DJBeanPole Begins CUT PHASE 2: Erase Pro + DCP (unsponsored)



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That's good she loves gym...sometimes it's hard to find someone who loves the same thing you do...that way you guys can motivate each and my partner loves gym...she comes with me everyday and don't complain if I spend 3hrs at gym...
Ya man you do some crazy volume in your sets which is very time consuming. I hate being there for long periods of time. Back when I was powerlifting it was Squats -> Bench -> Deadlift and it only took us around an hour, if that. Now I'm in there for like 1.5hrs but I feel pretty good when I'm in there. 3 hours though? hooo boy thats a long time! Marathon gym session mang!


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Ya man you do some crazy volume in your sets which is very time consuming. I hate being there for long periods of time. Back when I was powerlifting it was Squats -> Bench -> Deadlift and it only took us around an hour, if that. Now I'm in there for like 1.5hrs but I feel pretty good when I'm in there. 3 hours though? hooo boy thats a long time! Marathon gym session mang!
Yea bro since day1 I started gym I like to do lot of exercise coz when I started I was 160lbs and look skinny as hell...I thought doing lot of excerise will make me get big fast did but it took lot of time...then I stop working out for more than a year...and I was drinking alcohol and eating junk...I was 210lbs pure fat lol...then I start cutting I'm 170lbs...with good amount of muscle...


This was me at 210lbs...fat as hell lol


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Yea bro since day1 I started gym I like to do lot of exercise coz when I started I was 160lbs and look skinny as hell...I thought doing lot of excerise will make me get big fast did but it took lot of time...then I stop working out for more than a year...and I was drinking alcohol and eating junk...I was 210lbs pure fat lol...then I start cutting I'm 170lbs...with good amount of muscle...

View attachment 59452

This was me at 210lbs...fat as hell lol

lol that ain't you man... damn... hella improved!


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<img src=""/>

lol that ain't you man... damn... hella improved!
Lol you see my face?? Looks like volleyball lol


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Anyway back on topic I'd just like to note one thing since I bitched about my poor chest performance in the gym.

I AM SORE AS FFFF! Like someone tore my chest all up. Must have made ALL KINNNNDS of GAINS in the gym even though I didn't feel as on point. So I guess thats some good news. The Erase Pro has most certainly kicked in and is doing its job. Much like Erase did the first time I ran it, I'm already feeling the effects: feel/appear leaner, new veins are showing up all the time and freaking me out, I walk around and feel like solid as hell. Feels awesome.

HIIT after I get up today.

That is all.


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Quick phone update my dudes and dudeyte ;-)!

June 12th: HIIT

Man this felt phenomenal! Now I broke some rules by taking EC beforehand (oops its become such a.habit that even when I told myself that I'd take it when I got back I still through the motions of popping the pills anyway and didn't even realize it lol) and on top of that I took two scoops of craze prior to heading to the gym lol. Needless to say the day was a success and I am still alive. My heart did not explode inside my chest as predicted.

I ran 3.2 miles in 29 minutes and burned 525 calories. Hmmm I kinda sound like PJ lol. Did a 2 minute warmup to get my iPod set up followed by a 5 minute jog at 6mph. Then the workout started.

30sec sprint at 10mph followed by 90sec rest (off treadmill) x 5
30sec sprint at 8.5mph followed by 90rest at a 6mph case x 4
Ended with a 5minute cooldown jog at 6mph.

Felt ****ing awesome!

Weight: 226lbs!!!


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Quick phone update my dudes and dudeyte ;-)!

June 12th: HIIT

Man this felt phenomenal! Now I broke some rules by taking EC beforehand (oops its become such a.habit that even when I told myself that I'd take it when I got back I still through the motions of popping the pills anyway and didn't even realize it lol) and on top of that I took two scoops of craze prior to heading to the gym lol. Needless to say the day was a success and I am still alive. My heart did not explode inside my chest as predicted.

