KLEEN Preps w/ HGHpro & SWOLE Stack - An Epic Tale of Anabolic Innovation…



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just awesome!!! Did she laugh first or have concern first????
The only concern she had was keeping her water from coming out of her nose. She told me before that I am a roughneck and if I ain't knocked out she knows I am getting up she isn't to worried about it. She worries more about objects that are close by when i get really hurt. I get that crazy flash of temper. Especially if caught of gaurd like hitting my bald head on anything pointy forget it I am gonna yell and if something is unbreakable around me I will find it and pull a HULK SMASH!!!! What is funnier is how I must look when that happens and people see me turning from side to side front and back fists clenched, jaw clenched, crazy eyed and looking for anything I can hit that wont break. Luckily if nothing like that is around in the 1st half second after impact I can. I guess it probably looks a whole lot like the Tazmanian Devil spinning around. LOL Note this doesn't happen often. I am not a hot head but when it does... Frustration is my Kryptonite... Normally I am working on something with the wrong tools for the job, frustrated and pissed then bam hit my head on something and regress to the 5 year old tantrum...


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I was going to make a comment about Kleen's workout, then I saw that bicycle chick and went blank.
I fancy the runner chick myself. She better hope she doesn't stumble in flight from me!!! :burnout:


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I like the runner or the veggies best, the bike one is nice and catches your eye but she isn't anything out of the ordinary in the glutes department. However a thong can make an average azz look beautiful. And a not so great azz look downright scary.


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Haven't dropped a line in this thread yet, so I though I would stop on by. Kleen, your adventures in Gymland + your love for glutes always makes my day. Keep on killing it bro!


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My wife almost choked on her drink. She was in the middle of a big swig when I my knee just flat out buckled I had to grab onto the machine I was walking by not too fall. I mean completely gave out.
Man that happened to me yesterday getting out of the leg press machine on my way to do SLDLs, I was walking all funny and stumbled. People looked at me like what is his deal??? Got to love leg destruction days!!!!!


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Man that happened to me yesterday getting out of the leg press machine on my way to do SLDLs, I was walking all funny and stumbled. People looked at me like what is his deal??? Got to love leg destruction days!!!!!
Oh yes, they are awesome. Has been a while since I had knee buckling workouts.


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WOOHOO! Well I will have a report for you guys tomorrow about how well I sleep. I expect some big things from this with what I am reading in the other logs. Great sleep, better concentration, lean mass gains, strength gains and awesome recomp. I love the sound of it. Well in about 75 minutes I am going to pop my first 4 and hopefully sleep finds me quickly.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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WOOHOO! Well I will have a report for you guys tomorrow about how well I sleep. I expect some big things from this with what I am reading in the other logs. Great sleep, better concentration, lean mass gains, strength gains and awesome recomp. I love the sound of it. Well in about 75 minutes I am going to pop my first 4 and hopefully sleep finds me quickly.
Looking forward to your first impression of HGHpro tomorrow Chris.


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WOOHOO! Well I will have a report for you guys tomorrow about how well I sleep. I expect some big things from this with what I am reading in the other logs. Great sleep, better concentration, lean mass gains, strength gains and awesome recomp. I love the sound of it. Well in about 75 minutes I am going to pop my first 4 and hopefully sleep finds me quickly.
Say hello to Winkin', Blinkin', and Nod. :silly:

Gute Nacht mein bruder.......:yawn::sleeping:


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WOOHOO! Well I will have a report for you guys tomorrow about how well I sleep. I expect some big things from this with what I am reading in the other logs. Great sleep, better concentration, lean mass gains, strength gains and awesome recomp. I love the sound of it. Well in about 75 minutes I am going to pop my first 4 and hopefully sleep finds me quickly.
Hope this means ours will be in soon...


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How was sleepy time you ask?

First impressions of HGHpro.

