Kleen BLASTS OFF DC Style w/ Asteroid Stack at his back!



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The body on that lipozene chick below is fuggin hott.


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Day 36 - PRIME... Just keeps getting better!

Man I tell you PRIME has just started stomping the crap out of every lift this past 2 weeks I have seen ridiculous strength increases while cycling calories from lighter to super compensation. I am basically bulking up then cleaning up for a few days and hitting the food heavy again. Weight is up to almost 208 and I am only a little smoother than I was. So far this has been not only a successfull bulk but also a successful strength program and stack for me. I have 2 more weeks left so we will see what happens. Right now I am already pleased. Increases across the board on lifts and every one of them is surprising to even me.

Pre Workout supps 3 PowerFULL 1 Anabolic Pump, 1 OEP, 1 scoop jacked, pre/intra 6 scoops AI Essentials +JM. Great pre workout mix of supps make sure I dont find myself lagging. I really love the energy and drive from the OEP.

BB Curls 15-25 RP Last 115x17, 115x15-3-3 =21 +4 reps

Reverse Curls 11-20 SS Last 65x14, 65x20 +6 reps

Seated Donkey Raise 10-12ss Last 410x12, 450x14

Lying Leg Curls 13-20 RP Last 110x10, 110x12 was going to do RP but hamstring told me to stop so I listened.

Leg Press 8-12ss last 675x14, 855x10 up 180 lbs
LP Widow Maker 20 reps Last 585x20, 675x20 +90lbs


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amazing workout bro! I cannot wait to up my cals again! :frustrate
Yeah that does help, I am sure I will lose a little strength during my cut but that is cool. I'll be dead sexy. LOL

Awesome song!! And great story.
Yeah the log book mentallity mecomes it's own war. I friggin love it!
The body on that lipozene chick below is fuggin hott.
Damn rotational ads, there is some guy there now.


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Up 180lbs in leg press!!:shocked:

And I get excited with 2.5lb increases...


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Up 180lbs in leg press!!:shocked:

And I get excited with 2.5lb increases...
This happened to me during last bulk. Was the coolest thing EVER


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Up 180lbs in leg press!!:shocked:

And I get excited with 2.5lb increases...
I do too, however this one is not exactly a true increase of the same exercise. Last time to preserve my hamstrings I did them very low on the platform with a more narrow stance. These were done as normal with my feet about shoulder width apart and close to the middle of the platform. As always, knees to the ears for depth.

This happened to me during last bulk. Was the coolest thing EVER
I can so hear the inflection in your voice. Like something from another teen movie. LOL No wait it was Just Friends, that is where I remember that from.

you are a trip
Just a little. LOL


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Plus 180lbs on leg press is awesome bro.
I think I am going to stay here and go up to 12-14 reps. I had 18 plates on the Cybex sled and no room for more on the bars. I will have to add weights on the top of the platform. Looks like I have enough room to add 4 25 plates to each side of the platform and if I want to go heavier than that I can grab two of the 150 lb db, but honestly how strong would I need to be to get to that. LOL

Obviously my strength gains will have to slow soon. Even on my other lifts, moving up 6 reps with the same weight in a few weeks is just stupid ridiculous. I can not believe how things have ramped up over the past two weeks. I was begining to wonder if doing the SWOLE Stack and moving straight to The Asteroid Stack may have messed with gains but I can honestly say that is not the case. I am a slower responder to PRIME than a lot of people but when it kicks in for me it kicks like a pissed off mule, strength and muscle gains go off the charts. I have just had some sick gains over the past few months.

I know I am smoother than I was and I am not overly excited about it but I also know that as much scale weight as I have gained I am doing really well on the muscle to fat ratio, out of the 8 lbs gained I would say 3 is muscle. I wont speculate where I will be at the end of this run but there are only 2 weeks left. I am not sure if I am going to keep cals high and go for sheer mass or cut back and do another quick clean up. Probably keep cals high. It has been a fight for me to keep cals high. However I know if I want to put on muscle fast I need the supercompensation. If I can squeeze 1 more pound of LBM out I will be more than satisfied with this run. Honestly I am satisfied with it now. I did not think I would gain much more muscle this year after the 2 leaps in LBM I made recently. Wow 208, I was a portly fellow last time I weighed this much. Now I still have a shadow of abs. If I am right about my estimates, I may be 10-15 lbs heavier when I step on stage this year.


