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... Dr.D drops mic, walks off stage... :lol:

Hey bro what do you think of the MK-677 associated bloat that some seem to find unbearable, but others mention nothing of the sort?
It's usually in modification of adrenal function when it comes to bloating, and all this endocrine manipulation is highly variable from person to person. For sure though, the concentration of electrolytes is positively altered in an anabolic state, and GH almost always increases adrenal output (cortisol, aldosterone) so fluid retention is to be expected. An aldosterone antagonist is probably the most direct solution, but spiro sux. Cutting sodium can have a paradoxical effect and make things worse, so I'd consider leaving sodium the same and just doubling or tripling up potassium supplementation. Usually works pretty well.





I've read that all SARMS should be taken in liquid form, specifically Ostarine? Just wanted to see what others think about that.
I haven't found that to be true for MK-677 (haven't tried the others). I switched at the end of last week from 25mg/ml MK-677 in liquid form (research chem) to 30mg capped from Blackstone Labs. I found the BSL capsules to feel much more potent (could have just been timing) but I slept a lot more soundly than before and felt for the first time tingling in my fingers and forearms felt tight all day. Also, had a couple of bouts of lethargy during the day which I did not have before.

I got the same feeling each morning (Saturday, Sunday, Monday) using BSL MK-677 at 30mg. Decreased my dosage last night to 20mg and not feeling the tingling or tight forearms as much - still there but not as pronounced. I will probably switch back to the liquid research chem form tonight to see if it was just cumulative timing or that the BSL caps were higher/dosed or more effective for me.

Still for me, no noticeable bloat. Usually, if I bloat, my face is the first place you see it. Wife hasn't said anything and still same hole on my belt. Six pack is visible flexed - same as pre MK-677. But, I have just completed a little over a week on it at 20-30mg per day - maybe it takes longer to manifest.

Went away on a mini-vacation this Sat. - Monday so my diet certainly wasn't very clean but I'll tighten is up more this week. I am not eating to lose weight so I haven't really seen any fat loss. If anything, I have overfed for the past week and haven't seen a lot of fat gain. Maybe that says something in itself. Still early into this and I'll keep every posted if I have anything significant to add.


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Thanks for the update tshoot.

So basically so far this is what my search for how to maximize my mk677 run

Huperzine a 3 times a day
green tea, no sure how to dose it still digging around.
up my potassium intake to rduce bloating if it happens ( maybe Dr d can suggest dosage )
will try Norcodrene plus something for a potent appetite supression and fat loss aid ( any recommendation ?).
So how would u run ur mk67 run to maximize benefits ???


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Why everything that work just have tons of side effects.!
thanks man will look into it.
I was half kidding. I'm prescribed adderall and I have zero hunger during the day. I haven't started the MK -677 yet but I'm hoping it will balance that out a little so I don't miss meals. So yeah, look into it if u want, but do your homework fully before pursuing a script for it or by attaining through other means. It's not for everyone.


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I was half kidding. I'm prescribed adderall and I have zero hunger during the day. I haven't started the MK -677 yet but I'm hoping it will balance that out a little so I don't miss meals. So yeah, look into it if u want, but do your homework fully before pursuing a script for it or by attaining through other means. It's not for everyone.
Yeah man finished researching for the last hour or so, n it's serious lol makes clen look like it's nothing compared to it.
I not think over the counter appetite suppressor would work with mk677.


New member
Just chiming in here. I'm 3 days into a GW/MK 677 run and so far have noticed zero hunger affects. Sleeping well and vivid dreams though!

I have used IPAM/GHRP 2 and 6 in that order. IPAM and GHRP2 aren't known for stimulating hunger but 6 is notorious. A gain I noticed nothing. For what it's worth, my appetite is generally insatiable and a constant battle.

Just my 2 cents.


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Hey Guys. I am trying to keep up with what brands are getting successful reviews. If you've had a good experience with MK-677, would you mind on chiming in in which brand and dose? I am trying to make sure I have a running list of who's products seem legit. Thanks! Great thread...


Just chiming in here. I'm 3 days into a GW/MK 677 run and so far have noticed zero hunger affects. Sleeping well and vivid dreams though!

I have used IPAM/GHRP 2 and 6 in that order. IPAM and GHRP2 aren't known for stimulating hunger but 6 is notorious. A gain I noticed nothing. For what it's worth, my appetite is generally insatiable and a constant battle.

