KLEEN Preps w/ HGHpro & SWOLE Stack - An Epic Tale of Anabolic Innovation…



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In True Warrior Spirit... The Battle Continues!

I'm at work today just trying to make the time pass so I can get back home grab my stuff change my clothes and head to Florida. At least I will get to spend some time with my family. While there i wont have everything I need to measure everything and be in total control of my diet but I will be remaining low carb and continue taking my supplements and what not. The next several days off from lifting should prove to be good for me. When i get back we will get right back into it.

Right now sleep is wonderful and recovery has been nice. I am enjoying HGHpro so far and it is definitely the best HGH/sleep agent I have used. Knocks me out without fail regardless of what is on my mind or how wound up I am. I have another bottle on the way for the wife courtesy of yG he is a stand up guy. I will be posting up some of her impressions of the product in here as well. Last night she told me she did't think she would be able to sleep. She has a prescription for Ambian due to insomnia. Well she slept like a rock last night 30 minutes post dose and gone…. I asked her how she slept and she says I don't remember… I just was out then you woke me up. Now that is deep sleep.

I decided I could take the week off and give in to mourning early or I could be the Warrior my heart wants me to be and my spirit guides me to be and buckle down and get some training in on my other body parts this week before I go to the funeral. With that in mind, we chose to throw a little bit of everything from the next two workouts in to get some stimulation to those groups this week. I will probably do some pushups and other body weight exercises like sissy squats, inverted pushups, chins, mountain climbers and burpees later this week but wont be lifting. Hopefully me and my sister can go run together or something she is pretty into working out.

Combo workout

Biceps -
Oly Curls 60x15, 70x15, 80x13 Nice burn here from the high reps.
Preacher Curls 135x8>140x4>100x5

Hammer Shrugs 275x30 it was there and I just did some since I wouldn't get any trap work in this week.

Body Weight Dips 2-0-2 tempo 20, 20, 18 man these felt nice, but my ribs were pulling a bit and I had to pop my sternum afterwards. Oh well that be how it is...
DB Overhead triceps ext. 90x15>70x8>50x7 Wow were my triceps engorged after this one.

Leg Press 455x15, 545x15, 635x15
Leg Curls 130x8>100x5>70x9
Leg Ext - 205x15>170x9>145x3
Legs were caput! I was trying to right my reps down when I realized I had about 30 seconds to get to a trash can or toilet. Luckily I made it to a trash can beofre my intra drink came forth like a gusher... Had a very fast pace on this workout I think we were hitting up an average of 30 seconds rest between sets and it finally caught up to me when I stopped moving.

Okay so that will probably really be the last true update until next Monday.


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I'm at work today just trying to make the time pass so I can get back home grab my stuff change my clothes and head to Florida. At least I will get to spend some time with my family. While there i wont have everything I need to measure everything and be in total control of my diet but I will be remaining low carb and continue taking my supplements and what not. The next several days off from lifting should prove to be good for me. When i get back we will get right back into it.

Right now sleep is wonderful and recovery has been nice. I am enjoying HGHpro so far and it is definitely the best HGH/sleep agent I have used. Knocks me out without fail regardless of what is on my mind or how wound up I am. I have another bottle on the way for the wife courtesy of yG he is a stand up guy. I will be posting up some of her impressions of the product in here as well. Last night she told me she did't think she would be able to sleep. She has a prescription for Ambian due to insomnia. Well she slept like a rock last night 30 minutes post dose and gone…. I asked her how she slept and she says I don't remember… I just was out then you woke me up. Now that is deep sleep.

I decided I could take the week off and give in to mourning early or I could be the Warrior my heart wants me to be and my spirit guides me to be and buckle down and get some training in on my other body parts this week before I go to the funeral. With that in mind, we chose to throw a little bit of everything from the next two workouts in to get some stimulation to those groups this week. I will probably do some pushups and other body weight exercises like sissy squats, inverted pushups, chins, mountain climbers and burpees later this week but wont be lifting. Hopefully me and my sister can go run together or something she is pretty into working out.

Combo workout

Biceps -
Oly Curls 60x15, 70x15, 80x13 Nice burn here from the high reps.
Preacher Curls 135x8>140x4>100x5

Hammer Shrugs 275x30 it was there and I just did some since I wouldn't get any trap work in this week.