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That's a great accomplishment right there Kleen!!:clap2:


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That's a great accomplishment right there Kleen!!:clap2:
Thank You Sir! Hard to beleive I am going to spend the next 5 months on a prep for my May show then trying to maintain it to do a show in July with my best friend. It will be his first, and my first time trying to do 2 shows in a year. After that I plan to work on strength, maybe a 5-3-1 or something. Stay as lean as possible and see how I can do in a Power Lifting comp. I have a ways to go on my squats and deads though. On top of that my focus will change to mma training where pretty stage appearance is not a concern. I decided I was going to go ahead and do at least 1 fight. I have to do at least one and I don't want to wait to get older. I can chase down a blackbelt at any age but I can't fight in MMA at any age. So I have to prioritize that.


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I just has to share this one! LOL

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CchwKGl_bQA"]YouTube- Maino - Tiger Woods (Get 'Em Tiger) [New, 12.22.09][/ame]


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Thank You Sir! Hard to beleive I am going to spend the next 5 months on a prep for my May show then trying to maintain it to do a show in July with my best friend. It will be his first, and my first time trying to do 2 shows in a year. After that I plan to work on strength, maybe a 5-3-1 or something. Stay as lean as possible and see how I can do in a Power Lifting comp. I have a ways to go on my squats and deads though. On top of that my focus will change to mma training where pretty stage appearance is not a concern. I decided I was going to go ahead and do at least 1 fight. I have to do at least one and I don't want to wait to get older. I can chase down a blackbelt at any age but I can't fight in MMA at any age. So I have to prioritize that.
Honestly man, and this is coming from someone who started doing MMA at 11 years old (22 now), even 36 is pushing it to be getting into MMA and actually competing. You're in incredible shape and that will help, but there's much more to it than that. Make cardio, both aerobic and anaerobic, the top priority over weights. There's really nothing you can do for your chin, although building your neck up can help to absorb some of the impact (but just make sure your head movement is good and you won't have to worry about that). Look into circuit weight workouts like Chuck Liddell's Pit workout or Randy Couture's grappling circuit. Good luck with it man, MMA is a great sport and it's so much fun to be in there going at it with someone.


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Honestly man, and this is coming from someone who started doing MMA at 11 years old (22 now), even 36 is pushing it to be getting into MMA and actually competing. You're in incredible shape and that will help, but there's much more to it than that. Make cardio, both aerobic and anaerobic, the top priority over weights. There's really nothing you can do for your chin, although building your neck up can help to absorb some of the impact (but just make sure your head movement is good and you won't have to worry about that). Look into circuit weight workouts like Chuck Liddell's Pit workout or Randy Couture's grappling circuit. Good luck with it man, MMA is a great sport and it's so much fun to be in there going at it with someone.
Hey Bro, thanks for the words! I have already done some training in MMA, and have a few years of American Karate and Wu Shu Kung Fu under my belt. Having a chin is not a problem for me at all. One thing I can do is take a punch. Unfortunately lots of abuse from my step father gave me one hell of a chin. Bouncing in bars for years helped that along too. Getting hit intensifies my enjoyment during heavy sparring. Getting gassed or tapped is the biggest concern. A knockout can happen to anyone at any point so it isn't a worry just a chance you take. I have pretty good submission defense and excellent ground control from the little bit of wrestling I got in school before coming down south.

I don't really care to be competetive on any large level. I want to do one fight. I don't want to do anymore after that, just the one fight. I may do grappling after that but just one MMA fight for me. I already do a lot of conditioning training and my workout program is designed for conditioning. This workout I am doing now is a lot less intense then what I normally do for my conditioning. I will definitely keep in mind that I may not be competetive in the long run but I think if my Sensai picks the right fighter for me I will do well enough. It is more about me beating the odds and being in the fight than about winning it. I mean I will be upset with a loss but I will still be happy I allowed myself to experience it. I may have to call on you for more advice at some point. Tap into that experience.


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Wow 208, I was a portly fellow last time I weighed this much. Now I still have a shadow of abs. If I am right about my estimates, I may be 10-15 lbs heavier when I step on stage this year.
That's a huge gain in muscle mass in just one year bro. Kudos. :clap2::notworthy:
You're going to look like a different competitor when you get up on that stage!!
We will be waiting for the pics from that show!!! :head:


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That's a huge gain in muscle mass in just one year bro. Kudos. :clap2::notworthy:
You're going to look like a different competitor when you get up on that stage!!
We will be waiting for the pics from that show!!! :head:
I agree the gains you have made are insane. Great work bro.


