I have been dating a heavier set female...


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Stick with what makes you happy, there are much worse qualities that people can have than being "heavyset."


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Stick with what makes you happy, there are much worse qualities that people can have than being "heavyset."
Yea like being heavyset and cheating on you :(
Did I mention I saw her YEARS later with the women in the bar I was in ogling over me? That was nice...

In the end however it’s your life and your decisions that influence it...


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Guys.....I have been dating a heavier set female for the past 10 months and we are very happy. She is not ready to get fit so I do not pressure her. We love spending time together and love and respect one another. However, my guy friends always give me **** for dating a heavier set female. They always remind me that they look down on me for it and that I should be looking for something better b/c I work out and take good care of myself. I do not give in to their bs anymore b/c it really is lame. My buddy was giving me **** earlier today like "dude I wonder what the guys on the forum would think if they saw a pic of you and you girl" So I am asking to all of you honestly: Should I not be happy just because I am into fitness and she is not?
Your friends are dicks.

You said it yourself.. you both are very happy. Enough said.


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Your friends are dicks.

You said it yourself.. you both are very happy. Enough said.
Lemme get this straight... you have good friends, I assume they're honest, they try and protect you.... and when they tell you something you don't want to hear... magically, they're dicks?

Friends look out for friends. If one of my friends was on the road to hell, you bet I'll give it to him straight. Being 'happy' is meaningless. If you're high on crack, and happy... everthing is cool, because you're happy? Naw, man... it goes deeper than that. If you're friends see a problem and you don't... you need to clarify the issue. If they're just being superficial and say... yeah, we just don't like your gal because we don't think she's attractive.. that's one thing... when they say... Hey man.. this chick has major issues, and we don't want to see you get hurt... that's another.

It bounces back to... are you cool with the weight issue, or do you have a 'sick puppy' and are trying to make it better? Don't try to fix anybody... If they're fat, and you're happy... and you're into fitness, and for some odd reason, you don't care that your partner has the same values.... so be it. Just don't do anything stupid... that's all I have to say.

Best wishes,



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Okay - when you are 65 and your fat girlfriend is helping you to the bathroom or wiping your ass.......will it have mattered that she was heavy?

Will it matter that she gains weight when giving birth to your children? Will it matter when she looks into your eyes and vows to love you, no matter what?

I tell you what? Take the gamble - dump the fat chick and let's see if your judgemental friends will be there for you.......................

Love comes in all sizes and packages and when you find it - KEEP IT!!!!!!!!


Good advice...see its the whole package but in the end its the inside that matters most, outside looks on everyone fade, but its the inside beauty that lasts a lifetime.......

Find new friends or tell them to shut the hell up......sounds like your friends are jealous for what you have found in this girl and they cant find....

good luck

TC :)


i date girls that i get along with. forget looks, they dont usually mean too much in the end. im still young, but its something you should easily discover. Looks will fade over time, but if you find a soulmate, that wont fade. friends shouldnt judge your relationships either, unless they can tell that its breaking you down in a negative way.
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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You pick a mate to make yourself happy... not your friends. If your friends continue th give you a ton of sh1t I'd tell them to go pound sand.... they sound like a$$holes anyway.

by the way, congrats to you on finding a chica that makes you happy!


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It all depends on why she is heavy set. Is it b/c of her body type (genetics) or is it b/c she doesn't give a crap about living healthy?

Once the answer is clear, then the rest of the question is easy......


New member
IF anything you should be proud you're not a shallow prick like your friends, I am sure if they were heavyset they wouldn't want a woman who is fit thinking that she is too good for them, even though they like each other. Seems like your happy, and heck, being with you might make her want to change how she is, I Think the no pressure approach is good though.


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I am sure if they were heavyset they wouldn't want a woman who is fit thinking that she is too good for them,
Not always the case! I know some people who are pretty hefty now and wont date bigger girls. I dont agree with the attitude but oh well...


