Rich Piana



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I give the guy this; I have often said there are many things we in this lifestyle should not do unless it (this lifestyle) is what is paying our bills. Even though it is not via competing this lifestyle is in fact, to some degree, paying his bills. In my mind that makes the choices he makes make more sense than say joe blow deciding to do the things he does drug wise etc. When you can turn what he is doing to himself into making a good living for yourself and your family the cost:benefits scale changes when it comes to decisions as far as what drugs and how much of them to take etc.
The thing is this, now you have idiots copying him that will never translate the results they get from doing so into a single dime. In fact all it will do is cost them money as well as potentially their health and well being. THATS stupid IMO, but that is not on him. That is on the dumbass 20 yr old that follows his youtube, that runs his cycle identically, trains identically , and eats identically thinking it will magically translate into them somehow looking like him, which it of course, wont.
In one sense I say good for him, he has been able to make a lifestyle that rarely pays for anyone pay for him. On the other hand I think the mentality of many that follow him is a bit misguided and deluded. While his whole 3 month journey is interesting for me to follow it is still something I would personally never do. I have a family and so on that gives me priorities that force me to place my health and well being above how I look (to a degree) as my children are counting on me to be around for a long time to care for them and so on. I cannot be so selfish and honestly even if I could I dont think looking at it from a cost/benefits perspective I could justify doing to myself what he is doing.
My personal feelings on the guy: Well his language is annoying to me, every other word is f**k, that gets old. As far as what he has done to translate this lifestyle into a moneymaking venture- good for him. As far as people copying what he is doing, I think you should take a long , hard honest look at your situation before you decide to do that to yourself and do an honest cost/benefits analysis before doing it.
they are gonna do it anyway, just saying. I wish I had listened when I was a teen, I also wish I knew how to put a cycle together


All I can say is that if you decide to start using steroids, you better have the financial stability to afford surgery if needed.


I think the real question is how many supplements did Rich Piana send Billy Batson as payment, so he could come into this thread and defend him ever so vigorously? Or maybe he's Rich himself????
You mean as opposed to those of you trashing on him so vigorously?

Double-Standard Much ??


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You mean as opposed to those of you trashing on him so vigorously?

Double-Standard Much ??
Fair point, but I wasn't trashing on him just for the record.


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I've been watching some of his recent videos.

The dude's entertaining to watch, and he seems like he'd be a cool guy to talk to.

I don't believe he's the end all of bodybuilding knowledge, but I also don't believe you can get size like that based on purely chance.

So, clearly he is doing something right.

Most of all though, is that other people are getting results by following his advice and that's all that matters in the end. He helps motivate people to train hard and look better, what's wrong with that?


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I've been watching some of his recent videos.

The dude's entertaining to watch, and he seems like he'd be a cool guy to talk to.

I don't believe he's the end all of bodybuilding knowledge, but I also don't believe you can get size like that based on purely chance.

So, clearly he is doing something right.

Most of all though, is that other people are getting results by following his advice and that's all that matters in the end. He helps motivate people to train hard and look better, what's wrong with that?
What if they follow some of his other advice? Could be potentially harmful as well. I don't think he is someone anyone should be looking up to, entertaining or not.


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What if they follow some of his other advice? Could be potentially harmful as well. I don't think he is someone anyone should be looking up to, entertaining or not.
What advice are you specifically referring to?


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What advice are you specifically referring to?
Steroid advice, also not really "advice" per se, but the lifestyle he portrays may cause impressionable youngsters watching his videos to try to emulate that, and I personally think it is a vapid and unhealthy lifestyle.


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I finally watched a couple vids I had seen others refer to about "feeder sets". Interesting take. Anybody actually doing these? Or done them long enough to notice any benefit?


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Steroid advice, also not really "advice" per se, but the lifestyle he portrays may cause impressionable youngsters watching his videos to try to emulate that, and I personally think it is a vapid and unhealthy lifestyle.
Is he giving any different advice than what any of those people would get talking to users in the gym?

Or reading forums on the internet?

Honestly, you may not agree with his lifestyle choices but they are his to make. Same with anyone else that chooses to live that way, or any other way for that matter.

