Testing TestoPRO like a Pro (sponsored)



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Fire that beats up for tomorrow,, man they cant win any game when there playing against TestoPro! hahahahaha , **** those meals man, im going to look into a part time job a Golf course:)
it is nice - except the weather down here can really suck

very sweet ! I seen its on sale, u going to run it following this? going to double check the price;)
I'm contemplating it, but I'm still going to get a SWOLE stack or two for future plans lol


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that's a nice morning libido check Iron, thanks!


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I would not mind playing soccer with those chicks hahahaha. My libido just boosted 10 points so do not mind me.

Irish Cannon

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I would not mind playing soccer with those chicks hahahaha. My libido just boosted 10 points so do not mind me.
I get the image of that episode of Family Guy where Stewie's having a "wild and crazy party" and he's dressed like a yacht captain and is getting chased by those chicks, and then he starts chasing them...except it's me with all those babes.


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I know Texas Very, Very well;) worst place to have storms...
some bad storms came through today - so now work for me. Unfortunatley though I do not good enough to do anything but lay down and rest. My throat feels sore and I have a runny nose. My appetite is also gone completely. All that I have to eat is - breakfast was some blueberries and 3 scrammbled eggs - lunch (a long time later) was 6 scrammbled eggs w/ peppers and onions and black beans - and just now I made a little pizza w/ a tortilla, some feta cheese, chopped up chicken breast, garlic, spinach, and a diced tomato.

Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. It kind of snuck up on me, I felt great yesterday but when I woke up this morning I was like ugghh. Tomorrow I'm going to try to get a lifting session in, and I got to work in the afternoon. I only have another week or so left of TestoPRO, I got finish strong!!


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some bad storms came through today - so now work for me. Unfortunatley though I do not good enough to do anything but lay down and rest. My throat feels sore and I have a runny nose. My appetite is also gone completely. All that I have to eat is - breakfast was some blueberries and 3 scrammbled eggs - lunch (a long time later) was 6 scrammbled eggs w/ peppers and onions and black beans - and just now I made a little pizza w/ a tortilla, some feta cheese, chopped up chicken breast, garlic, spinach, and a diced tomato.

Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. It kind of snuck up on me, I felt great yesterday but when I woke up this morning I was like ugghh. Tomorrow I'm going to try to get a lifting session in, and I got to work in the afternoon. I only have another week or so left of TestoPRO, I got finish strong!!
Kill it in the last week bro. I hope you feel better I just started feeling better from mine.


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Eat as much as you can bubba...the body needs the fuel to fight the cold. Throw in some shakes as well. Feel better JD!!


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Hope you feel better brother!! Congrats on the bench pr as well!:cheers:


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nothing is worse then having a great run , and then come down with some type of sickness..Lots of fluids man! you'll push through it;)


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Ahem - WOW! :eek:

Dude this pis is f'n great! I wish I had it as a poster for my gym wall..lol Well wait a second on second thought I would'nt get no training done with it any where near me..lol


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some bad storms came through today - so now work for me. Unfortunatley though I do not good enough to do anything but lay down and rest. My throat feels sore and I have a runny nose. My appetite is also gone completely. All that I have to eat is - breakfast was some blueberries and 3 scrammbled eggs - lunch (a long time later) was 6 scrammbled eggs w/ peppers and onions and black beans - and just now I made a little pizza w/ a tortilla, some feta cheese, chopped up chicken breast, garlic, spinach, and a diced tomato.

Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. It kind of snuck up on me, I felt great yesterday but when I woke up this morning I was like ugghh. Tomorrow I'm going to try to get a lifting session in, and I got to work in the afternoon. I only have another week or so left of TestoPRO, I got finish strong!!
It does'nt matter where you live "COLD SEASON IS HERE" amd it sucks! Hope you start feeling better bro


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Dang Bro if you get the persistent cough get to a doctor. If that crap turns into bronchitis like mine did you will be screwed for a couple weeks of low lung capacity. The crap here in Houston that is getting everyone has been turning to bronchitis at the end for a lot of people. I am finally at about 85% or so. Just enough to get in a good workout with the use of an inhaler. I will be heading to the gym shortly to see what I can do now.

