Who has a rough time sleeping?



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I have jus been informed by my doc that I need to take 6 weeks off from activity so I am going to save the 3z for when I can start lifiting again........i apologize to AI and I promise that I will still log it as soon as I can resume training, If they woudld liek the bottle back I will return it. I will however try out the sample I got tonight and post my review....gonna go pop it right now!!!


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I have jus been informed by my doc that I need to take 6 weeks off from activity so I am going to save the 3z for when I can start lifiting again........i apologize to AI and I promise that I will still log it as soon as I can resume training, If they woudld liek the bottle back I will return it. I will however try out the sample I got tonight and post my review....gonna go pop it right now!!!
sucks to hear this news but hope you bounce back soon.I'll be checking for your review.

Aww urs ius all pretty idk how to post pics/labels!
it just takes a lil time messing around all the cool features :)


New member
First I would like to say thanks for the free samples! The 3z really helped me relax before bed, and I slept throughout the whole night! Good product.

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