Just my 2 cents.
Do you mind saying what brand, what mg dosage and what time of day you are taking it?


Hey Guys. I am trying to keep up with what brands are getting successful reviews. If you've had a good experience with MK-677, would you mind on chiming in in which brand and dose? I am trying to make sure I have a running list of who's products seem legit. Thanks! Great thread...
- Black Stone Labs (BSN) Mk Ultra (10mg per cap, 60 caps per bottle). Definitely notice it at 30mg pre-bedtime. At 20mg not as much effect than as at 30mg.

- Superior Peptides 25mg/ml - Dosed at bedtime at 25mg (not as pronounced to me but I was the first week of taking it. I need to give it a another try because I believe they make good products at a reasonable price).

- Just picked up a bottle from Olympus Labs to try labeled GHAR1NE (10mg per cap, 90 capsules per bottle) Have not tried but will maybe next week.

***Just an FYI, I had one of the worst panic attacks I have had in a long time last night. They seem to be getting worse each night. The only thing really different was my 30mg dose of MK-677 pre-bedtime and 3 doses of 200mcg Huperzine A throughout the day. I may stop both altogether to see if resolves the panic attack. If so, I may go with lower doses to see if it still has the same effect on me.

Also, since taking the MK-677, it has caused an old case of gyno to flare up more on my left side.

Has anybody seen had or heard of any of the above symptoms above - increased anxiety and increased sensitivity to gyno?



Active member
Has anybody seen had or heard of any of the above symptoms above - increased anxiety and increased sensitivity to gyno?

I dont know about anxiety per se but the sensitivity to gyno may be explained by the ghrp's effect on prolactin. The increased PRL most GHRP's cause can create an increased sensitivity to e2 as well as a hormonal imbalance that if circumstances are correct might cause a gyno fare up or increased symptomology. That is the only means I can think of whereby mk677 might have this possible effect.


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Just chiming in here. I'm 3 days into a GW/MK 677 run and so far have noticed zero hunger affects. Sleeping well and vivid dreams though!

I have used IPAM/GHRP 2 and 6 in that order. IPAM and GHRP2 aren't known for stimulating hunger but 6 is notorious. A gain I noticed nothing. For what it's worth, my appetite is generally insatiable and a constant battle.

Just my 2 cents.
The GW is a PPAR-delta agonist, which shifts metabolism away from glucose utilization, so that might be what's attenuating the the typical blood sugar drop and subsequent MK hunger. Also, even though GW is pretty selective for the delta sub receptor, it's an alpha agonist too, so that may contribute also to the lack of appetite increase with the MK stack. I haven't personally experimented with either compound, just guessing at this point.


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TShoot, Olympus UK Ghar1ne is 90 cap per bottle, not 45. You did have me worried there for a minute...


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I'm using a research company, they''re legit. GW @ 20mgs and MK @ 25


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Got mine today from OL after a long waittttt.
still not sure if there is a appetite supression out there that don't have a list bad side effects.


Well-known member
Got mine today from OL after a long waittttt.
still not sure if there is a appetite supression out there that don't have a list bad side effects.
Assuming legitimacy of product, from the user experiences Ive come across the appetite increase from MK dosnt seem to always be the case, a bit like ABE. If youre really worried why not run forsk95 as well?


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Assuming legitimacy of product, from the user experiences Ive come across the appetite increase from MK dosnt seem to always be the case, a bit like ABE. If youre really worried why not run forsk95 as well?
Yeah I was thinking of adding shift and Norco for a slighttt supression and for f95.

N I really hope it's not the case with me cos already have a big appetite .
did u run it yet man?


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Niceee, what brand is urs?
How u gonna dose it etc?
Olympus UK.

Pre-bed. Im still in two minds whether to ramp it over the duration of the run or not. Whatever I do, at this stage I think I will run it 20-30mg /d. What about you?


TShoot, Olympus UK Ghar1ne is 90 cap per bottle, not 45. You did have me worried there for a minute...
You are absolutely right. I was thinking 45 days (at 2 each day) for 90 caps for OL vs. 30 days (2 each day) for 60 caps BSL.

I'll correct my post. Thanks for catching it NewAgeMan.


Olympus UK.

