Bulking '12 Season Full swing



PHAT- Heavy Lower body day

225 x 5, 245 x 5, 245 x 5, 245 x 5, 245 x 5 (decided to go sets of 5 tonight instead of tripples) Need to get endurance up on legs. i was soo tired after 5x5
Decided to add in a little more pain, hopefully get my conditioning up!
185 x 10, 10
All squat reps were done with no pause at top to get max activation in quads

Switching Lunges
75 x 10, 10, 10

Jefferson Squats
bar x 12, 12 man this was killer AFTER everything, my outer glute was on fire!

Bench Step ups
75 x 12, 12

Shrugs SS Deadlifts
135 x 12, 12
185 x 15, 10
185 x 12, 10
225 x 10, 8
225 x 10, 8
225 x 20 shrugs rest pause

Seated Calf raises
2 plates slow and controlled x 12 reps, i did about 6 sets alternating neutral, toes in, toes out and calves were PUMPED!!
SS every set with 2 PPS shrug machine palms in x 12-20

Calves abs and traps 2x per week

Weight: 176

Post workout: 2 cups (cooked measured brown rice), 2 cups brocolli in olive oil, 2tbs olive oil cooked with 10 oz chicken


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can anyone see myplate?

other than screen shotting it and cropping it every day i have no idea how to share my calorie log
Nah man can't see it. Check ur privacy settings on there if you can, that's how you share on myfitnesspal.


Nah man can't see it. Check ur privacy settings on there if you can, that's how you share on myfitnesspal.
i think your right man! i changed it, now check!
5 slices bacon, 7 egg whites, 3 yolks, 100g oats, 1.5 cups orange juice


I had a pretty solid workout tonight!

hanging leg raises SS Barbell swings
8 all the way up 5 1/2s
10 halves
10 halves

BB Bench:
5x5 @ 185 PR

Incline DB press
75s x 8 sloppy so i dropped the weight on 2nd set
65's x 8

T-Bar BB rows
2 45s + 25 x 10
3 45s x 8 PR
3 45s + 20 x 6 PR
3 45s x 12 PR

Rope Crunches
3 sets of 12

Seated Rows:
135 x 12
160 x 10

10, 8

BB Strict Press
75 x 8, 8, 8

DB Hammer Curls
40s x 10
30s x 12

French Press
50 + ez x 12, 12, 12

I definitely need to go heavier on my assistance exercises on my heavy days! My mistake. Im underestimating my strength and endurance which is such an Ohh Soo good thing so im not complaining!

4 PRs set, all on the heavy compound bread and butter sets!!!! Im ecstatic! For once my bench is steadily improving. I think next week i want to add in power cleans somewhere. Not sure where. What do you guys think? as the back power lift? or on leg power day??

Feeling good! Post workout was 10oz chicken breast and 1.5 cups brown rice. Gonna need about 1k more calories before bed but that shouldnt be an issue with milk and about 2 hours!


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Solid stuff dude! Nice. Keep up the good work. And keep eating if you want that poundage!!!


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Nice log man, I enjoy the food porn. I enjoyed the volume from PHAT, so glad to see that you are as well. Good luck.


Solid stuff dude! Nice. Keep up the good work. And keep eating if you want that poundage!!!
Will do! I used to be able to go a whole day on 1500 calories and never be hungry. Now I'm putting down 3k and starving!! This bulk is gonna start taking off real soon!
Nice log man, I enjoy the food porn. I enjoyed the volume from PHAT, so glad to see that you are as well. Good luck.
Oh trust me there will be more where that comes from! I seared and broiled my tri-tip steak tonight so I gotz dem proteins for the week. Yea PHAT is a solid routine. I'm loving it even though I've kept the volume down so far. Glad to have you along!


Bout to get a great chest shoulders n tris workout right now then gonna grab some whey and then it's salmon and pasta for dinner!


This is my last week of school. Im excited to be done and ready to focus completely on BULKING!!! (even though im doin work right now)

With the rough schedule comes a long ass workout tonight. Did Chest, Shoulders, Traps and Tris hypertrophy.

Upper body power was saturday so everything was a little tender but i knew i would be taking a good amount of rest days off so here it goes.

