A Swole Review!! (AI Sponsored Log) (GLYCOBOL/STOKED/TESTOPRO!)



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Ok guys! Today is a good day that started up wonderfully , woke up a bit sore from all my body , specially my upper chest and my legs (both quads and hams), yet I managed to conjure all my willpower and motivational self-pep-talk and got out of bed , dosed my stoked , testopro , staples and went out for a run , it went wonderful, from the second I stepped out the door till the second I stepped back in I never stopped , never walked , just kept going , jamming out tunes in my iPhone , just letting go of everything in this beautiful sunny weather.

Cardio stats:
1 hour 17 minutes.
7.1 miles
Calories (According to the tracker) 764 burnt, but I am guessing a bit more since I did go full on sprinting for like 2 min intervals at random from awesome parts of songs , that I counted I did at least 5 or 6 of those haha.
Feeling: Endurance is WAY UP , fatigue doesn't set in , and no headaches or feeling of being out of breath oO!!.

Now , I know my cardio is way up now , my usual running track is getting out of my apartment , around a 5-6 min jog to my campus and then lapping around it , my max on this used to be only 5 laps in 1 hour , this time around I did 6 laps in 1 hour plus the extra minutes it took me to run there and back, so an extra lap in the same time , means more speed, throw in that last time I couldn't come back jogging and had to crawl back home means more endurance! I would say my cardio has improved at least some good 20% , and I could have kept going :/ I am not tired nor fatigued yet , i could have gone for another lap to get my record to 7 laps around , but I did feel its gonna be too much atm since I am on a bulk and I am forced to rest (cardio days) tomorrow and Monday too since my gym is closed for major cleaning and decontamination haha.

On a side note...I'm never big on motivational quotes myself , I mean I like them and enjoy them a lot , I'm a personal fan of Rosie Chee's blog because her workouts , determination and quotes just get me out of bed when I feel life is kicking me hard into it...But hey here's one I know its not mine but it helped today while running:

"The only thing that stands between you and your goal is yourself. You can be your best ally or worst enemy, its up to you to get up, walk...and move forward."

Keep it up guys :) and have a great Saturday! Mine started pretty good!! :p , I'll post later what I'll have for my meals as usual, for now , all I can say is that this stack is giving me way more than I expected.


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Rosie is very important to have here bro I agree 100 percent. She's an inspiration to us all. Bro log looking cronk! I couldn't even imagine doing that much cardio, seeing how I just got into it this year lol. I do good to do 1 to 2 miles on tread mill a day.


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Rosie is very important to have here bro I agree 100 percent. She's an inspiration to us all. Bro log looking cronk! I couldn't even imagine doing that much cardio, seeing how I just got into it this year lol. I do good to do 1 to 2 miles on tread mill a day.
Come on brotha! You can do more than that! I'm sure of it! You gotta believe in yourself and get a kick ass playlist going on , just dont think about how fast you are running , let go of the track of time , don't think about where you are, just keep moving while you listen to some sweet jams bro! If you ever come down here to texas lets go for a run and I'm sure you'll even leave me behind :p!

And about Rosie , oh hell yeah o.o!! her log is just a true inspiration and I learn a lot from it hehe.


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Dang every one on here is from the big state lol. Yeah bro I like to run on the trails when I get the chance too. I'm about to take some DS Craze and hit the gym.


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Dang every one on here is from the big state lol. Yeah bro I like to run on the trails when I get the chance too. I'm about to take some DS Craze and hit the gym.
God I ran out of craze and on a stim break atm lol Enjoy u lucky green monster xD!!! Crazy is one of my fave pre work outs haha


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Keep on killing it in here. You got an old tire or something? Take it out and toss it around, tie a rope to it and drag it. Push your car down the street. Do a bunch of bridges to work your back and neck. All kinds of things you can do.


Well-known member
Keep on killing it in here. You got an old tire or something? Take it out and toss it around, tie a rope to it and drag it. Push your car down the street. Do a bunch of bridges to work your back and neck. All kinds of things you can do.
I actually was thinking of doing something productive tonight! I'll tie up the tire hahaha , and theres a lot of truck tires near campus for strongman training , I'll go flip some , and maybe even push my car oO that sounds mighty good!!

What are bridges oO!!!??

Thanks for the motivation bro! :)!! And for sure I'll give it all!!


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Ok guys , time for you to pitch in and help this little wimp out with some major advice from you :).

All throw this 2 weeks you have seen me strive for power in my 5/3/1 , for that I am thankful, however I feel like I haven't pushed myself hard enough yet , I want more , strength is all I need to obtain atm, I need power and size...That for me is my true strength...I will not stop until I get it , so now I think I can push myself harder, but I need some advice, all this half macro-cycle you have seen me do my main lift and a sort of Periodization Bible by Dave Tate (from wendlers book) but I feel I could tweak it around a bit , so instead of high volume and low weight in the assitance , I go for HIGH WEIGHT and low volume too , as I am doing so in the main lift. Obviously since it IS assistance work , I won't be going as heave as my max's but staying within the 7-10 rep realm , would this be fine? Or overtraining? Or does this defeat the porpoise of 5/3/1? Thought please my friends :)!!

