Molecular Nutrition's MEGA Testing Stacking Thread


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Weight: 190lbs
Body fat: 12-13% BF
Sex: Male
Body type: Ecto

Training: ~5years.

Medical Condition(s): Nil

Current Diet : Maintenance intake with favorable amount of carbs. Good carbs that is.

Current Daily water intake: 2 litres per day

Short Term Goal: 195lbs lean

Long Term Goal: 190lbs ripped

Routine: 5x5

Previous Logs

Thermolife E-Bol Log
Clout Reformulation Log - DC1
Green Bulge Review - DC1
Symmetry/nettle Root 95%/tribuloid Log (~22days) - Mind and Muscle Forums
BSL's 1-TEST Undeconate "15 Day Mass in May" log - Mind and Muscle Forums
Kreataine Ultra/Nitrojet Cycle. - Mind and Muscle Forums
Retain + NHA stack - Anabolic Xtreme Forum



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So any verdict on who will log it?
Hank Vangut

Hank Vangut

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ok, this looks too good to pass up and timing for running this is sweet for me.

Age: 34

Height: 5'10"

Weight: i'm posting some pics to explain. first pics are from mid April at 180lbs. second is at my current weight of 165. i'm much lighter than i look now. it's funny because everyone thinks i'm around 185-190. and even though i've lost 15lbs since April, my friends thinks i'm bigger now.

Approximate bf%: not sure. never had it measured. but i think it's kinda low.

Current training routine:
hard to describe because it varies each week. i go a lot by feeling and switch up my routine almost weekly to keep my interest and intensity fired up without overtraining. i lift a minimum of 3 days per week with some weeks lifting 5 days. lifting split is usually either back/bis, chest/tris, legs/shoulders or back, chest, legs, arms, shoulders. usually put in 2-3 cardio or sprinting sessions per week.

Diet macros:
my diet is kinda strange as well, but it seems to be working very well recently. i keep it super-duper clean for 2 weeks (that's about as long as i can take it) then typically 2-3 days of binge crap eating (usually foods i've been craving like ice cram, pizza and burgers). during the clean eating stint, i limit carbs to almost entirely post workout getting a total of between 100-250g carbs/day. protein is always over 200g/day weather i'm in the clean or dirty phase - 60 grams comes in a whey post workout shake. fat intake fluctuates between 70-150g/day. calories during the clean phase range between 2000-2500/day. dirty days it's typically well above 3,000/day.

What supps have you used in the past:
creatine mono, glutamine, whey, multi-vit, fish oil, beta-alanine, purple wraath, promagnon, halodrol-50, rebound xt, green tea, RPM, yohimbine, caffine

What supps you are using:
creatine mono, whey, multi-vit, fish oil, beta-alanine, green tea, RPM, yohimbine

short term goal: add weight while staying ripped!
long term goal: meet Chuck Norris.

Last words:
i would be an excellent candidate for logging MN products due to the following reasons -
1. i would keep a killer detailed log that attracts all the newbies and experienced guys with tons of money to spend on MN supplements. after they see the amazing results i get they will be pulling out their credit cards to buy all your sh!t. it will be crazy! good luck keeping up with all the orders.

2. i would also round up all the jokers on this forum to follow along. add some entertainment value to the thread to get even more attention to your stuff. i'd even try get crazy characters like the myth and nycste involved. - btw you should defiantly pick those guys to run a log, it would be a smart move.

3. i'm only 165lbs right now and have only using some basic supps for the past yr. my body is primed and ready to add some sweet solid mass with the help of products like Mass FX and X-Factor.

4. trust me, you WON'T be disappointed.

how's that for attempting to sell myself? bring on the flames if you want - but hey i want some MN products!
:woohoo: :D




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WHOA! finally more testing oppertunties...

Age: 21

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 189

Approximate bf% : 7.2%

Current training routine: following jay cutler's workouts. Monday: bi's/tri's, Tueday: Chest/traps, Wednesday: off, Thursday: legs, Friday: Back/shoulders, Saturday: off, Sunday: abs/circuit workout
(I log all exercises and go into details in logs like my previous ones)

Diet macros: 4-7 meals a day, 350grams of protein intake a day. leans cuts of meat, and some carbs

What supps have you used in the past: Superdrol, Halodrol, Phera-Plex, 1AD, No Explode, Cellmass, No-Shotgun, Activate, HyperTest (logged), Carnage (logged), On Whey, Size On, Rebound XT, Aminal Stak 2, Aminal Stak M.