I ran 3.2 miles in 29 minutes and burned 525 calories. Hmmm I kinda sound like PJ lol. Did a 2 minute warmup to get my iPod set up followed by a 5 minute jog at 6mph. Then the workout started.

30sec sprint at 10mph followed by 90sec rest (off treadmill) x 5
30sec sprint at 8.5mph followed by 90rest at a 6mph case x 4
Ended with a 5minute cooldown jog at 6mph.

Felt ****ing awesome!

Weight: 226lbs!!!
Thats what I'm talking about broski! Make use of those LONG legs u got and be a DJFLASHPOLE! Keep it up brosef , you are going AWESOME!


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Quick phone update my dudes and dudeyte ;-)!

June 12th: HIIT

Man this felt phenomenal! Now I broke some rules by taking EC beforehand (oops its become such a.habit that even when I told myself that I'd take it when I got back I still through the motions of popping the pills anyway and didn't even realize it lol) and on top of that I took two scoops of craze prior to heading to the gym lol. Needless to say the day was a success and I am still alive. My heart did not explode inside my chest as predicted.

I ran 3.2 miles in 29 minutes and burned 525 calories. Hmmm I kinda sound like PJ lol. Did a 2 minute warmup to get my iPod set up followed by a 5 minute jog at 6mph. Then the workout started.

30sec sprint at 10mph followed by 90sec rest (off treadmill) x 5
30sec sprint at 8.5mph followed by 90rest at a 6mph case x 4
Ended with a 5minute cooldown jog at 6mph.

Felt ****ing awesome!

Weight: 226lbs!!!
Dammit you did more cardio than me and in 1min less...fack I gotta do it hard tonite then lol...great cardio!!! I bet it felt good lol...those long legs can take big jump lol that's why you able to run more than worries tonite I'll show you!!! ;)


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Holy ****... my legs! Arghghhh!!1!


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June 13th: LEGS

Weight: 229lbs... fluctuating like frickin' crazy.

SQUATS: 135x10 165x10 185x8 225x3,1 Mainly a success. After doing so well with 185 I figured I'd skip 205 and go straight for the big weight of 225. I was really hyped up and felt really good but then I ****ed up and zapped most of my energy :( I approached the bar extremely determined, but I was so focused on lifting that weight (I was going to attempt for 5) that when I got it squared away on my shoulders as I pulled it off the hooks I slammed the weight into the side of the rack which threw my balance off for a second and caused me to struggle getting myself realigned and ready to go. I should have just racked it right then, powered up, and gone at it again. Instead I just went for it right then and there and it was hard as hell. My concentration was blown and I could only squeeze out 3 for the first set. I put it back in the rack upset, waited 30 seconds and tried to go for 3 again but my legs were already dead :( dammit! Next time I'm getting it for 5. I don't care if I have to dump it. I need to stop being afraid of the heavy weight and just PUSH IT. ****. But hey... thats 1 more rep/set than last time so I consider it a PR lol ;)

LEG PRESS: 225x15 315x12 405x8,8,8 PJ I thought about you the whole time I was doing these. Kept telling myself to push it and make some gains so I kept thinking about your workout and knew I had to push further. Really helped me along. No homo.

SEATED CALF RAISE: 135x20,20,20 Scorched my calves!



Cool down was done on the treadmill, 3.2mph pace at 7.5% incline for 12 minutes and burned 140 calories. Just long enough to filter out the blood ;)

So today was a great success and makes me feel a lot better about myself. Every since exercise had a PR either based on weight, reps, or both, and that makes me feel really good especially considering it was just the accessory lifts that I was breaking records on. Next time I'd like to get 225x5 for squat, and 405x10,10,10 for leg press. I know I can make this happen! Tomorrow is my favorite day: shoulders. Gonna tear it UP after I sleep like a baby tonight :)!

Stay tuned,



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June 13th: LEGS

Weight: 229lbs... fluctuating like frickin' crazy.