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Day 38 - Rough workout but a good one.

Man I had a rough workout. It was a good one but I hit a wall on a few exercises and had to change one due to no partner. It is just too hard to lap load weight for rack chins then climb up on a bench. Ridiculous... LOL I was finally able to hit Smith Incline bench and was very impressed with my weight on that one.

Smith Incline Bench 13-20 RP - 245x9-3-1 =13, if you remember from the beginning when I was starting with flat barbell bench before wanting to really push the wieght with the Hammer Strength I did like 7 my first set at 235 on flat bench. That is up 10 lbs and 2 reps on incline. The weight was 230 here and bar was calibrated out to be 15lbs according to the smith machine label. Very impressed with that one.
Chest Stretch 75x70 seconds.

Hammer Strengh High Rows - 160 per side x 12-4-3 =19
I would say I killed this lift. No prior weight, done as replacement for Rack Chins since I was alone today.

Wide Grip Upright rows - Last time 155x8 dropped weight, 135x10-1 something in shoulder did not feel good on first rep of the RP set. Immediately dropped to 95 lbs and pulled it for another 10 smooth reps. I will probably start this one out at 115 next time and see if my shoulder is ok with that. I keep forgetting shoulders are supposed to be higher reps on with DC, and I can honestly see why.
DC Shoulder Stretch 60 seconds

OH Cable Triceps ext. last 110x15, 110x10 then could not get it back out of the bottom to do more. Really needed my partner there to get me out of the bottom on that first rep of the RP. Dropped weight to 80 and hit another 10 reps. I did increase reps on initial set though. :D
DC Triceps Stretch 55x60 sec, up from 50x60 sec

HS Low Row - last time 135 ps x 18, 135 per side x15-5-4 =24 up 6 reps!!!!!
Hanging stretch 60 seconds.

Well for what it was it was a very good workout. The wide grip upright rows seem to be an issue for me. I also think placing them with Incline bench was a mistake. To similiar of a plane of motion. I think I may put these with Decline or flat bench next time I use them.
Last edited:


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Man I had a rough workout. It was a good one but I hit a wall on a few exercises and had to change one due to no partner. It is just too hard to lap load weight for rack chins then climb up on a bench. Ridiculous... LOL I was finally able to hit Smith Incline bench and was very impressed with my weight on that one.

Smith Incline Bench 13-20 RP - 245x9-3-1 =13, if you remember from the beginning when I was starting with flat barbell bench before wanting to really push the wieght with the Hammer Strength I did like 7 my first set at 235 on flat bench. That is up 10 lbs and 2 reps on incline. The weight was 230 here and bar was calibrated out to be 15lbs according to the smith machine label. Very impressed with that one.
Chest Stretch 75x70 seconds.

Hammer Strengh High Rows - 160 per side x 12-4-3 =19
I would say I killed this lift. No prior weight, done as replacement for Rack Chins since I was alone today.

Wide Grip Upright rows - Last time 155x8 dropped weight, 135x10-1 something in shoulder did not feel good on first rep of the RP set. Immediately dropped to 95 lbs and pulled it for another 10 smooth reps. I will probably start this one out at 115 next time and see if my shoulder is ok with that. I keep forgetting shoulders are supposed to be higher reps on with DC, and I can honestly see why.

OH Cable Triceps ext. last 110x15, 110x10 then could not get it back out of the bottom to do more. Really needed my partner there to get me out of the bottom on that first rep of the RP. Dropped weight to 80 and hit another 10 reps. I did increase reps on initial set though. :D
DC Shoulder Stretch 55x60 sec, up from 50x60 sec

HS Low Row - last time 135 ps x 18, 135 per side x15-5-4 =24 up 6 reps!!!!!
Hanging stretch 60 seconds.

