Chuck Diesel
Are you Diesel?
You guys asked for it is. The Yoga pants for DIESEL TEST Pro-cycle promo by GET DIESEL.
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What is DIESEL TEST Procycle (DTP): DTP is a test booster (legal in the US) that is similar to our DIESEL TEST Hardcore, but is stronger and contains
Pregnelone and DHEA. Introduced in 2009, nothing has the DTP track record. No need to hype it up. Search here for "Diesel Test Procycle review" or "log."
This isn't some "sassy fas" test booster that you need to stack with 3 other products to maybe do something. It works, and works well at only 2 or 3 tabs a day (V2).
Each bottle is 128 Tabs. Not only that but its not cheap. Like the banner says, "Post Cycle, Off Cycle, No Cycle" you want DTP.
The Facts: Going to give away 4 or 5 bottles of Diesel Test Procycle to the best Yoga pants pics. Similar to the infamous "Jugs for Jugs" promo
***PLEASE NOTE*** Do not post any 100% naked underneath in see thru pants, XXX pics. As in, if the person cannot walk around like that in public or at the swimming pool or gym, don't post them. In public I mean the US, not as in public in Amsterdam or something. Provocative positions or bending over in some see thru yoga pants are not permitted per Admin by way of google rules. US residents only. Cannot ship to Canada or Europe because of Yohimbe.
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