressive improvement we made to our (-)-epicatechin product, EP1C, with the release of EP1C UNLEASHED. Olympus Labs developed an exciting new delivery system, PhytoFUSETM, to increase the bioavailability and absorption of (-)-epicatechin. EP1C UNLEASHED established PhytoFUSETM as the premier methodology to increase the bioavailability and absorption of nutraceuticals ingredients, especially herbal ingredients and their extracts which tend to have poor absorption in the body.

The feedback from EP1C UNLEASHED has been exceptional, especially from non-responders to standard (-)-epicatechin. With the successful implementation of the PhytoFUSETM technology a wealth of possibilities was UNLEASHED. Join us DemiGod nation as Olympus Labs embarks on a revolution in supplementation with the PhytoFUSETM Series. The PhytoFUSETM Series will be a suite of supplements that embrace our commitment to Innovation and accomplishing the unimaginable!

Olympus Labs is proud to present the next wave of the PhytoFUSETM Series with STR3NGTH UNLEASHED and DERMASTR3NGTH UNLEASHED as another natural option to unearth your true anabolic potential. STR3NGTH UNLEASHED is the sequel to STR3NGTH, the capsule product featuring 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin. While STR3NGTH represented a key development in the field of natural anabolics, at Olympus Labs we knew that the efficacy could be enhanced if only its bioavailability and absorption could be increased. To realize that objective, STR3NGTH UNLEASHED utilizes absorption enhancers with the now proven PhytoFUSETM technology to further enhance the bioavailability of Laxogenin. DERMASTR3NGTH UNLEASHED contains the same active ingredients, but in a transdermal version.

Not only does PhytoFUSETM technology help with absorption & bioavailability, but it also helps with distribution of the phytoFUSED ingredient in the body!

It will now be possible to realize the full potential of 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin; increased strength, glucose uptake into the muscles and protein synthesis resulting in improved body composition. But that’s not all, it is believed Laxogenin can provide cortisol control, improve thyroid function and improve joint function. Do not be deterred from a prior experience with Laxogenin. There was doubt when EP1C UNLEASHED was released, but no longer! Olympus Labs converted the non-believers and the next wave in the PhytoFUSETM Series will correct the injustice that is found in the poor bioavailability and absorption of other laxogenin products.

STR3NGTH UNLEASHED and DERMASTR3NGTH UNLEASHED are here to UNLEASH the TRUE potential of this potent ingredient. It is totally understandable to get excited, Olympus Labs has accomplished another unthinkable feat and you, fellow DemiGod, are the benefactor. Get ready to obliterate the barriers to success and UNLEASH your TRUE STR3NGTH!

Key Benefits:

Extreme Strength Gains
Fuller Muscles
Cortisol, Thyroid and Glucose Control
Joint Repair
Enhanced Absorption

5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin

5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin is a steroidal sapogenin isolated from Smilax sieboldi, a spirostanic analogue of the brassinosteroid. Brassinosteroids are plant-derived polyhydroxylated derivatives of 5a-cholestane, structurally similar to cholesterol-derived animal steroid hormones and insect ecdysteroids. They are found in small quantities in plants and foods such as pollen, seeds, and leaves. They are similar to animal steroids but function very differently at the cellular level. Plant brassinosteroids signal through a cell surface receptor kinase-mediated signal transduction pathway while animal steroid hormones act through the nuclear receptor family of transcription factors.

Brassinosteroids have a wide array of physiological and pharmacological effects in animals and insects including modulation of protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism. Research in animals suggest that brassinosteroids can stimulate protein synthesis and inhibit protein degradation in part by inducing Akt phosphorylation. Akt is a serine/threonine kinase that signals downstream of growth factor receptors and phosphoinositide-3 kinase PI3K. Akt stimulates glucose uptake, glycogen synthesis, and protein synthesis via Akt/mTOR and Akt/GSK-3β signaling networks and inhibits apoptosis and protein degradation in skeletal muscle by inactivating FoxO transcription factors leading to increased lean mass. In addition, unlike mammalian steroids, brassinosteroids are not hampered by androgenic side effects.