DB bench
65s x 10, 75s x 10, 85s x 8, 70s x 10

Incline BB bench
135 x 12, 10, 10 PR reps

DB flys
40s x 12, 12
45s x 12

Chest Press Machine
3 sets of 12

Dips BW x 20, 20

Seated Smith machine military press (never going back to this)
115 x 10, 135 x 10, 8, 8

Lateral Flys
20s x 12, 12
25s x 12PR, 12PR <---- PRs on DB flys, making gains everywhere!!!

Front EZ Bar raises
40 + EZ, 3 sets of 10 inside grip, 3 sets of 10 outside

Smith Machine Shrugs
2pps x 12, 15, 15, 15
SS Band front raises x 12 each set

DB Rear Shrugs (roll from front to back, then shrug with your hands behind your waist) **
55s x 10, 10, 10
SS DB rear delt flys 20s x 10 15s x 12, 12
**I need to make a video of this because my buddy just created these and they are unlike any shrug movement ive ever done. Hits the lower traps like youve never even worked them before. This is a new staple in my workout!!**

French Press
60 + ez x 12PR, 12 PR
50 + ez x 12 SS last set with 10 explosive dips

Center Press Down SS Outer Underhand Grip Press Down
8 then 12 superset, reversing the order every set for 3 sets

This workout was "sickening". LOL not once was i tired. I was pumped and fatigued like HELL but not once did i want to sell any rep, set or exercise short. I absolutely LOVE bulking on 4k calories. Im not stopping this bulk any time soon. Just picked up ON WHEY. Been using chocolate for years but i switched to vanilla and its the ****! Vanilla all the whey!

Obviously with bulking comes a little fat gain, but im not worried one bit. Ive never had a problem loosing fat and im not gaining much of it anyways except around the waist. I know that im gonna have to up the calories when i add a little more weight but right now 4k is the number to beat! Im just high on life right now. If i can continue this to 200 it will be my first successful consistent bulk.

Weight: 180 FUK YES!

Food Porn!


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Nice workout man. Kill it! I'll be glad to get next week over with.


Nice workout man. Kill it! I'll be glad to get next week over with.
Last day tomorrow! I'm pumped.

Had a kinda ok ish workout tonight??? Only reason it wasn't good was cause my bis were taking all the load on every exercise! Hopefully they will grow due to the pure stress.

Numbers seemed down too. Not post worthy. Except the weighted pullup sets i did
BW + 25 x 4, 4, 3 (205lbs total)
When I got fed up with trying to hit the back at different angles I just went and did some high volume work for bis and fatigued the Fuk out of them till they were popping out of my skin and hopefully next back day will be more productive.


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Nice man just keep putting in the hard work and focus. A bad day is just that. Don't worry about it.


Nice man just keep putting in the hard work and focus. A bad day is just that. Don't worry about it.
thanks bro. finals are over! Celebrated last night with some girls from school, they wanted fukkin Bud light platnum and shock top. drank 4 shock tops instead of eating, felt like absolute fukking garbage this morning. couldnt even drink coffee lmao! oh well. gonna go watch our boys win the title tonight and probably go out.

everything will resume saturday as i will gear up for a full on focused bulk. i want atleast 20lbs during my 3 months off. shooting for 190 by Jan 15th and 200 by March 16th (my bday)! Im going to track every single calorie starting saturday starting with 4k and possibly uping to 4.5k towards the end of feb. Im gonna switch off phat for a while and go back to undulated 4 day split and give my body more rest that it needs. Gonna be starting it off strong with heavy legs saturday afternoon! Soo pumped! Gonna be a nice bulk ladies and gents!

More details later! For now....


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thanks bro. finals are over! Celebrated last night with some girls from school, they wanted fukkin Bud light platnum and shock top. drank 4 shock tops instead of eating, felt like absolute fukking garbage this morning. couldnt even drink coffee lmao! oh well. gonna go watch our boys win the title tonight and probably go out.

everything will resume saturday as i will gear up for a full on focused bulk. i want atleast 20lbs during my 3 months off. shooting for 190 by Jan 15th and 200 by March 16th (my bday)! Im going to track every single calorie starting saturday starting with 4k and possibly uping to 4.5k towards the end of feb. Im gonna switch off phat for a while and go back to undulated 4 day split and give my body more rest that it needs. Gonna be starting it off strong with heavy legs saturday afternoon! Soo pumped! Gonna be a nice bulk ladies and gents!
I would say heavier and less workouts, with lots of good clean calories is your best bet to put on the mass fast. What do you mean 3 months off!? lol. Must be nice. I have 3 weeks after next week until I am back into it.

