Superdrol .... 5mg for 3 weeks results!


would u guys do a low dose of hdrol (i know its less potent compared to mdrol)? i was thinking 25/50/50/50?


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would u guys do a low dose of hdrol (i know its less potent compared to mdrol)? i was thinking 25/50/50/50?
Low dose H-drol? You wouldn't feel a thing. Don't bother.

SD works great!


yea im starting with hdrol for my first ph...just started it today


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Took the day off from my work out and dosing SD at 10 mgs. Man, my muscles feel full, swole, hard and powerful. Can't wait to hit the gym again tomorrow and another 10 mg dose. No limp **** so far. Actually, quite the opposite. Could this be rebound?


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Took the day off from my work out and dosing SD at 10 mgs. Man, my muscles feel full, swole, hard and powerful. Can't wait to hit the gym again tomorrow and another 10 mg dose. No limp **** so far. Actually, quite the opposite. Could this be rebound?
More or less, that's how I felt on my similar run. Not really explosive and super aggressive, but rather, capable. Anything I felt like doing physically, I was more than confident that I could do it. And definitely no limp **** :D!


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I pulse EPI all the time ... and here's how ...

Basically Dr. D's "No PCT" Pulse ...

During the pulse - I dose three times a week - M/W/F on my heavy lift days.

Do that for two weeks - so six Epi doses - all 40mg except for the first two - which are 20mg and 30mg.

Take two weeks off. I'll take test boosters ... Erase or Triazole during this time.

Then repeat the cycle again for two more weeks.

You're done at this point.

I don't make "great" gains doing it this way - nor am I trying to. I do make up about 3 - 4 pounds of lean mass though and it's a GREAT way to "recomp". Epi has a very nice leaning effect - and if you combine it with Ephedrine / Caffeine stack - you are talking about a pretty powerful shredding combo.

I don't feel shutdown doing this - and I don't need a SERM (though I always have Torem on hand). My Libido is always high. I don't suffer libido dives - if I did I would immediately quit whatever I was doing.


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Wow, Siperdrol really does love carbs. I ate a little early in the day yesterday, so I was a little on an empty stomach last night and man did I get lethargic.
I also find I am getting hungry more often and sooner after my previous meal than what I normally would. I imagine it's from the more intense workouts and from the SD shuttling glycogen to my muscles faster.


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Wow, Siperdrol really does love carbs. I ate a little early in the day yesterday, so I was a little on an empty stomach last night and man did I get lethargic.
I also find I am getting hungry more often and sooner after my previous meal than what I normally would. I imagine it's from the more intense workouts and from the SD shuttling glycogen to my muscles faster.
Gotta maintain food intake w/sd no doubt.

What sd are you running(just curious).


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Just a question, howd you guys end up dosing at 5mg a day? Most of these superdrol clones are 10mg or HIGHER (for whatever reason... lol). Just curious.
Superdrone from primordial


anyone hear how the andromass performs? side effects? non methyl product ? correct?


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Will this work with Beastdrol? Beastdrol says it has 10mg of Superdrol and 500mg l-carnitine l-tartrate. If you split the capsule, how can you be sure that you are getting 5mg SD, and not some other ratio of SD and l-carnitine l-tartrate?


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Will this work with Beastdrol? Beastdrol says it has 10mg of Superdrol and 500mg l-carnitine l-tartrate. If you split the capsule, how can you be sure that you are getting 5mg SD, and not some other ratio of SD and l-carnitine l-tartrate?
I'm sure beastdrol was mixed sufficeintly with the l-carnitine and l-tartrate before capping... pouring out half of the powder inside the cap should be a pretty accurate way of getting 5mg of beastdrol into you with the other ingredients pretty evenly dispersed.

Anyone do it any other way?


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I wasn't sure if the granules were the separate individual compounds, or if the compounds were mixed together in each granule...if that makes sense. If each granule is a different compound (SD or l-carnitine l-tartrate), then there is a chance that you are not going to get 5mg of SD if you just pour out half the powder.


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I'm sure beastdrol was mixed sufficeintly with the l-carnitine and l-tartrate before capping... pouring out half of the powder inside the cap should be a pretty accurate way of getting 5mg of beastdrol into you with the other ingredients pretty evenly dispersed.

Anyone do it any other way?
empty the cap into a shot of extra virgin olive oil, mix it up, and take half the shot.


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What kind of PCT for a 3 week run of SD 5/5/5?

I was thinking Nolva 20/10/10

Sufficient, or too low? I wasn't going to run an AI since reading about all the issues with SD and rebound gyno. Any suggestions?