I will start by saying I was not in the least bit tired when I retired to the room last night. I had my last meal at 8:00 and I took my dose of Hpro I have been dealing with a lot of stress lately and have tried not to burden everyone with it. However, in order to explain the stress I was under and that I was slightly anxious when I went to the room last night I will share more of what is going on in my life. I mentioned about the kids Great Grandmother passing last week, well this Saturday their Uncle passed away, well my sons uncle and since JoAnn's ex is Trinity's GodFather so that the children stay together if something happens to us, he is effectively her uncle too. Then their GrandMother is in the ICU from her heart surgery going very bad. We have the uncles funeral tonight and on top of that I got a call when I got home that My Grand Mother fell and broke her hips, pubic bone and her C5 vertebrae in her neck. She was paralzed in her left arm and leg, but she wasn't originally so they were checking her to see if she had a stroke from a clot or something. I got another message at 7:30 that it was a stroke. So with all of this happening in less than a two weeks span I am frazzled and doing my best to keep my head high and my life as balanced as possible. I haven't been able to pose this week due to dealing with everything, going to hospitals and what not and was just at an end.

Okay back to the impressions of the product.... As I said for the reasons above I was not tired but anxious about my G-Ma and the kids/wife's emotional state. How I was going to keep my children from melting down with everything going on... Sleep did not seem likely and definitely not soon.

8:00 PM rinse off dinner plate.

9:21 PM Take 4 capsules HGHpro

9:37 PM Notice I am feeling more relaxed but not tired. Some anxiety dropping so I looked at theclosk to take note of time.

9:47 PM Notice my eyes getting a little heavier and feeling more relaxed like I may be able to fall asleep but wanted to finish show I was watching.

9:54 PM Opened my eyes after a really long blink and realized I may have been asleep leaned against the headboard since tv program was not in same place... turned off lights and closed my eyes. I immediately had the dancing colors kind of like the northern lights that I get when I am falling directly into or out of REM sleep just in between consciousness and heaven. I thought what a delicious feeling. That was my last thought for the night. Out like a light...

2:30-ish AM I wake up as usual to go to the restroom, flow is great and mighty! I hear the soundtrack to a river runs through it and I know my GH is up because the toilet filled up to the point it flushed itself... Okay so maybe that part is an exageration but man I was easily rivaling Austin Powers for longevity... I always urinate a lot more at night when I have taken a good GH booster. I walk back to bed, climb in roll over and think I wonder how long it will take to fall back a....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

3:50 AM Alarms goes off, I think... I always snooze that first one... The not remembering is just a little more proof of how asleep I was.

4:00 AM I get up walk to the restroom and notice I feel great, I am not groggy and I am ready to get to the gym for some cardio. A little DCP, 1 OEP and 1 scoop of Anadraulic State and I was more than ready to go.

All in all the sleep portion of the product is unrivaled so far by any of the GH products I have tried. I have read that it seems to get better as you go so I am really looking forward to that as well.

Today's cardio I burned another 10 more to make it 480 calories. I was sweating like a champ, read quite a few pages of my book too. Concentration and energy was good.


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First impressions of HGHpro.

I will start by saying I was not in the least bit tired when I retired to the room last night. I had my last meal at 8:00 and I took my dose of Hpro I have been dealing with a lot of stress lately and have tried not to burden everyone with it. However, in order to explain the stress I was under and that I was slightly anxious when I went to the room last night I will share more of what is going on in my life. I mentioned about the kids Great Grandmother passing last week, well this Saturday their Uncle passed away, well my sons uncle and since JoAnn's ex is Trinity's GodFather so that the children stay together if something happens to us, he is effectively her uncle too. Then their GrandMother is in the ICU from her heart surgery going very bad. We have the uncles funeral tonight and on top of that I got a call when I got home that My Grand Mother fell and broke her hips, pubic bone and her C5 vertebrae in her neck. She was paralzed in her left arm and leg, but she wasn't originally so they were checking her to see if she had a stroke from a clot or something. I got another message at 7:30 that it was a stroke. So with all of this happening in less than a two weeks span I am frazzled and doing my best to keep my head high and my life as balanced as possible. I haven't been able to pose this week due to dealing with everything, going to hospitals and what not and was just at an end.

Okay back to the impressions of the product.... As I said for the reasons above I was not tired but anxious about my G-Ma and the kids/wife's emotional state. How I was going to keep my children from melting down with everything going on... Sleep did not seem likely and definitely not soon.

8:00 PM rinse off dinner plate.

9:21 PM Take 4 capsules HGHpro

9:37 PM Notice I am feeling more relaxed but not tired. Some anxiety dropping so I looked at theclosk to take note of time.

9:47 PM Notice my eyes getting a little heavier and feeling more relaxed like I may be able to fall asleep but wanted to finish show I was watching.