I am realistic, I know this is a matter of years , and I very much look forward to the rest of my life improving , but right now , I feel I can give more than I've been putting into it, I mean don't get me wrong I haven't been slacking off , high volume might be something i'm used to but I still strove for and attained GREATER weight in the high volume areas of my assistance , but should I go high weight low volume for mass and strength? You are far more knowledgeable than me on this , so please comment away :)!


Ok guys , time for you to pitch in and help this little wimp out with some major advice from you :).

All throw this 2 weeks you have seen me strive for power in my 5/3/1 , for that I am thankful, however I feel like I haven't pushed myself hard enough yet , I want more , strength is all I need to obtain atm, I need power and size...That for me is my true strength...I will not stop until I get it , so now I think I can push myself harder, but I need some advice, all this half macro-cycle you have seen me do my main lift and a sort of Periodization Bible by Dave Tate (from wendlers book) but I feel I could tweak it around a bit , so instead of high volume and low weight in the assitance , I go for HIGH WEIGHT and low volume too , as I am doing so in the main lift. Obviously since it IS assistance work , I won't be going as heave as my max's but staying within the 7-10 rep realm , would this be fine? Or overtraining? Or does this defeat the porpoise of 5/3/1? Thought please my friends :)!!

I am realistic, I know this is a matter of years , and I very much look forward to the rest of my life improving , but right now , I feel I can give more than I've been putting into it, I mean don't get me wrong I haven't been slacking off , high volume might be something i'm used to but I still strove for and attained GREATER weight in the high volume areas of my assistance , but should I go high weight low volume for mass and strength? You are far more knowledgeable than me on this , so please comment away :)!
I think you should switch up the weight/rep scheme of your assistance work from week to week. The exercises can stay the same, but do high reps, mid reps, low reps, and then back to high reps on the deload (since it's a CNS deload after all).


Well-known member
Ok guys , time for you to pitch in and help this little wimp out with some major advice from you :).

All throw this 2 weeks you have seen me strive for power in my 5/3/1 , for that I am thankful, however I feel like I haven't pushed myself hard enough yet , I want more , strength is all I need to obtain atm, I need power and size...That for me is my true strength...I will not stop until I get it , so now I think I can push myself harder, but I need some advice, all this half macro-cycle you have seen me do my main lift and a sort of Periodization Bible by Dave Tate (from wendlers book) but I feel I could tweak it around a bit , so instead of high volume and low weight in the assitance , I go for HIGH WEIGHT and low volume too , as I am doing so in the main lift. Obviously since it IS assistance work , I won't be going as heave as my max's but staying within the 7-10 rep realm , would this be fine? Or overtraining? Or does this defeat the porpoise of 5/3/1? Thought please my friends :)!!

I am realistic, I know this is a matter of years , and I very much look forward to the rest of my life improving , but right now , I feel I can give more than I've been putting into it, I mean don't get me wrong I haven't been slacking off , high volume might be something i'm used to but I still strove for and attained GREATER weight in the high volume areas of my assistance , but should I go high weight low volume for mass and strength? You are far more knowledgeable than me on this , so please comment away :)!
I mean most people will say it defeats the purpose of 5/3/1, but is it overtraining? Depends, are you going to "real failure" with forced negatived / rest pause / drop sets? If so then possibly. If not then i'd say it can work out to the way you want it to, only way to find out is to try it out!

On the second paragraph......so your looking to maximize hypertrophy / strength right? Your 5/3/1 is solid and will produce great results with power, size would be a maybe on this kind of program. Just for consideration, for my training, each muscle gets worked twice a week, the first workout is more of a myofibrillar hypertrophy focus, with a tempo to stimulate more fast twitch muscle fibers, then the next workout for that muscle (3-4 days later) would be your sarcoplasmic hypertrophy workouts, your "typical bodybuilder training", higher reps, tempo geared towards stimulating your slow twitch fibers, maximizing the pump, stretching the fascia, rest periods are relatively short for both protocols, 60-90 seconds between sets, the key to not getting overtrained is to NOT kill the central nervous system, which is what most youngsters do(including myself dammit! lol) because we are so enthusiastic about training, killing the CNS I mean by training to failure EVERY workout with forced reps/drop sets..etc..

Hope this helps!


Well-known member
I think you should switch up the weight/rep scheme of your assistance work from week to week. The exercises can stay the same, but do high reps, mid reps, low reps, and then back to high reps on the deload (since it's a CNS deload after all).
I like this idea.


