TesTren with MMv3 Project Domination



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Well its like this....here is the equation

Me stressed out from living in "Hard Times" + Lack of Sleep(HUGE FACTOR) + Not using my knowledge for training + Me thinking im superman + Me with the lack of not Preparing = Immune System / CNS fried = Me becoming someone else = Loss of motivation to train intensely = Spirit beat down.

Nobody has control over who they are once your Nervous System is beat, and trust me it TAKES ALOT for that happened. Check out my last back training session...lol. I never thought the day would come...but it has, and I have realized I am human.

I do feel alot better now though.

I hope you remember this (your own words):

Oh and if you ever experience any of the following...take a full day off.

1)Your mindset is "uncertain", you tend to overthink / overcomplicate things

2)Your motivation for your goals become questionable

3)Muscles seem flat (smaller than usual)

4)You seem to get stressed out easily...the smallest "distractions" stay in your head

5)Your starting to put on fat / starting to look "soft/puffy"

6)Its difficult to stay focused

7)It seems a bit of a challenge to walk around / light headed

8)You feel like absolute crap. You don't care about anything.

9)Your thought process is not as efficient

10)During your workout your going "through the motions". (you have tell yourself to
grunt / scream / breath during your sets instead of letting the intensity/drive/focus
come naturally without even thinking about it.....also weights seem lighter aka neural

11/7/12 Brief Update
-Thank God I didn't reach this physiological fatigue state during the MIDDLE of this cycle....I would of been SUPER PISSED!!

-Only a few days in! Im up 6 pounds already with .5% bf lost, yay!

-Did a brief HIIT session last night, forgot to record it on here, sprinting in intervals of 30 seconds for about 12 mins.

-Ill get everything back on track, and supply you guys with a bunch of content don't worry!

-Going to spend alot of time making preparing my blueprints(plans)...training/nutrition/cardio regimen, something I always half-assed.

Good to see... **** good!! Happy to see your mindset getting right now... I hope u keep urself up...


Well-known member
I hope you remember this (your own words):

Oh and if you ever experience any of the following...take a full day off.

1)Your mindset is "uncertain", you tend to overthink / overcomplicate things

2)Your motivation for your goals become questionable

3)Muscles seem flat (smaller than usual)

4)You seem to get stressed out easily...the smallest "distractions" stay in your head

5)Your starting to put on fat / starting to look "soft/puffy"

6)Its difficult to stay focused

7)It seems a bit of a challenge to walk around / light headed

8)You feel like absolute crap. You don't care about anything.

9)Your thought process is not as efficient

10)During your workout your going "through the motions". (you have tell yourself to
grunt / scream / breath during your sets instead of letting the intensity/drive/focus
come naturally without even thinking about it.....also weights seem lighter aka neural

Good to see... **** good!! Happy to see your mindset getting right now... I hope u keep urself up...
I remember that mini article/pasage! And thats what I did, all I did yesterday was 30 mins of low intensity cardio.

Never quit, never ever.


Well-known member
30 mins low intensity cardio last night (11/7/12)

Thrashed Delts today 50 mins
-Pressed from every possible angle
-Raises/Laterals from every angle
-Super-setted the whole workout
-Rest periods no longer than 70 seconds
-Used various tempos
-Used various TUT aka rep ranges
-Stopped workout once slight fatigue set in (so that what happened a couple days ago won't happen again! lol!)
-Still ended up with 30 working sets :) Next week, looking to increase load slightly, decrease rest periods, add in a little bit more working sets to progress multiple ways.

-2 cups of coffee pre workout
-No quitting. Even with my lack of "resources" I will still get it done.
-I got some PM cardio in a bit.
-No sleep last night
-Mindset is revamped.
-1 week Review on the TesTren/MMv3 combo coming this Saturday!