An animal study was conducted to assess the efficacy of the brassinosteroid, 28-Homobrassinolide (HB) on L6 rat skeletal muscle cells (EC50 4 μM). Oral administration of HB (20 or 60 mg/kg/d for 24 d) to healthy rats fed normal diet (protein content 23.9%) increased food intake, body weight gain, lean body mass, and gastrocnemius muscle mass as compared with vehicle-treated controls. The effect of HB administration increased slightly in animals fed a high-protein diet (protein content 39.4%). Both oral (up to 60 mg/kg) and subcutaneous (up to 4 mg/kg) administration of HB showed low androgenic activity and no direct binding to the androgen receptor in vitro. HB treatment was also associated with improved physical fitness of untrained healthy rats, as evident from a 6.7% increase in lower extremity strength, measured by grip test. In the gastrocnemius muscle of castrated animals, HB treatment significantly increased the number of type IIa and IIb fibers and the cross-sectional area of type I and type IIa fibers.

These findings suggest that oral application of HB triggers selective anabolic response with minimal or no androgenic side-effects and begin to elucidate the putative cellular targets for plant brassinosteroids in mammals. Furthermore, they indicate HB dose and time dependently stimulated protein synthesis and inhibited protein degradation in L6 rat skeletal muscle cells (EC50 4 μM), in part by inducing Akt phosphorylation (Fig.1 and Fig. 2)


Figure 1. Concentration and time-dependent effects of HB on protein synthesis and degradation in L6 rat myotubes.


Figure 2. HB increases Akt (Ser473) phosphorylation in L6 myotubes.

Unfortunately there is a lack of research and clinical trials on 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin itself which is why several companies make product claims for Laxogenin based on its steroidal pharmaceutical anabolic counterpart. Although Olympus Labs never made products claims for our Laxogenin products, STR3NGTH and DERMASTR3NGTH based on this other pharmaceutical anabolic data, we did have high hopes based on the data cited above. Since 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin has been available for a sufficient time period we were able to validate its efficacy as a bodybuilding supplement. Through anecdotal feedback we learned that actual results from STR3NGTH were similar to EP1C, where some users experienced modest strength increases while others experienced little to no results. Fortunately, the transdermal version, DERMASTR3NGTH yielded much better results but still did not coincide with the potential benefits based on the research on Brassinosteroids. We will seek to remedy that as we did with (-)-epicatechin by pairing Laxogenin with the proven PhytoFUSETM technology.

PhytoFUSETM – Enhanced Delivery System

STR3NGTH UNLEASHED and DERMASTR3NGTH UNLEASHED utilize a unique delivery technology, PhytoFUSETM, to enhance the bioavailability and absorption of 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin. On top of this they help with distribution of the phytoFUSED ingredient in the body! Olympus Labs does not spend copious amounts of money on marketing campaigns, instead we spend available funds on research like the substantial investment in the PhytoFUSETM delivery system. The results DemiGods have seen from EP1C UNLEASHED leave no doubt that PhytoFUSETM is an effective enhanced delivery system. What other company can claim that?

Research has shown that this method of delivery can enhance potency anywhere from 2x-6x! That means that STR3NGTH UNLEASHED and DERMASTR3NGTH UNLEASHED will be 200 – 600% more potent than any other Laxogenin product on the market! This enhanced delivery system, unique to Olympus Labs, utilizes specific lipids to complex with Laxogenin on a molecular level, allowing for greater solubility and enhanced bioavailability/absorption, helping to effectively shuttle the active ingredient to the intestines where it can be taken up while preventing degradation throughout the process. This means that more ingredient is delivered to the site where it can be utilized effectively, ready to be delivered to the bloodstream and flood your muscles with potent myogenic factors needed to transcend into becoming a demigod!

With the success of EP1C UNLEASHED, it was a no brainer to apply the PhytoFUSETM technology to other ingredients that are inhibited by poor bioavailability and absorption. Unbeknownst to us at the time we introduced EP1C UNLEASHED, we were embarking on the dawning of a new era of the PhytoFUSETM Series. STR3NGTH UNLEASHED and DERMASTR3NGTH UNLEASHED are here to unlock the TRUE potential of the potent ingredient, 5a-Hydroxy Laxogenin. Get ready to obliterate the barriers to success and UNLEASH your TRUE STR3NGTH!

Despite this exciting breakthrough, Olympus Labs will not relent, as you grow in the gym with STR3NGTH UNLEASHED and DERMASTR3NGTH UNLEASHED you can bet the PhytoFUSETM Series will grow. DemiGod nation, what will be the next TR1UMPH? Stay Tuned!

