


I will try it - thanks! Just ordered some.

Actually feeling much better today but I skipped my MK-677 last night to see if it would make a difference. I'm going to skip it for another couple of days to see if that is what it was or I was just having a couple of bad days in a row unrelated to the MK-677.
Yea man thats ok , we all have bad days. If you ever just wanna chat pm me bro iam always on . I have this app on my phone and my 2 laptops are on 24/7 . So anytine pm me bro !.


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I will try it - thanks! Just ordered some.

Actually feeling much better today but I skipped my MK-677 last night to see if it would make a difference. I'm going to skip it for another couple of days to see if that is what it was or I was just having a couple of bad days in a row unrelated to the MK-677.
I have been reading ur posts n u sure are not having a good experience damn.
what was ur start dose ?
U taking hup a or green tea with it?


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How does everyone's mk677 taste? Hard core peps is ****ing sweet. I thought this stuff was supposed to taste horrible.


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Blue Sky - Just Like Gasoline!


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I get most of my peps from them and probably should have went with their mk677. .. just so expensive (and real lol)
Can't argue with the quality of OL, and one of if not the most competitively priced MK 677 products out there.

Not knocking Blue Sky, but MK 677 can get damn expensive $$$


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What's OL?
Olympus Labs.

They 3rd party test everything and provide results not just a COA, so you know you are getting what's on the label and no impurities etc.


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Olympus Labs.

They 3rd party test everything and provide results not just a COA, so you know you are getting what's on the label and no impurities etc.
That's who I bought my mk677 from.


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I have lucked out. I will be testing out mk677 with blood work for a very well known established rc company. They do not yet sell it but are looking into it- doing due diligence. Im not going to be shilling for them or posting their name etc, but I am lucky to be getting some of this compound and getting to try it out, bloods and all. I have been provided with 120ml's at 25mg/ml. I am very excited to try this.
My plan is to run the first 60ml bottle solo and get bloods, then run the second 60ml bottle with a cjc and get bloods then as well.
Good stuff!
So I received this today. Ill prob be starting it pretty soon. I heard people talking about taste so i put some on my fingertip and rubbed it on my tongue. It has a REALLY strong peppermint taste. In fact it will prob freshen my breath for a few hours after I take it lol.
Seriously though if this stuff tastes super bad I am assuming that's why they flavored it so strongly with the mint- to mask it. It seems to work at that, all I could taste was mint.


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So im a week in with Gharine and have only had one good nights rest. The rest has been bad insomnia. Im taking 20mg pre bed and feel my cortisol is up at night and am hungry. Im wondering if low blood sugar is keeping me up at night. I have adrenal weakness already as my adrenal glands put out more cortisol during the evening. Thinking of picking up melatonin and taking a high dose of it 10mg.


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So im a week in with Gharine and have only had one good nights rest. The rest has been bad insomnia. Im taking 20mg pre bed and feel my cortisol is up at night and am hungry. Im wondering if low blood sugar is keeping me up at night. I have adrenal weakness already as my adrenal glands put out more cortisol during the evening. Thinking of picking up melatonin and taking a high dose of it 10mg.
Why 20 mg already ? U should have started with 10 n see how ur body will react to it.


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10 didn't do anything besides insomnia when I took 2 pills slept great but not since.


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This is only the 3rd day of me taking mk677 at 25 mg nightly and I can't believe how much this stuff boats me. It seriously is as bad as dbol least hcp seems legit but I did not expect to hold this much water eating maintenance calories with a clean diet/cardio. I'm about to start my cycle and I have a bad feeling that I'm going to look like a water buffalo in two weeks.


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This is only the 3rd day of me taking mk677 at 25 mg nightly and I can't believe how much this stuff boats me. It seriously is as bad as dbol least hcp seems legit but I did not expect to hold this much water eating maintenance calories with a clean diet/cardio. I'm about to start my cycle and I have a bad feeling that I'm going to look like a water buffalo in two weeks.
The bloat is ridculous, I look pregnant all day everyday


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This is only the 3rd day of me taking mk677 at 25 mg nightly and I can't believe how much this stuff boats me. It seriously is as bad as dbol least hcp seems legit but I did not expect to hold this much water eating maintenance calories with a clean diet/cardio. I'm about to start my cycle and I have a bad feeling that I'm going to look like a water buffalo in two weeks.
The bloat is ridculous, I look pregnant all day everyday


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Yeah I honestly wish I diddnt have a year supply now. ...I read about the bloat but I told myself "it cant be that bad it's just a peptide". Lol!