Well for what it was it was a very good workout. The wide grip upright rows seem to be an issue for me. I also think placing them with Incline bench was a mistake. To similiar of a plane of motion. I think I may put these with Decline or flat bench next time I use them.
Nice workout bro.:)


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OEP update

At two points during today I sat at my desk and moved and felt the drops of sweat run down my pits. Gross feeling when not exercising but man is this stuff thermogenic!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Nice job Kleen...
On the solo rack chins bubba, I set the Olympic bar low in my pwr rack so I can sit on the floor and reach up to it. I put a bench in front to put my feet on. Next I use an EZ bar with the weights...with 35s or 45s on each end you can just roll it over your legs onto your lap and then grab the bar and get your feet up onto the bench. When pausing it will just sit on the floor in your lap. When there is a will there is a way!! My wife cracks up when she sees me doing this..


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Nice job Kleen...
On the solo rack chins bubba, I set the Olympic bar low in my pwr rack so I can sit on the floor and reach up to it. I put a bench in front to put my feet on. Next I use an EZ bar with the weights...with 35s or 45s on each end you can just roll it over your legs onto your lap and then grab the bar and get your feet up onto the bench. When pausing it will just sit on the floor in your lap. When there is a will there is a way!! My wife cracks up when she sees me doing this..
We "home-gymers" have to get creative from time to time, don't we AZ.
Where there's a will........there's a way!!!


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Wide Grip Upright rows - Last time 155x8 dropped weight, 135x10-1 something in shoulder did not feel good on first rep of the RP set. Immediately dropped to 95 lbs and pulled it for another 10 smooth reps. I will probably start this one out at 115 next time and see if my shoulder is ok with that. I keep forgetting shoulders are supposed to be higher reps on with DC, and I can honestly see why.

The wide grip upright rows seem to be an issue for me. I also think placing them with Incline bench was a mistake. To similiar of a plane of motion. I think I may put these with Decline or flat bench next time I use them.
I've seen lots of guys complaining from upright rows over the years. It seems to put the shoulder at an unatural lifting position. Lots of pressure on the ball joint.
You may have to ditch these altogether. I do have a suggestion that may help you however. Try them with DB's instead of a bar. I prefer the DB's.
The cable variety isn't bad either. But a regular Olympic Bar hurts my shoulder like a mutha-fugga.


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Some crazy strength gains, what is your calorie surplus at? I think you should start with your prep around maintenance calories. Your so far ahead.


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For Those Interested:

Pembroke here at AM who is a rep for AnabolicInnovations sent me 3 products to do a taste test on.

Product #1--Orange Flavored Cycle Support: This mixed very easily in about 5 ounces of water. No lumps like I've heard about with the old formula. And it tasted really, really good. I have heard that the old formula wasn't very tasty.
And I love the ingredient profile. I borrowed it long ago to make my own homemade cycle support. ha ha
Product #2--Vanilla Flavored Whey Protein: This also mixed like a dream. Very smooth and creamy texture. And the taste was outstanding!! I really like this one. I advise you guys to try this one out when it comes up for sale.
Product #3--Chocolate Flavored Whey Protein: Naturally this one mixed as well as the Vanilla. But I'm not a big fan of chocolate flavored whey proteins. I LOVE real chocolate. I just haven't found a whey protein that truly tastes like chocolate IMO. But as far as chocolate whey proteins go, this one tasted very good. Compared to other brands that I have tried in the past (and that's a lot of them) this one rates at least an 8 out of 10.

Now, I don't know how much I'm supposed to reveal about the prices and deals on these, but I was very surprised on the deal they're going to offer with a 5lb. tub of the whey proteins. Incredible deals are forthcoming!!


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At two points during today I sat at my desk and moved and felt the drops of sweat run down my pits. Gross feeling when not exercising but man is this stuff thermogenic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How is it stim wise a lot of stims or not that much stims?


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We "home-gymers" have to get creative from time to time, don't we AZ.
Where there's a will........there's a way!!!
AMEN Brother Thunder! Typically I would have found a way but I was already short on time and hadn't thought it through. I will definitely try that next time I am alone. I get more out of those.

I've seen lots of guys complaining from upright rows over the years. It seems to put the shoulder at an unatural lifting position. Lots of pressure on the ball joint.
You may have to ditch these altogether. I do have a suggestion that may help you however. Try them with DB's instead of a bar. I prefer the DB's.
The cable variety isn't bad either. But a regular Olympic Bar hurts my shoulder like a mutha-fugga.
Yeah, I may have too. However I am gong to lighten the load a bit next time to see how that works out if it doesnt then I probably wont see them again this blast.