I TEST1FY that I will CONQU3R, I will ENDUR3, I will TR1UMPH, and UNLEASH the STR3NGTH needed to crush any barrier put forth before me!

Directions: As a dietary supplement take 2 capsules daily with meals.


Iglesias-Arteaga M et al. J. Braz. Chem. Soc. vol.16 no.3a São Paulo May/June 2005. A convenient procedure for the synthesis of 3b-hydroxy-6-oxo-5a-steroids. Application to the synthesis of laxogenin.
Kubo S e al. Phytochemistry. 1992 Jul;31(7):2445-50. Steroidal saponins from the rhizomes of Smilax sieboldii.
Debora E et al. FASEB J. 2011 Oct; 25(10): 3708–3719. doi: 10.1096/fj.11-181271. Anabolic effect of plant brassinosteroid
Kidd P et al. Altern Med Rev. 2005 Sep;10(3):193-203. A review of the bioavailability and clinical efficacy of milk thistle phytosome: a silybin-phosphatidylcholine complex (Siliphos).
Kidd P. Altern Med Rev. 2009 Sep;14(3):226-46. Bioavailability and activity of phytosome complexes from botanical polyphenols: the silymarin, curcumin, green tea, and grape seed extracts.


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Dosing protocol

Epic Unleashed Transdermal
: 2 pumps a day, 1 am, 1 pm
Epic Unleashed caps: 2 caps pre workout, workout days
Epic Unleashed Pre workout: 1 scoop pre workout
Hydro3: 4 caps pre workout, non training days 2 caps am 2 caps pm
Vitality: 1 scoop preworkout/ non training days 1 scoop a day
Strength unleashed/Strength Unleashed transdermal: To be determined upon arrival.


  • RockStar
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Yeah buddy. That's a good looking pic up there!! Fun stack for sure.


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Dosing protocol

Epic Unleashed Transdermal
: 2 pumps a day, 1 am, 1 pm
Epic Unleashed caps: 2 caps pre workout, workout days
Epic Unleashed Pre workout: 1 scoop pre workout
Hydro3: 4 caps pre workout, non training days 2 caps am 2 caps pm
Vitality: 1 scoop preworkout/ non training days 1 scoop a day
Strength unleashed/Strength Unleashed transdermal: To be determined upon arrival.
Think you meant Conqu3r pre-workout.
Hell yeah! Get it bro!


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New member
Great stack and looking forward to the results!


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Thanks all for joining in on the journey. I very much appreciate the support.




  • RockStar
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In on this! Nice detailed post! Can't wait to see your results!


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Im working on dialing in my pre workout macros today. I know there are a few areas that i need to be focused on. Im fortunate that i have this week off work so i can set everything up perfectly for the next 8s weeks. At the end of this log i may begin a cutting log or continue recomping based on the end results. I may stretch this log to 12 weeks depending on how long it takes the strength unleashed to arrive. Today I'm focusing on dialing in my pre workout nutrition. If anyone has any tips/pointers feel free to leave a comment.

1) Keeping my insulin levels from spiking

In order to do this, i need to keep my proteins to fats ratio at a 2:1 minimum.So about 100 grams protein to 50 grams fat. I believe i acquired this information from the author of Carb Backloading John Kiefer, who did a YouTube video on the topic. If anyone has any further information or thinks i am wrong on this, please post. Im always trying to advance my knowledge and still have so much to learn.

Heres a link to the video


2) Getting enough daily fibre pre workout.
Yesterday i noticed my fibre was seriously lacking. I only consumed about 20 grams pre workout and i didn't want to consume the fibre that was lacking post workout as i didn't want to slow the digestion of the fast acting carbs (mostly white rice) i had consumed for my backload.

Ive decided to use Chia seeds during the day to really boost my fibre. I will be consuming two servings a day, around noon. This will give me around 20 grams of additional fibre in my diet along with a sustained source of energy/appetite suppressing effect.

3) maintain energy levels

Through the use of the coconut oil in my morning coffees, which starting next week will be consumed at 7am and once again at 10 am, i should be able to keep energy levels up until i have my Chia seeds around noon. I will then have my pre-workout meal, which will consist of 200 grams chicken breasts and fibrous vegetables at 3:30.