FEEL BETTER BRO. That is an order!!!!

some bad storms came through today - so now work for me. Unfortunatley though I do not good enough to do anything but lay down and rest. My throat feels sore and I have a runny nose. My appetite is also gone completely. All that I have to eat is - breakfast was some blueberries and 3 scrammbled eggs - lunch (a long time later) was 6 scrammbled eggs w/ peppers and onions and black beans - and just now I made a little pizza w/ a tortilla, some feta cheese, chopped up chicken breast, garlic, spinach, and a diced tomato.

Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. It kind of snuck up on me, I felt great yesterday but when I woke up this morning I was like ugghh. Tomorrow I'm going to try to get a lifting session in, and I got to work in the afternoon. I only have another week or so left of TestoPRO, I got finish strong!!


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Daily Update:

Well I feel a little better! But not good enough for me to push myself to get my lift on. I got called into work early today, I really did not even feel like going, but money is money. Luckily it was real easy and I got to eat a ton of good food up there. Today they had some fish, veggies, and shrimp pasta. I knocked out two full plates before I left for the day. As soon as I got home I took a long nap, then made me a nice big omelet (6 eggs) w/ red & green peppers along w/ a piece of toast. Then I took another nap which I just woke up from. I am kind of hungry now, might just cook a chicken breast w/ some spinach or something.

Tomorrow hopefully I can lift. In the afternoon I have to work, and I think it is going to be another awesome cool day down here. If I do not feel up to it I'll just stay home and sleep all day...


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Glad to hear your feeling better, Im thinking tomorrow im going to go out and pick up some of that "AirBorne" Stuff..try and pre treat..


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Glad to hear you are feeling better.


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Thanks guys!!

It sucks- I'm still not feeling 100% - I'm going to go to work soon and hopefully I'll begin to feel better after eating some good meals up there. Then when I get back home I can get a little leg/shoulders workout in. If not I'll just try and get one tomorrow. I just counted the rest of my TestoPRO bottle and I have 5 days left, including today. So far the benefits of TestoPRO have been great. Strength is up, appetite was up until now, my muscles are feeling full and hard, libido is sky high, and I know that there is other stuff that I am missing but I can't really think of it now lol.

Well I'll report back later today- hopefully I can make some money and lift some weights!!


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Report back and let us know how it went!... 5 strong lifting days ahead of you bro;) make it count!


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Thanks guys!!

It sucks- I'm still not feeling 100% - I'm going to go to work soon and hopefully I'll begin to feel better after eating some good meals up there. Then when I get back home I can get a little leg/shoulders workout in. If not I'll just try and get one tomorrow. I just counted the rest of my TestoPRO bottle and I have 5 days left, including today. So far the benefits of TestoPRO have been great. Strength is up, appetite was up until now, my muscles are feeling full and hard, libido is sky high, and I know that there is other stuff that I am missing but I can't really think of it now lol.

Well I'll report back later today- hopefully I can make some money and lift some weights!!
Awesome. That is what we want to hear.


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I hate to be the voice of reason here but if you go to the gym today PERHAPS you could do a less taxing workout than legs. Flip your schedule up and do one of your other muscle groups then go back to legs in another day or so when you have actually recovered. Legs could fry your CNS and your recovery pushing you farther behind in recovery from the illness. Just a suggestion Bro would rather see you resituate the schedule and not delay the recovery from illness than to smash legs out of mental toughness and be drained further effecting the next 5 days of your workouts while on the TestoPro.


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I hate to be the voice of reason here but if you go to the gym today PERHAPS you could do a less taxing workout than legs. Flip your schedule up and do one of your other muscle groups then go back to legs in another day or so when you have actually recovered. Legs could fry your CNS and your recovery pushing you farther behind in recovery from the illness. Just a suggestion Bro would rather see you resituate the schedule and not delay the recovery from illness than to smash legs out of mental toughness and be drained further effecting the next 5 days of your workouts while on the TestoPro.
Well said Kleen!! You have to listen to what your body is telling you.