What supps you are using: ON whey and Size ON

Goals: to get a clean bulk to around 195 staying close to 7% BF.

I am a very knowledgable BB'er and love to workout. I love to improve my performances always. I have prior experience on two sites :)...



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I can post my old X Factor/Clout/Body Octane log if ya want (not interested in running it again)


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We want to see good logs, and good logs we shall have with these quality apps. I will add another spicy tasty thing to this. The best, most viewed logs will be awarded some MN goodies. Add the total of the 2 forums (ex: + and this gets your total. Top 3 wins a prize. And we're not greedy, so you'll be sure to get something REAL NICE!!!

Now let's see those apps, you have plenty of time, and let's get the party started!!!


Applied Nutriceuticals Rep.
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We want to see good logs, and good logs we shall have with these quality apps. I will add another spicy tasty thing to this. The best, most viewed logs will be awarded some MN goodies. Add the total of the 2 forums (ex: + and this gets your total. Top 3 wins a prize. And we're not greedy, so you'll be sure to get something REAL NICE!!!

Now let's see those apps, you have plenty of time, and let's get the party started!!!
Aww yeah!!! I'll give it a shot. Pick me and Ill be your bestest bestest bud!


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Let's get Nasty

About me: I am a former college athlete (wrestler) for a Big 10 school. I decided I didnt' want to be small anymore and was tired of cutting weight and all the progress that I had made so I quit and am now taking up bodybuilding. I'm been serious with it since last summer and have really devoted myself to making time for the gym as well as watching my diet.


Age: 19

Height: 5'4

Weight: 140

Approximate bf%: 8%

Current training routine:
Monday Back and Biceps: Deadlift - 1x10 135, 1x8 225, 1x6 265, 1x1 285, T-rows 3x10 70, Seated Rows 3x6 155, DB Pullovers 3x8 w/ 50s, Alt DB Curls 3x10 40s and 1x5 with 45s. E-Z bar Curls 3x10 70, Cable 21s w/ 65,
Tuesday Legs in the morning, Cardio at night
Leg Press 2x10 310lbs, 1x8 365, 1x4-6 -380, DB Lunges 3x10 w/ 35s, Calf Machine 4x10-15 w/ 170.
Wednesday Chest and Triceps
BB Bench Press 1x10 135, 1x8 145, 1x6 155, 1x3 165, 1x2 175, 1x1 185, DB Flyes 3x8 w/ 45s, Cable Crossover 3x10 with 45, Pec Deck Machine 3x10. Tricep DB Extensions w/ 60s 2x8, 1x4 w/ 65s. Tricep Pushdowns 3x8 110, Tri machine 3x10 90,
Thursday Shoulders
Arnold Press 3x10 - 40s, Seated Lateral Raise (3x10 25s), Plate Front Raises 3x8 w/ 45lb plate, DB Front Raise with 25s 3x8.

Friday Off - I'll either take the whole day off or do cardio if I didn't do it.

Saturday Legs and Cardio
Squats - 2x10 185, 1x8 215, 1x4-6 225, Leg Extension Machine 3x10 100 then 1x10 singe leg.
Sunday Repeat

Diet macros: 3 solid meals a day at school plus using my extra credits at the dining hall for 2 more meals throughout the day. I don't have class until 1 everyday, but I get up at 8:00 a.m. to lift because the gym is always packed. From there I go to breakfast.

What supps have you used in the past: Controlled Labs Green Bulge two times, Controlled Labs White Blood, Muscle Tech naNO x9, Muscle Tech Cell Tech Hardcore, BSN Syntha 6 vanilla and mocha, Muscle Milk chocolate mint, BSN True Mass Chocolate

What supps you are using: ProNos Vanilla, Controlled Labs Orange Triad, Controlled Labs Purple Wraath, X-Factor just started first half of cycle, The second half of the cycle (25 days) would still show results when stacked with one of the above stacks. I have GlycerGrow but won't be using it during the X-Factor cycle.

Goals: To gain 45 pounds by the end of next year. I want to be 185 pounds and eventually compete in the NPC Collegiate Nationals before college is over. Hopefully, Molecular Nutrition can help me attain that goal.