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I stopped because of the bloat, got about 8 weeks worth left and don't know what to do with it!!


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I stopped because of the bloat, got about 8 weeks worth left and don't know what to do with it!!
I'm going to drop down to 12.5 Mg and ride it out as long as I can... I'll start using it during my cruising period from now on and mega dose it to get rid of it lmao. It's probably strong enough to make you grow into the next cycle. I'm lean enough to where the bloat is making my body look awesome but I can't stand the moon face.'s uncomfortable to smile!


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If yall decide to go with OL UK we are having a 30% off sale on our site . Including ghar1ne(mk677) . Use code OLYMPUSUK30 at checkout.


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I'm way to cheap for that bro! In the end I only care about the gainz so it will be used one way or another.
It's really simple, just find a supp to get rid of the bloat n if it just wont work out for you then discontinue the use.
I wouldn't just stop without trying something to get rid of the bloat...


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It's really simple, just find a supp to get rid of the bloat n if it just wont work out for you then discontinue the use.
I wouldn't just stop without trying something to get rid of the bloat...
I may give it another shot sometime, in the mean time I am hoping someone here finds the Cure!


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I may give it another shot sometime, in the mean time I am hoping someone here finds the Cure!
I've seen a few people use otc diuretics with some success.

Its crazy, some people get the bloating and others it doesn't seem to affect much if at all.

muscle inc.

I feel you guys, I'm going to stick it out though. After adding LGD and recently GW I still look lean though. Up 15lbs.!! Still have 4 more weeks on LGD...I know most of the weight is from 'the bloat' but I look and feel like a beast lol.


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I've be experiencing some serious lethargy the past couple of days. What are most of you doing to combat it? On week 3 and I thought it would go away - but not so far. Seems to be getting worse for some reason. I dropped down from 30mg to 20mg at night but doesn't seem to help. Caffeine only seems to help so much during the day. Mid-day to about 4pm is the worst time for me.

It was so bad today I thought about stopping altogether. Super lack of motivation.
I had the exact problem and did quit. Don't regret it. I was running it at 20 mg, along with an EC stack. I felt unmotivated and lethargic-- kind of like the feeling after smoking too much pot. The EC didn't even bring me out of the funk.

I'm glad I quit the MK. Maybe a lower dose like 10 mg would be better though. I know that's what a lot of people are recommending, but I started at 20 because of the studies using that amount or even 25 mg.


I had the exact problem and did quit. Don't regret it. I was running it at 20 mg, along with an EC stack. I felt unmotivated and lethargic-- kind of like the feeling after smoking too much pot. The EC didn't even bring me out of the funk.

I'm glad I quit the MK. Maybe a lower dose like 10 mg would be better though. I know that's what a lot of people are recommending, but I started at 20 because of the studies using that amount or even 25 mg.
I wanted to quit quite a few times. I started at 25mg on research chem for about 5 days and then switched to BSL at 30mg because I wanted to see if it gave me the same or stronger effect than the research chem. Never read about starting at 10mg (like you said the studies mentioned 25mg) and working my way up. 30mg pre bed felt like the right dosage. Had deeper sleep, tingling in my fingers the next day consistently, forearms pumped, etc. Not any really discernible bloat, no moon face (like I would get with something like dbol), not extremely lethargic the following days.

Then out of nowhere the lethargy hit me like I ran in to a brick wall. It was truly unbearable for a couple of days .I could barely keep my eyes open. Nothing else changed in my routine. I wasn't drinking green tea but was taking 200mcg Huperzine A twice a day (not 3 times)

I stopped using the MK for a couple of days and no more unbearable bouts of lethargy. Just started back at 10mg pre bed and so far so good. Definitely not the same intensity of fingers tingling or forearms pumped to the same degree as 30mg but I'll take that over the sleepiness the next day.

Heck, with the amount of MK-677 I bought, at 10mg a night, it should last me a LONG time. We'll se how it goes at 10mg.