Well-known member
30 mins Low intensity cardio last night

Arms 11/9/12 (35 min workout, rest periods literally were no longer than 50 seconds)

-Same Goal as always(see above on my last shoulder workout how im progressing)
-Also taught my body some new Ranges of motions today aka new exercises!
-About 20 sets for each Biceps+Brachilias and Triceps (every angle of curling and extensions +dips/chins were used)
-Used the whole stack on the machine preachers lol
-Was still able to curl a quarter on each side of a barbell curl(10-12 reps with it) towards the end of my workout, may not sound like alot but for me it is!
-DB Extensions used 35's, 40's.
-Incline Curling used 40's (10 reps, wow, ive never been able to do this before with the incline angle)

-Need to stay focused on barbell curls, I wasn't doing a herky jerky momentum movement, but I somewhat lost focus and ended up just "moving" weight with my forearms doing most of the work
-Need to focus more on the lateral head of the triceps, only did 3 sets that recruited that area the most
-Ill be using 45's-50's on my db extensions, 45's on my incline curls, 35's on each side on my barbell curls, stack on machine curls for 10+ next week for sure.
-What I am happy with is
*im focusing more on the long head of the triceps
*my mind to muscle connection on extensions / db curling / dips / pullups are perfect!

-3 cups Coffee pre
-Used simple carb + electrolyte drink intra workout



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Looks like the split will be

-2 bodyparts a day
-Train each muscle 2x a week
-rest days only if its a LEGIT reason, maybe if im really sick, or I have to go beat cheeks.....or basically if I NEED it

*Abs/Obliques done every other day



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You could have been overthinking the reasons and missing the simpler ones...you finished a Pro Hormone Cycle of T-911 (Liquid version) and jumped straight into this one being a 19 (or 18?) year old on DHT...well really Epiandroesterone derivatives...even if these are mild...shouldn't you take a break? PCT? Recover...? Remember all the preaching you used to do about proper diet, proper sleep and not using hormones without being close to genetic potential?...that was TheHardOne that I met around april , the young man who was smart and passionate about his training but never overdid it :(

Just saying this because I read the posts you did about feeling bad...and well I got worried for yah man...back when I met yah you were different bro...just be careful, don't want yah getting hurt.


Well-known member
You could have been overthinking the reasons and missing the simpler ones...you finished a Pro Hormone Cycle of T-911 (Liquid version) and jumped straight into this one being a 19 (or 18?) year old on DHT...well really Epiandroesterone derivatives...even if these are mild...shouldn't you take a break? PCT? Recover...? Remember all the preaching you used to do about proper diet, proper sleep and not using hormones without being close to genetic potential?...that was TheHardOne that I met around april , the young man who was smart and passionate about his training but never overdid it :(

Just saying this because I read the posts you did about feeling bad...and well I got worried for yah man...back when I met yah you were different bro...just be careful, don't want yah getting hurt.
The dose was too low to even have some sort of a shutdown effect plus it was only like a 10-12 day cycle, and I didn't even know it was a prohormone until Rip told me about 10 days in and I did my research AND we had it marketed for PCT :(. So yeah...sort of a unfornuate situation, but still my fault! Me screwing up aka being immature(even though nothing bad really happened) was bound to happen sometime during my bodybuilding lifetime.

I bolded in your post what really opened my eyes, thanks dude, its time I get back to what I do well in.

I feel absolutely great now though, if you were reading how bad I was feeling a couple days ago....was supersetting 500lb rack deads with close to 400lb deadlifts off the floor for like 6 sets....which will hurt anyone, physically and spiritually! lol

Totally feel revamped, mostly because the great motivational input you guys give me, thanks again!


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The dose was too low to even have some sort of a shutdown effect plus it was only like a 10-12 day cycle, and I didn't even know it was a prohormone until Rip told me about 10 days in and I did my research AND we had it marketed for PCT :(. So yeah...sort of a unfornuate situation, but still my fault! Me screwing up aka being immature(even though nothing bad really happened) was bound to happen sometime during my bodybuilding lifetime.