SQUATS: 135x10 165x10 185x8 225x3,1 Mainly a success. After doing so well with 185 I figured I'd skip 205 and go straight for the big weight of 225. I was really hyped up and felt really good but then I ****ed up and zapped most of my energy :( I approached the bar extremely determined, but I was so focused on lifting that weight (I was going to attempt for 5) that when I got it squared away on my shoulders as I pulled it off the hooks I slammed the weight into the side of the rack which threw my balance off for a second and caused me to struggle getting myself realigned and ready to go. I should have just racked it right then, powered up, and gone at it again. Instead I just went for it right then and there and it was hard as hell. My concentration was blown and I could only squeeze out 3 for the first set. I put it back in the rack upset, waited 30 seconds and tried to go for 3 again but my legs were already dead :( dammit! Next time I'm getting it for 5. I don't care if I have to dump it. I need to stop being afraid of the heavy weight and just PUSH IT. ****. But hey... thats 1 more rep/set than last time so I consider it a PR lol ;)

LEG PRESS: 225x15 315x12 405x8,8,8 PJ I thought about you the whole time I was doing these. Kept telling myself to push it and make some gains so I kept thinking about your workout and knew I had to push further. Really helped me along. No homo.

SEATED CALF RAISE: 135x20,20,20 Scorched my calves!



Cool down was done on the treadmill, 3.2mph pace at 7.5% incline for 12 minutes and burned 140 calories. Just long enough to filter out the blood ;)

So today was a great success and makes me feel a lot better about myself. Every since exercise had a PR either based on weight, reps, or both, and that makes me feel really good especially considering it was just the accessory lifts that I was breaking records on. Next time I'd like to get 225x5 for squat, and 405x10,10,10 for leg press. I know I can make this happen! Tomorrow is my favorite day: shoulders. Gonna tear it UP after I sleep like a baby tonight :)!

Stay tuned,

Great workout brother!!! Really proud of you :)...I liked how you went for weights again even tho you lost your concentration and focus...nvr be afraid of weights bro...they are your toy and you control them...don't worry if you fall you get back up and show those weights again that who's the really boss!!! I kno for sure if you keep going like within a month you will be squatting 315x5...way to go bro!!! :thumbsup:


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Great workout brother!!! Really proud of you :)...I liked how you went for weights again even tho you lost your concentration and focus...nvr be afraid of weights bro...they are your toy and you control them...don't worry if you fall you get back up and show those weights again that who's the really boss!!! I kno for sure if you keep going like within a month you will be squatting 315x5...way to go bro!!! :thumbsup:
Thx for the words of encouragement brother! Very motivating! Wish I was back in the gym already!


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Thx for the words of encouragement brother! Very motivating! Wish I was back in the gym already!
You kno I'm here for you bro and I'm gonna keep pushing you till you reach ur goals :)


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You kno I'm here for you bro and I'm gonna keep pushing you till you reach ur goals :)
Just woke up. Shoulders today. Gonna make breakfast, let it digest for 2hrs, pop the preworkout and PUSH PUSH PUSH! def my favorite day in da gym!


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Just woke up. Shoulders today. Gonna make breakfast, let it digest for 2hrs, pop the preworkout and PUSH PUSH PUSH! def my favorite day in da gym!
Go kill those weights brother!!!


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Your schedule puzzles me oO you wake up at 11:30am and go in to work at 6pm? wow haha
I work nights ;) 7p-7a. Too tired to lift afterwards so I do it before work :)


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Oh I see :3! , do tell us about your workout brosef!
Certainly, my good man.


PJ man you gotta stop giving me rep lol. I can't seem to spread it fast enough to rep you back and I'm feeling bad about it LOL. So if anyone has repped me and you are like "**** you DJ you ain't repping back (besides once)" just wait awhile haha.

MOTIVATIONAL MUSIC SEGMENT: I usually listen to something to jack me up on the ride to the gym and this time it was Nightcall by Kavinsky and LoveFoxxx. Yep, I have a weird taste in music. It's from the movie DRIVE and if anyone hasn't seen it yet it'll certainly make you feel like a badass.