Well-known member
I think you should switch up the weight/rep scheme of your assistance work from week to week. The exercises can stay the same, but do high reps, mid reps, low reps, and then back to high reps on the deload (since it's a CNS deload after all).
True indeed my friend , I guess I should not just focus on the textbook guidelines and make it work for me , your input, as always, is much appreciated Cy thanks :)!
I mean most people will say it defeats the purpose of 5/3/1, but is it overtraining? Depends, are you going to "real failure" with forced negatived / rest pause / drop sets? If so then possibly. If not then i'd say it can work out to the way you want it to, only way to find out is to try it out!

On the second paragraph......so your looking to maximize hypertrophy / strength right? Your 5/3/1 is solid and will produce great results with power, size would be a maybe on this kind of program. Just for consideration, for my training, each muscle gets worked twice a week, the first workout is more of a myofibrillar hypertrophy focus, with a tempo to stimulate more fast twitch muscle fibers, then the next workout for that muscle (3-4 days later) would be your sarcoplasmic hypertrophy workouts, your "typical bodybuilder training", higher reps, tempo geared towards stimulating your slow twitch fibers, maximizing the pump, stretching the fascia, rest periods are relatively short for both protocols, 60-90 seconds between sets, the key to not getting overtrained is to NOT kill the central nervous system, which is what most youngsters do(including myself dammit! lol) because we are so enthusiastic about training, killing the CNS I mean by training to failure EVERY workout with forced reps/drop sets..etc..
Hope this helps!
True , and this kinda is the porpoise of the split I usually try , but I am going to make it more so , so I get a chance to work in both schemes , or simply like you said try out high-mid-low rep and see if it works :) You are real knowledgeable of this stuff HardOne oO seriously thanks for that complete reply!!
I like this idea.
And yeah...it caught my attention , mainly because I remember I saw in his log he can do weighted pull/chin-ups and I remember I can too :p , don't ask me why but I can't ever seem to get past the realm of 12-14 BW chins , but with weight (10-25 lbs) I can still rep out around 6-10 oO curious isn't it? I think I should be able to do like 25 BW xD but my muscle endurance in that particular compound seems off for some reason :p!!!

^^ Thanks guys , on Wednesday deload wave is off and I start going up again , and so will my assistance work , thanks guys!


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Ok cardio for today was pretty light , I could not keep running my feet/calves/quads were killing me from my 7mile run yesterday , so I kept it at 3.6m in 30 mins , 420kCals X_X This was hard...but I'll make it up later today , I'll do some more cardio at night , prolly a 1-2 hour leisure walk to make up for it.


Active member
I mean most people will say it defeats the purpose of 5/3/1, but is it overtraining? Depends, are you going to "real failure" with forced negatived / rest pause / drop sets? If so then possibly. If not then i'd say it can work out to the way you want it to, only way to find out is to try it out!

On the second paragraph......so your looking to maximize hypertrophy / strength right? Your 5/3/1 is solid and will produce great results with power, size would be a maybe on this kind of program. Just for consideration, for my training, each muscle gets worked twice a week, the first workout is more of a myofibrillar hypertrophy focus, with a tempo to stimulate more fast twitch muscle fibers, then the next workout for that muscle (3-4 days later) would be your sarcoplasmic hypertrophy workouts, your "typical bodybuilder training", higher reps, tempo geared towards stimulating your slow twitch fibers, maximizing the pump, stretching the fascia, rest periods are relatively short for both protocols, 60-90 seconds between sets, the key to not getting overtrained is to NOT kill the central nervous system, which is what most youngsters do(including myself dammit! lol) because we are so enthusiastic about training, killing the CNS I mean by training to failure EVERY workout with forced reps/drop sets..etc..

Hope this helps!
Def listen to this guy... he knows what he is talking about!


Well-known member
Def listen to this guy... he knows what he is talking about!
Most def , I follow a lot of his tips now a days!! The detox , the workout tips , the way he pushes himself harder on workouts!! Guy is a tank! and a mountain of knowledge too in exercise science! :)!

Btw Bill , how's AI liking my log on the stack so far :D?


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Good to see you ask for help, that's what everyone here is for! Keep killing it and remember you always have room to grow!


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Good to see you ask for help, that's what everyone here is for! Keep killing it and remember you always have room to grow!
Of course brotha! I respect everyone here and thank them for their advice, I am a mere humble noob with the wish to grow and learn hehe that's why I joined , to lean and grow with you all :)


Well-known member
Of course brotha! I respect everyone here and thank them for their advice, I am a mere humble noob with the wish to grow and learn hehe that's why I joined , to lean and grow with you all :)
You already lean brother...you just need to grow lol


Well-known member
You already lean brother...you just need to grow lol
I meant to write learn* hahaha xD but oh believe me I'm turning into a bigger boy now! Putting on LBs like crazy haha which I like because my pants still fit me and I still don't look chubby around the waist (much) ^^ , good thing is now I ain't giving up on my bulk :p , I just wanna keep going haha, if I can tough through this and grow BIG , leaning out will be easy with you guys backing me up with support and motivation :p!