Body Weight Dips 2-0-2 tempo 20, 20, 18 man these felt nice, but my ribs were pulling a bit and I had to pop my sternum afterwards. Oh well that be how it is...
DB Overhead triceps ext. 90x15>70x8>50x7 Wow were my triceps engorged after this one.

Leg Press 455x15, 545x15, 635x15
Leg Curls 130x8>100x5>70x9
Leg Ext - 205x15>170x9>145x3
Legs were caput! I was trying to right my reps down when I realized I had about 30 seconds to get to a trash can or toilet. Luckily I made it to a trash can beofre my intra drink came forth like a gusher... Had a very fast pace on this workout I think we were hitting up an average of 30 seconds rest between sets and it finally caught up to me when I stopped moving.

Okay so that will probably really be the last true update until next Monday.
Now that is true Warrior Spirit.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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great job bro and interested to see how your wife responds to constant usage. Have a safe trip my friend!!


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Gracias Sirs!


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Enjoy the time with your family, I think a passing such as this should be a celebration of the life they led as apposed to a mourning of the death. I know you'll miss her but take the time to honor and celebrate her contribution to those who were lucky enough to know her. There has to be a lot of very good warm stories...


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Enjoy the time with your family, I think a passing such as this should be a celebration of the life they led as apposed to a mourning of the death. I know you'll miss her but take the time to honor and celebrate her contribution to those who were lucky enough to know her. There has to be a lot of very good warm stories...
Very well said.


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Sorry to hear about your Grandmother.


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Sorry to hear about your Grandmother, Mine passed away on Christmas day on last year.


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The measure of a man is not measured during the best of times nor is it measured by his greatest accomplishment. Nay, the true measure of a man is measured behind closed doors. It is measured when the Lord sets his cast iron soul to the fire and forges him into a weapon worth weilding. The measure of a man is fortifide by his word and held up by his actions.

Everyday you continue to show us the measure by which a man is measured by. Always strivign to better himself, always supporting those around him, giving aid to those who are in need(I am a perfect example of you giving aid to the ignorant). During this time of tribulation we cannot understand why it occurs, but your warrior spirit is what allows you to persevere. Never change. And good combo lift.


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The measure of a man is not measured during the best of times nor is it measured by his greatest accomplishment. Nay, the true measure of a man is measured behind closed doors. It is measured when the Lord sets his cast iron soul to the fire and forges him into a weapon worth weilding. The measure of a man is fortifide by his word and held up by his actions.

Everyday you continue to show us the measure by which a man is measured by. Always strivign to better himself, always supporting those around him, giving aid to those who are in need(I am a perfect example of you giving aid to the ignorant). During this time of tribulation we cannot understand why it occurs, but your warrior spirit is what allows you to persevere. Never change. And good combo lift.
If more people thought this way the world would be a much more peaceful place.


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If more people thought this way the world would be a much more peaceful place.
And dare I say full of A LOT less stupid people. Sorry, I had to go there. :irked:


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Random info: I just bought some liquid chalk (because my gym doesn't allow powder). Anyone ever used it before? I'm looking forward to it.


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Random info: I just bought some liquid chalk (because my gym doesn't allow powder). Anyone ever used it before? I'm looking forward to it.
I like the powder better but the liquid will do in a pinch.


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I took my little sister through a Warrior Workout today.

Hey guys, I had a surprise oppurtunity to go to the gym with my little sis and she wanted run through the paces of a full body workout since she had missed a few sessions this week too. I did not count my weights or reps this was just about me pushing until I couldn't dropping wiehgt and repeating. She came through like a champ! Told me she was gonna be sore but she tore it up in true Tucker style!!!!

I was able to squat today, I can't tell you how nice it was. I didn't have any gear no wraps or anything but I was able to knock out 225x15 then 275x12 A2A. I decided not to push it since I hadn't run myself through the paces but we may see some chance for my legs to come back up a bit before the show with this new development. I will gradually work back up to 315 then work at that until I get 15 reps with it before moving back up.

Thanks to everyone for te sympathy and well wishes. We did celebrate her life and got to hear things we didn't know about her from others. It was a great service and now I am just enjoying my family. They are all taking naps. So i have a moment to get on here.