June 14th: SHOULDERS

Weight: 227lbs
Height: lol this hasn't changed

BB STANDING PRESS: 45x15 100x12,8,6 70x8dropset 45x12dropset My god damn shoulders were about to BUST right out of my shirt. I had all KINDS of erections running through them. Felt soooo good. I was sad I couldn't get 8 for the last rep but if I can do at least 6 I'm golden. I try to stay in the 6-12 range. When I hit 12 for each set its time to bump up the weight. Next time I'm goaling for 100x10,10,10.

SEATED DB PRESS: 50x12,10,8 25x12dropset no goal here was just trying to extend the hypertrophy from the standing press. **** was on fire after this.

SHRUGS: 135BBx12 225BBx12 95DBx12,12,12 135BBx15burnout YOWZA!

STRAIGHT ARM RAISE: 30x12,12 rep record here. I was actually proud of myself with this one. There was a HUGE JACKED dude in the squat rack doing shrugs with 405 and then he walked over and did the same weight and less reps as me. Felt pretty good! People don't give enough credit to the tall ones for being strong ;)

LATERAL ARM RAISE: 25x12,12 goal for reps. I immediately went to the pulley to burnout after this...

PULLEY DELT RAISE: BURNOUT 30x7 20x7 so much pain!

UPRIGHT ROWS: 75x12,12,8

And PJ, I have no idea how in the HELL you do cardio, especially HIIT cardio, after your workout. I tried to do it today and my body was like LOL SORRY BRAH NEED MORE GLYCOGEN! The fueltank was empty. I tried to do my usual 6mph warmup for 5 minutes and even cut that short. I ended up doing 3.0mph walk at 7.5% incline for 12 minutes and burned 140calories... which according to Mr. Layne Norton is precisely the amount I need to burn for a cut. So I felt OK about that. I'm going to have to save HIIT for the off days... or at least until I get my body used to doing cardio everyday. You freakin' crazy MANG. Tomorrow is HIIT day... no longer OFF day. Saturday I'm meeting up with my buddy for Back/Bis. He's equipped with a belt, chalk, and straps... and I plan on plowing through the 400lbs monster on deads! PREPARE YOURSELF, 400lbs!

Stay tuned,



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Feelings so far:

I'm fairly certain both of these supplements are in full swing. Having taken OG Erase in the past, I know what it feels like when it finally switches "on." I've noticed more cuts and definition in my body than ever before. Mainly notice this when I'm in the gym but I know this translates to being at home as well. Especially doing exercises such as deadlifts or Straight/Lateral arm raises. If I'm walking heavy weight back to the DB racks I can see the definition all throughout my arms... and this was definition that wasn't even apparent a month ago. It's very surprising. I also know Erase Pro is working because no matter how much water I seem to drink I always wake up thirstier than hell like someone poured sand in my mouth overnight. The positive is that I do not have any joint pain! I even have Cissus on hand but haven't had to tap into it yet. DCP has definitely kicked in as well. Coupled with Erase, I'm noticing my troublesome belly fat area has actually flattened out. The abs are not showing underneath... I've always had issues getting the last 4 abs to come through, but the mound of fat on top of them is not so prominent as it was now. Pants are fitting looser and clothes are fitting tighter. I feel like my body temperature is up all day and that I sweat much more easier with even less exertion. Good things all around. Adding HIIT into my routine I believe I will see even more dramatic effects... if not by this month than definitely into PHASE 3. I meant to take pics today but my phone died when I got home so ya'll have to wait until tomorrow which is officially picture day anyway. Its been two weeks so I'm hoping we see vast improvements!

Stay tuned,



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Certainly, my good man.

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PJ man you gotta stop giving me rep lol. I can't seem to spread it fast enough to rep you back and I'm feeling bad about it LOL. So if anyone has repped me and you are like "**** you DJ you ain't repping back (besides once)" just wait awhile haha.

MOTIVATIONAL MUSIC SEGMENT: I usually listen to something to jack me up on the ride to the gym and this time it was Nightcall by Kavinsky and LoveFoxxx. Yep, I have a weird taste in music. It's from the movie DRIVE and if anyone hasn't seen it yet it'll certainly make you feel like a badass.