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Ok guys...here are the progress pics of this week, Idk but from the looks of them it kinda seems like...well nvm, you tell me your opinion , inputs and suggestions for this pics and then I'll tell yah what I feel ok bro's? Be honest and hit me hard with everything you got please...

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Any suggestions welcome...As of today (with major water retention says my scale too) I am: 138.6 lbs with 65% water retention...


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Well my gym really didn't open today , and all that cardio from the past 2 days set a pain hard on top of my heels and all the way to my calves...so to avoid possible injury and because I suppose my body wanted it , I took a rest day :/ Something I don't usually do...I usually just throw in cardio on rest days, but never truly loaf around. For my recovery also I have taken the liberty of modifying my nutrition today to mainly a lot of prot and fats , seeing how I didn't really need carbs today for not doing anything , still threw in A LOT of veggies in the past 2 meals but decided not to count their carb or caloric content.

So fat its been:
-1 cup ground turkey with zucchini , okra and spinach
-1 cup of egg whites
-2 tbsp natty PB
-2 tbsp natty PB
Those were for fast breaking

and for the snack I just had:
-1/2 cup of the same turkey (I liked today's recipe a lot oO)
-2 tbsp natty pb
-2 tbsp natty almond butter

So far thats: 1,512 kCals 32g of carbs 90g of fat 139g of protein

Idk guys I think I should start lowering my kCals because I upped the cardio and I still gained too much , and I really doubt I am a pure mighty mesomorph whose turning all this into bloat-covered muscle , so I'll think something up and tell yah guys, also on a side note I notice I get a better mood with higher fats with this stack , though I do feel a tiny bit dizzy with I have glycobol without carbs (just confirmed) , but nothing I can't handle anyway


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Gained too much? NO SUCH THING!!! If you're gaining a little fat it's not that big of a deal. You can add fat to your body while having the overall % decrease (as long as you're adding more muscle at the same time). Keep on keepin' on, man. Don't get paranoid over gaining too fast. I wish I had that 'problem'. If you have any undesirable effects (ie, gaining more fat than anticipated), then cut later - no problem. Besides, you are running a whole-friggin-lot and if you're staying true to the 5/3/1 program then you NEED the extra calories.


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Gained too much? NO SUCH THING!!! If you're gaining a little fat it's not that big of a deal. You can add fat to your body while having the overall % decrease (as long as you're adding more muscle at the same time). Keep on keepin' on, man. Don't get paranoid over gaining too fast. I wish I had that 'problem'. If you have any undesirable effects (ie, gaining more fat than anticipated), then cut later - no problem. Besides, you are running a whole-friggin-lot and if you're staying true to the 5/3/1 program then you NEED the extra calories.
Hey thanks a lot man...seriously this was very kind of you :). I know I get paranoid on fat , but it is because it took me a while to lean out and now I'm close to 140 and Idk I don't see extra muscle and I feel a bit flabby and not hard :S! I like keeping up with the cardio since I do feel its the only way to stay fit and keep fat at bay but maybe I AM taking in a LOT of calories more than what I might need :S after all...what I put in this log is my ONLY activity of the day since I'm on vacation X_X! I do nothing else...loaf around at home... Thanks for the motivation , means a lot comming from a big and powerful dude like you!! :)
John Smeton

John Smeton

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as long as when you buckle your pants and tuck in your shirt you have nothing hanging over, you are fine. I prefer leanness and hopefully my days of gaining too much body fat are over


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I agree with these guys man. I wish i could gain like you, ill eat 4500 plus calories and wont gain a pound lol i naturally have a high metabolism and my job is very physical. Besides, you can always cut and you already proved you can excel at that bud! Keep on gaining man, im seeing progress.


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Hey thanks a lot man...seriously this was very kind of you :). I know I get paranoid on fat , but it is because it took me a while to lean out and now I'm close to 140 and Idk I don't see extra muscle and I feel a bit flabby and not hard :S! I like keeping up with the cardio since I do feel its the only way to stay fit and keep fat at bay but maybe I AM taking in a LOT of calories more than what I might need :S after all...what I put in this log is my ONLY activity of the day since I'm on vacation X_X! I do nothing else...loaf around at home... Thanks for the motivation , means a lot comming from a big and powerful dude like you!! :)
Bro here's the honest truth......its going to take like 2-3+ years of consistency for a natural bodybuilder to actually "see" and "realize" muscular hypertrophy gained, im sure you look at yourself everyday in the mirror in hope of seeing something different, don't expect to see drastic changes maybe until a couple years, right now just keep that head up high, stay positive, and continue your consistency.