9:54 PM Opened my eyes after a really long blink and realized I may have been asleep leaned against the headboard since tv program was not in same place... turned off lights and closed my eyes. I immediately had the dancing colors kind of like the northern lights that I get when I am falling directly into or out of REM sleep just in between consciousness and heaven. I thought what a delicious feeling. That was my last thought for the night. Out like a light...

2:30-ish AM I wake up as usual to go to the restroom, flow is great and mighty! I hear the soundtrack to a river runs through it and I know my GH is up because the toilet filled up to the point it flushed itself... Okay so maybe that part is an exageration but man I was easily rivaling Austin Powers for longevity... I always urinate a lot more at night when I have taken a good GH booster. I walk back to bed, climb in roll over and think I wonder how long it will take to fall back a....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

3:50 AM Alarms goes off, I think... I always snooze that first one... The not remembering is just a little more proof of how asleep I was.

4:00 AM I get up walk to the restroom and notice I feel great, I am not groggy and I am ready to get to the gym for some cardio. A little DCP, 1 OEP and 1 scoop of Anadraulic State and I was more than ready to go.

All in all the sleep portion of the product is unrivaled so far by any of the GH products I have tried. I have read that it seems to get better as you go so I am really looking forward to that as well.

Today's cardio I burned another 10 more to make it 480 calories. I was sweating like a champ, read quite a few pages of my book too. Concentration and energy was good.
Very nice but you still suk for getting yours before any of us LOL. Remember I have your addy and may have to intercept future package deliveries.:smite:


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I hear the soundtrack to a river runs through it and I know my GH is up because the toilet filled up to the point it flushed itself... Okay so maybe that part is an exageration but man I was easily rivaling Austin Powers for longevity..
hahahaha :fest30:
Army Guy

Army Guy

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Hey Kleen you are a champ bro! You have taken the stress life has thrown at you with dignity and have proven yourself! Like the old saying goes, it's not the problems in life that make a man a man, but how he overcomes them. Keep it up my friend. I'm sure I can speak for most in saying our prayers are with you.
And... I hate you for the GH review!!! LOL Now I am forced to drool until I can pony up and get some myself!!!


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Very nice but you still suk for getting yours before any of us LOL. Remember I have your addy and may have to intercept future package deliveries.:smite:
Oh Noooooo!!!!!! Honeyyyyyyy... call the movers with the blacked out truck we are going underground...
hahahaha :fest30:
I imagine you have had the fun of experiencing that one.
Hey Kleen you are a champ bro! You have taken the stress life has thrown at you with dignity and have proven yourself! Like the old saying goes, it's not the problems in life that make a man a man, but how he overcomes them. Keep it up my friend. I'm sure I can speak for most in saying our prayers are with you.
Thanks Brother, that means a lot. Like I said at the begining of this you will know the man, not just the supplement by the time this is over.
And... I hate you for the GH review!!! LOL Now I am forced to drool until I can pony up and get some myself!!!
I do believe it will be well worth it. I got the beta and it is this good. The final release is supposed to be even better!!!!!!

Oh to add in, I am a little sore in my hamstrings and even less in my quads, I was expecting it to be pretty painfull today but it's not too bad.


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That's a lot of stress, hang in there Kleen.


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Sometimes life is just hard... I guess to make us stronger. We get what we need and not what we want and there are growing pains. That's what we do when we lift we mimic this process to make gains. God supplies the weight in life to make us stronger...

HGH timing was very good...


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I must be in God's conditioning phase right now... Apply pressure to that rock to make him a gem!!!


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I must be in God's conditioning phase right now... Apply pressure to that rock to make him a gem!!!
As you get older, it seems to ease up, like ok he's had enough now... Just thought I'd give you something to look forward too...

Yah it's all about how we accept what comes our way. I ask for God's help cuz I need it and he wants us to come to him. There's power in prayer, he's willing to take away a lot of your burden, just waiting for you to ask for his help. Unless of course you already have...


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I must be in God's conditioning phase right now... Apply pressure to that rock to make him a gem!!!
Then I must be an African pink diamond. It's sometimes amazing to me how people can turn out relatively (mentally) normal after all the stuff life puts them through. I suppose we all have our psychotic, , un-normal, imaginative fantasies, but are "normal" enough to keep it law abiding.


