Yet another H-Drol cycle post . . review if you want but TY to all . .

Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

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And before someone chimes in YES I know shut down occurred well before this week. It's just the way I worded it.

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Wow I pretty much read the whole thread damn good log! I know you mentioned the BP thing a lot and although it may seem scary you have to consider this people who have high blood pressure often have it for years before realizing it. Having elevated blood pressure for 4 weeks or so is no big deal. Also the BP increase from what I understand is from water retention more than anything else
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Wow I pretty much read the whole thread damn good log! I know you mentioned the BP thing a lot and although it may seem scary you have to consider this people who have high blood pressure often have it for years before realizing it. Having elevated blood pressure for 4 weeks or so is no big deal. Also the BP increase from what I understand is from water retention more than anything else

Well TY and glad your liking it as its far from over. I'm only just cresting the hill and many more interesting and exciting things on the way.

Yeah I know it's only from the water retention but like I said it just freaked me out as I really didn't think it would go up to 139/89 but eh it's coming down. It was 131/84 yesterday.

On a side note popcorn is EVIL! But oh so yummy.

Sort of stayed within a normal limit for eating this evening during our movie so all is good.

Ready to kill it this week is nothing less than an understatement I plan to rip it up and then some

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  • RockStar
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ok cool!

i found the PBS dermacrine but they only have it in gel but not in liquid.would the gel actually work?

Yes it will absorb through the skin. Just shower, dry off... and apply it (shoulders and upper back are good). Make sure it is completely absorbed before getting dressed (5 minutes or so). If your wife/gf helps with application make sure she wears gloves.
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

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What if I put it all over the kids slip and slide and slam myself into that on my back. Would the extra friction make it absorb even better? Lol!!!

Another great workout today BTW. And gulped down my DAA so now I guess I just wait to get my freak on later hahaha!

Ran out of time so ill add some shoulder work into my back workout tomorrow but amazing pump today and still hold at 14 pounds gain on the scale and bench is holding at 15 pounds increase so life is good.

Now time to relax before work. YAWN!zzz zzz

Oh it was sunny and Warner today and I was not lethargic so I'm thinking last week was more mental than a side

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  • RockStar
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Well if you are going to go to all that trouble, first you need to rub some sandpaper all over your back.. that should help it enter your bloodstream lol..
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Well if you are going to go to all that trouble, first you need to rub some sandpaper all over your back.. that should help it enter your bloodstream lol..
Wow it must be the DAA kicking in but the thought of my GF rubbing sandpaper all over my back then dosing it with alcohol just gets me going. TY for the idea lol!!!!

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Yes it will absorb through the skin. Just shower, dry off... and apply it (shoulders and upper back are good). Make sure it is completely absorbed before getting dressed (5 minutes or so). If your wife/gf helps with application make sure she wears gloves.
ok cool!

could i also use demacrine with mdrol during on cycle?
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
ok cool!

could i also use demacrine with mdrol during on cycle?


It's a methyl and u can't run two methyls at the same time. U could run one or the other but not both.

But MDrol is SDrol under a different name and is not a first timers cycle

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It's a methyl and u can't run two methyls at the same time. U could run one or the other but not both.

But MDrol is SDrol under a different name and is not a first timers cycle

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Isn't hdrol a methyl too?
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Isn't hdrol a methyl too?
Yup that's y u can't run MDrol as well just to harsh on the liver. So either or but not both. MDrol is very harsh and should not b taken lightly.

It's not advisable to stack the first cycle but if u do stack HDrol with anything that is not a methyl.

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Yup that's y u can't run MDrol as well just to harsh on the liver. So either or but not both. MDrol is very harsh and should not b taken lightly.

It's not advisable to stack the first cycle but if u do stack HDrol with anything that is not a methyl.

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I have read from reputable sources on this forum that stacking demacrine w hdrol is good, serves as a test base. Was actually going to run that for my next cycle...
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Yup if I could go back to the beginning I would run it as well. That is not a methyl so it's safe to stack.

I was more referring to not stacking HDrol with Stanodrol or Katanadrol so something similar to that.

But yes u r right it adds a nice test base for the cycle and helps the boys as well

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It's a methyl and u can't run two methyls at the same time. U could run one or the other but not both.

But MDrol is SDrol under a different name and is not a first timers cycle

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so demacrine is a methyl and i cant stack it with mdrol?i guess no demacrine for mdrol

i did liqued turanibol from Primordial Performance more then a year ago i belive its the same ingrediants as hdrol im not a first time user
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
so demacrine is a methyl and i cant stack it with mdrol?i guess no demacrine for mdrol

i did liqued turanibol from Primordial Performance more then a year ago i belive its the same ingrediants as hdrol im not a first time user
? dermacrine is not a methyl but it does convert to Test I think in a two step process or something.

HDrol is HDol and TBol is TBol but YES HDrol eventually converts to TBol but at a much smaller Dose. I think like 1/3. They r similar but each should be treated differently in there own sense. Just my 2 cents.

MDrol is still harsh and might b better suited for a third or forth cycle but that being said if u run it. Just listen to your body and adjust as needed for sides and such.