4 shocks tops sounds like a good mass builder ;) just drink lots of water if you are gona drink. I am usually only drinking liquor if I am drinking which I don't do much at school, obviously. Just hydrate and your usually gona be all good, I haven't had any issues, or hangover. Most I had was this drink we made a few weeks ago, I ended up getting around 7-8 shots of vlad in 30 mins, lol. That was a bit iffy, but a fun night!

I thought you were gona tell me the girls wanted to celebrate so you burnt off some extra calories! hahaha.


I would say heavier and less workouts, with lots of good clean calories is your best bet to put on the mass fast. What do you mean 3 months off!? lol. Must be nice. I have 3 weeks after next week until I am back into it.

4 shocks tops sounds like a good mass builder ;) just drink lots of water if you are gona drink. I am usually only drinking liquor if I am drinking which I don't do much at school, obviously. Just hydrate and your usually gona be all good, I haven't had any issues, or hangover. Most I had was this drink we made a few weeks ago, I ended up getting around 7-8 shots of vlad in 30 mins, lol. That was a bit iffy, but a fun night!

I thought you were gona tell me the girls wanted to celebrate so you burnt off some extra calories! hahaha.
I love heavy lifting and its my strong point. But high reps are definitely lacking. So i want to incorporate both. Also, im dying for some 20 rep squats with 2 plates. Also, heavy barbell benching gets my shoulders and tris real nice, but leaves my chest completely out of it. So if i were to go full on heavy id have to switch out some BB bench days for Decline or DB bench. 3 months off of school :) just work 9-5 then gymmmmmmm! The benefits of semester vs quarter system?? Shock top is nasty! Too much sugar im drinking my hard IPAs from now on lol i drink water alll day! I usually never get hang overs! If i eat and then drink either beer or hard mix drinks and a few shots im goooood to go too! Vlad is vodka? Ohh i burned a FEW calories alright hahaha had a nice ab workout i must say

I was thinking maybe doing a half undulated type program. Like A/B instead of A/B/C incorporating heavy one week and 10-20 on week B. What do u think?
Bench Squat Press Deadlift
(Chest and bis) (Quads n Traps n Calves) (Shoulders n tris n abs) (Back n hamstrings)

A week heavy, B week high rep
Chest A week
BB bench 5x5
Incline DB 4 x 7
DB flys 3 x 10
Weighted Dips 3 x fail

Squat A week
Squat 5x5
Leg press 4 x 7 SS Calves 4 x 6
Leg Extensions 4 x 8
BB heavy shrugs 4 x 6
DB rear pull shrugs 4 x 8
Standing Calf raises 4 x 8

Press A week
Standing "Press" 5 x 5
Side laterals 3 x 6
Upright Rows 3 x 6
GCBP 5 x 5
French Press 4 x 7

Pull A week
BB rows 4 x 5
Pullups 3 sets fail
T-Bar rows 3 x 5 (would fatigue fuk out of lower back before deads though)
Deadlift 3 x 5
Lunges 2 x 5
Hamstring Curls 3 x 8


this is my goal physique in about a year. depending on how my bulk goes i might be able to get to something close by end of summer. Obviously this is just an aesthetic goal. Once i hit my appearance goal im going full strength retard hahaha


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I love heavy lifting and its my strong point. But high reps are definitely lacking. So i want to incorporate both. Also, im dying for some 20 rep squats with 2 plates. Also, heavy barbell benching gets my shoulders and tris real nice, but leaves my chest completely out of it. So if i were to go full on heavy id have to switch out some BB bench days for Decline or DB bench. 3 months off of school :) just work 9-5 then gymmmmmmm! The benefits of semester vs quarter system?? Shock top is nasty! Too much sugar im drinking my hard IPAs from now on lol i drink water alll day! I usually never get hang overs! If i eat and then drink either beer or hard mix drinks and a few shots im goooood to go too! Vlad is vodka? Ohh i burned a FEW calories alright hahaha had a nice ab workout i must say