Previous X-Factor Experience (if any): Just bought my first bottle and was planning on buying another one unless I'm chosen. I want to run this cycle with P-Slin or MassFX. I'm really interested in the P-Slin though. I'm running a log for the X-Factor right now at


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hey is it possible you can list anyone who has posted that wouldnt qualify for whatever reason. dont have to give the reason but just tell us if we dont qualify so we can plan our future.

ps- pick me.


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hey is it possible you can list anyone who has posted that wouldnt qualify for whatever reason. dont have to give the reason but just tell us if we dont qualify so we can plan our future.

ps- pick me.
eehhh... Everyone is considered. Just let me know if you cannot participate..


Age: 26

Height: 5’9

Weight: 258

Approximate bf%: 25

Current training routine: Powerlifting routine:

Mon=Heavy bench, I work up to a to a heavy triple or single then I use boards for heavier weight. I do heavy triceps, shoulders and back.

Tue= Heavy squat, deadlift (every other week), leg extensions and curls, abs.

Thur= Speed bench, I do 6-9 sets of 3 reps. I will vary straight weight, floor press and bands. High rep tricep exercise with light weight.

Fri= Light legs, I will do box squats, safety bar squats, leg press along with light ext and curls w/ abs.

Diet macros: I have tried to watch my diet lately. I am keeping my carbs down and high protein, I usually don’t watch fat intake.

What supps have you used in the past: T-Bomb, creatine, glutamine, Red Line, M-1T, Andro 6, RPM, Protein, Anabolic Pump, Para Deca, Size On, Jungle Warfare, Bad Ass Mass, ECA stack, Hydroxy Cut. Probally missed few!!!

What supps you are using: ALRI creatine, protein

Goals: I have competed in power lifting meets for years and I would like to improve my bench (current 512 bench on Europa Show on 08/11/2007). My wife and I are expecting our first child in November, but she is on bed rest until then and she can’t work. I have sold all of my power lifting equipment and I want to work on my raw strength. I think this contest is a great opportunity for me, because we are strapped for cash. I will log on any board you want and I will post before and after pics. I could also include videos of lifts. I would like to log X Factor and Drive, but I will not argue if I am choosen for a different stack. Thanks

I need some supplements to fill this!!!!!


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Haha!!! You'll have to wait 2 more weeks though :p


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Ok Ok - I want in... any stack, It does not matter. I will log - pics - bloodwork - just hook a' brotha up!


Age: 21

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 183.5lbs

Approximate bf%: Meso, 7.5 - 8%

Current training routine:
EOD DoggCrapp-esque training... (will get more detailed if necessary),
along with plyometrics and speed training 2 days a week

Diet macros: ~3000 cals @ Target Ratio 40C/40P/20F

What supps have you used in the past:
Protein, Creatine Mono, Di-Creatine Malate, CEE, AAKG, ZMA, ActivaTe, V12, BCAA, EAA, SuperPump250, few more along the same lines as previous listed

What supps you are using:
Daily Multi, BCAA, EAA, EFA/DHA, ON Whey

195 lbs @ 8% or lower BF
bigger, faster, stronger, more flexible


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For your consideration... EDWARDS (Pronouced "Edward S." (my initials) :thumbsup:

Age - 29 Height - 5'10 Weight - 197 Approximate bf% - 18.5

Current training routine
10 WEEK MASS BUILDING from Bodybuilding . com

Diet macros - 3000-3500 calories per day. Eggs, Whole Grains, Chicken and Fish, Protein Shakes, Whey and Casein. NO COWS. I DON'T EAT COWS.

What supps have you used in the past
Halovar (Halodrol 50), Epistane/Epidrol, Creatine, Cycle Support, Proline Joint Pro, Liverite "Liveraid"

What supps you are using
Currently I'm at 60 mg Epistane daily with supports. Starting Saturday the 22 I'll be in PCT - Lean XTreme, Torem, Cycle Support, Proline Joint Pro, Liverite "Liveraid"

Contine to gain mass, strength and vascularity and muscle density throughout PCT and into recovery phase between PH cycles. I didn't lift for 10 years and just got back into it about 3 months ago. Some of my recent gains have obviously been newbie or memory gains. 1 1/2 months ago I started the PH cycle to speed up the process. I suffered a slight shoulder injury two weeks ago which has been healing nicely. I have increased from 187 to 197 in the last two months. Mostly LBM, but some not. I want to keep what gains I made during my PCT which starts on Friday. If any of the products come from cows, I don't want to take them. I don't kill cows. I appreciate your understanding. I'm not Hindu, but I had a cow as a pet and now I can't eat them. :food:

I work at a gym and work out 4 days a week. Two to three days of cardio. I have access to scales and the body fat analysis. I used it today. I would love to get the number down, but I don't want to get in a calorie deficit at the moment. I'm having too much fun gaining weight

Current Halovar Log - Halovar by Purus

HAVE FUN! - WEWT :nutkick:


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How am I supposed to conseder you if you don't eat cows? :think:


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so xfactor comes from cows? boo. maybe i can make an exception, seeing as the cows were probably already dead when you extracted their goodness? maybe you could tell me that they were happy free-range cows that were prancing around merrily for most of their lives...