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Question. If u have access to the real deal and not some knock off TBol y mess with a PH. Just run the better product.

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Yup if I could go back to the beginning I would run it as well. That is not a methyl so it's safe to stack.

I was more referring to not stacking HDrol with Stanodrol or Katanadrol so something similar to that.

But yes u r right it adds a nice test base for the cycle and helps the boys as well

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Ahh ok good, I'm new to this stuff so Im easily confused ha
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Lol NP buddy.

BTW as far as I know the REAL DEAL TBOL comes in 20mg caps not a liquid.

I asked my buddy about the liquid and he just laughed and said ah no! Lol

Try and find a real source and run the real deal with me in the winter.

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
clostebol is as close as you can get to injectable TBol is what I have been told.

And if u can pin run Test C for 8-10 weeks with a real TBol kick start for 6 weeks. Just a thought

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Question. If u have access to the real deal and not some knock off TBol y mess with a PH. Just run the better product.

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i dont have any kind of access to the real TBOL+it illegal any way

the turanibol im talikng about was the one primordial performance use to have around 2years ago and it was liqued PH.the name that primordial performance used was turanibol but in the lable it had the same ingrediants as hdrol.primordial performance also had liqued demacrine but they are no more.also predator nutrition in the uk also had it but they dont have it no more=(

i dont know to much about PH but i know what i had and im not lying or nothing like that.and i dont get anything by lying

also sorry for my writting im from puerto rico and been in nj for 5years and my english gets crazy sometimes LOL
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Oh no worries buddy. I'm sorry if u thought I thought u were lying as I wasn't. But I'd never heard of REAL TBol in a liquid so I figured u might b a pinner.

Not sure of liquid HDrol as wouldn't the stomach kill some of the compound even before it went through the liver twice.

But hey! If it worked for u great!!!

There are many great HDrol clones out there.

And your English is fine. Even if it was broken I'd get it my GF is Spanish and her English is eh so so lol

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
OK just a quick update while I die here in my gym . . . so I totally killed shoulders today and OMG what a freaky painful pump . . .did some lat raises, then front presses, seated DB presses then standing read delts and geez! I have coconuts for shoulders and no neck lol . . weight is down a bit today but this is normal after a weekend of eating this and that. . .my official end weight will be this Friday and I'm sure it will be 10-11 pounds ON cycle and that is amazing so I'm hoping to keep 8 of that and dry out a bit . . . I will do a full review this weekend and go over my PCT as a refresher for those who don't feel like looking back on page one. . . I had hoped to do some back today but NOPE I"m poofed and I can't move . . this just might have been the best shoulder workout this cycle . . I may not be able to drive at work later but at least I'll look good lol

Truth be told I'm not totally in my ZONE today as my Spanish GF may get some bad news today that will change the course of life so I'm a bit nervous and sad for her today while we wait to hear from a SAID organization . .


  • RockStar
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Ahh ok good, I'm new to this stuff so Im easily confused ha
Make sure you do alot of research and know exactly what you are doing before starting something (including your preload/on cycle and post cycle support)... and have fun doing so!
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Make sure you do alot of research and know exactly what you are doing before starting something (including your preload/on cycle and post cycle support)... and have fun doing so!
Ditto and VERY well said buddy

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Not sure of liquid HDrol as wouldn't the stomach kill some of the compound even before it went through the liver twice.

There are many great HDrol clones out there.

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that halodrol clone (liquid turanibol primoridial performance)did kill my stomach, it didnt feel right but it did gave me some nice gains =)
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
that halodrol clone (liquid turanibol primoridial performance)did kill my stomach, it didnt feel right but it did gave me some nice gains =)
Gains are good but yeah figured they'd have to add something to make it withstand the acid in the stomach.

Well it's a learning cure at best but I'm sure u will really rock on your next cycle

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

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Mass Monkey gets personal . . .

OK and hello to everyone who is following this thread . . .Today is to be arm day the most exciting and fun day of the week for most of us but as I sit here looking at my gym currently I just don’t give a ****! . . As stated above some very bad news could be coming down the pipeline and well . . it did. . . I am going to try and push through this the best I can but I fear by months end it will all go to crap. Some ego monkeys will not understand what I’m about to say but I am human and I have a heart and you see my long time GF , my love of my life, my everything and my family and wife once I got some stuff sorted out on my end with my ex wife but now it doesn’t look like this will ever come to be unless some sort of divine intervention comes in . . . you see she has been having some issues with Immigration and a hunk of crap lawyer who hasn’t done anything right and because of this she is going back to her country more than likely by months end. . . again this was not just some woman I was banging or having a good time with, again some on this site will not understand and I respect that but someday those people will grow up and realize that there actually is more to life than training and looking good in a T-Shirt . . yes! Yes! Its very important but sometimes you have to take care of life and what good is it all if you don’t have anyone special to share it with? ***** is ***** gentlemen but love is different and when you find the one someday, I mean the real one and all you want to do is spend the rest of your life with this person you will THEN understand. I have spent a ton of money on this cycle, and I will push myself to NOT lose my gains as I will try my best to move into COMPETITION MODE and shut things off during my training but again its easier said than done because she would text during my training and motivate me but I will give it my all and GET-R-DONE but should I miss a few updates please understand . . if I should only have a bit of time left with her then I want to enjoy every second I can with her.

