BOLADROL from IBE- Unreal, Jbry, EasyEJ come hither



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meh i guess i can drop carbs even lower but i loose easy round 2500 cause after excercise i net about 1.8-2000 sooo what should i drop carbs to 150 or fats down to like 70?
Drop whatevers easier mate. It shouldnt matter, your talking half a meals worth of food really. You could shave those cals of by dropping one of your meals or eating less of it. The important thing is to take yourself below any kind of maintainance. Experiment a bit, if you feel screwed add in some carbs. Other than that you should drop cals again in 2-4 weeks into your dieting IMO Old mike mentzer went down to like 1200 cals at points in his cut. (1200 or 1500, anyway bloody low)


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yeah gunna drop top 200 for 2 weeks then reassess where im at

this cut will be about 6 months total

with osta, s4 and anabolics at the very end


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yeah gunna drop top 200 for 2 weeks then reassess where im at

this cut will be about 6 months total

with osta, s4 and anabolics at the very end
6 months is cool, but personally mate, I reckon if you push it hard and stick to it you'll see the results alot quicker than that.


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well the official log is in my signature

u will see it on the anabolics forum as schwellington takes a ride with s1!

But it isnt s1 its OSRA MK-2866 SARM (selective androgen reuptake modulater)

soooo i could make this the official log as this has more traffic what say u AM?


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yeah u right but i wanna shred it all man all

and then when im down to like 12% light bulk with boladrol aka bolasterone


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Cutting is just good and fine but cutting DURING a pct from a cycle where you gained 19 pounds... HELLO did anybody read this thread? If you gain 20 pounds on a bulking cycle, you DON'T ****ING CUT IN PCT.


Ok CM you have the perspective that Schwellington has so much fat it doesn't matter if he cuts now and it doesn't matter if he even lifts. Well he has a lot of bodyfat but there still is significant muscle mass under there. The cycle was +20 pounds, about 10 muscle and 10 fat, so you need to preserve that 10 pounds. You cut now and you'll probably lose a ton of fat but also lose that 10 pounds real quick. It's like that expression of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

maintain in PCT then cut

edit: this is a mistake i've made and i'm not letting any one else make it


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Cutting is just good and fine but cutting DURING a pct from a cycle where you gained 19 pounds... HELLO did anybody read this thread? If you gain 20 pounds on a bulking cycle, you DON'T ****ING CUT IN PCT.


Ok CM you have the perspective that Schwellington has so much fat it doesn't matter if he cuts now and it doesn't matter if he even lifts. Well he has a lot of bodyfat but there still is significant muscle mass under there. The cycle was +20 pounds, about 10 muscle and 10 fat, so you need to preserve that 10 pounds. You cut now and you'll probably lose a ton of fat but also lose that 10 pounds real quick. It's like that expression of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

maintain in PCT then cut

edit: this is a mistake i've made and i'm not letting any one else make it
true... i just think any muscle he loses now will easily come back after a small cycle once he is low in bf and look way better this way...

to me its a sacrifice well spent... lose some muscle now on top of losing DRASTIC fat... gain muscle back after on a cycle or two and his physique will be 100x better.

cuz lets face it if he tries to preserve that muscle while cutting his cut is gonna be slow drag on his quest to a lower bf% simply because he is trying to preserve muscle... he must eat more for that, waste more energy lifting heavy while it can be spend running...

but thats true about the 10 pounds of muscle loss... if he starts cutting now we can guarantee that muscle will fade on you... if you preserve it for longer and delay your cut... a smaller portion of it will leave you while cutting

trying to preserve muscle = slow ass bf% drop

all out cut = fast bf% drop

and you start looking good at lower bf%... the guy has tons of mass to take off... no point in doing it a slow way IMO

to me, a restart is more fruitful and will please him faster than a slow muscle preservation based cut

cut it all off.. start over with a new canvas. he will have muscle memory on his side, on top of anabolics. reboot is better in my eyes and will satisfy him faster

he might get to 17% bf in 2 months if he tries to preserve muscle

he can get to at least 14% bf in 2 months on an all out cut (then cycle--and we will have a new schwell) <--- this is just faster ticket to satisfaction in my eyes to a lower bf% ...the lower he gets, the better he looks


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CM i see what you're saying and i'm inclined to agree with you but your way necessitates an entire bulking cycle at the end to replace the 10 pounds he just lost from his cycle. Now that's not the way to cycle. You don't want to dig a hole you have to use another cycle to fill in, that doesn't make much progress. 10 pounds of lbm is too precious to piss away. I am using a more long term perspective.