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What kind of PCT for a 3 week run of SD 5/5/5?

I was thinking Nolva 20/10/10

Sufficient, or too low? I wasn't going to run an AI since reading about all the issues with SD and rebound gyno. Any suggestions?
I always run the same PCT (toremifene as SERM), but the dosages on that are debatable. Right now, I'm trying Toremifene at 60mg ED for 4 weeks, and I seem to be recovering fine. But for Superdrone, I did Toremifene 120mg for 3 days, then 90-60-60-30. But if I were you, I would just find a SERM from a reliable, legit source, and stick with it for the foundation of all of your cycles.

You could also get blood tests to see how shutdown you are, as I really don't think I was shutdown at all on that cycle.


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I always run the same PCT (toremifene as SERM), but the dosages on that are debatable. Right now, I'm trying Toremifene at 60mg ED for 4 weeks, and I seem to be recovering fine. But for Superdrone, I did Toremifene 120mg for 3 days, then 90-60-60-30. But if I were you, I would just find a SERM from a reliable, legit source, and stick with it for the foundation of all of your cycles.

You could also get blood tests to see how shutdown you are, as I really don't think I was shutdown at all on that cycle.

Thanks for the suggestion. I already have Nolva on hand, that's why I was thinking of going with it. I've read good things about Torem, but haven't been able to get my hands on any so may have to stick with Nolva for this cycle. For a Nolva PCT, would the 20/10/10 dosing work?


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Thanks for the suggestion. I already have Nolva on hand, that's why I was thinking of going with it. I've read good things about Torem, but haven't been able to get my hands on any so may have to stick with Nolva for this cycle. For a Nolva PCT, would the 20/10/10 dosing work?
I actually know almost nothing about Nolva, so I wouldn't venture a guess in that department (I've never used it, so how can I say?). Just look around in the Post Cycle subsection in the anabolics forum here on AM, and you should find PLENTY of articles about SERMs and their dosages. That's about the best I can do! Sorry! I'm sure others will be able to chime in though!


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Ok, so this is day 6 at 5mg SD/day and I've had absolutely no gains. Only effect I can tell is lethargy. Diet is good, should I up the dose to 10mg for the next two weeks, or just wait a while longer for it to kick in?


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Ok, so this is day 6 at 5mg SD/day and I've had absolutely no gains. Only effect I can tell is lethargy. Diet is good, should I up the dose to 10mg for the next two weeks, or just wait a while longer for it to kick in?
Try 10mg (I did 5mg AM and 5mg PM for steady blood levels). Keep in mind, like I said, the gains are not EXPLOSIVE. It's the kind of thing where after the cycle's over, you take a picture and compare it to pre-cycle, and say "Wow, I really did gain quite a bit". It's not going to be dramatic, but neither will the shutdown be, nor the liver stresses. It's a tradeoff.


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airdough, If you would do a search, you would find that "kick in" times will vary from person to person.

Some report strength and mass increases around the 7 day mark, others around 15 day mark.

What are your stats/AAS history?

Up your carb intake or maybe supplement with some stims to combat the lethargy.

Good luck


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If you would do a search, you would find that "kick in" times will vary from person to person.

Some report strength and mass increases around the 7 day mark, others around 15 day mark.

What are your stats/AAS history?

Up your carb intake or maybe supplement with some stims to combat the lethargy.

Good luck
Very true! Even though I read the "day 6" part, I just realized what it said. I didn't sleep much last night! LOL! Anywho, ya, it'll probably take a few more days to kick in. I think I went to 10mg on day 8, and then I think I may have increased to 15mg on day 15 (can't remember if I did or not, I know I was thinking about it).


Ok, so this is day 6 at 5mg SD/day and I've had absolutely no gains. Only effect I can tell is lethargy. Diet is good, should I up the dose to 10mg for the next two weeks, or just wait a while longer for it to kick in?
Unreal's Guide to Superdrol

Many users report that SD requires a high carbohydrate intake because its actions to produce greater glycogen stores in the muscles mean lower blood sugar levels.

Side Effects of Superdrol

Lethargy: as mentioned above, SD may have the effect of lower blood sugar levels on some users. This should first be tackled by increasing carb intake, if this doesn't work then supplementation with DHEA or plain old stimulants may be necessary. This is a side effect that generally limits the duration of SD to 3 weeks in more sensitive users.
Yes upping carbs will help Lethargy. But make sure you also do it prior to taking your dosage.
I would suggest reading Unreal's Guide to Superdrol. It is very informative.