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I wanted to quit quite a few times. I started at 25mg on research chem for about 5 days and then switched to BSL at 30mg because I wanted to see if it gave me the same or stronger effect than the research chem. Never read about starting at 10mg (like you said the studies mentioned 25mg) and working my way up. 30mg pre bed felt like the right dosage. Had deeper sleep, tingling in my fingers the next day consistently, forearms pumped, etc. Not any really discernible bloat, no moon face (like I would get with something like dbol), not extremely lethargic the following days.

Then out of nowhere the lethargy hit me like I ran in to a brick wall. It was truly unbearable for a couple of days .I could barely keep my eyes open. Nothing else changed in my routine. I wasn't drinking green tea but was taking 200mcg Huperzine A twice a day (not 3 times)

I stopped using the MK for a couple of days and no more unbearable bouts of lethargy. Just started back at 10mg pre bed and so far so good. Definitely not the same intensity of fingers tingling or forearms pumped to the same degree as 30mg but I'll take that over the sleepiness the next day.

Heck, with the amount of MK-677 I bought, at 10mg a night, it should last me a LONG time. We'll se how it goes at 10mg.
Interesting. I read on some other forums (Googled around) that the lethargy is just a side effect of increased GH--so it could technically be a good sign. Only problem is it makes life very rough! I noticed my work quality was going way down on 20 mg and career > gains, so I quit. Keep us posted on how 10 mg goes! I also have some BSL and some RC MK-677, so I hope I can use it up too.


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Again I got this when running a cjc/ghrp injectable stack. It passed after 2-3 weeks. If I didnt adapt I would have stopped - it was that bad. I was injecting 3x/day and was a day or 2 away from dropping mid day injection. Was dozing off at work it was so bad!
Even though this is an oral GHRP its probably the same thing occurring here. As I said I did adapt to it and it went away, so maybe try to hang in there and see if it passes.


Only problem is it makes life very rough! I noticed my work quality was going way down on 20 mg and career > gains, so I quit.
Bro it's always Gains > anything. There's caffeine, adderall or even Crack to keep your career in check ;)


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I stopped because of the bloat, got about 8 weeks worth left and don't know what to do with it!!
There are two main problems: water retention and fat storage. While the water stuff is not a problem (reducing sodium, after cycle it will leave itself) the increasing insulin resistance is the bigger problem. Serveral studies have shown that the decreasing of insulin sensitivity starts fast with the beginning of the cycle and lasts for approx. 26 (!) weeks.

This fact decreases the attractivness of MK-677 a bit. Remember: it's still a powerful drug but you have to pay 10x more attention WHAT you are eating (amount and quality). Bad input leads to bad output.
You can still use MK-677 short term (<3 months) or run it moderate to long term (6-12months). In the second case you will have the advantage that your body will regenerate itself beloning to the insulin sensitivity. In the first case (and in the second case for the first six months) you have to watch out like your neighbours watch dog.

Nevertheless, the increase of GH, IGF-1 and the enourmous regeneration time under MK-677 makes it still very attractive.

Does this told fact MK-677 more attractive during a cutting phase? Maybe. The reduced insulin sensitivity leads in any cases to a higher probability to storage the nutrition in the fat instead in the muscle.

Pay attentions folks. If you treat MK-677 like it deserves it will give you its true love. If not, you will gain like me 4.4lbs fat and nearly 4lbs water beside 9.9lbs lean mass (with a strong SARM stack).



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There are two main problems: water retention and fat storage. While the water stuff is not a problem (reducing sodium, after cycle it will leave itself) the increasing insulin resistance is the bigger problem. Serveral studies have shown that the decreasing of insulin sensitivity starts fast with the beginning of the cycle and lasts for approx. 26 (!) weeks.

This fact decreases the attractivness of MK-677 a bit. Remember: it's still a powerful drug but you have to pay 10x more attention WHAT you are eating (amount and quality). Bad input leads to bad output.
You can still use MK-677 short term (<3 months) or run it moderate to long term (6-12months). In the second case you will have the advantage that your body will regenerate itself beloning to the insulin sensitivity. In the first case (and in the second case for the first six months) you have to watch out like your neighbours watch dog.

Nevertheless, the increase of GH, IGF-1 and the enourmous regeneration time under MK-677 makes it still very attractive.

Does this told fact MK-677 more attractive during a cutting phase? Maybe. The reduced insulin sensitivity leads in any cases to a higher probability to storage the nutrition in the fat instead in the muscle.