The cut itself will not be easy, with a slow metabolism you need a really strict diet and a ton of cardio... I think preserving muscle is very important. What are we going to tell schwellington if he does some super fast insane cut and loses a lot of muscle? I always try to preserve it and never succeed. I can't imagine how bad it would be if i didnt even try to preserve it.

edit: CM keep in mind it's hard to lower your bodyfat % when you lose LBM. For instance he gained fat and muscle on a 1:1 ratio, suppose he starts losing them on a 1:1 ratio? That's probably what would happen if you cut during PCT where you gained 10 pounds of muscle and 10 pounds of fat. A big gigantic step backwards. And bodyfat % won't change much at first.

there's benefits to being big and fat... it's a great time to bulk or strength train and it's fall going into winter anyway.

I was telling schwellington he should try some new routines and strength training to get his bench up. It doesn't do to bench less than your bodyweight for 6 reps.


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I agree unreal. I already reccomended that but it was ignored. Lol

our guys diets are so much more complicated than mine. Lol. Here's what a day is like for me when strict dieting.

Meal one
2 tuna sandwitches, one scoop mayo one light sourcream, + a 50 gram protein shake with FF milk. =110g protein, maybe 60 protein, 15 fat

pre workout snack= 50g protein shake

post workout meal huge pwo shake= 2 cups FF milk, 50g protein, 1 cup oats blended, + a very large bowl of cereal.

Sometimes instead of tuna ill have a huge chicken breast and rice, shrimp is
sometimes substituted for any of the proteins.

Sometimes my pwo is potatoe gnoochi and a shake.

Haha much much simplier huh? I usually try in come it at about 2000 cals.


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He can stop if he wants. Steroids will give him strength back very quickly especially muscle memory he will have should he burn muscle during this massive cut.

Lifting weights doesn't burn good cals anyways unless you're doing 15ish reps high intensity type stuff with little breaks.

As he needs to be on a massive cut... all energy needs to be devoted to just burning calories.

This has nothing to do with muscle yet... this is all about dropping bf% by a massive cut in which fat sheds faster than muscle dropping bf%

If you wanna lift... lift schwell... but lift in the manner that matches your goal of utter calorie destruction... don't try to lift for strength on a massive cut lol.. pointless would be taking time and energy away from the main goal... destroy calories. Burn those f***ing cals.
This is actually completely backwards from all I've ever known, and I've been doing this for all of my adult life and read ALOT.

You most definitely want to stay on the weights and try to keep strength up as much as possible. The more high functioning your muscles are the more fast they will burn.

Not to mention doing moderate weight exercise will mobilize fat into the blood stream then moderate cardio should be done post weights to burn that circulating fat.... High intensity programs are alright but personally unless your genetically gifted I think they will be catabolic routines while in a deficit. Also daily low intensity fasted cardio upon waking is an awesome way to chip away at fat... Really isn't tough, don't even have to do it hard or long and it works.

Sorry cm, ish like your suggesting might work for you but you have to admit genetics swing a diff way for you then for schwell here... Quit feeding the guy advice that will hinder his all around progress.

Good luck schwell, also I'd stay away from clen, you need to focus on non chemically induced fast loss bro, plus it makes you feel like absolute crap at an effective dose.

Look at alpha t2 from pes, the science and dose used is solid n will help mobilize fat, suppress appetite, and increase metabolism. Stack it with a cortisol blocker like endo amp from pp. to help burn fat and save muscle from being catabolized since on a stressful cut it will most def be elevated... that will also help increase gh production which also burns fat and will help maintain muscle mass while cutting.

Either way man diet and timing will be key.....
Last edited:


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This is actually completely backwards from ask under ever known, and I've been doing this for all of my adult life and read ALOT.

You most definitely wasn't to stay on the weights and try to keep strength up as much as possible. The more high functioning your muscles are the more fast they will burn.

Not to mention doing moderate weight exercise will mobilize fast into the blood stream then moderate cardio should be done post weights to burn that circulating fat.... High intensity programs are alright but personally unitas your genetically gifted u think they will be catabolic routines while in a deficit. Also daily low intensity fasted cardio upon waking is an awesome way to cop away at fat... Really isn't tough don't even have to do it hard or long and it works.