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"We are very happy" - this is what the guy said...............Very happy!!!!!! Seize this and run with it. (okay, maybe she cannot run) but seriously, happiness is pretty cool when you can find a person that helps you feel that way.



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Thank You!

I just wanted to say thanks to all of you guys for taking the time to give me some advice. I appreciate all of the points of view that y'all gave me. Thank you all!


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I just wanted to say thanks to all of you guys for taking the time to give me some advice. I appreciate all of the points of view that y'all gave me. Thank you all!
I just read this thread. One, seriously consider reevaluating your 'friends.' Some friendly razzing is one thing, constant sniping at someone you care about is another. I don't tolerate that kind of **** from any of my friends concerning my other friends, much less a girlfriend. The ability to respect other people and be polite is something you should expect from all people unless you give them cause to act otherwise.

As for the girl, what else matters but being happy? You've got limited time on this rock, stop sweating small ****. As long as you're eating, pissing, ****ting and cumming regularly you're better off than most. The first three are up to you, the fourth is best a shared activity. Besides, if there's nothing to slap is it really worth a tap? Women should be a bit softer and squeezable.


New member
Not always the case! I know some people who are pretty hefty now and wont date bigger girls. I dont agree with the attitude but oh well...
haha, that's kind of like me actually, but I wouldn't stop someone else from dating a bigger girl.


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haha, that's kind of like me actually, but I wouldn't stop someone else from dating a bigger girl.
Reminds of Peter Griffin on the Family Guy show and his NO FAT CHICKS shirt hehehe...


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Reminds of Peter Griffin on the Family Guy show and his NO FAT CHICKS shirt hehehe...
LOL, well I know how it is to be really overweight, I wouldn't date a skinny girl with bad eating habits either, ie McDonalds, pizza, and junk food all the time...Even if they are not fat from it it shows a lack of respect for the body, and that is unapeeling to me. My ideal girl would be a healthy, fit girl that I could go the gym with.


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"We are very happy" - this is what the guy said...............Very happy!!!!!! Seize this and run with it. (okay, maybe she cannot run) but seriously, happiness is pretty cool when you can find a person that helps you feel that way.

Will he still be happy when/if she turns into 150kg and ladened with diabetes, and a truckload of heart disease?

It isn't the size or the look that matters. It is whether some one cares enough to live a healthy lifestyle.

When you are in your teens or in your 20's, hell, it is quite easy to be really VERY happy. The question is, will you still be happy in the long run....

People are over sold on the 'go with what makes you feel happy or great at the moment'. Yeah, when the day comes and you no longer feel happy.. well... fvck that.. hello SPLITVILLE and DumpCity. Onto the next one that makes you feel happy.... Cool huh?


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Will he still be happy when/if she turns into 150kg and ladened with diabetes, and a truckload of heart disease?

It isn't the size or the look that matters. It is whether some one cares enough to live a healthy lifestyle.

When you are in your teens or in your 20's, hell, it is quite easy to be really VERY happy. The question is, will you still be happy in the long run....

People are over sold on the 'go with what makes you feel happy or great at the moment'. Yeah, when the day comes and you no longer feel happy.. well... fvck that.. hello SPLITVILLE and DumpCity. Onto the next one that makes you feel happy.... Cool huh?
Yes, but people are also over sold on the idea that some extra body fat is an automatic death ticket. You don't need to have 0% body fat in order to be healthy, especially for women who on average are supposed to have higher bf% than men. Whether she's over that limit or not none of us can say, but I don't think it's safe to assume she'll be needing insulin injections any time soon.


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As long as you want her and are happy with the relationship the way it is, nothing else matters.

Just make sure you aren't kidding yourself, and thinking/hoping you can get her to change later. Both men and women make stupid mistakes thinking they can "change" things about the other person. If she's "bigger" now, chances are good that she will be that much bigger later on. As long as you're cool with that, tell your friends to screw off. True happiness is hard to find sometimes.