Just out of curiosity, this won't be a make or break sort of thing but....try using brown rice instead of oatmeal, the brand of oatmeal you use its processed in a gluten made facility and may be causing excess inflammation in your body which will give you that "flabby soft appearance". Like I said don't expect something drastic appearance wise, but I made this switch a while back ago taking out all gluten sources in my diet and my muscular gains started coming alot faster honestly. Yes this is considered as "broscience" lol, but it worked tremendously for me and its also healthier aswell!


Well-known member
as long as when you buckle your pants and tuck in your shirt you have nothing hanging over, you are fine. I prefer leanness and hopefully my days of gaining too much body fat are over
I agree with these guys man. I wish i could gain like you, ill eat 4500 plus calories and wont gain a pound lol i naturally have a high metabolism and my job is very physical. Besides, you can always cut and you already proved you can excel at that bud! Keep on gaining man, im seeing progress.
Bro here's the honest truth......its going to take like 2-3+ years of consistency for a natural bodybuilder to actually "see" and "realize" muscular hypertrophy gained, im sure you look at yourself everyday in the mirror in hope of seeing something different, don't expect to see drastic changes maybe until a couple years, right now just keep that head up high, stay positive, and continue your consistency.

Just out of curiosity, this won't be a make or break sort of thing but....try using brown rice instead of oatmeal, the brand of oatmeal you use its processed in a gluten made facility and may be causing excess inflammation in your body which will give you that "flabby soft appearance". Like I said don't expect something drastic appearance wise, but I made this switch a while back ago taking out all gluten sources in my diet and my muscular gains started coming alot faster honestly. Yes this is considered as "broscience" lol, but it worked tremendously for me and its also healthier aswell!
Thanks for all the support guys...and you are right haha **** what people thinks , this will take years and I'm close to getting 1 year down the belt , lets make it into 10...no...20 no...w.e. number of years I got left to live :p!! Gotta go lift right now and you make a brotha feel good!! thanks guys!! :D!


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Deadlift Deload wave


Well guys remember how I told yah I check on deloads if i have grown stronger, well I feel like a definitely have, I was able to perform this sets without a belt, without straps and with double overhand grip oO I might be gaining fat, but now I'm sure there's muscle there too :)

Chin ups

BWx15 that's new oO didn't need straps
Hammer ups
These get harder every time I swear to god...

Kroc rows (BO DB rows)
45x15 per arm
45x15 per arm
45x15 per arm
40x20 per arm
40x20 per arm

Hanging leg raises

Trojan chair straight leg raises

Ok I might be an over paranoid fat-fearing SOB but i can tell I am much stronger now, specially on the compounds , see I started dead lifting around January and could barely do 1 plate with straps and a belt, now I can do even 155 no sweat no straps no belt with proper form. Also I hadn't been able to get past 6 pull/hammer/chin ups and today I managed a full ROM 15 reps, that in my books is a lot specially now being 138lbs oO damn I'm up 11 lbs in 2 weeks and this might be newbie gains too and water and fat, but overall my clothes still fit pretty good, mood is way up and I'm smiling and laughing again , I got way more cardio endurance now...so 2 weeks in this, I like it :) it sure has helped me burst through plateaus and strength gains, I might not be getting huge muscle mass but that will come with years, and as long as strength is up I'm happy.


Thanks for all the support guys...and you are right haha **** what people thinks , this will take years and I'm close to getting 1 year down the belt , lets make it into 10...no...20 no...w.e. number of years I got left to live :p!! Gotta go lift right now and you make a brotha feel good!! thanks guys!! :D!
i only came to terms with my size when i realized i went from med shirts in HS to currently wearing XL on a regular basis.....


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i only came to terms with my size when i realized i went from med shirts in HS to currently wearing XL on a regular basis.....
I use small :p and 28 size jeans hehe , and XS in many shirts , what I'm glad is that my 28w jeans still fit pretty good , specially since I was wearing them REAL baggy with my 125lb weight haha!


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Nice pics update bro!!!! Ur face shows how much aggression you have in you...I'm already scared from you lol...keep killin it my brother!!!


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Nice pics update bro!!!! Ur face shows how much aggression you have in you...I'm already scared from you lol...keep killin it my brother!!!
Haha thanks bro! I am an aggressive dude by nature in the gym , though respectful and always polite with people , the iron is my friend and enemy , its there for me when I need it , and its against me when I'm lifting it , gotta treat it with respect and rage...Lifting hard and never backing out!! >:3!! I guess I'll just have to bulk back up to 145 or 150lbs before cutting again so I can at least have made some progress in hypertrophy , but i do notice my LATS and my obliques harder and bigger too , abs don;t feel as thin as before , but I'll find out the ab progress when my cut comes around :)


Well-known member
Haha thanks bro! I am an aggressive dude by nature in the gym , though respectful and always polite with people , the iron is my friend and enemy , its there for me when I need it , and its against me when I'm lifting it , gotta treat it with respect and rage...Lifting hard and never backing out!! >:3!! I guess I'll just have to bulk back up to 145 or 150lbs before cutting again so I can at least have made some progress in hypertrophy , but i do notice my LATS and my obliques harder and bigger too , abs don;t feel as thin as before , but I'll find out the ab progress when my cut comes around :)
Don't worry about abs....get to ur goal(ur target weight) and then cut...and keep ur muscles...lean and big ;)


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Don't worry about abs....get to ur goal(ur target weight) and then cut...and keep ur muscles...lean and big ;)
Target weight was at 145 , I'll make it 150 , since it seems I am gaining super fast , that way when I cut down it MIGHT be that I lose a lot of water weight and fat , BUT at least at 150 I went up 25 lbs , and no way in hell those 25lbs don't have at LEAST 5-7lbs of muscle in them!