Doesn't make him a bad person, or at least any worse than any of us. He just lives his life the way he chooses to.

Which is something I think more people should do.
I finally watched a couple vids I had seen others refer to about "feeder sets". Interesting take. Anybody actually doing these? Or done them long enough to notice any benefit?

It's not anything special.

Just more volume for lagging muscle groups, really.

Westside Barbell does similar work with extra volume in between training days. You just don't want the intensity to be too high or it could negatively impact your recovery.


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Steroid advice, also not really "advice" per se, but the lifestyle he portrays may cause impressionable youngsters watching his videos to try to emulate that, and I personally think it is a vapid and unhealthy lifestyle.
Have you watched any of the vids? He hardly talks about cycling. In fact, in most of his videos (in this series) he doesn't even mention them at all.

How is it his fault that underage kids might be watching his vid? That is a ridiculous judgement of him. It's not his responsibility to keep kids from watching his videos. Should we stop all people from producing media/products for people who are 18+ because we are scared younger kids might view/buy them? It's the parents job to make sure their kids aren't retarded, not Rich's.


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There is a video where he talks about using 20 IU of growth a day, 800 mg of tren and a plethora of other drugs. He gained 48 pounds of pure muscle in one year.


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I finally watched a couple vids I had seen others refer to about "feeder sets". Interesting take. Anybody actually doing these? Or done them long enough to notice any benefit?
I just watched the video on feeder sets and I would tend to agree with Rich. I have been doing some form or variation of this off and on over the years and I can say that it does work to the extent that you want it to work.

I started doing these when I was a kid; I would strap 5 lb ankle weights to either side of a Louisville Slugger baseball bat and I would do 100's of reps of a particular muscle group. I can tell you that the focus, concentration and variation you can put on the muscle is greater than anybody will ever get when throwing around heavy weight with improper form and using the body to swing the weight. It's a great ADDITION to lifting heavy weight and you can see drastic changes in a short time period if you are truly dedicated. The initial shock to the muscle and change in patterning will force the muscle to adapt and grow in a different way. I will say that the effect can be seen within a couple of weeks easily but that the continued effect is very hard to maintain as the body will adapt quite easily to the lighter weight. At that point, you are working more on muscle conditioning. This is still beneficial but the visual gains will seem to stall.

It's a great way to break up lactic acid the day after a heavy lift with a particular muscle group. It's also a great way to increase nutrient uptake and speed up the growth and recovery process. I keep a 20 lb dumbell by my bed and I can hit any muscle group that I feel is lacking. My two favourites right now are are military press and bicep curls and I will super-set the two of them for 10-20 minutes. For the MP, I will do sets of 25-50 for a few rounds and will throw in multiple sets of lateral raises @ 15 reps each. For the biceps I make sure to hit it from every single angle and with every single grip. Standard curl, hammer curl and I curl straigh on, to the left, to the right, at 1/4 and at 3/4 angles. Also with the elbow back to hit the top of the head and the elbow more forward to hit the lower part of the head. Doing these lighter sets with so many different ROM allows me to develop different parts of the muscle group and at the same time get an incredible pump.

These high rep feeder sets are actually a great way for people to get into training too. It allows newbies to condition their muscle, get used to proper range of motion and form and at the same time teach them which particular range of motion/angle will hit a certain part of the muscle group. Anyway, I've probably already typed too much for T-Bone to read so I will just stop talking about my "pump sets" (as I have always called them).


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Cannot rep Toren again yet. Can somebody help a brotha out?


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Dave Palumbo said something about this in one of his podcasts he was referring to much more better muscle - mind connection did not said anything about real muscle gains but who knows, ( rep done)


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Cannot rep Toren again yet. Can somebody help a brotha out?
Thanks bro. If Yates had written that, he would some how have managed to condense it into one paragraph. Lol.


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I finally watched a couple vids I had seen others refer to about "feeder sets". Interesting take. Anybody actually doing these? Or done them long enough to notice any benefit?
if you gonna decide to do feeder what you gonna hit?