I picked up my coconut oil/Chia seeds/whey isolate all at Costco.
I usually order my protein online and shop around/like trying different brands/flavours but upon returning home i was all out and needed a quick fix.



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I hate you (just kidding)

I would gladly give up a toe or a finger to be in as "bad" shape as you are :)


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I hate you (just kidding)

I would gladly give up a toe or a finger to be in as "bad" shape as you are :)
All it takes is time my friend. I think two years ago in January i weighed 240-250 pounds, track cals and hit workouts and you'll make amazing progress


New member
That's great motivation...

240-250 is right where I am right now...

I've got 15 years on you...and that certainly isn't helping!

But my mind is set on losing weight/transformation right now...that can change tomorrow, but I'll try to stick with it!


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That's great motivation...

240-250 is right where I am right now...

I've got 15 years on you...and that certainly isn't helping!

But my mind is set on losing weight/transformation right now...that can change tomorrow, but I'll try to stick with it!
Small changes over time make a big difference.Full body workouts are really where it is at. If you can only work out twice a week or have alot more responsibilities/curve balls coming your way and aren't sure that you will be able to get to the gym, that's the best route. 90 percent of weight loss will be sticking to a calorie deficit. Start small, if you cut too much it'll make for a bad time. Id start by just observing what you eat for a week or two, if you can write it down or even better use something like the my fitness pal website/app.Once you get a good idea for how many calories you are consuming in a day, try to cut just 250 calories a day off that. Weigh yourself a few times a week at the same time every day and see what happens. Also take pictures, because if you're just starting out weight training, chances are you're gaining muscle weight which will make the scale remain at a constant number. I'll help you out the best i can, any questions just post em in here and we can all help each other out.


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My pre workout shake/supplements

1 serving vitality
1 serving conquer
4 grams beta alanine (consumed daily regardless of working out)
4 caps hydro
2 caps epic unleashed




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Post workout supplements

Consume bcaa's immediately post workout
2 scoops=5grams Leucine (2:1:1 formula)

30 minutes later

Shake containing:

1 scoop whey protein isolate 30 grams

1 scoop dextrose 20 grams

3 grams creatine monohydrate



My pre workout shake/supplements

1 serving vitality
1 serving conquer
4 grams beta alanine (consumed daily regardless of working out)
4 caps hydro
2 caps epic unleashed

Looking forward to seeing how this treat you :)


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Looking forward to seeing how this treat you :)
Will post initial impressions post workout.

I am doing a pull workout today, so it will be nice to see how all these pump products work with some gun blasting!


Small changes over time make a big difference.Full body workouts are really where it is at. If you can only work out twice a week or have alot more responsibilities/curve balls coming your way and aren't sure that you will be able to get to the gym, that's the best route..
100% agree, Best routine I have done and will continue to do (once my ankle heals that is) is 5/3/1 2 days per week (1) Deadlift/Press + assistance (2) Squat/Bench + Assistance. I work my ass off these 2 days and they are tough and I feel fresh going into them each time. The other days I do light and heavy conditiong with some core work.


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100% agree, Best routine I have done and will continue to do (once my ankle heals that is) is 5/3/1 2 days per week (1) Deadlift/Press + assistance (2) Squat/Bench + Assistance. I work my ass off these 2 days and they are tough and I feel fresh going into them each time. The other days I do light and heavy conditiong with some core work.
Im planning on doing an all out pump workout today. 8-12 rep range, high volume, going for the swell. Off to see the wife now at work then its off to the gym to kill it.


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Had a great workout today. Ive been getting so much rest lately that i just seem to kill it every workout. The conquer + vitality+hydro3+epic unleashed is where it's at. If you can pick them all up while they're still on sale, I'd advise you to do so, this stack really helps me take my workout to the next level.Every time i use supplement stacks like this though, i like to cycle them regardless of whether or not its needed. I find that by cycling your supplements you really notice the benefits that the different supplements bring and through that acknowledgement you push yourself to train that much harder. It also gives you a chance to try other supps out along the way and judge their effectiveness on their own but that's just me.

I got alot of compliments at the gym today. I haven't seen my physique competitor friend since i left for Cuba and he told me i look alot better now then before i left. Said that i look alot fuller and more like a body builder and before i left i was just almost too lean. Then later on i saw another gym friend and he commented on how damn vascular i was and again told me im looking alot better now. My weight hasn't really changed that much since before i left,the main difference is that ive added creatine back into my supplement regiment. I think this alone is giving me a much fuller/blown up look.

