Mass Adipocide! (Partially-Sponsored, Joint Log)



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Good lifts today biggie. Saw this and laughed:

Army Guy

Army Guy

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man those are some crazy leg press numbers!!!!


The BPS Rep
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You guys should give 100rep sets a try on leg press - the quads are one of the few muscles with the physiology capable of benefitting from such numbers. Another fun thing is to do squats for 5+min straight with 135lb.


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:haha: :toofunny:...caption is so win.

Resolve, I am hitting up quads today. I may just be mad enough to try such a thing.


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Day 21


Energy was once again high yesterday. You can't go wrong with X-Force and AlphaT-2, they are an awesome combo.


Sleep has continued to be good from the beginning of this log. There have been a couple of exceptions to this, such as last night I didn't sleep well, but for the most part I've really found that T-2 has helped me get good rest.

Fat Loss:

I can see that I've made a lot of progress here, but the scale isn't dropping a whole lot. I've increased my activity which should help me with fat loss even more. I'm not too worried about losing weight as long as I look the way I like.


I couldn't make it to the gym yesterday, so I did a 25 minute body weight circuit. It was a tough one! And I'm off to the gym today for some Bench!:woohoo:


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I got my T2 and Lean Extreme in. WOuld you guys recomend I hold the Lean Xtreme off for a bit and run the T2 with something stimmy like OEP? Or run both and just add in some Y-hcl for extra energy and thermo?


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I got my T2 and Lean Extreme in. WOuld you guys recomend I hold the Lean Xtreme off for a bit and run the T2 with something stimmy like OEP? Or run both and just add in some Y-hcl for extra energy and thermo?
Dude, run the T2 and LX together. The stim is icing on the cake, but I can only imagine how good T2 plus an anti-cortisol would be.

I'll actually be running X-Lean here as soon as my bottle of T2 is gone and am heavily considering picking up a second bottle to run with it.


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Day 22


I woke up a little sleepy, but as the day went on my energy escalated. By the time I got to the gym I was buzzing!

Fat Loss

I am looking and feeling really good! Fat loss has been steady, and cardio/HIIT sessions are really beginning to show.


My workout yesterday was incredible! I was going from one set to another with hardly any break and setting PRs like it was nothing. It is important to me that I don't lose too much strength while I'm "cutting". To be gaining strength while I'm seeing an improvement in my physique is even better!

BB Bench:

1x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x145, 1x145, 145x1 + 1 <PR

Decline BB Bench:
2x12: 95 lb

BB Front Squats:
1x10: 95
3x8: 115, 125, 115 <PR

DB Rows:

5x5: 60 lb DBs

Cable Face Pulls:
4x10, 50, 60


The BPS Rep
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Guess I may as well put up my
Day 23 Update

Never underestimate what good recovery modalities can do for your general well-being. A good night's sleep, some time in the sauna and a dip in the pool made a world of difference in how I felt both before and after yesterday's workout. Stress is lower now (my two hardest days of this week are over!) and I'm making progress on my main project, which always makes me happy.

T2: I have no reason for it, but the sweats are back. Big time. Yesterday morning just walking around had the underarms of my shirt drenched. Not pretty. Haven't weighed myself since Monday, but I am looking decent in the mirror, if I say so myself. Still got a ways to go, though. Baby Steps. Baby steps into the elevator.

E-911: Returned to the tried and true member of this stack after sowing a bit of stimulant wild oats. I had forgotten how quick this stuff kicks in - it has to be the sublinguality of it. Bypassing digestion means quicker action, which is just what I needed for a very frustrating day like yesterday started as (but fortunately improved with time).

Workout: PL Pull Day
Deads: 315x5, 405x5, 425x5, 445x5, 315x12
My grip was the strongest it's been in a while for these. Grip is always to first thing to give on my deads, and typically is the limiting factor. Still, I refuse to use straps unless it's a supramaximal rack pull or I'm injured. 445x5 isn't a PR, but it's the best I've pulled for 5 in a couple of months.

Weighted Chins: +60x5, +70x5, +80x5, +100x5 (PR!), Bodyweight x15
It's 5-rep week, so today's chins had a few more reps than normal for me. It's surprising what a difference just those 2 little additional reps make, in terms of difficulty. The +100 for 5 is a PR for this number of reps, but you've all seen right here in this log that I've moved more weight for sets of 3.