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Hey guys, I had a surprise oppurtunity to go to the gym with my little sis and she wanted run through the paces of a full body workout since she had missed a few sessions this week too. I did not count my weights or reps this was just about me pushing until I couldn't dropping wiehgt and repeating. She came through like a champ! Told me she was gonna be sore but she tore it up in true Tucker style!!!!

I was able to squat today, I can't tell you how nice it was. I didn't have any gear no wraps or anything but I was able to knock out 225x15 then 275x12 A2A. I decided not to push it since I hadn't run myself through the paces but we may see some chance for my legs to come back up a bit before the show with this new development. I will gradually work back up to 315 then work at that until I get 15 reps with it before moving back up.

Thanks to everyone for te sympathy and well wishes. We did celebrate her life and got to hear things we didn't know about her from others. It was a great service and now I am just enjoying my family. They are all taking naps. So i have a moment to get on here.

Yah no sense in pushing it, we're not powerlifters... Welcome back by the way...


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Yah no sense in pushing it, we're not powerlifters... Welcome back by the way...
I've become a bit of a hybrid bodybuilder/Olympic powerlifter, but the O-lifting is mostly a trap decimating thing. I've developed a new & foreign landscape in the way my traps protrude ever since I started doing snatches & cleans. My traps have always had a good vertical height, but the O-lifts have given them a more posterior protrusion. Anyway.

Kleen, are you squating ATG with 275 for 12? That's really good if that's your 70-80% effort, sheesh.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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Them Tucker women must be studs... or studettes as the case may be.
John Smeton

John Smeton

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For myself Family comes first before bodybuilding.

Enjoy the brief time off.Last August my grandfather passed away and had to travel to Baltimore MD for his funeral. The hotel we stayed in had a contract with a very nice gym that had more than my current gym. I did strait sets mostly.

The strong minded keep on perusing there goals even in low times. The weak minded quit. I am not saying a temporary break here and there is a bad thing it certainly is beneficial.


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Yah no sense in pushing it, we're not powerlifters... Welcome back by the way...
Thanks, I am still in Florida though, I just got on everybody here keeps napping but OEP needs no naps. LOL
I've become a bit of a hybrid bodybuilder/Olympic powerlifter, but the O-lifting is mostly a trap decimating thing. I've developed a new & foreign landscape in the way my traps protrude ever since I started doing snatches & cleans. My traps have always had a good vertical height, but the O-lifts have given them a more posterior protrusion. Anyway.

Kleen, are you squating ATG with 275 for 12? That's really good if that's your 70-80% effort, sheesh.
Wow really, I never know where I am on the strength-o-meter. Yes, that is rock bottom glutes maybe 6 inches off the floor tops let myself settle into the squat with not much tension in legs then come back up..

Them Tucker women must be studs... or studettes as the case may be.
Yeah my Sister is naturally built a lot like me. Not big just very athletic strong arms shoulders. Her legs are similiar shape as mine, quads hang over the knee a bit. My wife is just tough as nails and gorgeous, not as smaller frame but nice and muscular.
For myself Family comes first before bodybuilding.

Enjoy the brief time off.Last August my grandfather passed away and had to travel to Baltimore MD for his funeral. The hotel we stayed in had a contract with a very nice gym that had more than my current gym. I did strait sets mostly.

The strong minded keep on perusing there goals even in low times. The weak minded quit. I am not saying a temporary break here and there is a bad thing it certainly is beneficial.
Thanks John! Yeah family is the most important. Was even better I got to share in my passion for the lift with my lil sis. Gave me some peace too. I need my "iron therapy" helps the healing process. Let's go of some of the stress. I have been doing pretty well on my diet however nothing to measure anything with and not always the exact food choices I want. I will be back on track Monday and move ahead. If this puts me back a little I will just do another show but I will progress like my plan is the show and see where I am a month out. I am seriousy contemplating just doing the Fall show and re-building the legs and some of my other body parts.

HGHpro update. I have been sleeping well considering all the changes and stress going on. I am not sore from yesterday although I know I should be. All things considered I feel like things are going well other than a lack of cardio. I really overestimated the amount of eetime i would have. Been to Gymnastics and two baseball games with my neice and nephew and tons of other stuff in the crazy schedule.