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

June 14th: SHOULDERS

Weight: 227lbs
Height: lol this hasn't changed

BB STANDING PRESS: 45x15 100x12,8,6 70x8dropset 45x12dropset My god damn shoulders were about to BUST right out of my shirt. I had all KINDS of erections running through them. Felt soooo good. I was sad I couldn't get 8 for the last rep but if I can do at least 6 I'm golden. I try to stay in the 6-12 range. When I hit 12 for each set its time to bump up the weight. Next time I'm goaling for 100x10,10,10.

SEATED DB PRESS: 50x12,10,8 25x12dropset no goal here was just trying to extend the hypertrophy from the standing press. **** was on fire after this.

SHRUGS: 135BBx12 225BBx12 95DBx12,12,12 135BBx15burnout YOWZA!

STRAIGHT ARM RAISE: 30x12,12 rep record here. I was actually proud of myself with this one. There was a HUGE JACKED dude in the squat rack doing shrugs with 405 and then he walked over and did the same weight and less reps as me. Felt pretty good! People don't give enough credit to the tall ones for being strong ;)

LATERAL ARM RAISE: 25x12,12 goal for reps. I immediately went to the pulley to burnout after this...

PULLEY DELT RAISE: BURNOUT 30x7 20x7 so much pain!

UPRIGHT ROWS: 75x12,12,8

And PJ, I have no idea how in the HELL you do cardio, especially HIIT cardio, after your workout. I tried to do it today and my body was like LOL SORRY BRAH NEED MORE GLYCOGEN! The fueltank was empty. I tried to do my usual 6mph warmup for 5 minutes and even cut that short. I ended up doing 3.0mph walk at 7.5% incline for 12 minutes and burned 140calories... which according to Mr. Layne Norton is precisely the amount I need to burn for a cut. So I felt OK about that. I'm going to have to save HIIT for the off days... or at least until I


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Where the fack my post go??? Lol


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Jesus holly christ! Nice numbers on the OH Press AntMan , seriously I can barely do 105x1 and I'm dying!!! You are another beast just like punja on the shoulders!! Keep it up broski! and keep coming forth those memes! You sir , make me laugh :D!


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PJ wtf. Negged. ;)


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Jesus holly christ! Nice numbers on the OH Press AntMan , seriously I can barely do 105x1 and I'm dying!!! You are another beast just like punja on the shoulders!! Keep it up broski! and keep coming forth those memes! You sir , make me laugh :D!
Dude is where I spend most of my time when I'm at work... and when I'm not making JPEGs of PJ curling the moon lol


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Certainly, my good man.

<img src=""/>

PJ man you gotta stop giving me rep lol. I can't seem to spread it fast enough to rep you back and I'm feeling bad about it LOL. So if anyone has repped me and you are like "**** you DJ you ain't repping back (besides once)" just wait awhile haha.

MOTIVATIONAL MUSIC SEGMENT: I usually listen to something to jack me up on the ride to the gym and this time it was Nightcall by Kavinsky and LoveFoxxx. Yep, I have a weird taste in music. It's from the movie DRIVE and if anyone hasn't seen it yet it'll certainly make you feel like a badass.

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

June 14th: SHOULDERS

Weight: 227lbs
Height: lol this hasn't changed

BB STANDING PRESS: 45x15 100x12,8,6 70x8dropset 45x12dropset My god damn shoulders were about to BUST right out of my shirt. I had all KINDS of erections running through them. Felt soooo good. I was sad I couldn't get 8 for the last rep but if I can do at least 6 I'm golden. I try to stay in the 6-12 range. When I hit 12 for each set its time to bump up the weight. Next time I'm goaling for 100x10,10,10.

SEATED DB PRESS: 50x12,10,8 25x12dropset no goal here was just trying to extend the hypertrophy from the standing press. **** was on fire after this.

SHRUGS: 135BBx12 225BBx12 95DBx12,12,12 135BBx15burnout YOWZA!