If you experience Lethargy, I would suggest trying to bring up your blood sugar levels simply by eating something like a orange and apple about 30 min prior to dosage. I found this simple thing wiped out the Lethargy entirely, at least for me.

Try this prior to stimulants or supplementation with DHEA & 5-HTP.


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Thanks for all the advice. Background: lifting on and off for 10 years. Back in college did a deca/test cycle and strength and size exploded! This is my first experience with any PH. Thought I would try a low dose cycle to start. I'm 5'8" 165lbs about 16% bf, 30 yrs old.

I have read Unrealmachines guide front and back before I started. I think ive read all his posts, very informative.

Thanks for the tip on eating carbs prior to dosing, I'm going to try that. Lethargy hit pretty hard day 2-3, was hard to stay awake. Seems to be getting better now.

Goal for this cycle was drop bf, gain a couple lbs muscle. I guess I was expecting a bit more, no great strength gains yet, definitely no leaner. Have been eating at maintenance, thinking of dropping cals to shed more bf.

Think I'm gonna give it a couple more days at 5mg to see if it "kicks in" for me before I up the dose. Wanted to keep dose low to minimize sides. Well see how it goes.


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If you are truly experiencing lethargy then Supersrol IS working. By nature it shuttle more glucose to the muscles leaving you lethargic if your carbs are off. The first thing you should notice is more muscle response or slight better pumps. Large noticeable gains will show up towards the end of cycle providing you are lifting heavy and eating right. You are not going to noticeably lean out or increase lifts in 6 days.


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Not sure if this has been asked but many users claim that the gains stop after the 3rd week of Superdrol. Does this also happen when low dosed and/or pulsed for a longer period of time?


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hey guys this is my first post here.
Im currently running mdrol at 5mg every morning. I'm on day 6 and it's already kicking in pretty hard. Was weighing in at 82kg last week, already up to 84.5kg and gained a 1/4 inch on each arm.
I plan to continue on 5mg for a total of 3 or 4 weeks and then run full pct. I'll keep you all updated. :)


hey guys this is my first post here.
Im currently running mdrol at 5mg every morning. I'm on day 6 and it's already kicking in pretty hard. Was weighing in at 82kg last week, already up to 84.5kg and gained a 1/4 inch on each arm.
I plan to continue on 5mg for a total of 3 or 4 weeks and then run full pct. I'll keep you all updated. :)
May do the same cycle so please keep us posted :D. Thanks


I have been dosing 10 mgs 2-3 days in a row, weekends, 1 hour pre-work out.

I have gained some fat around mid section after a surgery 1 yrs ago. The SD seems to be leaning me out. My strength is skyrocketing! Today I worked chest & tris. I could have gone on for hours. The pump and strength is awsome! My son who trains with me noticed how my strenghth is almost back to before surgery. He thinks it's because we cut out the little bit of cardio pre workout we were doing. He doesn't know it's SD! Lol.
So you are just dosing weekends? I am a little confused as to how you are dosing...


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So you are just dosing weekends? I am a little confused as to how you are dosing...
I just take 10 mgs one hour pre work out, f/s/s since I am very busy during the week and weekends is when I get my best workouts in. Works great. It's like a low dose mini cycle.


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May do the same cycle so please keep us posted :D. Thanks
Will do mate

Today is day 14 at 5mg. I'm currently sitting on 84kg so I'm up 2kgs with significantly reduced body fat. Arms are up another 1/4 inch making it a half inch gain so far, again this is while reducing body fat. I am really enjoying this cycle so far, at times I've been tempted to increase the dose to 10mg in the mornings but there is really no need. I am seeing consistent and satisfying gains.

So far there has only been one side effect which is reduced libido (there is definitely some shutdown even with this low dosage).

So yeah overall strength gains are up, muscle mass has increased and body fat is down, all with minimal side effects.

I will update again in about a week. :)


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Very interested to see what your results are, duble truble. I have a bottle of beastdrol chillin, but i'm scared of it. busting open some caps and taking it in 5mg/ed form seems quite effective. what about stacking with sarms.. or adding a lil 3 wk boost to an already existing cycle? I really like the possibilities that low does sdrol gives... I'm tempted to start some now, as I have 3 weeks left on S4... 5mg sdrol ed for the remainder might be kinda interesting? I have cycle support and letro/torem on hand.. hmmmmm


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I would like to know too. I have a bottle of mdrol and some torem and waiting to see if pulsing is worth it


is cycle support really needed for 5mg/3wks? i have some left over beastdrol as well and wondering if the carnitine and sd are completely mixed.