Pay attentions folks. If you treat MK-677 like it deserves it will give you its true love. If not, you will gain like me 4.4lbs fat and nearly 4lbs water beside 9.9lbs lean mass (with a strong SARM stack).

Super interesting....I've been on Mk-667 for over three weeks now and Im experiencing NO bloat and have been losing bf and Im not even a a deficit.


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Good progress, keep it going (if wished haha). Only mentioned this to show further potential side effects of this substance (and not only to focus on GH, IGF-1).
The gain of fat was in my case not suddenly, it was a slow and steady process. It probably escalated thanks to the ghrelin and the SARM I was using. Overall said the cycle was very good (despite the amount of fat, winter is coming anyway :D ) and I had a lot of benefits from the MK-677.

I'll start the identical cycle soon but without MK-677, to have a more or less accurate comparison.
AndrewMcD, are you using beside MK-677 an anabolic compound?


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Good progress, keep it going (if wished haha). Only mentioned this to show further potential side effects of this substance (and not only to focus on GH, IGF-1).
The gain of fat was in my case not suddenly, it was a slow and steady process. It probably escalated thanks to the ghrelin and the SARM I was using. Overall said the cycle was very good (despite the amount of fat, winter is coming anyway :D ) and I had a lot of benefits from the MK-677.

I'll start the identical cycle soon but without MK-677, to have a more or less accurate comparison.
AndrewMcD, are you using beside MK-677 an anabolic compound?
San's back!


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There are two main problems: water retention and fat storage. While the water stuff is not a problem (reducing sodium, after cycle it will leave itself) the increasing insulin resistance is the bigger problem. Serveral studies have shown that the decreasing of insulin sensitivity starts fast with the beginning of the cycle and lasts for approx. 26 (!) weeks.

This fact decreases the attractivness of MK-677 a bit. Remember: it's still a powerful drug but you have to pay 10x more attention WHAT you are eating (amount and quality). Bad input leads to bad output.
You can still use MK-677 short term (<3 months) or run it moderate to long term (6-12months). In the second case you will have the advantage that your body will regenerate itself beloning to the insulin sensitivity. In the first case (and in the second case for the first six months) you have to watch out like your neighbours watch dog.

Nevertheless, the increase of GH, IGF-1 and the enourmous regeneration time under MK-677 makes it still very attractive.

Does this told fact MK-677 more attractive during a cutting phase? Maybe. The reduced insulin sensitivity leads in any cases to a higher probability to storage the nutrition in the fat instead in the muscle.

Pay attentions folks. If you treat MK-677 like it deserves it will give you its true love. If not, you will gain like me 4.4lbs fat and nearly 4lbs water beside 9.9lbs lean mass (with a strong SARM stack).

Nice post.

If you have a moment sometime would you mind linking me to the study that shows 26 weeks of decreased insulin sensitivity? I'd love to dig into this a little bit more, and I wonder if there are other supps that can be combined with MK to mediate this to an extent.

Best regards,
muay thai

muay thai

Always a good idea to diet and exercise when taking any supplement . Push yourself above and beyond to maximize results


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I started my gharine mk677 run at 10mg.
all I can say start with 10 with this stuff u Will need to assess ur tolerance.


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Nice post.

If you have a moment sometime would you mind linking me to the study that shows 26 weeks of decreased insulin sensitivity? I'd love to dig into this a little bit more, and I wonder if there are other supps that can be combined with MK to mediate this to an extent.

Best regards,

Of course. This is the basis quote:

The increase in fasting and postprandial (Sustacal) insulin concentrations, and less marked but still statistically significant increases in postprandial glucose concentrations, are consistent with the known effect of GH to enhance insulin resistance. However, an insulin resistance-enhancing action of MK-677, independent of its effect on GH secretion, cannot be excluded. It is worth noting that fasting insulin concentrations increased significantly during placebo as well as MK-677 treatments. This may reflect alterations to their normal exercise and dietary patterns that the subjects experienced in the Clinical Research Center. Therefore, although the findings suggest that a degree of glucose intolerance and hyperinsulinemia may accompany chronic use of this drug, it remains to be determined whether this is the case, and if so, whether it is of clinical significance. This will need to be carefully evaluated in subsequent studies. Favorable changes in body composition because of MK-677-induced increases in GH secretion could conceivably counteract any unfavorable effects on insulin resistance. GH therapy in GH-deficient subjects has been reported to increase insulin resistance at 6 weeks, but have a diminished effect at 26 weeks when significant decreases of body fat have occurred.
Source: press.endocrine (dot) org/doi/full/10.1210/jcem.82.10.4297