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Ok guys , nutrition is on point today and making a lil change in it , deducting 200kCals from my max , but adjusting it so its a bit less prot , still a lot of carbs and a healthy amount of fats, so far:

Meal 1:
-1 cup Brown rice
-1 cup whole wheat pasta (cooked)
-1 sweet potato
-1/2 cup ground turkey
-1 tbsp peanut butter (natural of course)
-1.5 tabs natty almond butter
-2 slices of oatnut bread

Thats 190g carbs , 29g fat , 63 grams protein.

Meal 2:
-1 cup ground turkey
-1 tbsp EVOO

Thats 17g of fat , 54g protein.

For dinner I'll have the remaining 140-150g carbs , another 25g+ of fat and around 35-45g of protein!

Looking to stay around 2600 kCals on workout days and add in a total of 325-335g carbs , 70-75g fats , and around 155-165g protein! This way I still have a lot to build muscle on , but not get that much fat , which essentially is extra calories I ain't burning :).


Well-known member
Deadlift Deload wave


Well guys remember how I told yah I check on deloads if i have grown stronger, well I feel like a definitely have, I was able to perform this sets without a belt, without straps and with double overhand grip oO I might be gaining fat, but now I'm sure there's muscle there too :)

Chin ups

BWx15 that's new oO didn't need straps
Hammer ups
These get harder every time I swear to god...

Kroc rows (BO DB rows)
45x15 per arm
45x15 per arm
45x15 per arm
40x20 per arm
40x20 per arm

Hanging leg raises

Trojan chair straight leg raises

Ok I might be an over paranoid fat-fearing SOB but i can tell I am much stronger now, specially on the compounds , see I started dead lifting around January and could barely do 1 plate with straps and a belt, now I can do even 155 no sweat no straps no belt with proper form. Also I hadn't been able to get past 6 pull/hammer/chin ups and today I managed a full ROM 15 reps, that in my books is a lot specially now being 138lbs oO damn I'm up 11 lbs in 2 weeks and this might be newbie gains too and water and fat, but overall my clothes still fit pretty good, mood is way up and I'm smiling and laughing again , I got way more cardio endurance now...so 2 weeks in this, I like it :) it sure has helped me burst through plateaus and strength gains, I might not be getting huge muscle mass but that will come with years, and as long as strength is up I'm happy.
Seems like alot of volume per exercise, are you going to failure or stopping 1-2 reps shy of failure?


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Seems like alot of volume per exercise, are you going to failure or stopping 1-2 reps shy of failure?
Hm it IS a deload so I went low weight and high volume , I went around 3-4 reps shy of failure with the 45's on the kroc rows , and 40's didn't bring me to failure but I was feeling a nice contraction and burn so I didn't push it any further since I start with weight this friday again!. But on the BW exercises I do go to failure :p


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Ok final nutrition of the day:

Meal 3:
-1.5 cups of brown rice
-1 cup of whole wheat pasta
-1/2 cup broiled lean ground turkey
-2 tbsp ranch
-1 tbsp natty almond butter for dessert.

Final macros of the day: 2600 kCals 340g carbs 74g fat 166g of protein!!

Feeling good and strong , tomorrow is my last deload and my shoulders are my pride!! I do hope a LOT that they have grown stronger now >:3 which I presume and I'm ready to bet they have!! Also , its been a while since I have jerked , I'll throw in some Jerks tomorrow after all my routine just a measure of where I stand and to see if I add them to my routine again.


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Nice update pictures!!!! Looking lean and Mean!! Also good killer workout brother. I can't wait to see you at 175!!

Ok guys...here are the progress pics of this week, Idk but from the looks of them it kinda seems like...well nvm, you tell me your opinion , inputs and suggestions for this pics and then I'll tell yah what I feel ok bro's? Be honest and hit me hard with everything you got please...

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Any suggestions welcome...As of today (with major water retention says my scale too) I am: 138.6 lbs with 65% water retention...


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Your deload should not really be challenging, just enough to get the blood flowing into the muscle, it is not even for the training effect so much as the increased circulation helps recovery.

Seem a lot of people think it is just a lighter higher rep workout but you still push yourself. Not saying you did but if your muscles were burning from lactic acid I would think you reached an intensity beyond what is needed on a deload.