Your friends truly are trying to help you though, and it's not like females don't do the same. Stereotypically, both men and women are equally superficial when it comes to choosing their partners. It's no secret that "many" men are less attracted to their partners when they get fat (although for some reason considered a "bad" thing).
It's also no secret that "many" women are attracted to money and power.

Although it seems to be more socially acceptable for a woman to
dump her "deadbeat boyfriend" if he quits/loses his job than it is to dump a girl for getting fat. But that's a different topic altogether...

The only other thing I'll say is that it's usually easier in a relationship the more goals you have in common. Grocery shopping together can be an issue as well as how you spend your time (gym, etc). Same kind of thing for smoking/non-smoking, etc. It can be done - just more difficult at times.

eg: one of my friends who's now with a heavier set woman no longer goes to the beach with us. She's too insecure to go, and he's not allowed to go without her, so he misses out.
Another friend (married now) rarely ever gets to go to the gym anymore. Wife says gym is a low priority over other things she wants. :)


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Yes, but people are also over sold on the idea that some extra body fat is an automatic death ticket. You don't need to have 0% body fat in order to be healthy, especially for women who on average are supposed to have higher bf% than men. Whether she's over that limit or not none of us can say, but I don't think it's safe to assume she'll be needing insulin injections any time soon.
That was covered on page 2....

It all depends on why she is heavy set. Is it b/c of her body type (genetics) or is it b/c she doesn't give a crap about living healthy?

Once the answer is clear, then the rest of the question is easy......

B4n3 0n3

This whole line " if it makes you happy keep doing it" is the biggest copout I have ever heard. In that case Smoking crack rocks and never lifting weights really makes me happy. You need to do things that make you better not because they make you happy. Your a bodybuilder, you should know this. You need to find a girl who is into fitness like you are.


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This whole line " if it makes you happy keep doing it" is the biggest copout I have ever heard. In that case Smoking crack rocks and never lifting weights really makes me happy. You need to do things that make you better not because they make you happy. Your a bodybuilder, you should know this. You need to find a girl who is into fitness like you are.

I disagree, happiness is key, and your example I think is lame to say the least, I know your most likely going to come back and blast me for this but, it has to be said....Happiness is key, no one is getting hurt, he loves her, she loves him......end of it.....just sad that his "friends" and I use that word lightly are so immature.................

You can still bodybuild and be happy with a "big" girl......being different and having different hobbies is a plus......gives you more to talk about............


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You can still bodybuild and be happy with a "big" girl......being different and having different hobbies is a plus......gives you more to talk about............
But what if her hobby is eating McDonalds?

B4n3 0n3

The company you keep can have a great influence on your own lifestyle. This is why when people quit drugs they need to ditch all the old friends they had because it will bring them back into drug use. Having a fat girlfriend will probly do the same type of thing. It could lead to poor diet choices and sedentary activities. Alot of fat people are that way for a reason and that reason is that they are lazy and undisciplined. So for a bodybuilder to date a fat girl makes about as much sense as recovering addict dating a crackhead.
Big Matt

Big Matt

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My wife loved me when we first started dating and I was a lean, mean 210 lbs......she still loved me when I was well over 350 lbs!......she loves me just the same now that I am losing weight....around 280 now and counting.......


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The company you keep can have a great influence on your own lifestyle.
Not always the case. Im considered a health nut and my gf that Ive been with for years likes junkfood and doesnt exercise besides going out for walks with me. Im lucky however that I have met her family and know they have fast metabolisms ;)


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This whole line " if it makes you happy keep doing it" is the biggest copout I have ever heard. In that case Smoking crack rocks and never lifting weights really makes me happy. You need to do things that make you better not because they make you happy. Your a bodybuilder, you should know this.
Sorry - eating healthy and going to the gym make me happy. I'd never do it otherwise. Doing drugs/drinking/laziness makes me very unhappy. (aside from some fun times at the club)

The company you keep can have a great influence on your own lifestyle.
Very true, as I mentioned earlier. But on the flip side, now that I think of it, my past 3 girlfriends never went to the gym until they met me (1 actually joined the gym just to get me, LoL). So while I was with them, my strength/willpower/influence overpowered theirs, and I greatly influenced their lifestyle. One of them quit smoking too, as I told her I refused to date a smoker.