Some crazy strength gains, what is your calorie surplus at? I think you should start with your prep around maintenance calories. Your so far ahead.
Yeah my strength increases have been mind boggling to me. On top of that my tendons are not even getting taxed here DW. I really think you are going to like this one. Calorically I was going to cut it down to 250 over but have stuck with about 500. I talked myself back into it. I keep reminding myself I started with a goal knowing I would smooth out some and it was time for mental toughness and for me to stay my course. I do think I may be able to get away with a few weeks at maintenance with the increased cardio. Will also stack ReCreate and OEP during that time.

For Those Interested:

Pembroke here at AM who is a rep for AnabolicInnovations sent me 3 products to do a taste test on.

Product #1--Orange Flavored Cycle Support: This mixed very easily in about 5 ounces of water. No lumps like I've heard about with the old formula. And it tasted really, really good. I have heard that the old formula wasn't very tasty.
And I love the ingredient profile. I borrowed it long ago to make my own homemade cycle support. ha ha
Product #2--Vanilla Flavored Whey Protein: This also mixed like a dream. Very smooth and creamy texture. And the taste was outstanding!! I really like this one. I advise you guys to try this one out when it comes up for sale.
Product #3--Chocolate Flavored Whey Protein: Naturally this one mixed as well as the Vanilla. But I'm not a big fan of chocolate flavored whey proteins. I LOVE real chocolate. I just haven't found a whey protein that truly tastes like chocolate IMO. But as far as chocolate whey proteins go, this one tasted very good. Compared to other brands that I have tried in the past (and that's a lot of them) this one rates at least an 8 out of 10.

Now, I don't know how much I'm supposed to reveal about the prices and deals on these, but I was very surprised on the deal they're going to offer with a 5lb. tub of the whey proteins. Incredible deals are forthcoming!!
Good Stuff Thunder, I tried them all too my review is here. Teaser Alert... in the thread the exact deal has been revealed!!!!!http://anabolicminds.com/forum/supplement-reviews-logs/142399-kleen-reviews-anabolic.html

How is it stim wise a lot of stims or not that much stims?
It is honestly one of the smoothest yet high energy stims I have EVER taken. When I was sweating like that was 4 hours since my last dose and I was just sitting still and moved. Absolutely no crash as a matter of fact you do not notice the come down at all you just go slowly back to normal.


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Nice job Kleen...
On the solo rack chins bubba, I set the Olympic bar low in my pwr rack so I can sit on the floor and reach up to it. I put a bench in front to put my feet on. Next I use an EZ bar with the weights...with 35s or 45s on each end you can just roll it over your legs onto your lap and then grab the bar and get your feet up onto the bench. When pausing it will just sit on the floor in your lap. When there is a will there is a way!! My wife cracks up when she sees me doing this..
Thanks Bro, Reps!


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I just think a more recomp type pace will suit you better for the first 5 or 6 weeks as your below 10 already. This way I see you holding onto even gaining more muscle as you go.


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I just think a more recomp type pace will suit you better for the first 5 or 6 weeks as your below 10 already. This way I see you holding onto even gaining more muscle as you go.
Exactly my plan is to eat a maintenance calorie level for the week, but fluctuating a surplus of calories on lift days and under on cardio only days so it averages out to be maintenance through the week. I will also be adding back in cardio 3 times a week, I will do that until my fat loss slows then drop calories a bit or increase cardio. I will also be on Hemodraulix and HyperTest for the that first month so if they work as well as I think, I may be able to add a lb of muscle that month while leaning up. Although with the insane deal on the SWOLE Stack coming up I may have to get that for my stack to follow my next Asteroid Stack.


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Exactly my plan is to eat a maintenance calorie level for the week, but fluctuating a surplus of calories on lift days and under on cardio only days so it averages out to be maintenance through the week. I will also be adding back in cardio 3 times a week, I will do that until my fat loss slows then drop calories a bit or increase cardio. I will also be on Hemodraulix and HyperTest for the that first month so if they work as well as I think, I may be able to add a lb of muscle that month while leaning up. Although with the insane deal on the SWOLE Stack coming up I may have to get that for my stack to follow my next Asteroid Stack.
That is one heck of a deal I must say!!!