I bolded in your post what really opened my eyes, thanks dude, its time I get back to what I do well in.

I feel absolutely great now though, if you were reading how bad I was feeling a couple days ago....was supersetting 500lb rack deads with close to 400lb deadlifts off the floor for like 6 sets....which will hurt anyone, physically and spiritually! lol

Totally feel revamped, mostly because the great motivational input you guys give me, thanks again!
There you go big guy, keep it up and just play it a bit safer...I know you are not new to the sport BUT playing around with big weight gets highly addictive as it also gets dangerous...specially with CNS fatigue...My team captain almost dropped a 225lb snatch over his head today because his grip was slipping, his movements were slower and he had neglected to deload...after that he now did and will take a week off though...I just imagine what could have happened if that bar had hit head on! I don't want that for yah either brother, and even worse I don't want yah to lose motivation bro...specially when you have given me motivation before bro.

Just keep it up and remember...we all live for this, the iron is as part of our lives as breathing is!


Well-known member
Great article!

Anabolic Energizing By Elliot "Yo Elliot" Hulse

"Johnny slams his sister in the back of her head with a balled up pillow sunk down to the far end of the pillow case and knocks her off of her bed — flat on her face! When Johnny’s dad scolds him and asked, “Johnny, you know better… why the heck did you do that?”.

Johnny admits that he knows better, but has absolutely no good reason why he would “go off on the deep end” like that, he just “forgot”.

I think what really happened was that Johnny allowed his most primal (and un-evolved self) to get a moment in the sun. This “primal urge”, to do what we know we shouldn’t do, comes to all of us at some time or another. We “know better”, but yet we get carried away in the moment and allow instinct to rule our better judgment.

One area where I’ve made this, “Elliott, you know better!” mistake has been with the way I train and how I failed to follow up my excruciating, catabolic tirades with Anabolic Energizing exercises and lifestyle habits.

This imbalance digs deep into our physiology and disrupts the natural balance of the nervous and endocrine system. Leaving us over stimulated and under nourished.

Here is how it works…

So, there is a branch of your central nervous system called your Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). Your ANS is responsible for all of the nervous functions that you don’t have to think about. This includes hart rate, digestion, the release of hormones, breathing and sweating… among many other things.

Within your ANS you have two opposing branches… your Sympathetic (SNS) and Parasympathetic (PSN) Nervous Branches. Each branch acts as two ends of a see-saw. As one side is stimulated the other side is suppressed.

Both sides have their benefits…

The SNS stimulates the Catabolic Hormones Adrenaline and Cortisol. Both of these hormones are essential for getting you up and going in the morning, getting you fired up to train heavy and giving you energy in a stressful situation (think about being chased by an angry baboon!)

The PNS stimulates the release of Anabolic and Sex Hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone… your body’s own natural source of natural anabolic steroids!

The problem is that most people have a severe imbalance between theses two branches. It is this imbalance that makes us ill, tired, fat and old!

So if you haven’t figured it out yet… many of us are Sympathetically Overloaded – this means that our SNS is over stimulated and in turn we are in a constant state of fight or flight. When in this type of predicament, you can rest assured that all of the anabolic hormones that are associated with the PNS are suppressed…

This leads to:

Decreased Strength & Vitality
Poor Concentration
Chronic Fatigue
Foggy Headedness
Decreased Sex Drive
Night Sweats
Orgasm / Genital Inhibition
Waking Un-Rest
Fungal Infection
Digestive Disorders
Rashes & Skin Problems
Decreased Immunity
Increased Risk For Injury
Poor Sleeping Patterns – Wake Up With Cold Sweats
An Overall Loss In You Capacity To Realize Your True Potential & Become The Strongest Version Of You!

Does any of this sound familiar to you? If you are experiencing 2 or more of the symptoms described above… you suffer from an imbalance and need to read the following VERY carefully!