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Yah it's all about how we accept what comes our way. I ask for God's help cuz I need it and he wants us to come to him. There's power in prayer, he's willing to take away a lot of your burden, just waiting for you to ask for his help. Unless of course you already have...
encouraging, man.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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I think we are all turning into gems or diamonds... maybe that's why retirement is considered the Golden Years???


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DW, thanks for those words. Even though I know these to be true in my heart, sometimes the mind gets involved in those matters and things get messed up.

Now for anyone else who feels bad you do not have to offer condolences. I am sure that all of you empathize with my situation and I appreciate everyone's concern. Shows the caliber of people we have on the board. The real focus here was in the face of all of that; with one dose of HGHpro I was able to completely relax let go of all of that and sleep like I was hibernating...


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DW, thanks for those words. Even though I know these to be true in my heart, sometimes the mind gets involved in those matters and things get messed up.

Now for anyone else who feels bad you do not have to offer condolences. I am sure that all of you empathize with my situation and I appreciate everyone's concern. Shows the caliber of people we have on the board. The real focus here was in the face of all of that; with one dose of HGHpro I was able to completely relax let go of all of that and sleep like I was hibernating...
A point not missed, stuff sounds stellar...


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Very nice but you still suk for getting yours before any of us LOL. Remember I have your addy and may have to intercept future package deliveries.:smite:
Agreed lol, I keep checking the mailbox everyday haha.


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DW, thanks for those words. Even though I know these to be true in my heart, sometimes the mind gets involved in those matters and things get messed up.

Now for anyone else who feels bad you do not have to offer condolences. I am sure that all of you empathize with my situation and I appreciate everyone's concern. Shows the caliber of people we have on the board. The real focus here was in the face of all of that; with one dose of HGHpro I was able to completely relax let go of all of that and sleep like I was hibernating...
Ouch you really know how to rub it in LMAO.


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No rubbing it in would be saying something like I am looking forward to one of the best nights of sleep I have had in a while..... AGAIN.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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Good to hear that after you took HGHpro you felt more at ease.


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No rubbing it in would be saying something like I am looking forward to one of the best nights of sleep I have had in a while..... AGAIN.
LMAO no worries a birdy told me that mine lands today so tonight will be.:yawn:


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Yeah sorry my birdy refuses to fly that far for info.:silly:
To hell with your damn bird then!! :AR15firing: Doesn't he know it's spring, time to fly North!!


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To hell with your damn bird then!! :AR15firing: Doesn't he know it's spring, time to fly North!!
It's not like any is coming my way and you don't hear me complaining! :irked: It is the fault of my own though, so I have no room to b*tch.


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brother your fortitude in times of stress is inspiring. Knowing that God is challenging you to this degree, he knows that you can not only take it but become a better man b/c of it. I was reading a verse the other day saying that the Lord will not give us trials we cannot bare, the kicker is that most people dont step up to the plate and quit before they have the opportunity to better themselves. This is not the case with you. Stepping up to the plate like a man and hitting a grand slam buddy.

Good first review of HGH Pro. I notice the same exact sensation when i take my 4 pills. The I dont usually wake up in the middle of the night to unleash the beast but i have noticed that whenever i do take my midnight or morning draining session it has a far larger volume. I never thought much of it but seeing that you are noting it in ur review I figured it isnt a coincidence that im standing there at the toilet longer then usual.

Keep strong my prayers are with you.


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I had an experience last night so good that...

"I wrote a little song about it... Like to hear it… Here it goes…."

I get Deep Sleep, I mean Comatose! You cannot sleep now that's morose. Grab HGHpro and take a dose, now close your eyes it's time to doze!

So how well does a man have to sleep to decide to put it to song. ;) I am not going into all the detail of yesterday it would just be redundant. However we can say that I had another repeat night of great sleep after an emoitionally trying day. 30-45 minutes post dose body and eyelids got heavy. I stayed up about 10 minutes past that laid down closed my eyes nuzzled in and was gone. Woke up for my normal nightly urination got back in bed and fell immediately back to sleep. Woke up startled by the alarm clock. Most days I am semi conscious. I start waking up at 3:30 and try to sleep that next 20-30 minutes, even hitting snooze on occasion. Last night I just slept until the alarm went off.