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Exactly my plan is to eat a maintenance calorie level for the week, but fluctuating a surplus of calories on lift days and under on cardio only days so it averages out to be maintenance through the week. I will also be adding back in cardio 3 times a week, I will do that until my fat loss slows then drop calories a bit or increase cardio. I will also be on Hemodraulix and HyperTest for the that first month so if they work as well as I think, I may be able to add a lb of muscle that month while leaning up. Although with the insane deal on the SWOLE Stack coming up I may have to get that for my stack to follow my next Asteroid Stack.
Yah great deal that...Yah I will be using a macro cycle that will average 2700 cals, that's where I usually start for my cut. My higher days will be post workout as I train at night and get hungry the next day.


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Day 40 - Last workout of the year!!!!! Happy Ney Years Eve!!!!

Hey guys, crap, I was so excited to be squating today but when I got under the bar after hamstrings I found my hips to be very sore and tight, I did 2 warm up sets with no improvement, and my hamstring was not feeling the love either so I did the smart thing and put the weight back on the rack and did something non hip related to allow for some recovery there. So leg extension here we come.

Preacher Curls - prior 105x17, 115x110-3-2 =15 up 10 lbs and down 2 reps. Wow the last rest pause was so hard but rewarding when done.

Pinwheel Curls - Prior 60x14, 60x17 +3 reps. Man was a just gripping and ripping on this one.

Biceps Stretch 60 seconds

Seated Calve Raises Prior 135x11, 145x13 up 10 lbs and 2 reps. I really hate these things, my soleus is not even taxed but the pads dig into my thighs so badly I just can't load up the weight on it.

Seated leg Curls - Prior 100x23, 140x12-5-3 =20 40 lb increase and only lost 3 reps, not bad at all. Hammies got pretty tight on last rest pause.

Leg extensions - last time was Day 11, exactly 30 days ago. 190x12-8-3 =23, this time 250x14-4-2 =20 A 60 lb increase!!!! Only 3reps less but 2 extra on initial set. NOW THAT IS A FRIGGING BIG JUMP for a 30 day period. :shocked::shocked::shocked:

Hamstring stretch 60 seconds
Quad Stretch 60 seconds

I am getting stronger and stronger so consistently I am just amazed. I feel very alpha male and recovery has been off the charts with all of these hard core intense workout I am bary even getting sore. My hips are because of the wider stances opening up my hips since they had lost some range of motion with all of the narrow work I was doing.

Physical Observation - I have no hair between my legs...

"WAIT... WHAT!?!?!?!"

You are probably thinking but let me explain. LOL By widening my normal stance I have put a lot of the size back on my legs in the groin area. I haven't so much as trimmed my legs and from crotch to about 6 inches down the inside of my thigh I am as smooth as a baby. All of the hair has rubbed off due to the increased size causing extra friction. Legs have been one of my targets of growth this fall and I have succeeded. My legs are looking much bigger. My wife was telling me they look huge right now.


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Bro congrats on everything you have accomplished! Wow! :box:

Question: you say you are using weights for your shoulder stretch? How are you doing this? For my Dc shoulder stretch I just put my hands up on a smith bar, roll shoulders forward and let them stretch.


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Bro congrats on everything you have accomplished! Wow! :box:

Question: you say you are using weights for your shoulder stretch? How are you doing this? For my Dc shoulder stretch I just put my hands up on a smith bar, roll shoulders forward and let them stretch.
Thanks Met!!!!! I have been really lucky the last 6 months to be able to continue making gains even around injuries.

Oh Yeah... You are right I mistyped that. It was 60 seconds with 55 lb on triceps stretch up 5 lbs from 50 lbs. I went back and corrected it. I did 60 seconds on the shoulder stretch as you described it above.


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Oh okay cool..thought there was some other DC stretch I was unaware of


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Oh okay cool..thought there was some other DC stretch I was unaware of
No, but I was thinking if you have a partner you could get more of a stretch by having them not only lift your arms behind your back but pressing them inward at the same time getting more of a 2 dimensional stretch than a linear one.

I want to figure out an intense stretch for the Hip Flexors. I think they are the most under stretched area of the leg and cause a lot of hip tightness and other issues. Not to mention it is the hip flexor tightening over time that makes old people walk bent over. You can correct that on them by laying them on their stomachs and gently pulling the knee up off of the ground. I straightend one 75 year old lady out over a 3 month period until she could walk upright by doing that. Part of the Baylor PT training I went through in the 90's. Was very rewarding to do that but not something you have a lot of oppurtunity to do as a personal trainer.