You can take all of the supplements, eat healthy organic diet, exercise regularly and still be getting nowhere. This is due to a fundamental issue that has not been addressed… balancing your nervous system. If your nervous system is dysfunctional – so is everything else!

So, How Did I Get Like This?

The simple answer is poor lifestyle and nutrition choices… you eat ****ty food, don’t drink enough water, your wife pisses you off, your boss is a jerk, you don’t get to sleep on time and don’t get enough sleep, you abuse alcohol and caffeine , OVER TRAINING shall I continue?

Excessive Stress Hormones Are Secreted Because Of:

Financial Stress
Poor Food Quality
Eating Wrong For Your Metabolic Type
Relationship Problems
Sex Problems
A Toxic Environment
Dirty Air
Chlorinated Water
Poor Sleeping Patterns
Negative Thoughts, Words and Deeds
Improper Exercise Application, or OVER Exercising (like me)

“So, What Can I Do About It?”

What Is Stressing Your Out? – If you figure this out you half way there. Most of your primary stresses will probably come from Security (survival, financial) Sustenance, or Sex issues.

Do Something About It – I can hear you “Elliott, don’t you think I would have already done something about this crazy wife and credit card bills?” — NO, you haven’t done anything because you have not set it as a goal and you have not made a plan for its accomplishment…. Otherwise it would no longer be a stressor.

Remember, “Same Old = Same Old” – it is not until YOU decide to take decisive action to rid yourself of the primary stressors in your life that they will go away. It is no one else’s responsibility!

And you MUST do this! I really don’t want to hear any of the tired old excuses that people use in order to continue living their sick, sad, dysfunctional lives. Drastic results call for drastic measures… just do it!

Eat Right – Make sure that you are adequately prepared to deal with stress by filling your body with nutritious foods. Drink plenty of water. Eat more fats and proteins during stressful times. Take a Cod Liver Oil Supplement. Avoid toxic foods and processed foods. Eat right for your metabolic type. .

It is when you are most stressed out that you need the most nutritious foods… it is also the time when junk food seems most appealing, be mindful!

Exercise, Properly! – Over exercising, particularly aerobic exercises can cause more damage than good. In fact, “over-aerobicizing “ can lead to an increase in catabolic hormones (remember the SNS) such as Cortisol and Glucocordicoids.

Make sure that you include sufficient anaerobic exercises into your program. This would include weight training (less than 60 minutes at a time) and “Anabolic Energizer” exercise that I’ll teach you later. In fact, if you are feeling really stressed out – these Anabolic Energizer exercises will reduce your stress levels and rebalance your nervous system getting you to release more Testosterone, etc.!

Sleep - Get to bed as many hours before midnight that you can. I once learned that every hour of sleep had before 12am is worth 3 hours of post midnight sleep!

Think Right – The power of your thoughts shape your life. You literally are what you think. Regular mind exercises like meditation help you to “see through the clouds” of your life. Also there are many mind power techniques that you can use to keep your mind focused on the things that you want, and off of the things that you don’t want.

Using daily affirmations is a powerful tool… its like purposely planting flowers in the garden of your mind. And remember, if you don’t plant flowers your garden will fill up with weeds by default!

To ignore lifestyle and balance in order to excel in Superficial Strength & Muscle Building often leads to a diminishing return on our investment. Leaving us sick, sad, tired, and unfulfilled. Leading a balanced life is much more then allocating a certain amount of time to scratch all of the important things off of your to-do list… it also means letting go of our external lives (including the building of outer-strength) for a few moments to allow our internal strength (nervous and hormonal systems) to catch up and support our efforts instead of working against us.

Train hard, but remember(the above)."