Sorry cm, ish like your suggesting might work for you but you have to admit genetics swing a diff way fort you then for schwell here... Quit feeding the guy advice that will hinder his all around progress.

Good luck schwell, also I'd stay away from clen, you ned to focus on non chemically induced fast loss bro, plus it makes you feel like absolute crap at an effective dose.

Look at alpha t2 from pes, the science and dose used is solid n week help mobilize fat, suppress appetite, and increase metabolism. Stack it with a cortisol blocker like endo amp from pp. to help burn fat and save muscle from being catabolized since on a stressful cut it will most def bed elevated... that will also help increase gh production which also burns fat and will help maintain muscle mass while cutting.

Either way man dirty and timing will be key.....

Well said, poops. Like the veteran you are here on AM.



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This is actually completely backwards from ask under ever known, and I've been doing this for all of my adult life and read ALOT.

You most definitely wasn't to stay on the weights and try to keep strength up as much as possible. The more high functioning your muscles are the more fast they will burn.

Not to mention doing moderate weight exercise will mobilize fast into the blood stream then moderate cardio should be done post weights to burn that circulating fat.... High intensity programs are alright but personally unitas your genetically gifted u think they will be catabolic routines while in a deficit. Also daily low intensity fasted cardio upon waking is an awesome way to cop away at fat... Really isn't tough don't even have to do it hard or long and it works.

Sorry cm, ish like your suggesting might work for you but you have to admit genetics swing a diff way fort you then for schwell here... Quit feeding the guy advice that will hinder his all around progress.

Good luck schwell, also I'd stay away from clen, you ned to focus on non chemically induced fast loss bro, plus it makes you feel like absolute crap at an effective dose.

Look at alpha t2 from pes, the science and dose used is solid n week help mobilize fat, suppress appetite, and increase metabolism. Stack it with a cortisol blocker like endo amp from pp. to help burn fat and save muscle from being catabolized since on a stressful cut it will most def bed elevated... that will also help increase gh production which also burns fat and will help maintain muscle mass while cutting.

Either way man dirty and timing will be key.....
a cut was counter intuitive for me honestly- it made NO sense

I know i have bf but like unreal said- there IS mass under it

and my chest is my genetic weak point

as bench is 225x6

sqaut is 385x6- cmon thats almost 200lbs ( I have freaky leg genetics

my brother was squatting 800 at one point boooiiiii)

so i am going to keep caloires up until pct is done

then CHOCO THEN will be the HARDCORE CUT

It will be fine man I have cut before with a very strict diet and cardio5-7x a week

so for now- im still bulking

im willing to wait awhile for my figure as long as i can hold onto my mass


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Thats much smarter bro.... dedicated and consistent will win out in the end and be much more pleasing along the way.

Damn my post was full of typos.....
Sorry guys, typing from my phone and predictive text isn't always your friend, lol.


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Aight fixed my previous post, so check it again if you couldn't decipher the parts that were typos.


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a cut was counter intuitive for me honestly- it made NO sense

I know i have bf but like unreal said- there IS mass under it

and my chest is my genetic weak point

as bench is 225x6

sqaut is 385x6- cmon thats almost 200lbs ( I have freaky leg genetics

my brother was squatting 800 at one point boooiiiii)

so i am going to keep caloires up until pct is done

then CHOCO THEN will be the HARDCORE CUT

It will be fine man I have cut before with a very strict diet and cardio5-7x a week

so for now- im still bulking

im willing to wait awhile for my figure as long as i can hold onto my mass
You waffle more than brett favre lol. Seriously though, If you are able to live comfortably for while you may as well try and keep that muscle you added. I understand both sides of the issue here but nobody has commented on how you are actually feeling. If I were to put on weight in that way I would be miserable and would want to just drop the fat at any cost. However if you are ok with holding that weight in order to maintain your new muscle by all means that is the best for you.


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hell yeah dude pct is only for another 20 days- that aint nuthin man i can hold onto this till thats done and then cut down cals by 200 every week till i drop about 1k cals


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A couple of very good posts from Unreal.

I think the problem is when you talk about doing anything you want to do it "hardcore bishes". You bulked like a fat kid in a cake shop and talk about cutting it as fast as possible. All cardiovascular and no weights by the way is absolutely ludicrous, you can't do that just because you have Boladrol on hand, it just doesn't make sense.