Wide-Set, Chest-supported Cable Rows: 100lb per side x20 x20 x20
Just wanted to try something new. Meh, it was mediocre at best, but now I've tried it and can return to my normal DB rows with greater vigor.

One Leg Curls: 115 for 4 cluster sets of 5x5
This is a bit confusing, but each set consisted of me doing 5reps with one leg, 5reps with the other and going back and forth until I'd completed 25 total reps. Like the rows above, this too was something new to try. I like this a lot, I think I'll stick with it for a while - the agony it induces is quite acute.

Accessory Lifts:
Hammer Curls:
65s for 4x10
BB Curls: 95x10, 115x10, 115x8, 135x3 (135 hurt my bad wrist too much)
Face-Pulls: 100 for 5x12
Army Guy

Army Guy

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I love it when you post your back day!!! wish mine was as stellar!!!

Irish Cannon

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What About Bob references. I love it.

Don't Hassle Me, I'm local.


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Day 22


I woke up a little sleepy, but as the day went on my energy escalated. By the time I got to the gym I was buzzing!

Fat Loss

I am looking and feeling really good! Fat loss has been steady, and cardio/HIIT sessions are really beginning to show.


My workout yesterday was incredible! I was going from one set to another with hardly any break and setting PRs like it was nothing. It is important to me that I don't lose too much strength while I'm "cutting". To be gaining strength while I'm seeing an improvement in my physique is even better!

BB Bench:

1x95, 3x115, 3x135, 3x145, 1x145, 145x1 + 1 <PR

Decline BB Bench:
2x12: 95 lb

BB Front Squats:
1x10: 95
3x8: 115, 125, 115 <PR

DB Rows:

5x5: 60 lb DBs

Cable Face Pulls:
4x10, 50, 60
Im very impressed by your lifts BW!


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Im very impressed by your lifts BW!
Well thanks. :) I got in an amazing workout once again today:

Clean and Press

6x70, 3x95, 3x115, 3x115, 6x95, 6x95

Overhead Lunges

5x10: 25, 35x2, 45x2

Narrow Grip Supinated Chin Ups

Bw+10: 4, 3
BW+20: 3, 3
BW+25: 3

Finished off this session with sprints as I have been every workout day since last Friday. :)


The BPS Rep
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Day 24

Yesterday was another fine workout. I'm altering my quads set-up, trying new things because I feel the intensity and progress could be better, hypertrophy-wise. So, you'll see new combinations and layouts for that muscle group over the coming days.

T2: What new aspect can I report? I'm now seeing the advantages of 2/2 dosing. It took a few days to kick in, but is definitely now more potent than the 2/1 that I started with. Jumping right in with 2/2 would probably be unnecessary for a new user, ramping up to it seems the way to go.

E-911: Beginning to run a bit low on this. T2 is looking low too. Still gotta hand props to this stuff, it has kept me going through some long days this week.

De Vorkout: Push Tri-/Super-sets

Olympic Front Squats: 225x5, 225x5, 275x4, 285x4 (PR)
I was shooting for 5 on that last set, but didn't have the gas. None-the-less, 285 for 4 is still the most reps I've done with that load. From here on I will have one Front Squat and one Back Squat day each week. This will allow me to load up the back squat, as I've been wanting to do for a while now.

Chest Tri-set:3reps per movement, 4giant-sets, no rest til end of set
Floor Press: 225, 275, 295, 305
Floor Flies: 85s
Incline DB Press: 100s
Saw nice increase on Floor Press, and had a marvelous pump from this tri-set in general. With two movements preceding it, the incline press was a bitch - I just focused on making every rep count and generating as much power as possible. Also, if you haven't tried floor flies, I recommend them; I find they give a better "stretch" in the pecs than a regular fly.

Leg-Press: 270x5, 360x5, 450x5, 540x5, 630x5, 680x5
Ss'd w/LP Calves: Same as above.
I have not done heavy leg press like this in AGES. In fact, the 680 could possibly be a PR (it's been so long I have no idea what my previous record is). My gym has two leg press sleds, and I used the larger of the two for this workout. I was able to position my feet much better and get a much larger ROM than on the other sled, which I used last time for those high rep sets. I enjoyed it, really felt the weight tearing deep into my quads.