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That stretch is not a bad idea! Bro, I have the most flexible hips of anyone that I know. What's my secret? Well...it's not a secret. I just stretch EVERYDAY. The best that has worked for me is sitting upright on a mat, with my feet in front of me, touching each other (making a diamond shape). I bring them as close as I can to my crotch without having my knees coming off the ground. And then lean forward. My knees never come up now. I can touch my face to the mat they have become so flexible.

P.S. that thing we were talking about earlier through PM is a go ;).


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So you do the butterfly groin stretch every day? That is really flexible in the groin and hamstrings. How long do you stretch for? 3 30 seconds or longer? How is the flexibility on your internal rotation, like in the outer hips, gluteus medius and minimus? I am some what flexible in the groin not like you but way better than most men. But the outside of my hips and my hip flexors get tight. I notice them more when I am doing a lot of round house kicks especially lead foot roundhouses where your foot ends up higher than you knee while rotated internally. I can stretch that part easily enough I just forget too but the hip flexors I have a tight one on my right leg that pops across my hip joint sometimes during deep squats because it is tight.

You could do a DC butterfly stretch byt putting dumbells on your inner thigh down by your knees and let them push your knees further to the ground too. Weighted stretching, how many ways can we apply it? :D

Awesome on that other situation man that is great!!!!!


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So you do the butterfly groin stretch every day? That is really flexible in the groin and hamstrings. How long do you stretch for? 3 30 seconds or longer? How is the flexibility on your internal rotation, like in the outer hips, gluteus medius and minimus? I am some what flexible in the groin not like you but way better than most men. But the outside of my hips and my hip flexors get tight. I notice them more when I am doing a lot of round house kicks especially lead foot roundhouses where your foot ends up higher than you knee while rotated internally. I can stretch that part easily enough I just forget too but the hip flexors I have a tight one on my right leg that pops across my hip joint sometimes during deep squats because it is tight.

You could do a DC butterfly stretch byt putting dumbells on your inner thigh down by your knees and let them push your knees further to the ground too. Weighted stretching, how many ways can we apply it? :D

Awesome on that other situation man that is great!!!!!
Butterfly stretch! That's the name! I do about 30 seconds a day. I also do a couple of other things for hips. I cannot even try to explain it. I'll see if I can find a vid. But all of my hip stretches are very good. I don't do ALL of them everyday but some I do everyday. Get my your info so I can get you set up for the other thing :D


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progressing right along there Kleen..good stuff man.
looking forward to your progress in the upcoming yr! :wave:


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Butterfly stretch! That's the name! I do about 30 seconds a day. I also do a couple of other things for hips. I cannot even try to explain it. I'll see if I can find a vid. But all of my hip stretches are very good. I don't do ALL of them everyday but some I do everyday. Get my your info so I can get you set up for the other thing :D
Cool I would love to see a few good vids on stretching I have some that I do but I am sure there are tons i dont know.

progressing right along there Kleen..good stuff man.
looking forward to your progress in the upcoming yr! :wave:
Snags! Glad you dropped by. Thanks for the compliment. I am just trying to look like your avi... Man you make the pose look good! I hope you have a wonderful and prosperous New Year.


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To Mr.Kleen and everyone else subscribed here, I hope that this new year and decade brings you all the desires of your heart!!! :box:

I hope that everyone had a nice celebration last night. I haven't drank alcohol in almost 3 years now, but I do have an alternative celebratory compound!!!! :smokin:
It was cool toking in the new year!!!!:439:


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Happy New Year, 2 days till lift off!!


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Happy New Years to the AM army!!


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To Mr.Kleen and everyone else subscribed here, I hope that this new year and decade brings you all the desires of your heart!!! :box:

I hope that everyone had a nice celebration last night. I haven't drank alcohol in almost 3 years now, but I do have an alternative celebratory compound!!!! :smokin:
It was cool toking in the new year!!!!:439:
Happy New Year, 2 days till lift off!!
Gonna be a fun ride. Link it up in here.
Happy New Years and those leg extentions were awesome.
Thanks, yeah my teardrops were huge when I was done. Surprisingly not sore at all.

Happy New Years to the AM army!!
Happy New Years Gentlemen!


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haha im glad to see your still progressing like an animal

Happy New year bro!

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