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Very interested to see what your results are, duble truble. I have a bottle of beastdrol chillin, but i'm scared of it. busting open some caps and taking it in 5mg/ed form seems quite effective. what about stacking with sarms.. or adding a lil 3 wk boost to an already existing cycle? I really like the possibilities that low does sdrol gives... I'm tempted to start some now, as I have 3 weeks left on S4... 5mg sdrol ed for the remainder might be kinda interesting? I have cycle support and letro/torem on hand.. hmmmmm
sounds like a great idea, but uh, how are you going to seperate the filler from the steroid in order to know how much methyldrostanolone you are getting? you can just cut it in half, you may be cutting 2mg of compound, with 1g of filler/8g of compound, or w/e.


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cycle support isn't needed for 10mg for 6 weeks. i think you'll be okay with 5mg for 3 weeks. hell, i wouldn't even worry about pct, i'd just use topical formestane if i ran it at 5mg for 3 weeks.


That's true jbry. How would u go about splitting up a 10mg cap?
I have some clomid nolva and 6-bromo just not sure which to use.


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That's true jbry. How would u go about splitting up a 10mg cap?
I have some clomid nolva and 6-bromo just not sure which to use.
Certain brands sell them in the 5mg capsules. heeh
For Sdrol i would think clomid would be the choice to use. I have heard nolva PCT isn't good for sdrol. Or was that tren... 6 bromo has been shown to actually have negative effects in PCT so I would monitor that. I have used it to good results (in the gym and on body comp, but I never ran bloods with it)


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cycle support isn't needed for 10mg for 6 weeks. i think you'll be okay with 5mg for 3 weeks. hell, i wouldn't even worry about pct, i'd just use topical formestane if i ran it at 5mg for 3 weeks.
Hmmm... but lets say I wanted to run cycle support and PCT just to be safe. Would this be any good?

SD - 5/5/5
RYR - 800mg ED
Liv.52 - 900mg ED
CoQ10 - 200mg ED
Hawthorn - 800mg ED

Clomid - 50/50/50
RYR - 800mg ED
Liv.52 - 900mg ED
CoQ10 - 200mg ED
Hawthorn - 800mg ED


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sure, just cause it isnt needed, doesnt mean it wont help.


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lmfao 5mg of superdrol...uhm yeah..i doubt there's hardly any difference in physical appearance after 5mg of superdrol..


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lmfao 5mg of superdrol...uhm yeah..i doubt there's hardly any difference in physical appearance after 5mg of superdrol..
i guess you know nothing about superdrol then... 5-10mg cycles of sd is plenty for people to gain some weight.... clearly... look how many people have done this with success in this thread alone....


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They might be gaining weight but its different actually looking a good deal bigger than you were. Like noticably bigger like friends and family and people at the gym can tell right away you have gained a pretty good amount of mass. You might be able to look impressive with 5mg if you are on it for A while..

Yeah I know superdrol is powerful, doesn't mean your going to blow up off of 5mg of it though. There's gaining weight and then theres blowing up.


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They might be gaining weight but its different actually looking a good deal bigger than you were. Like noticably bigger like friends and family and people at the gym can tell right away you have gained a pretty good amount of mass. You might be able to look impressive with 5mg if you are on it for A while..

Yeah I know superdrol is powerful, doesn't mean your going to blow up off of 5mg of it though. There's gaining weight and then theres blowing up.
Not everybody is looking to "blow up". MANY of us are looking for ways to use a dangerous steroid at the SAFEST dosage that provides the maximum EFFICIENCY, with the most emphasis on SAFETY. Muscle means nothing without a liver.


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lmfao 5mg of superdrol...uhm yeah..i doubt there's hardly any difference in physical appearance after 5mg of superdrol..
this statement shows you know nothing about anabolic/androgenic compounds.

They might be gaining weight but its different actually looking a good deal bigger than you were. Like noticably bigger like friends and family and people at the gym can tell right away you have gained a pretty good amount of mass. You might be able to look impressive with 5mg if you are on it for A while..

Yeah I know superdrol is powerful, doesn't mean your going to blow up off of 5mg of it though. There's gaining weight and then theres blowing up.
and there is a difference in building quality lean muscle tissue and super saturating your muscle fibers with water/glycogen.

will lean mass gains be made from 20-30mg of superdrol? yes, but so will alot of water retention and risk of side effects.

of course it'll be more gains with a higher dose, but a lower dose will provide less gains, and less side effects. this is an indisputable fact of anabolic steroids. less side effects may allow more easly maintainable gains over a longer period of time.

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