I was thinking maybe doing a half undulated type program. Like A/B instead of A/B/C incorporating heavy one week and 10-20 on week B. What do u think?
Bench Squat Press Deadlift
(Chest and bis) (Quads n Traps n Calves) (Shoulders n tris n abs) (Back n hamstrings)

A week heavy, B week high rep
Chest A week
BB bench 5x5
Incline DB 4 x 7
DB flys 3 x 10
Weighted Dips 3 x fail

Squat A week
Squat 5x5
Leg press 4 x 7 SS Calves 4 x 6
Leg Extensions 4 x 8
BB heavy shrugs 4 x 6
DB rear pull shrugs 4 x 8
Standing Calf raises 4 x 8

Press A week
Standing "Press" 5 x 5
Side laterals 3 x 6
Upright Rows 3 x 6
GCBP 5 x 5
French Press 4 x 7

Pull A week
BB rows 4 x 5
Pullups 3 sets fail
T-Bar rows 3 x 5 (would fatigue fuk out of lower back before deads though)
Deadlift 3 x 5
Lunges 2 x 5
Hamstring Curls 3 x 8

The workout sounds good, personally I don't think you can go wrong as long as you push hard every workout, don't overtrain, and don't get stagnant with your workouts.

Lifting heavy is great but can take its toll. I have done a lot of high reps lately, I did mostly heavy this week though, it was great. The reps are obviously working. I have a huge chest as is so I don't have your problem. I just need to get the tris and shoulders up to speed. mostly tri. Sounds nice dude that is sweet, enjoy it! I haven't had shock top personally. Haha that sounds good, yes vlad is cheap vodka, made a new drink with arnie palmer and koolaide about half and half with the vodka. Its like 60 proof. Although I am not sure what exactly I got that night. Water is like all important... lol. Gota love those ab workouts! hahaha

I gave up physique ^ goals a while back, I just let them come and focus on getting strong and big as possible. Eat good, and lots of it, work hard and smart, let the gains come. I can't get lean enough and big enough to look that cut unless I do LG, and while some guys like it for building muscle I just can't seem to get enough food in to grow the way I'd like. I love it for cutting up though. Right now I just love where I am at with everything.

You are well on your way man just keep putting in the work.


busy, about to go to our varsity game (i coach JV) but in the mean time check out the grocery shopping. didnt lay out all the carbs, just the proteinz


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busy, about to go to our varsity game (i coach JV) but in the mean time check out the grocery shopping. didnt lay out all the carbs, just the proteinz

Send some my way.


The workout sounds good, personally I don't think you can go wrong as long as you push hard every workout, don't overtrain, and don't get stagnant with your workouts.

Lifting heavy is great but can take its toll. I have done a lot of high reps lately, I did mostly heavy this week though, it was great. The reps are obviously working. I have a huge chest as is so I don't have your problem. I just need to get the tris and shoulders up to speed. mostly tri. Sounds nice dude that is sweet, enjoy it! I haven't had shock top personally. Haha that sounds good, yes vlad is cheap vodka, made a new drink with arnie palmer and koolaide about half and half with the vodka. Its like 60 proof. Although I am not sure what exactly I got that night. Water is like all important... lol. Gota love those ab workouts! hahaha

I gave up physique ^ goals a while back, I just let them come and focus on getting strong and big as possible. Eat good, and lots of it, work hard and smart, let the gains come. I can't get lean enough and big enough to look that cut unless I do LG, and while some guys like it for building muscle I just can't seem to get enough food in to grow the way I'd like. I love it for cutting up though. Right now I just love where I am at with everything.

You are well on your way man just keep putting in the work.

Send some my way.
Speaking of that, im going to run this workout plan for 4 weeks starting today (till January 5th) . Then i will deload for a week and go back to Dorain yates High Intensity training for 4 weeks and re-evaluate February 5th.

Yea man i agree, i just watched laynes video on over training and how to maximize High Intensity and Over-reaching. I will be implementing his tactics for the duration of the bulk. I will start out over-reaching with heavy heavy workouts (gonna do alot more singles, tripples and negatives along with crazy high reps drop sets and rest pause on the B weeks etc). Then deload and go super low volume.