2 of the ex's are overweight now (after we broke up), and the one smokes again too I heard (made her quit for 3 years). My current gf still goes to the gym, and does yoga. I don't "make" her go, but she told me it would be pretty hard not to be thin around me (due to my diet, active lifestyle and probably some pressure she puts on herself due to the way I look, etc).

I guess it all comes down to your strength of character. :)

I still say it is 100% about what makes you happy. BTW - I am personally not happy with a larger girl, and I'm just being honest there. But I know some guys that are, and those are the relationships that last. People that date purely by looks usually get cheated and dumped on when someone better looking comes around - and there's always somebody better looking in some way...
So for a bodybuilder to date a fat girl makes about as much sense as recovering addict dating a crackhead.
There's isn't a woman strong enough to make me stop going to the gym - but every guy is different. Also, many actors (and other entertainers) make it a rule to never date their likeminded peers - they need someone in their life unlike them to keep them grounded.

Besides, only people with low self-esteem allow their friends to tell you who you can and cannot date in order to please them. I'm a leader, not a follower.


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One day in life you will have the humility to consider whether you are a REAL catch yourself. ;)

Love, respect, happiness, compatability are all internal things that you share regardless. Be who you are on the inside rather than what you appear to be on the outside. Don't give her a pitty relationship. If you truely feel like you guys are what you say for eachother. Cherish it. She may come around to fitness one day and you may not be as fit one day yourself.

If she means that much to you than stay with her. If her weight issues is really an issue TO YOU than move on. Your critical friends don't lie next to you on your bed looking you in the eye and tell you all their hopes and dreams and how much they missed you since the last time you were together. Intimacy and (com)passion does.

Don't mind me too much. I have a gorgeous, 18yo blonde, blue-eyed, cheerleader daughter away at her freshman year of college. I have another 5yo gorgeous, brown haired, brown eyed daughter who is in her freshman year of kindergarten. My greatest fear is what will be drawn to them is drawn to them by their appearance rather than their substance of character.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to B5150 again.


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Very true, as I mentioned earlier. But on the flip side, now that I think of it, my past 3 girlfriends never went to the gym until they met me (1 actually joined the gym just to get me, LoL). So while I was with them, my strength/willpower/influence overpowered theirs, and I greatly influenced their lifestyle.
This is something I forgot about. My current gf even though she still enjoys cake and ice-cream eats MUCH healthier then how she used to. I never asked her to do this she just got it from watching me.


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There are some interesting takes here, but Christ this needs to be said: Not every person who looks in shape is that way because they are ultra disciplined weight lifters, and not everyone carrying around some extra poundage is an out of control hog who would dive into an ice cream vat and suck it dry given the chance. I know a girl who is considered over weight on the BMI, looks it too as she's carrying around some chub, and she regularly runs marathons.

It also needs to be said that the body builder's goal is NOT fitness. It is to carry around as much muscle and as little fat as possible. Super low body fat and largish amounts of extra body mass, be it fat or muscle, aren't health goals.

Lastly saying happiness is what matters doesn't mean a dedication to some extreme, gluttoness hedonism is what people are talking about.


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What if she has rank feet? Usually that doesn't fade, it just gets worse...

What in the hell are rank feet?? I mean come on...your reaching.....i mean be stupid dont give love a shot because your shallow...really its all on you....


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I think he was making a joke TC...



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Has this been said? Opposites attract? I mean just watch a few episodes of Maury, you'll see midgets with 300lb 6'8 amazon women, or old men with young girls, love is a weird thing and really you can't choose what/who you love, I love lamp, so if ur friends ask you to dump her or give you heat, tell them to give up something they love and see how they respond, if they can't accept that then re-evaluate your friendship with them. I don't think much more can be said then what has been already said without alot of overlap from previous posts, it's up to you now, bro. Hopefully you'll post your decision.