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Hey guys, I had a surprise oppurtunity to go to the gym with my little sis and she wanted run through the paces of a full body workout since she had missed a few sessions this week too. I did not count my weights or reps this was just about me pushing until I couldn't dropping wiehgt and repeating. She came through like a champ! Told me she was gonna be sore but she tore it up in true Tucker style!!!!

I was able to squat today, I can't tell you how nice it was. I didn't have any gear no wraps or anything but I was able to knock out 225x15 then 275x12 A2A. I decided not to push it since I hadn't run myself through the paces but we may see some chance for my legs to come back up a bit before the show with this new development. I will gradually work back up to 315 then work at that until I get 15 reps with it before moving back up.

Thanks to everyone for te sympathy and well wishes. We did celebrate her life and got to hear things we didn't know about her from others. It was a great service and now I am just enjoying my family. They are all taking naps. So i have a moment to get on here.
Awesome stuff!!!!


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Happy to be back home, but saddened regarding competition.

I am at the point where I think it may be in my best interest to do the show in the fall and give my arms a break for 2-4 weeks. I hurt my elbow last Friday when I went to the gym and it has been sore all weekend. I just did a workout this morning and it inflamed up big time and even burned a little. My elbow is swollen a little around my tendon area and red. I am going to need to take about 2-4 weeks off of anything that requires me to bend my arms under weight. Very frustrating at this point. . I don't like to have much give in me and I am mad as all get out with the decision but I really feel it is what my body needs at this point. Funny I knew this was the case before I started the prep that I was in danger of pushing my elbow to this point, but I just wanted that goal so bad and desired that competition and the pressure of prep. Such pressure can only make gems. I also feel I still need a little more muscle in a few areas. Most noteably my legs and arms. I am not planning on coming into the contest just to show up and make a good showing I want to place, and I don't think I have the baseline I need for my best package right now due to all the light work. I need intensive healing via rest so I can come back and increase intensity and make some strides towards more girth in the biceps and legs. My leg is healing up better than my arm, so I will concentrate on legs first. I think I will train them 2 times a week, and only have one upper body day for about 1 month after my 2 weeks of just cardio.

Interestingly I made some progress while out and lost some weight from keeping it lower carb. Compostion is changing however LBM is superficially down due to less glycogen. I can see that my stomach looks tighter and the vein going from my shoulder to my pec is more prominent even when just waking. I will be going into more of a recomp mode of dieting, trying to add just a little more mass. I am hoping I will be about 6-7% with a few more lbs of muscle in July when this show comes up so I can do the Muscle Model Category. I don't want to give up completely on competing, and if I can swing being 6-7% I can compete in that Muscle Model Category, then toy with things to gain another lb or two afterwards. Then drop down to 4-4.5% for the contest. With that being the case I will add some of the carbs back into my first 2 meals, and that is where my caloric increase will come from. I will remove just a bit of fat to allow for even more carbs. Basically You will see the diet I set up in my Anadraulic Pump log with 4-5 meals more of the nutrition in first few meals and dropping lower as the day goes on.

HGHpro knocked me smooth out again. I had some very vivid dreams the past two nights as well. Normally I don't remember anything howeverI woke up in the middle and told myself to remember the dream then went back to bed. Just oddities really but it was interesting. Unfortunately with my current training I can not speak to strength increases and what not that others are getting. However I am seeing leaning effects. Well without further delay here is the last workout I will be doing of this nature for a short while. I will post up my new modified leg focused split and what not in the next day or so. I would expect a quad / hamstring workout with one being lighter weight higher reps and the other being higher weight and lower reps however still reasonable weights due to the healing quad / tendon issue. I don't want to have that flare up while I focus a little more on legs.

This is how the workout went down.

DB Incline 30 degrees - 40x15, 75x15, 75x15, 75x5 - I was going normal speed here 1 up 1 down, not fast not slow. I burned out on that last set just failed. I had a lot of that happening this workout but that is cool. Means I pushed hard.

HS Wide Bench Weight per side. 90x12, 90x11, I slowed reps back down here to lower weight, elbow started hurting a little.

Straight Arm Pec Deck - My fun one! 180x14, 180x9>120x9 this was done 1 second out 2 seconds back felt great and chest was huge by the time I was done.