Pre-bed. Im still in two minds whether to ramp it over the duration of the run or not. Whatever I do, at this stage I think I will run it 20-30mg /d. What about you?
For me, their is a noticeable difference between 20mgs and 30mgs. 30mgs causing the hands and fingers to tingle the next day and my forearms to feel tight. Sleep is also a lot deeper. Not nearly as noticeable at 20mgs. That extra 10mgs seems to be the tipping point for me.

But, 20mgs might be enough to get benefit and obviously more cost effective.


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Olympus UK.

Pre-bed. Im still in two minds whether to ramp it over the duration of the run or not. Whatever I do, at this stage I think I will run it 20-30mg /d. What about you?
I think I'll be sticking to 20 and last couple of weeks I'll start doing 30 and that will determine if I'm going to buy more, sill be using hup a and green tea.
what supps u will be using to maximize it's benefits ?


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I've been running 20 mg of MK-677 (MK Ultra) and feeling very lethargic.

I take EC at 7 am, 11 am, and 3 pm, and MK-677 and Raloxifene at 10 pm. During the day, I feel foggy and tired. I'm going to stop MK-677 for a few days and see if I feel better.

Anyone having similar lethargy/foggy brain feeling? I can't imagine how I'd feel with the EC

muscle inc.

I've been running 20 mg of MK-677 (MK Ultra) and feeling very lethargic.

I take EC at 7 am, 11 am, and 3 pm, and MK-677 and Raloxifene at 10 pm. During the day, I feel foggy and tired. I'm going to stop MK-677 for a few days and see if I feel better.

Anyone having similar lethargy/foggy brain feeling? I can't imagine how I'd feel with the EC
I'm in my third week using 25mg ed and yes have been at times extremely lethargic and tired throughout the day. It seems to come and go in waves. Could it actually correspond to gh pulses? I don't know. But definitely have been relying on my morning and afternoon caffeine to get through work.

On a positive note sleep has been amazing, deep sleep with vivid dreams every night. Water retention and bloat leveled out. I started osta two weeks ago so I am getting the muscle hardness, leaning, and strength now. Up 10lbs. on the mk the first week I started but am now maintaining. Going to start lgd as soon as my Legend arrives, hopefully tomorrow, then game on...


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I'm in my third week using 25mg ed and yes have been at times extremely lethargic and tired throughout the day. It seems to come and go in waves. Could it actually correspond to gh pulses? I don't know. But definitely have been relying on my morning and afternoon caffeine to get through work.

On a positive note sleep has been amazing, deep sleep with vivid dreams every night. Water retention and bloat leveled out. I started osta two weeks ago so I am getting the muscle hardness, leaning, and strength now. Up 10lbs. on the mk the first week I started but am now maintaining. Going to start lgd as soon as my Legend arrives, hopefully tomorrow, then game on...
I completely agree with you: sleepiness comes in waves during the day, but sleep quality at night is fantastic. I hope someone figures out a way to minimize the daytime sleepiness. I don't think it's worth the effect it's having on my motivation/clarity at work.


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So yall experiencing sleepiness everyday ?
Also anyone taking hup a with it?

muscle inc.

So yall experiencing sleepiness everyday ?
Also anyone taking hup a with it?
This past week I have been sleepy every day, to the point all I want to do is lay down and take a nap at work. And yes I have been taking 400mcg Huperzine A every day split in two dosages. I am hoping the tiredness goes away or I find a way minimize it if that is possible.


The only time the lethargy REALLY kicks in for me is after meals - even low carb meals. Fell a sleep in my chair last week after a conference call. Good thing I was working from home.

Has anybody tried it with CJC-1295 w/DAC? Does it make the problem even worse?


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Not reading a lot of positives on this stuff here or at other boards

Am I off based to say this?


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Not reading a lot of positives on this stuff here or at other boards

Am I off based to say this?
More often than not people are more inclined to report issues so as to resolve them, rather than posting solely about any experienced benefits. Consider how many people reported issues with Ostar.

muscle inc.

Ok so the last three days I switched it up and dosed first thing in the morning. I have felt pretty damn good throughout each day, not tired and no lethargy. Would have thought it would be the opposite. Going to keep going this way and hope it stays consistent.