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"Brick, do you really love the lamp, or are you just saying that cause you saw it?"
Mrs. Gimpy!

Mrs. Gimpy!

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if she makes you happy and you are physically attracted to her then it's all good. people who say that physical attractionmeans nothing, are liars. i believe in being 100% happy with the person you love and not wanting "better" and you should never settle unless you are happy. of course i believe that if you find yourself someone so perfect, you are very fortuanate and i understand that most people dont have the luxury of the total package.
Mrs. Gimpy!

Mrs. Gimpy!

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I'm curious what some of you would do if your wife got disfigured in an accident. It sounds like alot of you would file a divorce on grounds of being unattractive.lol harsh!
kwyck is in bed right now but we've had talks abuot this before....

getting disfigured due to uncontrollable circumstances such as accidents, medical issues, etc.... is completely different than being disfigured simply because you are a lazy bum.

as someone mentioned before, being fit doesnt show simply vanity, it shows alot about a person's character and how they handle life. how motivated and driven they are....etc....how much self respect they have for themselves...the list goes on...


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if she makes you happy and you are physically attracted to her then it's all good. people who say that physical attractionmeans nothing, are liars. i believe in being 100% happy with the person you love and not wanting "better" and you should never settle unless you are happy. of course i believe that if you find yourself someone so perfect, you are very fortuanate and i understand that most people dont have the luxury of the total package.
I think when people say physical appearance does not count, they simply assume that the people they are referring to, are at least average, and not ugly. Nobody expects to meet ugly people. :lol: We tend to think that everyone we meet is at least average looking.

I think what people really mean to say is that they don't really set their goal at celebrity good looking and would gladly accept someone who is not super hot. It doesn't mean they would hook up with Gollum.... :lol:

It is just something you are conditioned to believe in. If we say appearance is important, then that somehow implies we are shallow. Now, we know we can't be that shallow. So we tell ourselves that physical appearance does not matter. And we believe in that. But we also believe that we wouldn't get hooked up with Gollum. We would gladly fall in love with a decent person, who may not look like sport hero or a movie star, but who also does not look like Gollum. :lol:

We don't throw love out the window b/c someone is ugly. We simply don't develop the feeling of affection in the first place. lol

Now I feel so shallow and unworthy of being an educated and enlightened individual....... :D


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My precious!!!

Physical apprearance means more to a person on immediate meetings where the person is being looked at as a mate and less so when they are being looked at for other reason and it grows into an attraction.

My wife currently is in a physical state where i wouldn't actively seek to date her if I was single and honestly i'm in the same boat to her. She doesn't care for the weight lifting. But here's the deal. After being with the lady so long and knowing her mind and person I would gladly stay with her regardless. I of course would want her to stay healthy and not be so out of shape it puts a stress in our relationship but she's not that far out of shape.

There's so many variables that it's hard to say but where people are at currently has a lot to do with it.
Mrs. Gimpy!

Mrs. Gimpy!

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when i say that physical attraction is important.....i meant that you need to be able to want to have sex with her/him......without being grossed out.... sex is an important part of a relationship. physical attractiveness is not about dating someone who looks like a celebrity.... its about what happens to float your boat. some of the happiest older OLDER couples i've met have relatively active sex lives.


  • RockStar
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Fat bottomed girls

Are you gonna take me home tonight
Ah down beside that red firelight
Are you gonna let it all hang out
Fat bottomed girls, you make the rocking world go round

Hey I was just a skinny lad, never knew no good from bad
But I knew life before I left my nursery
Left alone with big fat Fanny, she was such a naughty nanny
Heap big woman you made a bad boy out of me, Hey hey!