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I hate to be the voice of reason here but if you go to the gym today PERHAPS you could do a less taxing workout than legs. Flip your schedule up and do one of your other muscle groups then go back to legs in another day or so when you have actually recovered. Legs could fry your CNS and your recovery pushing you farther behind in recovery from the illness. Just a suggestion Bro would rather see you resituate the schedule and not delay the recovery from illness than to smash legs out of mental toughness and be drained further effecting the next 5 days of your workouts while on the TestoPro.
Thanks Kleen- didn't even really think about it. Luckily I'm not going to push it today. Just taking it easy after work, might just do some reading. Tomorrow is a different story though!!

Today's diet was great. Breakfast was some turkey, blueberries, and toast. Then before I went to work I made a shake w/ 1/2 cup of oatmeal, 30 grams of whey, and a banana. At work they first just had the salad bar and I ate a lot of tomatoes, cucumbers, and raisins/crasins. Then I had to go out and work, then I ate a protein bar half way through the round. After I ate really good, two plates of mashed sweet potatoes, sliced beef, fish, veggies, and fricken lamb on the bone (like on Hells Kitchen). The lamb was amazing. I left feeling great and full.

Tomorrow I hope to go lift. I am feeling almost %100 right now!! I might just do some light legs and shoulders, just get in a nice groove. I have to work in the morning, but not that early.


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Looking forward to the updates J!! Kleen is right, do arms or something!!


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Take it easy man, I agree with the other posters. I still do a workout when I'm sick, just not as heavy or as long. Lots of times, I usually just hit the treadmill at a low pace, just to keep everything moving. Hope ya feel better!!


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So this morning I finally woke up feeling 100%. I ate 6 eggs, turkey, carrots, brocolli, and a piece of toast w/ honey. After this I decided to finally build up a good sweat:


Complexes - w/ 85 - 6,5,4,3,2,1 - 30 second bridge between sets

Thrrust Ups - w/ 105 3x10 - 30 second plank between sets

Other core work

Rest of the Day:

After my little workout I had my usual 40/30 shake. Then I had to go to work. As soon as I got there I had two plates of rice, veggies, and fish. Today was some special tournament and the weather was wet. We only got half way through and it got to bad so they called it. Once we were done I went to get more food and they had the same stuff w/ chicken breast, so I had two more plates.

Overall today was a succesfull day; I finally got to lift, made some money, and ate good. Tomorrow is one of my last days on TestoPRO and I will be busy almost all day. I have work early and I do not know how long I will be up there. If I get off early enough I'll throw down a chest/triceps session. Then I have a late night bball game against the best team in the league...


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glad to see your back to 100%, great workout, and great food! whos better then you jd?:) did you end up buying the swole stack? are you just running right into that?


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glad to see your back to 100%, great workout, and great food! whos better then you jd?:) did you end up buying the swole stack? are you just running right into that?
No I haven't placed the order yet, but I am still planning on doing it. I might go straight into it, but I want to take a few days off. I plan on testing my 1 rep max on squat some time in the next three days, and I might do some other testing too. I kind of want to do an all out bulk until new years too....


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I would roll right into it JD. The TestoPro is already rocking and it will just have to build back up if you stop now. Get SWOLE STACKED bubba!!


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I would roll right into it JD. The TestoPro is already rocking and it will just have to build back up if you stop now. Get SWOLE STACKED bubba!!
I hear that, my debit card is starting to come out now as I type :cheers:


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Adding in the Stoked and Glycobol will really have some great effects.


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I agree, roll right into it! All out bulks are the funnest parts of lifting bro, I say do it,:burger: then get crazy lean this spring!!

