Next cycle research



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Just finishing a cycle by finaflex liked it but looking at something a bit stronger. After some research I've decided to turn here and give this a shot. I've always had trouble packing on muscle and an ease packing on fat. But the last few years I've gotten my workout in check along with my diet. I've dropped down to 190 from 246 but still some struggle putting on muscle or at least to my desire that is anyways. Still looking to put in a little muscle then recomp/cut afterwards. I know this is a lot of info just trying to get everything out there for the best advice.

Plan is to grab the spawn stack by Olympus. Then to pick up an additional bottle of tr3n, ep15tane, and arimicare.

I'll run sten for 5 weeks at 10/15/20/20/20
Epi for 6 weeks at 45/45/45/60/60/60
Tren for 6 weeks at 60/60/60/90/90/90
Ar1micare for 6 weeks for at 4 caps/day

Sup3r Pct

Never had to use a serm but I know nolva is highly rec. just not sure on dosing or a reputable place to get it.

How does this setup look? Would 8 weeks of epi and tren be safe/better?

Thanks ahead of time for the feedback.


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I'm pretty sure that 45mg/day of Epi is enough for you, no need to buy second bottle. 30/45/45/45/45/45 is how I'd do it.

You can run TR3N for 8 weeks. For example 60/60/90/90/120/120/120/120 would work well for that.

I'd save Stenabol for your next cycle. You'll be happy with Epi and TR3N - they are different kind of animals compared to those you've tried so far.. Much more potent!

Check research companies which are sponsors here. I'd pick Clomid over Nolva if you're running TR3N and run it at 50/50/25/25.


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Ok thanks for the help and advice. Have to wait 8 weeks to start this cycle but plan on ordering soon. Can't wait to run this cycle I've read good things about Olympus and I will be taking ur advice on dosage.


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Keep me updated!


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Ok thanks for the help and advice. Have to wait 8 weeks to start this cycle but plan on ordering soon. Can't wait to run this cycle I've read good things about Olympus and I will be taking ur advice on dosage.
Cool dog:)

Looking forward to your log and cycle in 2 months time;)
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