Now for the workout… I had a really great one. Lots of pump, I hit muscle failure on most of my sets. I was working out from a bit of memory of last time as I forgot my clip board with my workout and last weeks weights at home. Not being able to track progression could have really bothered me if I let it but instead I picked weights and worked with them until I couldn't do another rep with good form. That is what you will see me refer too qhite often as "Form Failure" and sometimes as an acronym obviously being FF.

Traps, Arms, and Rear Delts Workout 2


Rack Deads - 225x12, 405x10, 455x8, 455x6 These were done with 5 second holds at lockout with shoulders held high to really acitvate traps. An interesting modification was done for these and I was very happy with it. My gym's safety bars are at knee height in the power rack, not quite deep enough for good quality rack deads. I did them last week and though I was not overly happy with them they were sufficient to stimulate some growth in my traps and upper back but not a full rack dead. I digress, if you have the same situation at your gym regarding the safety pins not going low enough to bet below the knee for rack deads try this out. It worked out well for me. If your gym has a Hammer Strength Seated Shrug machine go to it load it up step up to it facing the back pad and reach down and grab ahold of the lower handles they will be about 2-4 inches below your knee you will be holding in a nuetral grip to so the tendon won't get as twisted and torched as in the pronated grip. These worked really well for me today.

Hammer Strength Shrug - 315x13, 315x12 - 5 second hold at top. Traps were just standing off of my shoulders at this point.

Rear Delt Machine - 120x13, 120x8>90x3 - This exercise as usual just felt awesome. My rear delts crave the direct attention they get from this move. That along with the stability to move more weight that the machine provides allows me to get more into it.


Close Grip Bench - 115x20, 165x12, 175x10, 175x6 - I look at this and think back to just a little while ago repping 265 x 6 on these. Of course I was using explosive movements then it just baffles me how much the slow tempo and TUT principle drop your weights.

Skull crushers - 85x10, 90x8 Just wow, the burn was huge here. I was fighting hard for the 6th rep on the CGB and I was feeling it when I got under the 85 but it was work time. I was happy with 10 reps at this pace and decided to go up. As you can tell 90 got me to fail and that is the goal here.

Rope Tricep Ext. 120x12, 120x9>90x7 - Holy Crap I was loving it, with my arms at a dead hang my triceps looked like slabs of meat swelling to the point of almost sliding off of the back of my arm. FUGGIN PHENOMINAL!!!!

Biceps & Grip Work

Oly Bar curls - 55x15, 75x12, 75x10, 75x7 - Holy Burn Batman! My biceps were on fire, these are done so strict you would tink I have a Nun behind me with a thick azz yard stick and a life's time worth of sexual frustration...

Preacher Curls - Semi-Supinated Grip - 110x9, 110x4 - What in the strength drop offs is that? That is muscle failure Pimpin. It IS the goal suck up the ego and enjoy the growth! My biceps were so pumped they almost hurt. I really got the long head of the biceps good, it was pumped all the way down into my elbow. I think I will actually see some arm growth during the prep if I am lucky. Would be good my arms could always use a little bit more size.

Everlast Grip Worker - 3 sets of 20 squeezes per hand. This one has individual spring loaded depression tabs for each finger and works much better than the V shaped grip workers you see regularly. Much more even distribution across the hand.

I am not sure what has changed if it is weight loss, recomp or what but I am looking leaner. I am not going to punish myself with getting on the scale all the time I am a fluctuator and it can get into your head so 1-2

She may be a little harder than my normal fair but I like variety, and she makes me wanna WRASSLE!!!!

Then I give you some Marzia because well I must like you...

And a second round because she is worth it.


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brother your fortitude in times of stress is inspiring. Knowing that God is challenging you to this degree, he knows that you can not only take it but become a better man b/c of it. I was reading a verse the other day saying that the Lord will not give us trials we cannot bare, the kicker is that most people dont step up to the plate and quit before they have the opportunity to better themselves. This is not the case with you. Stepping up to the plate like a man and hitting a grand slam buddy.

Good first review of HGH Pro. I notice the same exact sensation when i take my 4 pills. The I dont usually wake up in the middle of the night to unleash the beast but i have noticed that whenever i do take my midnight or morning draining session it has a far larger volume. I never thought much of it but seeing that you are noting it in ur review I figured it isnt a coincidence that im standing there at the toilet longer then usual.