I wish i had more of everything! Especially chest like yours! In due time! I will become a beast. A 200lb ecto is comin like a freight train! Well i hope you enjoy the drinking because im not gonna be doing alot of it. But arnold palmers remind me of boating season! Every dam day on the boat wakeboarding and drinkin arnold palmers hahaa

I cant wait to get me some ab workouts son! Well the grass is always greener on the other side right? Strength goals are fun and much easier to track than physique goals. Physique is an art. Strength is just pure hell! Well i will be one of those guys eating a ton on LG and hoping to take full advantage of both directions in size and leaness. However, i know all i need to do to get lean is eat maintenance and increase my activity a little bit while combining solid fun workouts!

Im glad you like where your at man! Thats the entire goal of what we do. To be happy with ourselves. Its what drives us to work harder and preform better!

Bulking at its finest

1400 cals down, 2500 more to go!
34 g fat
167 g carbs
98g protein

Gonna be loading on creatine-mono for the next week. That means taking in about 4 protein shakes with 5g creatine mono in each.


Heavy Squat workout last night 10 sets 33 reps total
315 x 3
315 x 2
315 x 1
315 x 1
315 x 1
275 x 3
275 x 3
275 x 3
225 x 8
225 x 8

Leg press
3 pps x 8
4 pps x 6
3 pps x 8
3 pps x 8

Leg press calf extensions 20, 20 15
Seated Calf Raises
100 x 8
150 x 6
200 x 6
200 x 6
150 x 8
150 x 8

Ate a whole pound of steak last night. 4 tortillas and 1 cup of rice. went out for a few drinks last night and didnt get much sleep. Gonna get heavy bench in today hopefully.


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Nice squats dude, that's a good bit heavier than I have seen you go. Solid progress.


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thanks bro! i miss heavy squatting, hopefully ill be up to 405x1 by the end of my bulk.
Yeah I would like to hit 405 myself.


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Nice work dude. Kill that bench today, you know I will be going hard tomorrow after resting all weekend ;)

You trying to race everyone now! What your weight at now?


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you hit 275 for 10 then 315 for 5, 4, 3? whats your projected right now? lets race!
I don't know what my projected is, but I'm down to race!


Nice work dude. Kill that bench today, you know I will be going hard tomorrow after resting all weekend ;)
nice, my legs are soo fkin sore as im watching the saints giants game chugging water getting ready for the gym! Im thinkin of doing the same thing for bench that i did for squat... a couple tripples and then a bunch of doubles then rep it out.


I don't know what my projected is, but I'm down to race!
sounds good! im racing country to 190 and now you to 405!! time to do work! got any belt suggestions? ive never used one, never really felt the need. do you think i should start for super heavy 1rm stuff?


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sounds good! im racing country to 190 and now you to 405!! time to do work! got any belt suggestions? ive never used one
I use a cheap one that I got, but I kinda prefer to lift without it on squats, I took it off for my 2nd and 3rd sets last leg day.


I use a cheap one that I got, but I kinda prefer to lift without it on squats, I took it off for my 2nd and 3rd sets last leg day.
That's good to hear. I've never felt the need for one. Pure raw 405 would be way more sick anyways


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Sounds good bro. Could be a nice power day for you on bench. Get it.

I lift with a belt now on anything in the 300s on squat and dead just because of my back issues. Downside is on high reps it starts to choke off your blood flow. I do like the feel without a belt, but I know with it on I don't have to worry about that. I can push out that last rep without breaking form.


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Hit 180 today big dog! Where you at?


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If you guys are racing to a 405 squat, you should definitely post up some squat videos.


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If you guys are racing to a 405 squat, you should definitely post up some squat videos.
I squated 385 the other day, but not quite as deep as I would have liked. I suppose there should be set form requirements, but then again I am not in the race so it doesn't matter :)

I agree I want to see videos of them each as well. I need to find Randoja's log.