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Dave Palumbo said something about this in one of his podcasts he was referring to much more better muscle - mind connection did not said anything about real muscle gains but who knows, ( rep done)
Absolutey. I firmly believe that. That's what I meant when i said "the focus and concentration you can put on the muscle". When I do a military press with a light weight, I can feel the difference between lifting the weight with my elbow joint vs feeling my shoulder pull the weight up. There is definitely a difference there and it is that mind-muscle connection. The same thing goes with all of the muscle groups. It's also very specific to something like bench press. I know that plenty of people have no idea how to feel the pectoral muscle working in that motion, as opposed to just pushing the weight up with their shoulders and elbow joints. The difference is real for me. My pump sets keep my form in check too.


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I'm sorry I'm just going to say it. No matter what rich does he's going to grow he's on so much ****ing gear he could lift without knowing anything about lifting and he'd grow. His advice is useless unless it works with a natural lifter. Guaranteed a natural would get better results with some tried, true and scientific lifting methods versus some BS routine Rich Piana came up with to get views on YouTube for. Don't you all see that rich Pianas outrageous honesty is actually getting him paid? That's all the dude cares and he took a simple concept like honesty and spun it in his favor. Now he's seen as some bodybuilding altruist out to let the world know secrets that no one else would have rather known. Truth is he's honest when it benefits him. If it doesn't benefit him he's not honest. For example he denies synthol use. The guy absolutely uses synthol. He also won't be honest if it means burning bridges with anyone he makes money with or is friends with. Jerry Ward is another guy whose all about selective honesty which is still being dishonest. Flame me call me an idiot it doesn't bother me. This is just one persons opinion


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Arms and rear delts
im doing super light 3 times a week calves and rear delts last 1 month its not quite feeder but i have to say that i see benefits especially delt , im not on any PED at the moment if i was the result would be better for sure.


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Rich Pianas 8 hour arm workout is the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my entire life lol


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Arms and rear delts
The only thing I will suggest to you is to throw your regular arm and delt workout out the window. Hit those muscles with grips and at angles you are not used to working. Create new motions and you will develop more asthetic depth in your muscle. You can certainly do this for the arms, the rear delts might be a little more difficult to get a great variation with. Just pick a weight that isn't going to tax your joints or muscles to the point where your regular lift days are going to be affected.


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I'm sorry I'm just going to say it. No matter what rich does he's going to grow he's on so much ****ing gear he could lift without knowing anything about lifting and he'd grow. His advice is useless unless it works with a natural lifter. Guaranteed a natural would get better results with some tried, true and scientific lifting methods versus some BS routine Rich Piana came up with to get views on YouTube for. Don't you all see that rich Pianas outrageous honesty is actually getting him paid? That's all the dude cares and he took a simple concept like honesty and spun it in his favor. Now he's seen as some bodybuilding altruist out to let the world know secrets that no one else would have rather known. Truth is he's honest when it benefits him. If it doesn't benefit him he's not honest. For example he denies synthol use. The guy absolutely uses synthol. He also won't be honest if it means burning bridges with anyone he makes money with or is friends with. Jerry Ward is another guy whose all about selective honesty which is still being dishonest. Flame me call me an idiot it doesn't bother me. This is just one persons opinion
Jerry Ward put in hes body even more chemicals than rich he was not even close to piana size


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I'm sorry I'm just going to say it. No matter what rich does he's going to grow he's on so much ****ing gear he could lift without knowing anything about lifting and he'd grow. His advice is useless unless it works with a natural lifter. Guaranteed a natural would get better results with some tried, true and scientific lifting methods versus some BS routine Rich Piana came up with to get views on YouTube for. Don't you all see that rich Pianas outrageous honesty is actually getting him paid? That's all the dude cares and he took a simple concept like honesty and spun it in his favor. Now he's seen as some bodybuilding altruist out to let the world know secrets that no one else would have rather known. Truth is he's honest when it benefits him. If it doesn't benefit him he's not honest. For example he denies synthol use. The guy absolutely uses synthol. He also won't be honest if it means burning bridges with anyone he makes money with or is friends with. Jerry Ward is another guy whose all about selective honesty which is still being dishonest. Flame me call me an idiot it doesn't bother me. This is just one persons opinion
There is no amount of gear in the world that gets a guy to 300# with abs without knowing something.