HS Dorian Row , Weight per side - 70x15, 80x15, 80x15, 80x9 the contractions on these were great. Nice squeeze at the back but I had to shorten the range of motion since my elbow was hurting a little.

HS High Row weight per side - 90x15, 90x9

Pull overs 65x15, 65x14>50x8, done with 2-0-2 tempo. These were rough at higher reps but I got the job done.

My elbow was really unhappy with me by this point and I decided I could not press anything so I started with the Side lateral machine.
Side Lateral machine- 130x8, 110x9, 110x6, 90x5 I was totally blown out by this point and my elbow was throbbing and I knew it was time to stop. The burning, swelling and throbbing let me know I had reached a critical point where I had to take a break from arms long enough to allow some major healing. I will megadose Cissus to help with the healing process and see if in two weeks I need more time away from them or not.


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Dam sorry to hear about your elbow


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Great to see ya Kleen. Get that elbow healed up my man!


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Thanks Guys, I will and I will come in with my points of concern addressed for the fall show. The reason I am not committing to competing in the Muscle Model category is I want to add muscle and that will be my main goal while recomping. I plan to be VERY tight on the diet I set forward on and remain at that for a while. I feel I have been a little back and forth with trying to jump into this prep while dodging injuries and testing theories on diet. Not the right time for that crap so expect to see a lot of the same regarding diet. I will be beigger and leaner by the time July is here so I expect to be able to do that muscle model category if I get everything done as planned.
Army Guy

Army Guy

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well props even though you had to change categories. agree with the assessment of gaining a few lbs LBM before you actually compete though. What show do you have in mind??


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Not your year so far, another set back. There's always another option though, another show. I know what it's like training hurt, my shoulder has not come back around so I've had to make due with lighter weight and train smarter. Now my knees are starting to bother me. So that mght be the end of heavy squating for a while. Tiiming is ok though as I would not do heavy squats this close to contest.


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well props even though you had to change categories. agree with the assessment of gaining a few lbs LBM before you actually compete though. What show do you have in mind??
Oct. 23rd - NPC Texas State Bodybuilding, Fitness, Figure and Bikini Championships, National Qualifier*
Location: Stafford, TX (Stafford Convention Centre)
Promoters: Lee Thompson / Lee Labrada

The NPC ProAm will also be combined with this so I will get to see the NPC Pro's go at it. Should be interesting to watch. If I find a Natural show somewhere I don't have to travel too far for I will do that but for now that is my mark. I promised my daughter she could come watch this one so traveling is probably out of the question. Who knows I have family in the Dallas/Fort Worth area so I could stay with them for some of the Natural shows I have found around that time. That gives some time to come in a little larger. My lower lats of lost a little thickness due to not being able to heavy row and my legs lost some of the fullness from not pushing them so I will do a few phase oriented programs with certain body parts in mind as things heal up. I am already wide and I stay that way so I will concentrate on all rowing movements when I can hit back heavier again. High rows will still bring some width and will replace lat pull downs and chins. However all of that is later. For upper body you will see cable work and basically straight arm movements. I willpush these to the limit once a week, and then get my legs going.


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Oct. 23rd - NPC Texas State Bodybuilding, Fitness, Figure and Bikini Championships, National Qualifier*
Location: Stafford, TX (Stafford Convention Centre)
Promoters: Lee Thompson / Lee Labrada

The NPC ProAm will also be combined with this so I will get to see the NPC Pro's go at it. Should be interesting to watch. If I find a Natural show somewhere I don't have to travel too far for I will do that but for now that is my mark. I promised my daughter she could come watch this one so traveling is probably out of the question. Who knows I have family in the Dallas/Fort Worth area so I could stay with them for some of the Natural shows I have found around that time. That gives some time to come in a little larger. My lower lats of lost a little thickness due to not being able to heavy row and my legs lost some of the fullness from not pushing them so I will do a few phase oriented programs with certain body parts in mind as things heal up. I am already wide and I stay that way so I will concentrate on all rowing movements when I can hit back heavier again. High rows will still bring some width and will replace lat pull downs and chins. However all of that is later. For upper body you will see cable work and basically straight arm movements. I willpush these to the limit once a week, and then get my legs going.

