pp cycle help


i plan on running pp with megazol,i have mega TRN also. would it be good to add it to the stack or save it for another time? i also will be using cissus for the first time,can i use it on cycle and in pct?


  • Established
Whats your goal? whats your cycle plan?

Have you used pp and or zol before?

From what i have read here, TRN is good strength and also good for a cutting agent. If your shooting for a lean bulk, it could help. There are some hard libido shutdown stories out there. Most are minimal, but some have been serious.

PP & TRN are both methlyated, but ZOL is not. I personalyl would not stack 2 methyl's (though i have once before).

I would just run PP/ZOL for a little and see how it goes. You can always introduce trn in the mix after week 3 with the zol till week six. This is assuming your planning a typical 4wk pp, 6wk zol run.

i will be running same stack, but a 8wk pulse bulk/recomp cycle.


  • Established
TRN is not methylated. It is a 17b methoxy.
Zol is going to dry out your joints so cissus is highly recommended. The pumps with PP/TRN/ZOL are going to be quite amazing...so be prepared. If it gets unbearable you might want to cut out the zol as it gives a good pump...not as good as PP but you know. I've stacked 3 methyls before. It's not a big deal if you use the right support supplements AND this is a MUST... You MUST have some type of anti-cortisol agent during PCT or I SWEAR TO YOU when you stack two methylated ORALs without it you WILL LOSE ALL OF YOUR GAINS. I promise you. And get some creatine ethyl ester to run during PCT. It will help GREATLY to retain your gains. I'd run it during cycle as well.


  • Established
opps...I def agree that you need a coristol checking agent (retain2 just released). I ran a single compound cycle without and then with it; I certainly kept more gains and had less fat overall after PCT using it.

Ehh, some may disagree on the methyl stacking. I wouldnt suggest it, especially if this is your first cycle. Cycle support is the best stuff out there right now.

CEE plus all those would be insane pumps. You migh actually have to stop mid cycle, then run it again in PCT like I did with my pp/sd stack.


thanks guys.no this is not my first cycle it is my first stack tho. i plan on using the new retain as well as cycle support post cycle. i use creatine post workout on a regular basis and have found that no matter how you dress it up its still creatine i just use regular monohydate powder. i should probably do a log of this cycle, i just started mon.


bump...checking back in on this, cause i just started this trio myself. hows this cycle been for you?

im about a week in..check it out;

just finishing up my cycle today.all went well.decent gains and not much extra wieght gain fantastic gains in strength. i would up the trn if you can.starting my post cycle tomorrow with hyperdrol retain nolva zma and the support supps.


  • Established
Cool. So, not much LBM/additional pounds, but did you drop bf? I hear that is typical with trn/zol combo, even with a mass component.

What did your protocol look like? Any more input regarding shutdown, sides, back bumps, hairloss, etc?

This is my first time taking both zol and trn, also my first time on stacking 3 components. I am introducing trn lightly into this stack, mainly beacause I am slightly concerned about shutdown. I will bump up and gague as needed depending on how i feel. The max i will take will be 6mgs as shown, i want to keep the sides to a min.
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