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eAt mORe cHIcKeN

I love thos Chik F-La ads! HAHA!

so xfactor comes from cows? boo. maybe i can make an exception, seeing as the cows were probably already dead when you extracted their goodness? maybe you could tell me that they were happy free-range cows that were prancing around merrily for most of their lives...


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I was rethinking my goals.

I'd actually like to lose my "love handles," bring my BF down a bit and maintain most of my recent gains. I figure within a few weeks of Pct I can start to return my calories back to their pre PH levels and do more cardio. Please consider me for a stack that might help these goals. THANKS


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JJOHN - Bro, I will put my name on it - Edward S would do great justice to any stack you allow him to test. He does a really great job at being un-biased and logs on a constant basis. I hope you consider him when you make your decision.


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bold red writing ...hmmm..he must be


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I appreciate the confidence. The log that I'm wrapping up now was done without really knowing how to do a "log." I would definately make the next one a little more "professional" looking. Unbiased? You know it. I am skeptical of everything.


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I will consider everyone. I am the master of AM at MN, and I run this ;) So no worries, I DO condider everyone!


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Help NastyNally become a 200 pound monster by picking him (me). lol:bruce3:


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Molecular Nutrition Testing Application


Age 20

Height: 5'7


Approximate bf%:10%

Current training routine: Right now im doing a 5 day split training mon-fri. Abot 1.5 hours each day, and one muscle group at a time... Back / Shoulders / Legs / Arms / Chest.. with some cardio and abs every training day

Diet macros: Right now Im doing low carbs and high protein diet.. 25-75g carbs eveyrday and anywhere between 200-300g protein..

What supps have you used in the past: Ive tried many different supplements, from basics..proteins, vitamins, efa's creatines, amino's, NO products, energy boosters, ... to more intense ECA's, pro- hormones etc....

What supps you are using: Protein, Creatine, Arginine, EFA's, Vitamins, BCAA's, ECA's

Goals: From now until November my goals are to lean down for a competition.. and after that point i will be putting on some bulk and looking to gain as much muscle mass as possible..


I will consider everyone. I am the master of AM at MN, and I run this ;) So no worries, I DO condider everyone!
When are peeps getting selected and when do you have to start?

I am logging for CL right now, but wouldn't mind logging afterwards...


Never enough
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Ok, I've decided i'm postponing my cycle just for the opportunity to do this :D mostly just to get in before xj ;)

Age 39

Height 5'9"

Weight 211

Approximate bf% 15

Current training routine GVT, due for a rotation to GBC, then back to GVT for this xfactor cycle.

Diet macros Approx 40 protein / 35 carbs / 25 ft %

What supps have you used in the past : Drive, P-slin, T-force, Nitrix, T-BombII, The Burn, cAMPHIBOLIC, Osteobolin-C, Nitrobolic , Betagen , bulk Beta Alanine

What supps you are using Incarnate, Leviathan, Reset AD, Neovar, RPM, Resveratrol (1g active daily), multivitamins, creatine monohydrate, fish oil, CLA

Goals Trying to eventually reach over 200lbs at under 10% bf. I'm not all that far away. I think I may shoot for even higher, like 225 @ 10%. Short term to break 10% bf.

In preference order, i'd like to do
X Factor + Drive
X Factor + ActivAte Extreme
X Factor + Mass FX
X Factor + Poseidon
X Factor + PSlin

I've got 2 bottles of x-factor currently on hand, so i'd extend whatever is given for this logging opportunity into a 1250mg/day 60 day cycle, and buy whatever of the secondary material I need to do that (if its not already 2 months worth). I will log both here and on as much as I hate to post there :D and I'll take pictures every 2-3 weeks. my prior logs all have a number of pictures taken at thos sorts of intervals.

Thanks for the opportunity!