Well-known member
Hams / Back

-16 sets for each Hams and Back
-Introduced New Angles / ROM's aka new exercises
-Strength going through the roof
-Hams (lying leg curls from various hip positions / foot placements, glute ham raises from various foot stances)
-Back (wide grip pulldowns, one arm hammer grip one arm rows, overhand machine rows superset underhand Pulldowns, narrow upright rows)
-Rest periods literally were from 10 to 30 seconds....now that was super intense! Never sweated this much in my life! Still doing heavy a$$ weight with the higher volume / short rest periods!)
-Super motivated today! (aggression / mood was perfect!)

*What do I need to fix for next Hams/Back workout?
-Stay focused on my hamstring movements!!! Or else my lower back will flare up BIG time like it did today! Mind to muscle connection was good for 50 percent of my sets for hams, the other 50 percent I just "lifted weight".
-Actually my back workout was pretty damn near perfect! But I can improve by chalking up my hands between sets, especially between sets of one arm rows...right arm goes...bam! .....left arm goes...1..2..hands getting really sweaty...3...4..5..YARG!!...6...weight feels like slipping off...7...ughh!!...straps feel like slipping off...etc....lol.
-Focus, focus, focus...must stay focused!

Back is coming along just the way I want it, pics looks blury I know. The quality on my phone makes my back looks 10x better than what you see here.



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TesTren + MMv3 (1 week review)

Aggression? Its starting to get in full effect, so far a 8/10! Its comin' though!

Pumps? Nothing different.

Strength? Moving along nicely! 10/10 so far

Mood? High T levels....of course I feel GREAT!! Absolutely wonderful, some days I feel like sitting down and having a nice conversation with a nice cup of tea.....then there are days I want go in front of everyone and pound my chest and scream im KING KONG MOTHA PHUCKAHH! 9/10 so far!

Fat Loss? Yep! Fat is melting off, finally my "stubborn" area aka lower ab area is starting to melt away. 9/10 so far!

Sex Drive? 8/10 Its great! But I feel it could be better! Honestly my sex drive was better with the Liquid T-911, but then again im only a week in.

Bodyweight increases? Up 10 freakin' pounds already + a drop in bodyfat. Yay!

Stay tuned folks.

Put in the work, pound dem' cheeks, and stay humble.


Board Sponsor
TesTren + MMv3 (1 week review)

Aggression? Its starting to get in full effect, so far a 8/10! Its comin' though!

Pumps? Nothing different.

Strength? Moving along nicely! 10/10 so far

Mood? High T levels....of course I feel GREAT!! Absolutely wonderful, some days I feel like sitting down and having a nice conversation with a nice cup of tea.....then there are days I want go in front of everyone and pound my chest and scream im KING KONG MOTHA PHUCKAHH! 9/10 so far!

Fat Loss? Yep! Fat is melting off, finally my "stubborn" area aka lower ab area is starting to melt away. 9/10 so far!

Sex Drive? 8/10 Its great! But I feel it could be better! Honestly my sex drive was better with the Liquid T-911, but then again im only a week in.

Bodyweight increases? Up 10 freakin' pounds already + a drop in bodyfat. Yay!

Stay tuned folks.

Put in the work, pound dem' cheeks, and stay humble.
That's a nice 1 week review mane.


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-Only did about 15 sets
-Used Barbell Squats(feet pointing slightly outward, shoulder width stance) atg for the first time, leg extensions, deep one legged leg press(feet pointing foward)
-Using new exercises / new ranges of motions obviously wasn't using 500-600 pounds lol
-Good workout!
-Rest periods were pretty long....was trying out new exercises / ranges of motion etc.....
-Tempo was more of a 3210
-Crazy pump! 10/10!
-I think days of me squatting just to par/slightly below par are done, I dont like using 500+ pounds lol. Now I go extremely deep, so deep it problaby looks funny because my a$$ is almost touching my ankles. Still able to use 3 plates a side for 6-8.
-30 mins low intensity cardio last night


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40 mins Low Intensity Cardio complete (11/11/12)


Board Sponsor
Don't even think I could get that low haha...