My physique competitor friend told me he's starting his contest prep for two shows on Monday. He also told me that this bulk will be his last and that he doesn't plan on gaining a bunch of weight again, says it gets harder to lose it each time and that moving forward he will only go up to 12-13 percent body fat. Ive already been thinking that this is probably the best route to go. I don't really want to have to diet off 25-40 pounds to look shredded and would rather tighten things up, stick to more of a recomp and not go above 13-15 percent body fat. He wants me to go out with him tomorrow night and i probably will d d , i won't drink until my next vacation in May. I think everything in moderation is okay but drinking on a every week/even a couple times a month really e ffs with your gains.

Anyways he told me that he recently trained legs with an ifbb pro and that tomorrow he'd show me some of the techniques the guy taught him. Ill be doing a push work out tomorrow but i look forward to seeing what he has to show.

Work out log

Im going light with my weights. Im not a weight lifter, everyone around me can lift more weights than me with poor form and feel macho. That's not what im in the gym for, im there to build my body and look impressive outside the gym . Last week i was training in Mississauga and the person next to me was also training shoulders. They were using twice as much weight as me on side laterals and front laterals and over head pressing more than me as well. I almost felt like they were choosing to do all the same exercises as me but with more weight. They were throwing weights around with terrible form and had little muscle development. I stuck to my lighter weights and strict form and had a great workout. You can feel like a hot shot, lifting overly heavy weights in the gym for your ego and look like crap as soon as you leave the gym. Or you can use appropriate weights methodically and really build your body but im sure everyone has their own opinion on this.

Pull workout
Barbell rows
150 *12
150 *12
150 *12
150 *10

One arm dumbbell rows,upright with one hand on dumbbell rack

65*12 for 4 sets a side, nice and slow and controlled, a couple cheat reps at the end of the sets

Close grip pull downs
120 *12
200 *8

High pulley rows
130*12*3 sets

Rear laterals against the bench
17.5*12 for 3 sets swinging a bit near rep 10

Rear lateral standing bent over parallel and really squeezing/holding at top

17.5*12 for 3 sets

Shrugs dumbells
60*12 for 3 sets
Really holding/squeezing at top of rep

Ab machine crunches
70*fail for 4 sets

Cable crunches
72.5 to fail for 4 sets

Hanging leg raises transitioning into knee raises for 3 sets

Pull ups


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Bicep workout


Scott curl

70 pound barbell*12 reps

Rest 10 seconds

Standing straight bar curl
50 pound barbell*12 reps

Rest 10 seconds

Incline dumbells curl
20 pounds to failurw

I did that tri set with a minute and a half rest in between 3 times

Hammer curls
25*12*3 sets


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Killing it!

I love that combo. Literally feel unstoppable every session.


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Another day, another great work out. Killed it again tonight. I had to really watch the clock to make sure i took enough rest time between sets. Im finding recovery between sets is really depending upon how fast i can catch my breath. I feel like the longer i run Epic Unleashed, the better things are going to get

Dumb bell bench press
Warm up
45*12*3 sets

High cable flies
25*12 for three sets really flexing and making sure to focus on using my chest

Mid cable flies
20*12 for three sets,same as above

To failure for 3 sets

Standing shoulder press
(Nice and slow right down til the dumbells almost touch my delts)
35*12*5 sets

Front lateral raises alternate style
15*12* 4 sets

Side lateral raises (holding at the top and lowering slowly)
12.50*12*3 sets

Cable crunches to failure for 5 sets
80 pounds

Lying leg raises with ball crunch
3 sets to failure

Push ups to failure for 3 sets

Yesterday i finished with pull ups, today with push ups. I think every push/pull day i will end like this.


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Tricep workout

Standing overhead extensions
25*12 for four sets per arm

Cable push downs
(Very controlled)
40*12*4 sets


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In for this log! Did you get any Tr1umph on the insider pfresh?


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In for this log! Did you get any Tr1umph on the insider pfresh?
I am interested in triumph. im not going to be running it in this log though. I didn't pick any up as it was released for purchase after i did my insiders order. Im definitely going to be following the logs and if it looks promising then i'll have to give it a go in the future.

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