It just doesn't work like that.

If it did, there would be a whole lotta dudes walking around that were that size.


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There is no amount of gear in the world that gets a guy to 300# with abs without knowing something.

It just doesn't work like that.

If it did, there would be a whole lotta dudes walking around that were that size.
100 % plus his gold nutritional advice eat mother,,,,er or eat more !!!!!!!


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im sure you can find good photo when he was in shape....


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There are some ok ones but he never placed in the top 3 in a competition. Not even once


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There are some ok ones but he never placed in the top 3 in a competition. Not even once
What's that have to do with anything?

Is he claiming to be a champion bodybuilder or no?

He even admits openly that his waist is too large, and he does what he can to change that. (That's why he has the tattoos on his midsection I'd bet, so it appears slimmer).

He's a big dude who loves the sport of bodybuilding and is making a living through it. I don't know that he claims to be anything else.


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the funny things is that nobody from professional bodybuilding/fitness industry said anything negative about either his cycle or training advices . only wannabe bodybuilders and gym rats ( mostly under 200 ibs) trash him


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the funny things is that nobody from professional bodybuilding/fitness industry said anything negative about either his cycle or training advices . only wannabe bodybuilders and gym rats ( mostly under 200 ibs) trash him
I've seen people comment, but they don't post on public forums very often, if at all. There are also a good number of people that are trying to build brotherhood in the sport and stay away from negativity.


Just wondering why this guy hasn't been busted for roids?


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Yes but they don't advertise it by posting videos of themselves discussing it and how much they use.
It doesn't show him with vials. You'd need more than a video on YouTube to get a solid warrant. Pretty sure he could afford a good lawyer to fight it.


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He could literally have vials that say test cyp on them and watch him inject it and that still could be argued in court cause anyone can fake something . A video can't prove that what he is using is just what he says it is . Same reason you seee people in music videos with bricks of cocaine and pounds of weed . It's could all be baking soda and grass clippings .


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He could literally have vials that say test cyp on them and watch him inject it and that still could be argued in court cause anyone can fake something . A video can't prove that what he is using is just what he says it is . Same reason you seee people in music videos with bricks of cocaine and pounds of weed . It's could all be baking soda and grass clippings .
This guy is right. YouTube is seen purely as entertainment.


Just saying he keeps posting that **** online there will be an investigation sooner than later. He's not street smart.


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Lol Greg Kovacs style
he talks about the issues with the legs and does legs with tank- they took a limo to the gym on leg day


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Just saying he keeps posting that **** online there will be an investigation sooner than later. He's not street smart.
Don't count on it.

Even if a YouTube video was enough for a warrant, it typically isn't worth a prosecutors time to go for users.

If they're taking down a steroid case, they want suppliers.


And Im sure Rich can lead them to some major suppliers if they really wanted to find out.


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he has enough $$$ for HRT clinic I'm pretty sure that he has script for test gh with his fuk up joints for deca too all legal... That's how this works....


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btw law is for poor people to separate them from RICH one....


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Just saying he keeps posting that **** online there will be an investigation sooner than later. He's not street smart.
They don't care about the low level. They want distributors and, most importantly, a big money trail.


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and rich also checked into the laws about publishing before he posted. dont forget, if he was investigated, everything he owns could be investigated. the real estate he has, his business etc. even if 1 has nothing to do with the other, if the law wanted to set an example they would have already done so.

he didnt post anything on how to commit a crime, how to buy, where to buy etc. worst thing that could happen is its removed from twitter and youtube. thats it-

the one thing he did do that brought attn to him in a very stupid way and was to announce he had no ins on his new car and he was driving it around and not wearing a seat belt. or parking in front of the mall in a fire zone.

its minimal and could all be for the camera but its bringing unwanted attn.


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And Im sure Rich can lead them to some major suppliers if they really wanted to find out.
Considering just about everyone gets their gear from UGL sites, it would take way too much money and time to get a "major supplier". No one is interested in busting anyone for gear. The feds aren't gonna waste their time with anything less than a truckload of sh*t anyway.

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