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I think you look great in your pics man. Stop sweating getting heavy again. You have a new physique "bottom" that you wont allow yourself to go beyond. Once you work to lose like that when you start gaining too much again you see it and put a stop to it. I have fought the battle of the bulge since I was youn and I have lost several rounds in the fight. However I have maintained a far lower bodyfat for the last 6 years ranging from 17-12% until the beginning of 2009 then between 12-6% most of the time since.

Give yourself the latitude to gain, just keep it in check, If you are still gaining you don't need to increase cals until you begin to stall. Then increase by small amounts at a time like 300-500 per day for a week or two so you see how your body reacts to it.


Well-known member
Nice update pictures!!!! Looking lean and Mean!! Also good killer workout brother. I can't wait to see you at 175!!
Thanks brotha! Means a lot to hear you say that and to have you following along!! And for sure I would KILL to get to that weight!! Imagine me doing a 4-5 plate deadlift!! Talk about Atomic Ant power! hahaha!

Your deload should not really be challenging, just enough to get the blood flowing into the muscle, it is not even for the training effect so much as the increased circulation helps recovery.

Seem a lot of people think it is just a lighter higher rep workout but you still push yourself. Not saying you did but if your muscles were burning from lactic acid I would think you reached an intensity beyond what is needed on a deload.
I think what I was feeling a bit was not really the burn of lactic acid , but really a lot of pump and yeah just a bit of fatigue , but still tried to keep it easy , I'll do it even easier and to get the blood flowing only next time :) thanks Kleen!

I think you look great in your pics man. Stop sweating getting heavy again. You have a new physique "bottom" that you wont allow yourself to go beyond. Once you work to lose like that when you start gaining too much again you see it and put a stop to it. I have fought the battle of the bulge since I was youn and I have lost several rounds in the fight. However I have maintained a far lower bodyfat for the last 6 years ranging from 17-12% until the beginning of 2009 then between 12-6% most of the time since.

Give yourself the latitude to gain, just keep it in check, If you are still gaining you don't need to increase cals until you begin to stall. Then increase by small amounts at a time like 300-500 per day for a week or two so you see how your body reacts to it.
Thanks man, I have come to peace with the weight gain and have realized most of it is actually water hahaha I'm sweating bullets too , and I just got smacked by a pro *cough* cooper *cough* that I was taking in way too much creatine mono and no wonder I am bloated hahaha I've been taking 10g daily , I'm gonna get it down to 3-5g grams daily and no more!! xD But the one thing that will not push me out of this bulk is strength , I can't believe the strength I'm getting and that pushes me forward :). Kleen brother , you have no idea how much it means to me that you take the time to support me and give me advice like this , thank you very much :), I will keep my head strong , and you'll see , by this december it won't be a 2plate DL it will be a 3 plate one! Even if I get a belly hahaha who cares, I have to let myself grow like you say!


Cutting out the excess creatine should definitely help a bit. If you want to accelerate the water loss, you can pop an EC stack or two daily for the next 4-5 days.


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Cutting out the excess creatine should definitely help a bit. If you want to accelerate the water loss, you can pop an EC stack or two daily for the next 4-5 days.
I'll do that for the last week of the bulk for progress pics , I sweat a lot specially on my 7 milers haha xD Thanks for dropping by again buddy :3!!


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Overhead press deload wave

Standing , didn't go to failure on any and felt good strength in them which means my delts are progressing good :)

DB seated press

30x12 (listening to good advice and I was feeling burn and a little fatigued so I stopped, deload wave after all)

Ok something might be wrong here or my shoulders DID need this deload :S I can usually rep out 20 with 30s or even 55s for 10 reps...maybe the deload WAS necessary after all so I took it easy on the weights :/

Side Raises


These were pretty light, no burn but good pump on the last set, again kept away from my usual 25s or 30s for deloads sake haha

Barbell curls


Ego got the best of me..needed the last set for a pump hahaha didn't go to failure or did negatives but I just know my body and pumps start at 40lbs+ xD I'm such a child I know haha

Overall good workout and easy day, tomorrow is a rest/cardio day and Friday I load up again on squat day so let's get even bigger now!


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Good stuff man. Keep it up. Also look into some Creatrona, or something buffered that doesn't create the unwanted side that Mono does. Mono also works your kidneys a bit harder than some of the other creatine sources. Nothing to worry about in the 3-5 gram range but you don't want to be taking 10 a day for an extended period with out a ton of water to keep you flushing. Even then you piss out most of the creatine.