There have been so many opinions circulating it backs up the need for professional help. If I wanted help on something I took seriously I would pay for it and do it properly. It is why I hire an accountant, me doing my taxes would be messier than the amount of conflicting views in this thread!


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you need a new routine or something. you numbers dont make any sense based on your body weight. no hate jus sayin facts


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i know geek- my squat is almost 400 for repetition and my deads are at 315x6 for 3 sets but my bench? 225x6? I know its my weak point but it needs fixin- unreal is helping me with that and i started a thread in the excercise science for some help with a new routine

and i know i cant do cardio and not lift- the more lbm the more fat burnt


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i know geek- my squat is almost 400 for repetition and my deads are at 315x6 for 3 sets but my bench? 225x6? I know its my weak point but it needs fixin- unreal is helping me with that and i started a thread in the excercise science for some help with a new routine

and i know i cant do cardio and not lift- the more lbm the more fat burnt
If your deads are that low, then it's hip strength. Bench could be a mid-trap/rear delt issue. What's your sticking point for deads and bench?


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@ Unreal ma man I got you. On a cut he will inevitable burn fat at a faster rate than muscle regardless because fat will be used up before muscle especially if he is on a high protein diet so his bf% will drop way faster than if he was to recomp and try to keep muscle. That's way to slow for his bf% to see results way to slow if he tries to recomp or moderate cut just to save some muscle.

@ Poop it did work for me

I went from 150 to 180 working out naturally and looked decent. Stopped working out and weight flopped down to 170 and then I gained fat back to 180 and just looked pretty fkn fat at 14-15% bf.

I was 180 at that bf% cut big time to 165 and was at 11-12% bf... restarted building muscle back to 180 and remained at 11%-12% bf and looked sexy. Then I cycled and got to where I am now.

I understand muscle is precious and hard to gain... But c'mon guys lol when your using steroids, as long as you eat right and work out heavy, you are almost guaranteed 100% to develop muscle at an incredibly fast rate. It's not like he is using supplements lol. His muscle will come back in no time. A moderate amount of steroids at the end of a long cut will NO DOUBT yield him 75% and up of the muscle he burned away on top of his low bf% he will look great. I guarantee you that.

I'm simply telling him to do an all out cut... he will lose muscle... but he will lose fat faster that is for damn sure and get very low in bf%.

You don't look good unless he is down in bf% and what you guys recommend is a slow way to get to a low bf%--a slow way to look good just so he can keep some muscle that a cycle will bring back on a lower bf% frame... which will look great. And relax with your "quit feeding advice that will hinder progress" the advice I'm giving is tha FASTEST way to progress bro are you kidding me? You want him to slowly chip off fat just so he saves some muscle he can easily get back? WThe guy is 20% ish almost he will take forever!!! I have seen this sh*t many times and in the end you always look better doing it this way because you get your bf% lower quicker. And that's what looks good regardless. A low bf% looks good on anybody REGARDLESS.

He weighs 250 correct me if I'm mistaken and he looks like anywhere from 18-20% bf and you recommend he trys to keep muscle? Pfff he will be here forever at a high bf% is he tries this... this calls for a system restart with steroids at the end of the rainbow to QUICKLY give him back what was lost in muscle on top of being low bf% from a crazy cut.

You may do your recomp or a little cut focused on saving your muscle Schwell... and I will be waiting for your 2 month results on this... I bet you won't even look different. You may drop 1-2% in bf and still look the same. Meanwhile you could have dropped 4-7% in two months and jumped on a cycle to give you most of the muscle you lost back. Which one sounds more appealing in terms of how you will look?

If long term is your goal and you like long term progress go for it but that ish but it ain't for me. If I ever get to 20% bf you better believe I am going cardio 5x a week, light high intensity weight training, hoody and sweat pants every cardio day, getting into a sauna frequently, eating strictly 100 g of carbs and only 1500-2000 cals, wrapping f***in seram wrap all over my body while running... just hardcore cutting. I have seen this done with my friends and they QUICKLY drop bf% down like crazy. Now imagine after this drop, you run a cycle, BAMN good looking body out of nowhere in no time.

You guys are really over blowing his muscle loss out of proportion. Eating 1500-2000 cals with high protein diet will ensure he kills fat WAY faster than muscle. On top of moderate weight training with low weights but high repetitions.