Hit 180 today big dog! Where you at?
how the hell do you get 4lb jumps? i dont get it. you were snacking on fukkin yogurt the last few days while im over here eating whole wheat pasta and steak barely pushing 180 and next thing i know your up here from 176. fml.
I squated 385 the other day, but not quite as deep as I would have liked. I suppose there should be set form requirements, but then again I am not in the race so it doesn't matter :)

I agree I want to see videos of them each as well. I need to find Randoja's log.
I have a 315 x 1 that ill edit later. Will post a 225 x 20 possibly next squat day. As for now, this fancy 405 deads video i just made from my long time goal :)


Back and Hammies workout tonight
Couple sets of pullups
bent over rows
155 x 6
165 x 6
165 x 6
165 x 6

Seated rows to warm up the rhomboids and traps
3 sets of MMC light x 10

T-Bar Row machine
70 x 8
90 x 5
90 x 5
100 x 5
70 x 8

Weighted Pullups
BW + 25 x 3, 2, 2

SLDL 135 x 10, 185 x 8, 225 x 5

Then i went onto reagular deadlift
315 x 5
345 x 3
385 x 2
405 x 1[PR]
405 x 1[PR]
315 x 5

Sumo Deads: wanna know how long my legs are? My toes were touching the plates and i had to move them in to not crush them on the way down haha
225 x 8
275 x 5
275 x 5

Power Cleans
135 x 5
155 x 3
185 x 3

Walking lunges
135 x 5 reps per leg walking forward, 5 reps per leg walking backwords

Static Lunges
135 x 6 per leg x 3 sets

Then i finished off with a set of dorian yates lat machine for a couple sets of 6-8. Beast workout. 405 dead has been on my mind since football when i failed at it and never got a chance to hit it again.

didnt weigh tonight but last night i was at about 179/180 ish.

Meals have been on target just not as many calories as i was expecting. Been cramming media stuff for my buddys big release party thursday. This weekend is GO TIME! Shoulders n tris tomorrow! Show thursday.


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Well weight does fluctuate, my guess is a light day (crap my guts out) and then a normalish day. I'm not complaining. I have been eating a lot though, it's finals week and we get donuts and a special food idea every night at the dining hall, and I live next door to it so ;)

Sold workout and nice DL! good job on the new PR man. Awesome work.


Well weight does fluctuate, my guess is a light day (crap my guts out) and then a normalish day. I'm not complaining. I have been eating a lot though, it's finals week and we get donuts and a special food idea every night at the dining hall, and I live next door to it so ;)

Sold workout and nice DL! good job on the new PR man. Awesome work.
well nice bro! i need that 180 to start working up to 190! haha donuts will do the trick! Thanks man, although lifting heavy is nice and fun and all its not suiting for my goals. Im gonna go back to full undulated program. Heavy, mid range (8-12), high rep. I saw wayyy better aesthetic gains that i have been lately trying to go heavier. My strength skyrockets, but i look like crap and any weight i put on ends up being fat.

This was the plan from saturday anyways, except i wanted to take your advice and keep going heavy so i was thinking binary, but now im definitely going 3 way (lolz).


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thanks bro! i agree, it felt really light! But i didnt want to push it since it was my first time going up past 3 plates in almost a year!!!
For sure always better to proceed with caution IMO. Now you just gotta squat it ;)


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well nice bro! i need that 180 to start working up to 190! haha donuts will do the trick! Thanks man, although lifting heavy is nice and fun and all its not suiting for my goals. Im gonna go back to full undulated program. Heavy, mid range (8-12), high rep. I saw wayyy better aesthetic gains that i have been lately trying to go heavier. My strength skyrockets, but i look like crap and any weight i put on ends up being fat.

This was the plan from saturday anyways, except i wanted to take your advice and keep going heavy so i was thinking binary, but now im definitely going 3 way (lolz).
I was 181.6 today... I remembered I was wearing sweats though and took them off and I weighed 180.0. I think pure body weight would be somewhere around 177-178 but I can't undress anymore in the gym lol.

Yeah donuts... dang. I skipped them last night and felt cut up today and still weighed more! The stack is working I guess ;) I always loved it. I like the undulated you were doing, although I don't know much about it, I have always seen good gains on a similar program. So what are you deciding for sure for your program? haha.

eventually haha! 100lbs to my squat in 6 months? ffk yea
I added 120 to my dead in 2ish on the stack I have been talking about with you/ I am now on.


I was 181.6 today... I remembered I was wearing sweats though and took them off and I weighed 180.0. I think pure body weight would be somewhere around 177-178 but I can't undress anymore in the gym lol.

Yeah donuts... dang. I skipped them last night and felt cut up today and still weighed more! The stack is working I guess ;) I always loved it. I like the undulated you were doing, although I don't know much about it, I have always seen good gains on a similar program. So what are you deciding for sure for your program? haha.