There's the FAME worlds in Las Vegas November 11-14, that's a pretty long drive though...19 hours I think.


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Not your year so far, another set back. There's always another option though, another show. I know what it's like training hurt, my shoulder has not come back around so I've had to make due with lighter weight and train smarter. Now my knees are starting to bother me. So that mght be the end of heavy squating for a while. Tiiming is ok though as I would not do heavy squats this close to contest.
Yeah, I really should have taken time off at the begining of the year to heal up when this started. Then the july show would have been a possibility. Hard weighing out desire and capability. I told myself at the beginning of this if my elbow flared up bad again I was taking time off. Now I am just have to keep to it. I am looking and I am not even 100% sure that show has a Model category for the men. I need to look into it more. If not I will go into leaning up even slower in order to add more muscle. That may be the best route anyway if I really want to come in bigger in the fall.


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There's the FAME worlds in Las Vegas November 11-14, that's a pretty long drive though...19 hours I think.
Yeah, all though it would be so much fun. Maybe if my sponsors want to send me... ;)


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Yeah, all though it would be so much fun. Maybe if my sponsors want to send me... ;)
I'll be trying to win a spot, but not hopefull as they have not been too generous with this at the other preliminary shows...


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Sorry to hear about you elbow bro.


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I'll be trying to win a spot, but not hopefull as they have not been too generous with this at the other preliminary shows...
Well best of luck to you! I can't wait to see that finished package.
Sorry to hear about you elbow bro.
Thanks Dragon, I will adapt my workout and continue growing elsewhere and then come back and pick up the peices from any atrophy that may occur during the recovery period. That is what makes this fun, lots of other body parts to work. Lots of options if you know what you are doing.


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Here's to a speedy recovery Kleen!!!


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hey buddy i shot you an email. Check it when u got some time


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Well best of luck to you! I can't wait to see that finished package.
Thanks, I'm so hoping that everything works out the way I have envisioned. I see it happening and almost seems surreal... My optimism is conditional on how well I deal with the remaining issues. If I focus on conditioning I should be ok.


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Yeah, I really should have taken time off at the begining of the year to heal up when this started. Then the july show would have been a possibility. Hard weighing out desire and capability. I told myself at the beginning of this if my elbow flared up bad again I was taking time off. Now I am just have to keep to it.
Sorry to hear this bro. But you do need some downtime for that elbow. When something keeps recurring like this, it needs to be addressed appropriately. To continue on could lead to a more serious injury and none of us want to see you suffer that!!!

Heal up my brother. The battlefield will always be there awaiting you. :thumbsup:


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Here's to a speedy recovery Kleen!!!
Thanks Punthra!
hey buddy i shot you an email. Check it when u got some time
Done and replied, thanks!

Where's Stafford near? Is that around Houston?
Yes it is a little South West of Houston just after where Beltway 8 and 59 meet. Maybe 20-30 minutes from downtown without traffic.

Thanks, I'm so hoping that everything works out the way I have envisioned. I see it happening and almost seems surreal... My optimism is conditional on how well I deal with the remaining issues. If I focus on conditioning I should be ok.
I think so DW, and like I said your skin will really tighten up more than you think when you get to 5%
Sorry to hear this bro. But you do need some downtime for that elbow. When something keeps recurring like this, it needs to be addressed appropriately. To continue on could lead to a more serious injury and none of us want to see you suffer that!!!

Heal up my brother. The battlefield will always be there awaiting you. :thumbsup:
Thanks Brother, coming from the Battle Hardened ThunderGod, I do not feel so weak in my mortal flesh. One day my Warrior Spirit will not be bound by this bodies limitations. For now I have to accept that it is time to heal and prepare for the many battles to come.