Active member
When I first started using an injectable gh stack comprised of a ghrp and a ghrh I experienced what was almost debilitating lethargy. I was injecting 3x/day and the only injection that caused me major issues was my midday one. It was to the point where I couldn't even keep my eyes open. When I was just about to drop the mid day injection for this very reason (2-3weeks in) I adapted to it and the lethargy went away.
When I researched this I discovered that Ghrelin was responsible for a whole lot more than just gh production. It has effects on many hormones and chemicals. I recall serotonin being greatly effected by it as well as a few others that would potentially cause this side effect if using a ghrelin mimetic.


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Interesting. Do you think it plausib5e that one such hormone stimulated could be antidiuretic hormone, thus accounting for the water retention?

muscle inc.

When I first started using an injectable gh stack comprised of a ghrp and a ghrh I experienced what was almost debilitating lethargy. I was injecting 3x/day and the only injection that caused me major issues was my midday one. It was to the point where I couldn't even keep my eyes open. When I was just about to drop the mid day injection for this very reason (2-3weeks in) I adapted to it and the lethargy went away.
When I researched this I discovered that Ghrelin was responsible for a whole lot more than just gh production. It has effects on many hormones and chemicals. I recall serotonin being greatly effected by it as well as a few others that would potentially cause this side effect if using a ghrelin mimetic.
Yes it could be coincidence. Today is the beginning of week 4 for me. Will continue my research and morning dosage for now. Besides that sleep and recovery have been great. I am 37 years old so also looking for some more of the therapeutic benefits with continued long term use. Plan on going a full 4 months.


When I was doing my 25mg dose in the morning it actually made me a little hyper - not lethargic at all. But since most of the testing was pre-bed dosing I switched to that. At first it gave me insomnia. But, a couple of days later I started to get much deeper sleep. So, I figured that was the best way to do it and deal with the lethargy when and if it happened the next day.

Maybe dosing it in the morning is the best for some people. I don't know what, if any, diminished benefits you get by taking it in the morning.


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I can't wait to try this stuff out. Anyone use hardcore peptides mk? I got 6 months worth and will be running it with cjc w/ dac. I get all my peps from maxim but they diddnt have mk : /


I can't wait to try this stuff out. Anyone use hardcore peptides mk? I got 6 months worth and will be running it with cjc w/ dac. I get all my peps from maxim but they diddnt have mk : /
I haven't heard of them but that doesn't mean they don't carry legit products. Maybe someone else has.


New member
I haven't heard of them but that doesn't mean they don't carry legit products. Maybe someone else has.
I'm new to this forum but they are one of the 3 company's listed in the sup forum here under peptide companys. I've been reading some bad reviews on there research chems lately so it's making me a little nervous lol


I'm new to this forum but they are one of the 3 company's listed in the sup forum here under peptide companys. I've been reading some bad reviews on there research chems lately so it's making me a little nervous lol
Without an actual report, you have to just say screw it and try it out.

With that being said, you should be able to tell if something is working or not - also basing your results on what others have shared/logged. If not, then it's bunk and should no longer be used.


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I haven't seen a single research company with only good reviews. You can find something bad about every single one.


Completely understand. A lot of them come and go and some are long time trustworthy businesses. I am just not familiar with all of them. I have to look at the Sup section to see who are listed.


New member
Yeah I'll Just have to run it and hope for the best. I haven't seen a pep company with only good reviews either so it's probably fine. I've just always stuck with maxim and never had an issue so never wanted to branch out lol. Even maxim has had some aweful reviews in the last year. Thanks guys


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I was half kidding. I'm prescribed adderall and I have zero hunger during the day. I haven't started the MK -677 yet but I'm hoping it will balance that out a little so I don't miss meals. So yeah, look into it if u want, but do your homework fully before pursuing a script for it or by attaining through other means. It's not for everyone.
I just read your M1T thread from 2003. Wow that was intense


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I can't wait to try this stuff out. Anyone use hardcore peptides mk? I got 6 months worth and will be running it with cjc w/ dac. I get all my peps from maxim but they diddnt have mk : /
Hoe are you going to dose the CJC w/DAC??


I'm only going to do 2mgs weekly split on Monday thursday.
Got my CJC-1295 w/DAC last week. Will start using it the same way - 2mgs split twice weekly pre-bedtime. Will report back if I notice any difference.


New member
Got my CJC-1295 w/DAC last week. Will start using it the same way - 2mgs split twice weekly pre-bedtime. Will report back if I notice any difference.
The only thing set in stone is the cjc dose lol. I'm probably going to throw in ghrp 2/6/Hex and a very large cycle.

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