By the way, is that your sis in your avi? ;)


Well-known member
Don't even think I could get that low haha...

By the way, is that your sis in your avi? ;)
I have to put 5lb plates under my heels.

And yeah buddy, my sis is quite amazing. :)

/End log



Well-known member
My body is super receptive to nutrients right now, after anything I eat my muscles get a very "full" feeling, almost like a slight pump. Love it!


Board Sponsor
I have to put 5lb plates under my heels.

And yeah buddy, my sis is quite amazing. :)

/End log

She's thick as phuck!
Where do u find these pix?


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Week 2...

How can I improve / accelerate my progress even faster?

-Add in 10-15 mins of HIIT cardio post workout (EVERYDAY!)
-Continue to use various visualization techniques so I can see the "end result" in my mind immediately when I think about it.
-Stay consistent! Period!

Time to step it up a notch, even if its by 0.1 percent!

Vision, Intensity, and Face Your Fears!


Well-known member
Your thick as phuck!
Snap a most muscular pose nude for us ya bro?

And maybe! Prolly once I get down to dat 8 percent bodyfat range bruh


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Back (again) + Calves + HIIT cardio

-Generate more Force based workout aka increase load
-Just trained back HEAVY 2 days ago....already recovered and stronger! All lifts up 10-15 lbs!
-Being really instinctive on how and what I train
-For back used Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns, Hammer grip narrow Chins, Close Grip Seated Cable Row, Rack Deads, Narrow Upright Rows, Machine One arm rows
-For Calves, did a slightly bent knee press, and a bent knee press
-Post workout did some extremely intense HIIT.....felt like dying afterwards....
-Taking advantage....I AM!....Are you?


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hey hard one have a look over at the grn ammo dump tonight there is a promo instruction for you to look at lets get one going since you were wanting to do one there is specifics over there and let me know if you have any questions.


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Ammo Dump? ;)


Well-known member
hey hard one have a look over at the grn ammo dump tonight there is a promo instruction for you to look at lets get one going since you were wanting to do one there is specifics over there and let me know if you have any questions.
Will do! Was waiting on your email :)


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one thing, I had to post this up...

I see you changing your workout alot like everytime... (well I do it too but I don't change my whole workout I change it like 50-70% of what I did previously) (but still honestly I don't remember what I did previously in the gym, I just go in and do my best I can) I know they say changeis good for exercising so you surprise your body like everytime and it's makes it grow... but that change they say, is changing the workout like after keeping up with a same workout for a specific part for some 2-4 months...

I wanna know the correct logic, Y do we change our workouts like everytime?


Well-known member
one thing, I had to post this up...

I see you changing your workout alot like everytime... (well I do it too but I don't change my whole workout I change it like 50-70% of what I did previously) (but still honestly I don't remember what I did previously in the gym, I just go in and do my best I can) I know they say changeis good for exercising so you surprise your body like everytime and it's makes it grow... but that change they say, is changing the workout like after keeping up with a same workout for a specific part for some 2-4 months...

I wanna know the correct logic, Y do we change our workouts like everytime?
Ahhh mental barrier I see....

Well look at it like this...

Nobody's workout is NEVER the same, EVER!!!! Even when they tell you its the same, its NOT!

Your either adding in more reps, increasing the weight, adding in sets, decreasing rest periods, varying tempo, or training near failure, to concentric failure, eccentric failure etc.....EVERYONE does this, its called progression yet most people don't realize it

Im just simply making my body adapt to a stress it is not use to.


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have it from the coaches mouth himself..


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have it from the coaches mouth himself..
Charles Poliquin is GOD!

Rip how you likin' my gains so far...already up about 12 lbs!


  • RockStar
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son i am impressed! keep at it bro just dont fold yourself into a taco again and end up in an ER.. take things nice and slow just hard and fast namsayin?