Well-known member
Good stuff man. Keep it up. Also look into some Creatrona, or something buffered that doesn't create the unwanted side that Mono does. Mono also works your kidneys a bit harder than some of the other creatine sources. Nothing to worry about in the 3-5 gram range but you don't want to be taking 10 a day for an extended period with out a ton of water to keep you flushing. Even then you piss out most of the creatine.
Thanks man :) , and yeah I've heard Buffered creatine works good, though I think the brand I tried was not legit or good enough , I ran KreAlkalin for like 6 weeks and didn't notice anything at all :S! No strength gains , no weight , no water :/!! I could give it another go with the one from Finaflex , actually what will help me decide if I try it is your wife's log bro , if she likes it I'll try it out haha


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Ok guys , nutrition is still strong today since my muscles need to recover after this mighty Deload I had , and since tomorrow is a cardio day I will need the energy to push me through my Hellish 1 hour battle with my old Frienemy the Stairmaster , haven't seen much of it in the past days since sadly my gym was closed Sat-Mon but have been using it as a warm up lately and my old foe is waiting for me anxiously!

Diet for today:

-Protean Pancakes (Made with Red Velvet Cake Protean from iForce , you gotta try this guys , delicious):
-1/2 cup cottage cheese + 1 cup egg whites + 1 cup raw oats + 1 scoop Protean RVC , blend it all and then to the pan!
Had this babies with -2 tbsp natty almond butter!
and had a plate of:
-1 cup brown rice
-1 cup whole wheat pasta

Then Proceeded to my next meal and made myself a Protean Brownie:
-1/3 cup egg whites
-1/2 cup almond milk
-2 scoops Protean

For dinner it will be:
-2 cups of oats
-2 cups of almond milk
-1 scoop Protean

Total Macros: 2,567 kCals 325g cabs 76g fats 176g prot.
Those lacking 33 cals will probably come from a cup of coconut milk so its kinda like half a cup of it I'll just zip on during dinner :)!.

Stack Notes: I have noticed strength gains have been good and solid , and since I have been a while on the stack I wanna play around with the dosage a bit , like per say having the 4 caps of glycobol before a huge meal with around 200g of carbs , and maybe upping the dose of the testopro and stoked for some days to 6 caps a day each , 3am and 3pm , to see how it works out , since label says max of 6 caps a day , just to try it out for a while, and since I am going up in weight again I think it could help there. Besides many people whom I have talked to have told me 6 is fine for some days , again merely experimenting and will report symptoms so as we can better know the product and then people can have an honest opinion on how to take it too :).


Well-known member
Ok guys , nutrition is still strong today since my muscles need to recover after this mighty Deload I had , and since tomorrow is a cardio day I will need the energy to push me through my Hellish 1 hour battle with my old Frienemy the Stairmaster , haven't seen much of it in the past days since sadly my gym was closed Sat-Mon but have been using it as a warm up lately and my old foe is waiting for me anxiously!

Diet for today:

-Protean Pancakes (Made with Red Velvet Cake Protean from iForce , you gotta try this guys , delicious):
-1/2 cup cottage cheese + 1 cup egg whites + 1 cup raw oats + 1 scoop Protean RVC , blend it all and then to the pan!
Had this babies with -2 tbsp natty almond butter!
and had a plate of:
-1 cup brown rice
-1 cup whole wheat pasta

Then Proceeded to my next meal and made myself a Protean Brownie:
-1/3 cup egg whites
-1/2 cup almond milk
-2 scoops Protean

For dinner it will be:
-2 cups of oats
-2 cups of almond milk
-1 scoop Protean

Total Macros: 2,567 kCals 325g cabs 76g fats 176g prot.
Those lacking 33 cals will probably come from a cup of coconut milk so its kinda like half a cup of it I'll just zip on during dinner :)!.

Stack Notes: I have noticed strength gains have been good and solid , and since I have been a while on the stack I wanna play around with the dosage a bit , like per say having the 4 caps of glycobol before a huge meal with around 200g of carbs , and maybe upping the dose of the testopro and stoked for some days to 6 caps a day each , 3am and 3pm , to see how it works out , since label says max of 6 caps a day , just to try it out for a while, and since I am going up in weight again I think it could help there. Besides many people whom I have talked to have told me 6 is fine for some days , again merely experimenting and will report symptoms so as we can better know the product and then people can have an honest opinion on how to take it too :).
Dam bro those food are mouthwatering bro lol...you really kno how to do things rite...really doing great bro....and btw you're gf or wife will be really lucky....all the food you can cook...she don't have to worry about anything lol


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Dam bro those food are mouthwatering bro lol...you really kno how to do things rite...really doing great bro....and btw you're gf or wife will be really lucky....all the food you can cook...she don't have to worry about anything lol
Haha...thanks bro :) its real nice to hear that.

On the woman side...sadly the woman I loved left me almost 10 months ago...and is never to come back it seems, she is now engaged to someone else , and for the looks of it, she is happy...^^ I have been a happy single-celibate-gym nut for a while now haha and I plan to remain that way for now (as long as this damn libido boost lets me at least xD I swear to god i'm a horny bastard at the gym no a days with this thing haha)

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