And guess what he has at his disposal to build that muscle lost quick as f***... steroids steroids steroids at a responsible dose and duration to quickly give him back muscle on top of his already low bf% frame which will look just awesome.

He weighs 250ish with 20 percetile bf ....f*** a recomp lol and forget a little cut just so he saves muscle... go all out. Bring him down to 12-14% bf and he will weigh around 200 lbs. That is still big. Then a cycle. And we have jacked schwell at 12-14% bf weighing in at 215ish. I'd like to see how long it takes for him to recomp or minor cut down to 215 and be 12-14% bf lol. Jesus will come back before than.

Muscle, although precious, is 1 step away with the right diet and training thanks to the wonderful discovery of steroids.

You guys are about long term and I'm about short term. That's where our differences lie.

Do what you will Schwell... I will be watching progress... and we will see where you stand in 2 months time. Good luck buddy.


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I only have two more things go add to this thread.
1) Even with your maths and proposed numbers he is losing more fat than muscle.
2) You are assuming he will put on 15lbs of completely lean mass on cycle. History tells us that this isn't the case. When you look at his photos it is obvious he has a tendency to put a lot of fat on at the same time.


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Substitute 'muscle' for 'lean mass' before someone gets pedantic!


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so i am going to keep caloires up until pct is done

then CHOCO THEN will be the HARDCORE CUT
That is completely fine Schwell and a good choice. Like I said if you start cutting now you will lose the 10 pounds of muscle FOR SURE that you gained. Start a little later and you will only lose a portion of it. Atta boy good decision... faster path to a good looking physique.


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I only have two more things go add to this thread.
1) Even with your maths and proposed numbers he is losing more fat than muscle.
2) You are assuming he will put on 15lbs of completely lean mass on cycle. History tells us that this isn't the case. When you look at his photos it is obvious he has a tendency to put a lot of fat on at the same time.
Dude, after a proper cycle, he will gain back "lean mass" so fast thanks to muscle memory + steroids that I can actually see a 10-15 LBM gain easy. Done right will equal minimum amount of fat put on bro. He doesn't really have that tendency he has just been trying to bulk this whole time. It was his goal lol...
Delta Force

Delta Force

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this thread has been very entertaining for sure... but I have to say I feel sorry for schwelling with so many opinions going back and forth its gotta be confusing for him, hell my head starts spinning everytime I open this thread.

I think a lot of judgment has gone in to 1 or 2 pics of schwell but I honestly think he should consult with a personal trainer, buy 1 or 2 sessions, I'm sure you'll keep his advice if you pay for it. not to put anyone down here b/c there's lots of smart ppl and very good feedback but schwell keeps on flip flopping with every new post.
Delta Force

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or if you want to save your money pick ONE person here to be your trainer, you cant take everyone's advice, trust me


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Good post, agree entirely with hiring a trainer.


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im glad there are some mature supportive people on here

mrbigpr told me to use meth to cut body fat

whats that about hes a rep it give NP a bad name man- or at least him i know he dont speak for NP

yes choco please follow my man i value ur suggestions and u too delta

unreal knows hes in there too

i just gotta keep grinding and chipping away

but i figure after i cut for a month it will be more evident whether orn ot i gained any mass at all (though im sure i did as strength is up)

rodja my sticking point for deads? You mean do i lock out at the top? Or how much is the max weight i can rep? Right now its 315 but I think I could up it more to 325 now as 315 is going up pretty easy

and i only started doing deads about 6 months ago too soooo that part is under developed geek i get u a link here shortly


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CM i see what you're saying and i'm inclined to agree with you but your way necessitates an entire bulking cycle at the end to replace the 10 pounds he just lost from his cycle. Now that's not the way to cycle. You don't want to dig a hole you have to use another cycle to fill in, that doesn't make much progress. 10 pounds of lbm is too precious to piss away. I am using a more long term perspective.
UM sorry to quote you again but thought I put this in last post...

See bold... it does make progress and you must agree with me here...

because even though he dug a hole for himself in terms of muscle... he will be at 12-14%ish bf THEN cycle gain 10-15 LBM... that is big progress Unreal and you must admit it. He dropped bf% plus put on muscle lost. Fast progress too.


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I will follow bro...