I've been singing with my band, across the wire across the land
I seen every blue eyed floozy on the way
But their beauty and their style, went kind of smooth after a while
Take me to them dirty ladies every time

Oh won't you take me home tonight? Oh down beside your red firelight
Oh and you give it all you got
Fat bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round
Fat bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round
Hey listen here

Now your mortgages and homes, I got stiffness in the bones
Ain't no beauty queens in this locality (I tell you)
Oh but I still get my pleasure, still got my greatest treasure
Heap big woman you gonna make a big man out of me
Now get this...
Oh you gonna take me home tonight (please)
Oh down beside your red firelight, Oh you gonna let it all hang out
Fat bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round
Fat bottomed girls you make the rocking world go round
Get on your bikes and ride

Oooh yeah them fat bottomed girls
Fat bottomed girls, Yeah, yeah, yeah
Fat bottomed girls, Yes, yes


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Baby Got Back

Oh my god, Becky, look at her butt
It is so big
She looks like one of those rap guys girlfriends
Who understands those rap guys
They only talk to her because she looks like a total prostitute, ok?
I mean her butt
It's just so big
I can't believe it's so round
It's just out there
I mean, it's gross
Look, she's just so black

I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waste
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung
Wanna pull up front
Cuz you notice that butt was stuffed
Deep in the jeans she's wearing
I'm hooked and I can't stop staring
Oh, baby I wanna get with ya
And take your picture
My homeboys tried to warn me
But with that butt you got
Me so horny
Ooh, rub all of that smooth skin
You say you wanna get in my Benz
Well use me, use me cuz you ain't that average groupy

I've seen them dancin'
The hell with romancin'
She sweat, wet, got it goin' like a turbo 'Vette

I'm tired of magazines
saying flat butt's the only thing
Take the average black man and ask him that
She gotta pack much back, so

Fellas (yeah), fellas (yeah)
Has your girlfriend got the butt (hell yeah)
Well shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake that healthy butt
Baby got back

(LA face with Oakland booty)

I like'em round and big
And when I'm throwin' a gig
I just can't help myself
I'm actin like an animal
Now here's my scandal

I wanna get you home
And ugh, double ugh, ugh
I ain't talkin' bout Playboy
Cuz silicone parts were made for toys
I wannem real thick and juicy
So find that juicy double
Mixalot's in trouble
Beggin' for a piece of that bubble
So I'm lookin' at rock videos
Watchin' these bimbos walkin' like hoes
You can have them bimbos
I'll keep my women like Flo Jo
A word to the thick soul sistas
I wanna get with ya
I won't cus or hit ya
But I gotta be straight when I say I wanna ****
Til the break of dawn
Baby, I got it goin on
A lot of pimps won't like this song
Cuz them punks like to hit it and quit it
But I'd rather stay and play
Cuz I'm long and I'm strong
And I'm down to get the friction on

So ladies (yeah), ladies (yeah)
If you wanna role in my Mercedes (yeah)
Then turn around
Stick it out
Even white boys got to shout
Baby got back

(LA face with the Oakland booty)

Yeah baby
When it comes to females
Cosmo and got nothin to do with my selection
Only if she's 5'3"

So your girlfriend rolls a Honda
Playin' workout tapes by Fonda
But Fonda ain't got a motor in the back of her Honda
My anaconda don't want none unless you've got buns hon
You can do side bends or sit-ups, but please don't lose that butt
Some brothers wanna play that hard role
and tell you that the butt need to go
So they toss it and leave it
And I pull up quick to retrieve it
So Cosmo says you're fat
Well I ain't down with that
Cuz your waste is small and your curves are kickin'
And I'm thinkin' bout stickin'
To the beanpole dames in the magazines
You ain't it Miss Thang
Give me a sista I can't resist her
Red beans and rice didn't miss her
Some knucklehead tried to dis
Cuz his girls were on my list
He had game but he chose to hit 'em
And pulled up quick to get with 'em
So ladies if the butt is round
And you wanna triple X throw down
Dial 1-900-mixalot and kick them nasty thoughts
Baby got back


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I look like a celebrity, so I expect my mate to look like one as well. Take that! lol Just kiddin'. Physical attraction is important, but there comes a time in every man's life when ya just get plain lonely. Physical attraction then, slowly but surely, goes out the window. haha Guys you know what I mean.