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I am at the point where I think it may be in my best interest to do the show in the fall and give my arms a break for 2-4 weeks. I hurt my elbow last Friday when I went to the gym and it has been sore all weekend. I just did a workout this morning and it inflamed up big time and even burned a little. My elbow is swollen a little around my tendon area and red. I am going to need to take about 2-4 weeks off of anything that requires me to bend my arms under weight. Very frustrating at this point. . I don't like to have much give in me and I am mad as all get out with the decision but I really feel it is what my body needs at this point. Funny I knew this was the case before I started the prep that I was in danger of pushing my elbow to this point, but I just wanted that goal so bad and desired that competition and the pressure of prep. Such pressure can only make gems. I also feel I still need a little more muscle in a few areas. Most noteably my legs and arms. I am not planning on coming into the contest just to show up and make a good showing I want to place, and I don't think I have the baseline I need for my best package right now due to all the light work. I need intensive healing via rest so I can come back and increase intensity and make some strides towards more girth in the biceps and legs. My leg is healing up better than my arm, so I will concentrate on legs first. I think I will train them 2 times a week, and only have one upper body day for about 1 month after my 2 weeks of just cardio.

Interestingly I made some progress while out and lost some weight from keeping it lower carb. Compostion is changing however LBM is superficially down due to less glycogen. I can see that my stomach looks tighter and the vein going from my shoulder to my pec is more prominent even when just waking. I will be going into more of a recomp mode of dieting, trying to add just a little more mass. I am hoping I will be about 6-7% with a few more lbs of muscle in July when this show comes up so I can do the Muscle Model Category. I don't want to give up completely on competing, and if I can swing being 6-7% I can compete in that Muscle Model Category, then toy with things to gain another lb or two afterwards. Then drop down to 4-4.5% for the contest. With that being the case I will add some of the carbs back into my first 2 meals, and that is where my caloric increase will come from. I will remove just a bit of fat to allow for even more carbs. Basically You will see the diet I set up in my Anadraulic Pump log with 4-5 meals more of the nutrition in first few meals and dropping lower as the day goes on.

HGHpro knocked me smooth out again. I had some very vivid dreams the past two nights as well. Normally I don't remember anything howeverI woke up in the middle and told myself to remember the dream then went back to bed. Just oddities really but it was interesting. Unfortunately with my current training I can not speak to strength increases and what not that others are getting. However I am seeing leaning effects. Well without further delay here is the last workout I will be doing of this nature for a short while. I will post up my new modified leg focused split and what not in the next day or so. I would expect a quad / hamstring workout with one being lighter weight higher reps and the other being higher weight and lower reps however still reasonable weights due to the healing quad / tendon issue. I don't want to have that flare up while I focus a little more on legs.

This is how the workout went down.

DB Incline 30 degrees - 40x15, 75x15, 75x15, 75x5 - I was going normal speed here 1 up 1 down, not fast not slow. I burned out on that last set just failed. I had a lot of that happening this workout but that is cool. Means I pushed hard.

HS Wide Bench Weight per side. 90x12, 90x11, I slowed reps back down here to lower weight, elbow started hurting a little.

Straight Arm Pec Deck - My fun one! 180x14, 180x9>120x9 this was done 1 second out 2 seconds back felt great and chest was huge by the time I was done.

HS Dorian Row , Weight per side - 70x15, 80x15, 80x15, 80x9 the contractions on these were great. Nice squeeze at the back but I had to shorten the range of motion since my elbow was hurting a little.

HS High Row weight per side - 90x15, 90x9

Pull overs 65x15, 65x14>50x8, done with 2-0-2 tempo. These were rough at higher reps but I got the job done.

My elbow was really unhappy with me by this point and I decided I could not press anything so I started with the Side lateral machine.
Side Lateral machine- 130x8, 110x9, 110x6, 90x5 I was totally blown out by this point and my elbow was throbbing and I knew it was time to stop. The burning, swelling and throbbing let me know I had reached a critical point where I had to take a break from arms long enough to allow some major healing. I will megadose Cissus to help with the healing process and see if in two weeks I need more time away from them or not.
i feel your pain


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No Sir, it will not.

Thank You Sir!
i was only just thinking about injuries this very morning,

Now that my weights are starting to get heavy, what precautions should i be taking to try and avoid injury

My bench routines incorporate 5 x 5 my buddy who has mentored me through my journey says i shud be in a higher rep range.

What are your thoughts?
John Smeton

John Smeton

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I encourage you to take off 2-4 weeks to get the elbow healed up, otherwise it can set you back years. Yes it is not a good feeling having to wait it out and not lift. I had to do this for a full year as I watched my hard work go down the drain but muscle memory is nice.

can you get an MRI? That way you know what the situation is and can get some sort pf physical therapy.