Now with all that said . . I have the heat cranked in my igloo and I will start with some quick traps today as I poofed out yesterday and missed them, then I will move into triceps

Skull Crushers 4x8
Reverse pressdowns 4x10
Bench dips 5 sets to failure

EZ bar curls 4x10
Incline Alt DB curls 4x8
Preachers 4x10

But first I have to wash up so off I go . . . I hope you guys understand and sorry for getting all mushy . . I’m down but not out gentlemen lol Hell if nothing else I’m pushing myself just because I know a lot of you love this thread so THANK YOU!!
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Surprisingly I killed it today and got everything done before the GF called in a babbling crying mess.

I have really been focusing on my traps this cycle and I believe be the end of the pct my ears will b attached to my shoulders lol

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Keep your head up bro! I pray things get worked out for you and your special lady.
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Keep your head up bro! I pray things get worked out for you and your special lady.
Well buddy it really is in Gods hands right now but TY

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Well if all else fails ill go the day of. Flex my traps and pop my head off and blow up the plane (before she gets on lol) and then she can't leave lol!!!

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Surprisingly I killed it today and got everything done before the GF called in a babbling crying mess.

I have really been focusing on my traps this cycle and I believe be the end of the pct my ears will b attached to my shoulders lol

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It is amazing, what our bodies will do when we are stressed to the hilt. Some of my best workouts, best runs have been while totally scrambling in my mind.

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It is amazing, what our bodies will do when we are stressed to the hilt. Some of my best workouts, best runs have been while totally scrambling in my mind.

Going to send you a PM...
i completly aggree with you!most of the time thats when i go the hardest at the gym
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Yup I do to depending on what the stress is but when your family is torn apart, well I guess that's where I draw the line. But for now I'm still going strong. Thanks guys.

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

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Honduras and thanks buddy

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

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All I know is its going to be time for happy food soon );

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

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Insomnia SUCKS!!

Going back to bed for a bit. Now how do I shut this alarm up

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Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

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OK for those who care despite everything and lack of sleep I'm actually having an OK leg workout . .


Hey I just started my H drol cycle yesterday and just have a few questions if you don't mind answering them. I have read your whole blog and it is very informative! Can you buy something to check blood pressure instead of going to the doctor because I have to get that done since today is day 2 and I have not checked my BP yet
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Well most pharmacies have a sit down machine u can go to for free but yes they sell BP monitors at places like Walmart

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Thanks! Appreciate that, I am on day 2 and no sides as of now. Popping my 2nd dose of Hdrol at 7 pm tonight. I am doing 8 hours between because I did research and most people say the half life is about 8 hours. I also take 3 fish oils with each dose of Hdrol and then milk thistle and hawthorn berry 3 to 4 hours after dose of Hdrol because my cycle assist has not came in (Cell Cycle assist) comes in tomorrow!
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Thanks! Appreciate that, I am on day 2 and no sides as of now. Popping my 2nd dose of Hdrol at 7 pm tonight. I am doing 8 hours between because I did research and most people say the half life is about 8 hours. I also take 3 fish oils with each dose of Hdrol and then milk thistle and hawthorn berry 3 to 4 hours after dose of Hdrol because my cycle assist has not came in (Cell Cycle assist) comes in tomorrow!
Cool bud.

Sounds like a solid cycle. Your going to love it. And your hunger will go through the roof.

The half life is 10-12 so if u need to space things out a bit u will still be fine.

Keep me posted and if I can help at all I will just ask.

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Thanks! Appreciate that, I am on day 2 and no sides as of now. Popping my 2nd dose of Hdrol at 7 pm tonight. I am doing 8 hours between because I did research and most people say the half life is about 8 hours. I also take 3 fish oils with each dose of Hdrol and then milk thistle and hawthorn berry 3 to 4 hours after dose of Hdrol because my cycle assist has not came in (Cell Cycle assist) comes in tomorrow!
I believe hdrol half life is 12 hrs not 8


Thanks Monster! and I def am going to be blogging on my forum as well if you want to follow. The gf will take some pictures of me tonight, and I am going to weigh myself, get a body fat percentage as well!! How far out from PCT are you?
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

Active member
Thanks Monster! and I def am going to be blogging on my forum as well if you want to follow. The gf will take some pictures of me tonight, and I am going to weigh myself, get a body fat percentage as well!! How far out from PCT are you?
Well for myself sadly I start pct this Monday but I honestly couldn't ask for better results.

When blog is up let me know ill jump in and follow along

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Nice! I'm liking the pct. stack I think I will def get erase, heard its better because you can taper off 3/2/2/1
Mass Monkey

Mass Monkey

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Ill be posting my complete PCT over the weekend unless all hell breaks lose over here but I'm using my pct as a bridge to a test stack. So Erase 0/0/3/3/2/2/1/1 with DAA

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Btw this is my arsenal for PCT

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awesome!it looks so nice the way you have them all thogeter

from the looks of this going to add some creatine to my pct=)

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