I added 120 to my dead in 2ish on the stack I have been talking about with you/ I am now on.
dang man and it just keeps going up and up! I wanna save that stack for feburary 1st, even if it does mean letting you beat me to 190 :(. I want to carry as much weight as i can into the stack that way i lean up and maintain my weight from what you were saying with how much you just shred up. Im gonna run an m-stak here in a little bit. Plus i wanna look the best for my bday march 16th.

I loved it too! i loved how i felt on it and the diversity and freedom i always crave when i go into the gym. I wanna stick to heavy, but i also want to get some high rep fatigue going. i gotta think about it lol

here are the options:
1) binary undulated focusing on A week being heavy <6 reps, B week being >10
2) back to PHAT
or or!!
3) binary in which A week i would lift heavy <6 reps and then after the big 1-2 heavy compounds go all out MMC muscle fatigue, B week pre-fatige heavy lifting with MMC after.

just thought of that last one. i like pre-fatigue for crazy pumps and i get hella strength gains out of it, but not every workout thats why it works for undulated!


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dang man and it just keeps going up and up! I wanna save that stack for feburary 1st, even if it does mean letting you beat me to 190 :(. I want to carry close to 200lbs into the stack that way i lean up and maintain my weight from what you were saying with how much you just shred up. Plus i wanna look the best for my bday march 16th cause im gonna do something big as i didnt do anything big for my 21st.

I loved it too! i loved how i felt on it and the diversity and freedom i always crave when i go into the gym. I wanna stick to heavy, but i also want to get some high rep fatigue going. i gotta think about it lol

here are the options:
1) binary undulated focusing on A week being heavy <6 reps, B week being >10
2) back to PHAT
or or!!
3) binary in which A week i would lift heavy <6 reps and then after the big 1-2 heavy compounds go all out MMC muscle fatigue, B week pre-fatige heavy lifting with MMC after.

just thought of that last one. i like pre-fatigue for crazy pumps and i get hella strength gains out of it, but not every workout thats why it works for undulated!

Haha, you won't cut much, you'll just get bigger I promise. Dose it right, and run the formadrol after, and that should give you ., 2 months and a week on the stack. Start it like second/third week of feb, and youll come off right before your bday so you'll be at the peak. Plus get you bigger, sooner.

I don't know if I will hit 190, once I go to 185 I will be content, I will still gain though as long as it's clean then.

I like the sound of all of it. As long as your training hard, I don't think it matters. Look at me, I do the most basic "program" you can do, really. I have 3 ex phys classes next semester, and one I will be making and doing a workout with a partner... hahaha. oh yes.


Haha, you won't cut much, you'll just get bigger I promise. Dose it right, and run the formadrol after, and that should give you ., 2 months and a week on the stack. Start it like second/third week of feb, and youll come off right before your bday so you'll be at the peak. Plus get you bigger, sooner.

I don't know if I will hit 190, once I go to 185 I will be content, I will still gain though as long as it's clean then.

I like the sound of all of it. As long as your training hard, I don't think it matters. Look at me, I do the most basic "program" you can do, really. I have 3 ex phys classes next semester, and one I will be making and doing a workout with a partner... hahaha. oh yes.
cant argue with that! You got me convinced! haha. well all that i know is that im gonna lift heavy and fatigue the targeted muscle group. Ill figure it out as i go haha but each week will be the same type of training per muscle group.

oh damn ur gonna be cut lol next semester youll be six pac training! haha


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cant argue with that! You got me convinced! haha. well all that i know is that im gonna lift heavy and fatigue the targeted muscle group. Ill figure it out as i go haha but each week will be the same type of training per muscle group.

oh damn ur gonna be cut lol next semester youll be six pac training! haha
Lol no sir. Powerlifting training and big bulking will be implemented next week. I am gona get thick. Lot's of heavy work...

When you start the stack, if you can tell it's kicking in good, kick up your intensity. You are gona recover a bit faster, and you need to use it.


Lol no sir. Powerlifting training and big bulking will be implemented next week. I am gona get thick. Lot's of heavy work...

When you start the stack, if you can tell it's kicking in good, kick up your intensity. You are gona recover a bit faster, and you need to use it.
smells like kicking PRs in the morning. will do! you need some progress pics.

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