STRAIGHT ARM RAISE: 30x12,12 rep record here. I was actually proud of myself with this one. There was a HUGE JACKED dude in the squat rack doing shrugs with 405 and then he walked over and did the same weight and less reps as me. Felt pretty good! People don't give enough credit to the tall ones for being strong ;)

LATERAL ARM RAISE: 25x12,12 goal for reps. I immediately went to the pulley t


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See it didn't let me post!!!


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PJ wtf. Negged. ;)
Say the word PJ and we shall smack this fellow Avenger with a neg train for geting c0cky ;p!
Dude is where I spend most of my time when I'm at work... and when I'm not making JPEGs of PJ curling the moon lol
Now , I love 9gag , always have always will, before people knew of it much. And before that I used to be at 4chan a lot...but turned boring and obnoxious and m00t started his shenanigans haha.


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This is the 3rd time I'm writing DJ...just for you :)

No need to rep me back just so many pplz repping me so I have to spread reps to give them back lol....and GREAT WORKOUT BRO!!!! 95lbs db shrugs is no joke...I try to do those and they just slip rite thur my hands lol...and bro no need to do HIIT cardio everyday...I heard doing 3X a week do wonder for fat loss...I do everyday coz I'm desperate and wanna reach my goals as fast as I can...and for that I will do watever I can...keep killing bro!!! :thumbsup:


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This is the 3rd time I'm writing DJ...just for you :)

No need to rep me back just so many pplz repping me so I have to spread reps to give them back lol....and GREAT WORKOUT BRO!!!! 95lbs db shrugs is no joke...I try to do those and they just slip rite thur my hands lol...and bro no need to do HIIT cardio everyday...I heard doing 3X a week do wonder for fat loss...I do everyday coz I'm desperate and wanna reach my goals as fast as I can...and for that I will do watever I can...keep killing bro!!! :thumbsup:
LOL about time you got it right ;) and right on man! I just dunno where you get all that energy from! I'm even on EC and I'm wiped after each lifting session to even attempt HIIT! So more power to ya! I have a feeling that if I keep doing DB shrugs I'll tap the gym out. They have DBs that go all the way up to 125 so we'll see. I feel like I get better form from the DBs. And no wang interference lol ;) Thanks for the kind words brother... and I'll rep when I can! I can't keep up with it! lol


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Quick update from work...

So I've been running some numbers around based on my macros and what meals I've been eating and I took a look at what I ingested today and how it lines up. Well... I've got my carbs and my proteins flopped. Today I took in around 300g carbs and only 200 or so grams of protein. This needs to be flipped. Carbs should not reach more than 200-215/day. I'm basing these numbers off a 3000 cal/day diet which is a deficit from maintenance. I'm hoping that by changing up my eating habits and introducing HIIT and pushing myself to crazy limits that I'll become even more lean by the time the wedding rolls around.

I based this diet/macros off of Layne Norton's cutting diet and stuck myself in the ectomorph category. According to him though I should actually be needing LESS cardio than the other body types ;)!

He also recommends a protein shake during a workout, for the following reasons:

I also suggest consuming a shake composed of 30-40g of whey protein along with dextrose or maltodextrin during their workout.

Spare muscle glycogen and increase performance.
Spare muscle tissue.
Maintain a constant release of insulin, therefore inhibiting cortisol release.
The continuous ingestion of carbohydrates will ensure that adequate substrate is available for the glycolytic pathway.
I haven't been used to drinking my protein during a workout. I typically throw a Gatorade and my Formula-X in a shaker bottle and sip on that... time to change things up!

I've got the rest of the nutrient timing down just need to pan out the macros better! DOH!

HIIT is today. Gonna do a grocery store run as well.