Irish Cannon

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I'll probably end up purchasing more TestoPRO as well. This seems to be great stuff. I'd love to continue it for a while longer. If I got another bottle, it would be getting stacked with PRIME and GHenerate. So yaaaa...It should be awesome. :D


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I'll probably end up purchasing more TestoPRO as well. This seems to be great stuff. I'd love to continue it for a while longer. If I got another bottle, it would be getting stacked with PRIME and GHenerate. So yaaaa...It should be awesome. :D
Holy BatSh*t Bilbo Baggins now that is a fuggin nice stack there.


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No I haven't placed the order yet, but I am still planning on doing it. I might go straight into it, but I want to take a few days off. I plan on testing my 1 rep max on squat some time in the next three days, and I might do some other testing too. I kind of want to do an all out bulk until new years too....
Kill it man, put on some mass! You are pretty lean keep it clean and eat hard and blow that sh*t up!


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I'll probably end up purchasing more TestoPRO as well. This seems to be great stuff. I'd love to continue it for a while longer. If I got another bottle, it would be getting stacked with PRIME and GHenerate. So yaaaa...It should be awesome. :D
I would really like to see how the results are at 8 weeks with TestoPRO.


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I'll probably end up purchasing more TestoPRO as well. This seems to be great stuff. I'd love to continue it for a while longer. If I got another bottle, it would be getting stacked with PRIME and GHenerate. So yaaaa...It should be awesome. :D

Great minds think alike!!:cheers:


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what happened????


For breakfast this morning I only made a shake w/ 1/2 cup of oatmeal, 2 eggs, banana, and 40 grams of whey. Then I hurried to work and ate some cornbread muffins w/ a sample pack of whey protein that I had. Luckily I only had to work 9 holes today bc it started to rain hard. It was a tournament so it is postponed until tomorrow morning. I then went up to eat some veggies, sweet potatoes, and chicken - 2 plates you know. Once I got home I took a nap for 2 hours and went to lift.


Incline DB Press - 65 x 5, 75 x 5, 85 fail x 2, 80 fail

Dips, Push Ups, DB Shrugs (80) in a circut until I got to 100 dips. It took me 12.5 mins


I was beat after those dips/push ups/shrugs. It was like a punishment for not getting the 85 lb incline db presses. I didn't feel that good after so I called it quits. On the push ups and shrugs I wasn't counting reps, I know more than 10 per set. Post workout I had my usual 40/30.

I am dissapointed that I didn't feel good as soon I started pushing the heavier weight. Don't know what I am going to do tomorrow. I'll probably just take it easy. Also I have a bball game tonight, and we are only going to have 5 or 6 people- so I'm plsaying big minutes.

An hour post workout I ate some chicken breast, black beans, and carrots. Before I leave to the game I'm gonna get a turkey sandwhich and maybe something else.


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Incline DB Press - 65 x 5, 75 x 5, 85 fail x 2, 80 fail

Dips, Push Ups, DB Shrugs (80) in a circut until I got to 100 dips. It took me 12.5 mins
nice bro, i bet them Tri's are shot!;)...Good luck with the ball game tonight.. I also hope your able to swing for the moon!:D
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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Was that my question? And it was directed toward UNC, not you. He stated that the stack is, "Unreal," and to, "DO IT!" So I am assuming that he has used it.
I am sure that a log will be run on the stack and we will let a non AI rep to say how well it works.:)


AI Sports Nutrition
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Was that my question? And it was directed toward UNC, not you. He stated that the stack is, "Unreal," and to, "DO IT!" So I am assuming that he has used it.
I asked him not to respond so that is why I responded. We will let someone who is not a AI rep give the opinions. I was polite to you and do not wish to continue this please.:cheers:
Iron Lungz

Iron Lungz

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Why did you ask him not to respond to a question about a stack that is carried by AI (by a consumer)? Jesus, it was an honest question...

JDG - are you feeling any better?

I asked him not to respond so that is why I responded. We will let someone who is not a AI rep give the opinions. I was polite to you and do not wish to continue this please.:cheers:

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