I was also curious about the last sentence and was referred to the following study: metabolismjournal (dot) com/article/0026-0495%2893%2990197-V/abstract

GH therapy for 6 weeks increased fasting plasma concentrations of glucose and insulin. However, after 26 weeks of GH treatment, no significant changes in glucose or insulin concentrations were recorded. GH treatment induced a marked change in insulin action evident after 6 weeks of therapy as shown by lower glucose infusion rates (GIRs) during the clamp compared with placebo treatment (2.6 ± 0.4 v 4.1 ± 0.7 mg · kg−1 · min−1). This change in insulin action was due to a decreased insulin effect on glucose utilization. After 26 weeks of GH therapy, there was no significant difference in GIRs. During placebo treatment, insulin sensitivity and insulin, glucose, and nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations were unchanged compared with concentrations measured before the study.
Normally I should have access to this paper but something seems not to work (technical problem). I'd like to see the numbers. But remember: in the second study the test subjects were people with already an GH-deficite. This may have an impact. Until this point is not full understandable we should assume that such a situation can also lead in a healthy human.
It's a bit frustrating to see that there were not that much studies about MK-677 and insulin sensitivity despite MK-677 was discovered in 1995.

But what to say for sure is: while using MK-677 don't use exogenic insulin! MK-677 can't be compared 1:1 with HGH and no one knows what will happen in such an experiment.


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I am on 30mg atm, if i increse to 60mg will I experience effects quicker???


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I am on 30mg atm, if i increse to 60mg will I experience effects quicker???
Not quicker, but stronger. MK-677's work is easy to notice on following points: deep sleep, enormous regeneration, every time empty fridge, the ghrelin welcomes you every morning with a feeling like the stomach is digest itself, (a bit) improved skin, depending on what you eat and how you eat water retention.
30mg/ed are a nice dosage you should definitely notice something. Give it some nights, you will notice for sure the hidden work from MK-677. There is no "on-feeling" :D


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Not quicker, but stronger. MK-677's work is easy to notice on following points: deep sleep, enormous regeneration, every time empty fridge, the ghrelin welcomes you every morning with a feeling like the stomach is digest itself, (a bit) improved skin, depending on what you eat and how you eat water retention.
30mg/ed are a nice dosage you should definitely notice something. Give it some nights, you will notice for sure the hidden work from MK-677. There is no "on-feeling" :D
Ye I am certainly feeling the Gherlin..... some people have noted fat loss etc and just wondering if that would improve if I upped the dose thats all
muay thai

muay thai

Ye I am certainly feeling the Gherlin..... some people have noted fat loss etc and just wondering if that would improve if I upped the dose thats all
What benefits / improvements changes have you noticed since start ? How long have you been on ? 20mg pre bed has me lethargic and worthless all day. Worse than anadrol or superdrol


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What benefits / improvements changes have you noticed since start ? How long have you been on ? 20mg pre bed has me lethargic and worthless all day. Worse than anadrol or superdrol
Not much other than bloat, water retention and hunger


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4 days on 10mg OL gharine and it actually keeps me awake for longer time, I went to bed at 4 44 am yesterday, Woke up today at 10 30 am had tons of energy ( I'm 30 yo when I sleep late like that I can't function at all).
200 mcg hup a 400 mg green tea daily.


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What benefits / improvements changes have you noticed since start ? How long have you been on ? 20mg pre bed has me lethargic and worthless all day. Worse than anadrol or superdrol
I know you are on a moderate dose of Test. Do you think the lethargy would be negated with a higher dose? Or is this lethargy by another means since MK isn't suppressive?


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I know you are on a moderate dose of Test. Do you think the lethargy would be negated with a higher dose? Or is this lethargy by another means since MK isn't suppressive?
Lethargy from MK is different from a low test symptom. You can have high test levels and still feel lethargic on MK. Fortunately I dnt experience any, I'm on my 3rd week. Tried 10mg vs 20mg seems to feel the same to me atm.

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