Triceps Tri-set: 4sets, 3-5reps per lift, no rest til end
Weighted Dips:
+70, +80, +90, +115
Unilateral Overhead Exts: 60s
Single-Pulley Rope Exts: 100
So, I'm 6" from the dipping bars, and I finish strapping 80lb to my waist. I turn around, and there is a tiny little asian man doing the worst dips you've ever seen. All my gear is right up against the bars, my towel is hanging over them and I'm right there too - I have no idea how he didn't know I was using it. Anyways, I'm not waiting on his leisure for the equipment I'm using, especially since I'm already belted up. I say "Excuse me, sir." No response. "Sir?" "HEY!" Seems Mr. Miyagi's head phones were a bit too loud. I had to tap him on the shoulder and give him a general WTF gesture to get him to leave. :rolleyes:

Anyways, I felt great through the course of this workout, and had another very funny conversation with a guy who epitomized "skinny-fat". But I'll fill you in on that later.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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Day 24
Also, if you haven't tried floor flies, I recommend them; I find they give a better "stretch" in the pecs than a regular fly.
I have tried these, but the elbows hit the ground too soon... with the long arms like you and I have, how do you compensate. I have to keep the elbows bent slightly or I hyperextend them... thoughts???
And killer lift too you freak of nature...
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!
I just figured you out you mad scientist you!!! Are you brewing up some supperhuman witches brew to make you so beastly??? I WANT SOME!!! I will be your guinea pig!!!!


The BPS Rep
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I have tried these, but the elbows hit the ground too soon... with the long arms like you and I have, how do you compensate. I have to keep the elbows bent slightly or I hyperextend them... thoughts???
And killer lift too you freak of nature...
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!
I just figured you out you mad scientist you!!! Are you brewing up some supperhuman witches brew to make you so beastly??? I WANT SOME!!! I will be your guinea pig!!!!
For the floor flies: increase the load and use the floor to your advantage. I lower the weight slowly, over 3-4secs, until my upper arms hit the floor. I keep my scapulae pulled as far together as possible and sit like that for a second or two, then explode the weight back up as hard as possible. Pulling my scapulae together means that my pecs are stretched pretty much the whole time arms are on the floor, and the higher load I use (compared with normal flies) increases the motor unit recruitment.

:lol: Nah, the only witch's brew I'm on is good nutrient timing and a butt-load of quality supps. Though I may have to release my own product, now that you've given me a good name!

Army Guy

Army Guy

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lol will try those... the technique AND the brew!!!


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Well, that went by quick - today marks my final day on Alpha-T2. Yup, there are only 2 lonely little caps left for this afternoon's dose, and that's it. So, I'll post a final review in the coming few days.

Day 25

Another day of fatigue and overexertion this week. Thankfully, it was a high carb day, so I got to refuel somewhat. 700g Cho makes me happy - I ate 5cups of brown rice, 2cups of chili, 2cups oatmeal, in addition to blackberries, grapefruit, a couple of rolls and some shredded wheat in almond milk. It felt sooooo good.

Also, I weighed in at 239.5lb yesterday morning, for a now cumulative total of 7.5lb lost.

T2: We've come to the end of this adventure. Affects have remained apparent, and weight loss has been substantial. Nothing new to report, but you guys all know the facts now; sweating and thermogenesis.

The Workout: PL Push Day

Pin Squats: 315x3, 385x3, 405x3
Back Squats: 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 335x4, 335x5
Felt good to get a bigger load up on my back squat. I'm a bit out of practice on these, so I'm sure I'm not moving as much as I could be, but it wasn't bad for a first go.

Bench: 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 325x3, 225 x10 x10 x10
And here was where I started feeling entirely drained. I just ran out of steam and was running on sheer will. Think the low calories of the previous couple of days had begun to catch up with me.

Seated Overhead Press: 135x5, 185x5, 205x4+1, 205x5 (PR)
I skipped my push-presses. Just didn''t have it in me. 205x5 is a pr for reps, for what it's worth.

Accessory Lifts:
BB Skullcrushers:
115 for 3x10, 125 for 3x8
One Leg Exts: 95 for 6x15-20
One Leg Press Machine Calves: 110 for 6x12

I'll be keeping an eye on my strength levels over the next couple of days. If I continue to be this fatigued and have any more performance decreases, I'm going to bump my calories up a bit. It's not worth it to me to lose weight at the expense of strength and athleticism.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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I get that way too when I follow up a heavy lift after low cals... you still crushed it my friend. Looking forward to the final review!