Well-known member
son i am impressed! keep at it bro just dont fold yourself into a taco again and end up in an ER.. take things nice and slow just hard and fast namsayin?
Yes sir and thanks again for the hook up!

I just have to make sure whenever I do deadlifts, I don't superset rack dead to floor deads, and keep overall work/volume somewhat low with movements that are harsh on the cns.


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20 mins High Intensity cardio

-Feel like how I was feeling last week....again.
-I love having that mindset of "I work harder than everyone else".....but the reality is, IM NOT. And anyone else that says they "do more" or "train harder", it won't matter, in bodybuilding work ethic isn't the way you train. Work Ethic in bodybuilding, is building your mind, staying consistent, and being dedicated. Not to mention use what you have learned on your side and know when to pull back. That is truly a SOLID WORK ETHIC.
-Im super duper out of shape.....choice of activity for cardio today was shootin' hoops....jumping and running after my misses/makes.....lower back starts flaring up...oh well, it was expected, haven't moved like that in a while.
-I get so enthused about training I end up frying my immune system/cns, end up feeling like absolute crap the next day, mentally you start thinking of thoughts you shouldn't be thinking about....now ive learned a huge lesson....even though I always "knew" this...I never "REALIZED" this......"MORE IS NOT BETTER". What ever it is in life, you want something, find how to get it....then go get it! Period! End of story! Do it!

Stop pretending, time to get serious for the first time in your life! Wake up, its not your time! But hey, you have the decision to MAKE IT "your time"! Make it happen, nobody can stop you, only you can stop yourself.


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10 EASY Ways to Improve Insulin Sensitivity

What is "Insulin Sensitivity"? And who Cares?

Well honestly...how do you make someone care? You give them the 100 percent "harsh" truth right? Well in my opinion being more "insulin resistant" is HARSH! So im sure after you read this next paragraph you will know exactly what is Insulin sensitivity.

So...What is Insulin Resistance?

Insulin resistance occurs when your body is unable to use insulin effectively to control blood sugar levels. It is one of two risk factors that are common in metabolic syndrome or syndrome X, along with extra weight around the waist. The hormone insulin assists the cellular absorption of glucose, or blood sugar. In the case of insulin resistance, the hormone cannot be incorporated into cells, and the body compensates by producing more insulin. A cascade of physiological reactions begins, such as increased glucose and insulin levels, which in turn impacts the kidneys.

1)Stop stressing! (Cortisol is important! But excess cortisol, especially from stressing out over something that doesn't need to be stressed upon is just going to create havoc in your body, control your mind! Its hard I know! lol)

2)HIIT! (This is a must do, not just for insulin sensitivity, but for overall health. HIIT is the new trend now....but for good reason! Enhances your metabolism for 30+ hours after exercise(depending on how much/what you did of course!), enhances Growth Hormone Levels, improve cardiovascular health, and of course it also makes you more sensitive to insulin!) Something as simple as a 30 second sprint, 45 second cool down period, repeat that for only 10-15 mins can produce tremendous results combined with a intelligent nutrition plan of course!

3)L-Carnitine-L Tartrate! (Effective for increasing IGF-1 levels, improves insulin sensitivity, and increases Testosterone! Affordable aswell!)

4)Organic Lemon Water! (preferably first thing in the morning!) (Such a throw back tip eh? Im sure your mommies told you this when you were little!)

5)Intermittent Fasting! (Fasting in general will improve insulin usage in the body, EVERYONE by now knows the benefits of IF. If you haven't common wake up!)

6)Carb Back Loading (Pretty much similar to IF, another key point is protein also spikes insulin into the blood stream, but obviously not as much as a ice cream or simple sugar, so insulin sensitivity can still be enhanced, give Kiefer a break from all the Pirates and buy his eBook!)

7)Enhancing GH Levels (Kind of a vice versa of number 1 eh? More GH = Your more sensitive to insulin)

8)Acetyl-L-Carnitine (look at number 3, though this Acetyl version has slightly different/other properties aswell!)