I just got an MRI and have to wait in till may 25th to see my results. that's a long wait.I think when pain keeps persisting a good MRI machine is best
(notice I said good , I had to travel to another city , even though our city has an MRI because the other cities MRI machine is so much better)


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No Sir thank you Sir. Stop being such a nice guy. :joke:
It is good to see someone with good manners.
Thank you good Sir you are too kind. May I get you a spot of tea? No. then how bout just a T-bag.

I must warn you they are sweaty... Wait WHAT!?!!?!?!?! :shocked: :pokey:

Thanks, I have been trying to drill the same into my children since birth. I leanred it from my Dad and my Grand Father and I have to say it has taken me some places I may not have made it to otherwise. Funny how something so small can make a difference in how others see and treat you.

i was only just thinking about injuries this very morning,

Now that my weights are starting to get heavy, what precautions should i be taking to try and avoid injury

My bench routines incorporate 5 x 5 my buddy who has mentored me through my journey says i shud be in a higher rep range.

What are your thoughts?
Well if your goals are pure strength, and muscle gains I think you are right on track with the program. However you should keep an eye on your reps and perhaps do them in ranges if you want to be a little safer. Say a 5-8 x5 where you don't go up until you can get 8 reps, the volume and overall workload would be increasing each workout but you may not overload the tendons with huge strength increases. Main thing is do a general warm up, then get the area warmed up. Spend 5 minutes with a 5-10 lb db in each hand moving slowly through the entire range of motion for your shoulder, then your elbows. I mean big circles to little, little to big, one arm at a time both at the same time, as well as internal and external rotations for the rotator cuff. Then do your exercise specific warm up and begin.

I encourage you to take off 2-4 weeks to get the elbow healed up, otherwise it can set you back years. Yes it is not a good feeling having to wait it out and not lift. I had to do this for a full year as I watched my hard work go down the drain but muscle memory is nice.

can you get an MRI? That way you know what the situation is and can get some sort of physical therapy.

I just got an MRI and have to wait in till may 25th to see my results. that's a long wait.I think when pain keeps persisting a good MRI machine is best
(notice I said good , I had to travel to another city , even though our city has an MRI because the other cities MRI machine is so much better)
I did get an MRI he said it was "Chronic Tendonitis" that it was all white tissue and not black which would indicate microtears and or degenerative tissue and what not. I never gave it the complete amount of time it needed to heal, so now I am going to give it some time. I am thinking like you said 2-4 weeks off. I think I may take the rest of the week of for my entire body regarding lifting weight. Maybe do some calisthenics or something for the legs, and ab work. Then I start next week with legs only and then the following week do straight arm only work on the one upper body day. Things that will not stress the elbow. I have myself quite a list of things I can do so far. Keep that up for a month then slowly reintroduce exercises that will tax the elbow and see where I am in the recovery.


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Cardio outside today.

I did cardio outside today. Walked the bayou and zig zag'ed up and down the levi wall to create higher intensity and a little bit of interval work. Broke a nice sweat. Tomorrow is a leg day but not sure if will do legs or an upper body all straight arm work with cables. I have not set up my interim program yet so not quite sure just yet. I will definitely update later tonight or tomorrow after the workout.


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Double update.

Yesterday I did cardio outside, ran a mile in 7.5 minutes then walked 30 ran 30 for about 10 cycles and then walked up and down the levi for some more interval training. I was sweating really good when it was all said and done.

This morning, 40 minutes on treadmill, 400 calories burned. Some woman got on next to me with so much perfume I could taste it after it saturating my tongue I could not longer hack it and stopped 5 minutes early. I wend and id weighted abs for 3 sets to failure then leg raises for 2 sets to failure.

I weighed myself and I am up 2 lbs this week and look leaner so the carbs being reintroduced into the early meals of the day is filling me out more and I am still leaning up. I would say between HGHpro and other supps being taken I am really starting to see some recomp.

Sleep has been good and dreams have been very vivid and real. Unfortunalety the last two nights have not been on good subject matter but regarding dreams but that is due to how life is treating me right now more than the product. However the intensity and real feelings experienced during the dreams are a result of HGHpro for sure.

I am excited to be starting back up on the SWOLE Stack soon. As mauch as this is working for me I can't wait to see how well it does with that stack.

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