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DAY 24

Energy incredibly high on Friday. All the way around I felt great all day. Fat loss has continued. My physique is definitely seeing a good change. My strength has continued to increase, while my fat has been noticeably dropping every week. I think I have about a week left of Alpha T-2.


Squats 4x4 :135, 155, 185, 195, 205,
215 x1 <PR
2x10: 135

Push Ups:

Step Ups w/ 35 lb Plate:

BB Bent Rows:
6x3: 95, 105, 115, 125, 130, 135 < PR!
Army Guy

Army Guy

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congrats on the PR young lady!!!


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Day 25

Energy was so-so. I was extremely sluggish in the morning and at the gym which made it difficult to workout. As the day went on the sleepiness eventually wore off with some help of X-Force.


4x6: 135, 155, 185, 195
2x10: 135

5x3: BW+ 10, 25, 35, 45, 50, 60 x1

Military Press:

3x10: 30 lb DBs


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DAY 27

I'm feeling good right now. Just got back from the gym after setting a PR or two and I am feeling lean n' mean. ;)

I was sweating like crazy in the gym today- the thermogenic effects of AT-2 are definitely still there. Not quite as strong as the first week, but still noticeable. I will be taking pictures at the end of this week or beginning of next to show my fat loss progress.


BB Flat Bench:

Warmup: 95x4
115lb x4 reps
125x4 reps
135x4 reps
135x3 reps
95x10 reps
95x10 reps

DB Bent Rows:

Warmup: 45 lb x5 Reps
70x3 < PR
75x3 <PR

Leg Press:
3x10: 90
3x10: 180
3x10: 180
3x10: 230 lb

Cable Face Pulls
4x10: 50, 60, 60, 60

three 15 sec eliptical sprints, four 50 sec running sprints on the track

I think that the Leg Press machine itself weighs at least 20 lb, so technically I leg pressed more that what is noted, I just don't know exactly how much it weighs so I left it out of my numbers.


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Floor flies..holy shat, GENIUS!



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No dividing by zero get's you this

...that's a universe imploding within itself.
looks more like a planet than an entire universe, lol.:22:


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They like the attention :p


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Singularities are one of those things that boggle my mind. Much like neuroscience - I'm pretty sure neuroscientists are witches in disguise.

Anyways, I've decide to hold off on my final reveiw for this until BW finishes her bottle, but here are some highlights:
- Lost a total of 8lbs in 26 days, going from 247 to 239
- Gained significant strength, breaking multiple old PRs on a regular basis
- Sweated like a penguin on the equator
- Successfully divided by zero; the answer is 42.

I'm now switching stacks a bit and will be using X-Lean in combination with a couple of N2BM products that a guy I know gave me a great deal on. I'll have the new log up later tonight.


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Singularities are one of those things that boggle my mind. Much like neuroscience - I'm pretty sure neuroscientists are witches in disguise.

Anyways, I've decide to hold off on my final reveiw for this until BW finishes her bottle, but here are some highlights:
- Lost a total of 8lbs in 26 days, going from 247 to 239
- Gained significant strength, breaking multiple old PRs on a regular basis
- Sweated like a penguin on the equator
- Successfully divided by zero; the answer is 42.

I'm now switching stacks a bit and will be using X-Lean in combination with a couple of N2BM products that a guy I know gave me a great deal on. I'll have the new log up later tonight.
Very cool that you had some great success with this Resolve... I now have my own resolve to go by a bottle and add it into my cut. Link your log up, interested about some of the N2BM products myself.


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Singularities are one of those things that boggle my mind. Much like neuroscience - I'm pretty sure neuroscientists are witches in disguise.

Anyways, I've decide to hold off on my final reveiw for this until BW finishes her bottle, but here are some highlights:
- Lost a total of 8lbs in 26 days, going from 247 to 239
- Gained significant strength, breaking multiple old PRs on a regular basis
- Sweated like a penguin on the equator
- Successfully divided by zero; the answer is 42.

I'm now switching stacks a bit and will be using X-Lean in combination with a couple of N2BM products that a guy I know gave me a great deal on. I'll have the new log up later tonight.



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