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June 15th: HIIT

WOOOOOOOOOOOO! 3.07miles in 30 minutes and burned 547 calories! Lungs were on fire! Felt great! I know I said I was going to drop some pictures today but the female counterpart is out of the house at work and my buddies are asking me to come out so it'll have to wait. Besides I want to take them on a lifting day after working out so I'm nice n' swole for the photos ;) Perhaps tomorrow. I'm meeting my friend to do back and I plan on plowing through 400lbs for deadlift. Perhaps I'll film it :)

Weight: 227lbs

Diet has been tweaked! Hit up the grocery and the fridge is stocked!

Stay tuned,

Antm.... err, DJ!


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June 15th: HIIT

WOOOOOOOOOOOO! 3.07miles in 30 minutes and burned 547 calories! Lungs were on fire! Felt great! I know I said I was going to drop some pictures today but the female counterpart is out of the house at work and my buddies are asking me to come out so it'll have to wait. Besides I want to take them on a lifting day after working out so I'm nice n' swole for the photos ;) Perhaps tomorrow. I'm meeting my friend to do back and I plan on plowing through 400lbs for deadlift. Perhaps I'll film it :)

Weight: 227lbs

Diet has been tweaked! Hit up the grocery and the fridge is stocked!

Stay tuned,

Antm.... err, DJ!
I heard deadlifts and filming it, I'm IN! for some footage of you deadlifting bro, my favorite lift, and I have never seen someone as huge as you deadlift :p! it will be quite interesting hehe , KILL IT BRO...and on the cardio...this small tike runs faster than you with a smaller stride :p!


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...this small tike runs faster than you with a smaller stride :p!
I'm sure you do. I run at a nice slow pace. This frame wasn't meant to run ;-). But ill set some mousetraps out and when I catch your ass ill make sure your cage has an exercise wheel and you can run to your hearts content ;-)!!!

Its ok for filming! I'm sure my partner will thinks its gay but oh well. Ultra homo.


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I'm sure you do. I run at a nice slow pace. This frame wasn't meant to run ;-). But ill set some mousetraps out and when I catch your ass ill make sure your cage has an exercise wheel and you can run to your hearts content ;-)!!!

Its ok for filming! I'm sure my partner will thinks its gay but oh well. Ultra homo.
o.o!!! You called me a RAT! Speedy Gonzales stereotype much? My mother is of Mexican Descent and I find this offensive :p!! and hilarious hahahaha xD


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Epic update incoming...


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June 16th: BACK/BIs

Weight: 224lbs

Woke up this morning only having gotten 5 hours of sleep and was prepared for epicness. Got up, took my preworkout which consisted of the following:

- Maximize Intense x1.5 scoops
- Hemavol x2 scoops
- Citrulline Malate x1 scoop
- Formula-X x2 scoops (old scooper)
- Beta Alanine x2 pills
- EC x1 (25mg/200mg)

Hopped in the car and picked up my friend and met my other weightlifting partner out in the gym. Today was a GREAT day.

DEADLIFT 135x10 225x8 315x5 360x3 40...

405x1 Nailed that damn PR! Thats 20lbs more than last time! A huge leap for me! I had a little hitch when I got about midway up but I still locked that sucker out. COUNT IT! Watching the video it actually looks like it was pretty easy. I'm thinking I could do at least 5-10lbs more on my next attempt. We shall see. All I used that was extra was some chalk on my hands/bar (that bitch wasn't going anywhere) and a belt strapped down tight. Felt AMAZING! That's a long way up to pull that weight! WOOHOO!!! Back was toast after this so I didn't do the full round of exercises/volume I'm used to and that was fine with me because I still walked out of there with one helluva smile on my face :)

SEATED ROW NARROW 135x12 150x12 165x8,5 120x8 105x12

LAT PULLDOWNS: 130x12 145x12 160x8 115x12

DB CURLS: 30x12 40x12 40x8R/7L

HAMMER CURL: 45x8,6 30x12

Fantastic epic day of epicness. Very proud of myself. Had me a good post workout meal from Qdoba. Naked chicken burrito, extra chicken, extra beans, no rice, 2 ladles of habanero salsa, 1 ladle pico de gallo, lettuce, and a big ol' plop of guacamole. Covered that bitch in some Cholula hotsauce and washed it all down with my creatine and Recon. TASTY.