LOOOOOL @ MrBigPr... he's only joking Schwell


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maybe he is- but do you really joke with someone you dont know personally about something like that? I dont know if uve ever done meth bro, but it is evil and twisted, and i was a bad bad bad man when i did that stuff-

anyhow the log is in my link bud come join!


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If I were to put on weight in that way I would be miserable and would want to just drop the fat at any cost. However if you are ok with holding that weight in order to maintain your new muscle by all means that is the best for you.
This sums it all up^^^


Schwell I will join brah. And if you can't laugh about a past experience, you will never get over it bro. Trust me. No matter how bad it is.


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Mr Bigpr might have been joking, but I do know some of my friends that cut for shows by using a little crystal. that stuff will rip you up. It also helps you drop weight when your teeth fall out


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ehhh im not getting into a pissing match bout methamphetamines- if used right like anything its fine- but that stuff is addictive

anyhow pr can stick it i dont care lol

come join log is in my sig bishes!
Delta Force

Delta Force

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Mr Bigpr might have been joking, but I do know some of my friends that cut for shows by using a little crystal. that stuff will rip you up. It also helps you drop weight when your teeth fall out
since schwell already mention he's a recovering addict I think that topic should be off limits, advice him on diet and training but no on meth.

I've seen too many friends go down the meth black hole thats so hard to get out of, congrats to Schwell for making out with his sanity. :)


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Dude, after a proper cycle, he will gain back "lean mass" so fast thanks to muscle memory + steroids that I can actually see a 10-15 LBM gain easy.Done right will equal minimum amount of fat put on bro. He doesn't really have that tendency he has justeen trying to bulk this whole time. It was his goal lol...
the bolded is the issue.... that amount of fat gain would have been more or less reasonable if he had been bulking naturally, but it got added bulking while cycling. I tend to doubt that he could see that much in gains at the end of a cut even while on cycle without also regaining fat.

Sooooooooo my suggestion would be after PCT start a slow mild 1-1.5 lbs a week natural cut. Sure it will take some time to get lean, but minimal strength and muscle mass will be lost


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I jumped on the meth train about 3 1/2 years ago. man let me tell you, the physical addiction it creates is bad. and comming down or off, is the worst experience ever.

what was able to make kick it for good was I bough some from this guy, had an allergic reaction to something in it, and had to go to the hospital. worst part was, I'll never know what it was, cause so much sheet is put in that stuff. who knows whats in it. never had an allergic reation to anything before in my life either.

I was only on it for about 3-4 months, but in that time, I got 6 cavities while using it. i was 24, and had never had a cavity in my life.

drugs are bad m'kay. real fcking bad.


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since schwell already mention he's a recovering addict I think that topic should be off limits, advice him on diet and training but no on meth.

I've seen too many friends go down the meth black hole thats so hard to get out of, congrats to Schwell for making out with his sanity. :)

Well by the way schell likes to cycle I wouldn't say all his sanity =] lol just kidding

Good Job on getting clean man. I got some addicts in my family so I know how difficult it can be. Keep up the good work.


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thanks gents means alot to me

i will keep up the work- i aint goin back to that-----

jbry let a brother get a discount for need2slin

i got some dbol on the way but until january im gunna try to lean up-alot
Delta Force

Delta Force

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Well by the way schell likes to cycle I wouldn't say all his sanity =] lol just kidding

Good Job on getting clean man. I got some addicts in my family so I know how difficult it can be. Keep up the good work.
I tried to chose my words carefully on that line but I'm giving schwell benefit of the doubt :D
Delta Force

Delta Force

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Always wondered what meth feels like....

its more potent than heroin, you'll be better off wondering.. just dont try it!
I'm no expert on it but tried everything at least once.. on the harder sh!t i took a step back and watch my buddies experiment(it was not pretty)... at first you'll feel like superman but once it wears off and your body craves it that's when you meet your maker sort to speak.... its a downward spiral in to a back hole that has no end while you're breathing... very hard to get off, congrats again to schwell for going clean


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it is evil chocolate you will be much better wondering like delta said

I felt amazing simply amazing it was wonderful, but- the come down was not, the things i did to get meth was wrong (no i never did sexual favors) and staying up for a week straight not being able to put a sentence together at all is not fun, after a couple of days up your whole body aches like its on fire

but i kept going and going- chocolate if u value ur life and everyone in it- you will stay away from it
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