9)NaR-ALA (NaR-ALA is a sodium-bonded version of R- Alpha lipoic acid. Alpha lipoic acid is an anti-oxidant that speeds the removal of carbohydrates (sugar) from the blood, and breaks down sugar and triglycerides for the production of Adenosine TriPhosphate. It also stimulates insulin signaling which supports glucose uptake by muscles as well as the metabolism of triglycerides by muscles. These properties can shift the body’s focus from storing carbohydrates as body fat, and instead, uses it for muscle-building energy.)

10)Good Ol' Fenugreek! (This ingredient has some pretty nice benefits if you ask me, here are a few...Fenugreek improve sex drive, digestion, lactation, asthma and also improves insulin sensitivity!)

Simple / Affordable Ways you can say good bye to that mental barrier of "Carbs make you fat". Makes carbs your best friend! Use them intelligently!

You think Nick Trigili (290+lbs at 8 percent bodyfat) is afraid of carbs?


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Took a couple days off from the gym.

*CNS Warm up (3 sets of each until joints feel strong, heart rate is up)
-Heavy one arm Rows
-High Rep chest pressing

*Progress Work (rest periods, 3 mins, tempo was typical) (whats typical? 3010)
-Flat Barbell Press
-Incline Barbell Press

-Abs (rest periods 1 min, typical tempo)
-Heavy DB Lying Leg Crunches
60lb x12

*No Fatigue work / maximum pump work
-Sticking to a workout I know I can recover from and grow
-Listening to my "current settings", which arn't the best right now!

*HIIT Cardio on steppmill (10 MINS OF BRUTAL TORTURE.....way more intense than sprinting...holy fuark......the intervals varried, most of the time it was a hard step sprint on a high level for 20-30 seconds, then a breif 30-40 second break, then a hard 15 seconds, then a 60-80 second cooldown, then repeat.....I was like....."This was NOT suppose to feel this hard".....LOL) Absolutely beat after the workout, never sweated this much in the gym before, without a jacket too!

-Feeling ok, honestly I won't feel better until I can get my life on the right path.
-3 cups Coffee pre
-Muscles feeling very full / dense
-Changed up my form / mindset on my chest pressing once again, but of course im progressing like always.



Well-known member
People tend to talk to me like im their "friend".....where is the respect?

Fine, I think its time I treat people how people treat me.

Its about time I walk around with my C@ck out.



Well-known member
Killer work man,crushing some weight!


  • RockStar
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I'm the kinda guy that when I walk into a room my d!cks already been there for 2 minutes.


Well-known member
Just re-read through this log because I kind of feel silly for some of the stuff I have put in this log......

Fuark! This TesTren + MMv3 is freaking potent! lol! Wasn't expecting this!

But anyways....

Week 2 update coming in a couple days....


Well-known member
I just hit 2 weeks on today,I'm ready for my gains to take off!impatiently waiting!


Board Sponsor
Just re-read through this log because I kind of feel silly for some of the stuff I have put in this log......

Fuark! This TesTren + MMv3 is freaking potent! lol! Wasn't expecting this!

But anyways....

Week 2 update coming in a couple days....
Excited to c this 2 week update!


Well-known member
I just hit 2 weeks on today,I'm ready for my gains to take off!impatiently waiting!
Damn 2 weeks in and your gains arn't in full throttle yet? Don't worry, when they come they will be vicious!

Vicious Gains mayne!


Well-known member
Damn 2 weeks in and your gains arn't in full throttle yet? Don't worry, when they come they will be vicious!

Vicious Gains mayne!
It seems hard to view my gains until the end sometimes,I don't seem to hold water or put on much body fat when bulking or on cycle,the scale goes up so I only imagine I'm making clean gains!or hope at least!i am feeling a bit bigger just by way clothes fit,but not the way you wanna feel when on,it will come tho!

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