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I'm logging neovar for 3 more weeks, so that probably takes me out of the running. I posted in here before I knew I would be logging it.


Never enough
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I left that detail out of my app, that I would not be able to start logging until the PAL contest is done (Oct 22).


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im still in, this stack looks sick! (XF + Drive)


Haha. No biggie bout a rep testing man.
HI Aaron from Australia here, i am new to testing but not new to lifting iron.
I weigh 85 kg, Height 180 cm and 16%BF. This year i have supplemented ON gold standard whey and LG Methyl 1-D for 2 weeks. I also take a multi vitamin and omega 3 caps. I consume enough calories to gain about 900 grams a week in weight which i have done since June this year for a 11.5 kg increase.
I have trained off and on for 16 years and at the moment i am bulking with the goal of competing at end of next year. My goal weight is 85 KG at around 3.5-4% BF.
Training- I train mainly like this and i train instintively. ( EG )if i need extra time off i take it and if not i just train 5 times a week.
Monday Chest and Calves
Tuesday Back
Wednesday Arms, Calves
Thursday Quads
Friday Shoulders,Hams, Calves
I train with multi joint compound movements and train heavy.
My split with my current diet puts me in a positive nitrogen balance which explains my gains over last 3 months with little supplementation. I concentrate al my eating into the 90 minutes after training and this is when i consume most of my daily calorie ointake and eat a lot of organic meat and eggs.
Hope i can particapate.:bruce2:
Please consider me
Last edited:


Age: 26

Height: 5’9

Weight: 258

Approximate bf%: 25

Current training routine: Powerlifting routine:

Mon=Heavy bench, I work up to a to a heavy triple or single then I use boards for heavier weight. I do heavy triceps, shoulders and back.

Tue= Heavy squat, deadlift (every other week), leg extensions and curls, abs.

Thur= Speed bench, I do 6-9 sets of 3 reps. I will vary straight weight, floor press and bands. High rep tricep exercise with light weight.

Fri= Light legs, I will do box squats, safety bar squats, leg press along with light ext and curls w/ abs.

Diet macros: I have tried to watch my diet lately. I am keeping my carbs down and high protein, I usually don’t watch fat intake.

What supps have you used in the past: T-Bomb, creatine, glutamine, Red Line, M-1T, Andro 6, RPM, Protein, Anabolic Pump, Para Deca, Size On, Jungle Warfare, Bad Ass Mass, ECA stack, Hydroxy Cut. Probally missed few!!!

What supps you are using: ALRI creatine, protein

Goals: I have competed in power lifting meets for years and I would like to improve my bench (current 512 bench on Europa Show on 08/11/2007). My wife and I are expecting our first child in November, but she is on bed rest until then and she can’t work. I have sold all of my power lifting equipment and I want to work on my raw strength. I think this contest is a great opportunity for me, because we are strapped for cash. I will log on any board you want and I will post before and after pics. I could also include videos of lifts. I would like to log X Factor and Drive, but I will not argue if I am choosen for a different stack. Thanks

If selected how many bottles of X-Factor and other product will we recieve?


Never enough
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I just need 1 bottle and 1 of drive to do 60 days @1250mg of x-factor :D


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You get 2 bottles of XF. Plus the other product supply for 60 days. Depending on which stack.


Never enough
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If i'm selected i'm willing to donate my 2nd bottle to another logger so they can do 1250 for 60 too :) My math is right on that right? its 3 bottles for 60@1250


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If i'm selected i'm willing to donate my 2nd bottle to another logger so they can do 1250 for 60 too :) My math is right on that right? its 3 bottles for 60@1250
You're too good lol. A 4 bottle stack is a possibility too.


Never enough
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You're too good lol. A 4 bottle stack is a possibility too.
True, higher dosed or longer time you think? I was only thinking of donating as leaving me with 1 spare bottle wouldn't help without buying it at least one friend :)


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True, higher dosed or longer time you think? I was only thinking of donating as leaving me with 1 spare bottle wouldn't help without buying it at least one friend :)
I don't say be a cheap bastard, but you need less for your next cycle. I'd say longer. Higher dose makes my joints more sensible, it depends on the person. My skin tends to get very oily too on a super high dose. My next cycle will be a loading of the first bottle double dose, then just maintain for the rest of the cycle. We'll see what happends ;)


Never enough
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I think I can live thru the oily skin part, i'm doing 45g fish oil a day right now as an experiment, and damn is my skin + hair oily :p

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