Keep strong my prayers are with you.
GH, thanks for the words Brother. I often feel I give up to easily or don't push hard enough. I could have done more... I lift with everything I have and push until I can not continue safely. Then I question myself if I am giving it enough of myself. I do that in a lot of things in life actually. It is nice to hear that you see the value of my effort when I am blinded to it by engrained humility.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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love the song and the workout my brother!!! I like those rack deads as well. Nice to throw something like that into the mix from time to time


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You perform Rack Deads like a champ Kleen. I like your added nuances with the holds and shrug contractions. My priority of muscle preference is an awkward list. Traps/upper back is #1, Lat width #2 and forearms #3. If I had abs that'd probably be #1, but I don't, maybe never will, so whatever. I like it when the traps stand off the neck as well. That would actually be my favorite pump.


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love the song and the workout my brother!!! I like those rack deads as well. Nice to throw something like that into the mix from time to time
Yeah these will be here with me until I change up exercises. I liked them for sure. I was so happy to notice the low handles were the perfect height for me to do my rack deads there. I am sure there is some loss not stabilizing the weight but I am going for growth.
You perform Rack Deads like a champ Kleen. I like your added nuances with the holds and shrug contractions. My priority of muscle preference is an awkward list. Traps/upper back is #1, Lat width #2 and forearms #3. If I had abs that'd probably be #1, but I don't, maybe never will, so whatever. I like it when the traps stand off the neck as well. That would actually be my favorite pump.
Yeah I can tell you like traps from your Avi. Remind me of Ol Sid Viscious traps. Remember him?

I found this other guy trying to run around acting like he had traps like mine. He was upset when i asked why he was in girl shorts. The expression on his face was priceless.


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Great workout Kleen and as always you have my full attention with Marzia pics, wowsers she is smoking hot!


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Dennis Wolf has the most fantastic trap to delts tie-in. His anterior delts look like some kind of anterior-inferior trap.



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Man that is just crazy. I haven't looked at pro bodybuilders in years... I mean I have magazines but I don't look at the guys with the adoration I used to. As impressive as his physique is and what he must have went through to get that way. He is in now way aesthetic to me. Give me the Frank Zane body anyday...


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Man that is just crazy. I haven't looked at pro bodybuilders in years... I mean I have magazines but I don't look at the guys with the adoration I used to. As impressive as his physique is and what he must have went through to get that way. He is in now way aesthetic to me. Give me the Frank Zane body anyday...
Can't hate on Frank Zane, he was certainly the gold standard for the Roman ideal (physique). Since you brought up a golden age hero, I need to bring Tom Platz to light. Not a lot of golden years bodybuilders can be comparable to today's elites in terms of sheer monstrosity combined with definition (aesthetics not included), except for Tom Platz.

I too, prefer the more aesthetic physiques. I think body builders look their best when they're in their competitive amateur years. Although, I think David Henry has the most aesthetic back in bodybuilding.



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Yeah, Platz legs were insane and he was insanely flexible too. Even when that big he could do full splits.

I think the bodybuilder of older days up to around 92-93 looked a lot better than now. Then growth hormone and insulin use became prevelnt and the physiques just got bigger and bigger but at the expense of aesthetics. I am still motivated by their training vids and stuff when I see them but I would never want to obtain that level. I think 205 at 5% is my max without sacrificing aesthetics.

Yeah he does have a great back.


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BB today is a completely different monster!!! its all about mass :32: i like KAI GREENE!! he does a wonderful job of applyin mass to symmetry!!! IMO KAI GREENE is number one. . he our arnold and tom platz and frank zane in one!!





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He is a beast no doubt about it but I think Metroba and his grapefruit shot has ruined me forever on him. LOL

I like his legs because they are the exact same shape as mine. Just WAAAAAAAYYYYYY bigger. But the slender knees, the inner tear drop obviously longer than the other. How they come down to points instead of squared off and blocky at the knee, having cross striations in the sweep of the quads. I have all those things. The thin at the knee part drives me nuts in long shorts though because from about and inch over my knee showing down it looks like my thighs are spaghetti noodles... Then the sweep kicks in an inch above that... Get this my knee caps are only 14 inches around. Yeah, that is TINY...


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I must be in God's conditioning phase right now... Apply pressure to that rock to make him a gem!!!
When live gives you lemons, steal some sugar and make some lemonade!!!:fest30:

You're going through the fiery trials that will temper you and make you harder and more durable than ever before. Be strong my warrior-brother!!! :hammer:

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