I can't wait to see whats in store!!!

Stay tuned,



Well-known member
June 16th: BACK/BIs

Weight: 224lbs

Woke up this morning only having gotten 5 hours of sleep and was prepared for epicness. Got up, took my preworkout which consisted of the following:

- Maximize Intense x1.5 scoops
- Hemavol x2 scoops
- Citrulline Malate x1 scoop
- Formula-X x2 scoops (old scooper)
- Beta Alanine x2 pills
- EC x1 (25mg/200mg)

Hopped in the car and picked up my friend and met my other weightlifting partner out in the gym. Today was a GREAT day.

DEADLIFT 135x10 225x8 315x5 360x3 40...

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

405x1 Nailed that damn PR! Thats 20lbs more than last time! A huge leap for me! I had a little hitch when I got about midway up but I still locked that sucker out. COUNT IT! Watching the video it actually looks like it was pretty easy. I'm thinking I could do at least 5-10lbs more on my next attempt. We shall see. All I used that was extra was some chalk on my hands/bar (that bitch wasn't going anywhere) and a belt strapped down tight. Felt AMAZING! That's a long way up to pull that weight! WOOHOO!!! Back was toast after this so I didn't do the full round of exercises/volume I'm used to and that was fine with me because I still walked out of there with one helluva smile on my face :)

SEATED ROW NARROW 135x12 150x12 165x8,5 120x8 105x12

LAT PULLDOWNS: 130x12 145x12 160x8 115x12

DB CURLS: 30x12 40x12 40x8R/7L

HAMMER CURL: 45x8,6 30x12

Fantastic epic day of epicness. Very proud of myself. Had me a good post workout meal from Qdoba. Naked chicken burrito, extra chicken, extra beans, no rice, 2 ladles of habanero salsa, 1 ladle pico de gallo, lettuce, and a big ol' plop of guacamole. Covered that bitch in some Cholula hotsauce and washed it all down with my creatine and Recon. TASTY.

I can't wait to see whats in store!!!

Stay tuned,

Great workout bro!!! Breaking records everyday...good job man!!! That naked chicken burrito sounds so good rite now...I'm getting hungry now lol...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

The Female Terminator
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It is an amazing weight Antman , but please for the love of christ , transfer weight to the hips and drive through the heels focusing on hammys and glutes bro! I don't wanna see you hurting yourself with that mighty huge back/height of yours bro!! Congratulations brother, it was a good PR, now lets keep pushing for more broski!!! lets rephrase that...IT WAS F*CKING AWESOME!!...just seriously be careful oO and holy f*ck you ARE huge!!! (no homo!) hahahaha.


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Nice bro! Awesome job on the deadlift PR and gettin it on vid.


Well-known member
Nice bro! Awesome job on the deadlift PR and gettin it on vid.
Yes we have strong members in the Avenger Brotherhood of Loggers United. I wanna get taped for a workout too ;D!!! muahaha


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It is an amazing weight Antman , but please for the love of christ , transfer weight to the hips and drive through the heels focusing on hammys and glutes bro! I don't wanna see you hurting yourself with that mighty huge back/height of yours bro!! Congratulations brother, it was a good PR, now lets keep pushing for more broski!!! lets rephrase that...IT WAS F*CKING AWESOME!!...just seriously be careful oO and holy f*ck you ARE huge!!! (no homo!) hahahaha.
Lol I'm drinking some bourbon right now w my weightlifting partner and he said the same thing. Said my form was more like a Romanian deadlift which it was impressive. He showed me how to change the form up and get my ass down so its more motion w the hips. Will be trying it next time. Can't wait. And thank you sir :)


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Reps when I'm not on my phone for all"!!


Well-known member
Reps when I'm not on my phone for all"!!
F*ck reps I want some bourbon!! And to see you hit 425, which I'm sure you can if you do what your partner and I want you to do, if you put your a*s into this (literally) you will get even more torque with those huge legs of yours :p!!

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