What to stack with Alphamax & Follidrone


New member
Hey all, currently running Alphamax XT (4/day) with BLR Follidrone 2.0 (3/day) started them at the same time and was planning 8 week run, but am now considering bridging the Alphamax into another natty product. Since Follidrone can be run as long as one wants, I was considering adding something in at week 4 and running that alongside both the Alphamax and Follidrone for four weeks, then dropping the Alphamax after 8 weeks and continue the Follidrone and other product. I just can’t seem to decide on any yet and was hoping for some answers.
I was originally thinking AnaBeta Elite or X gels, but since ABE and Alphamax are both forskolin products, and X gels promotes inflammation and FD2 is anti inflammatory I’m thinking I shouldn’t. Now I’m considering Vector by BLR or CEL M-Test. So far I’ve seen nothing on either of these products conflicting with either Alphamax or Follidrone, so I’m wondering if anyone has any thoughts. Also I am open to all products, so far though, these are just the only 2 I’ve found that wouldn’t conflict with my current stack. Goal is recomp/lean bulk

I’m going to hit week 4 next week, so I’m hoping to order something soon. FD2 has definitely helped me lean out so far and I know it’s really too soon to be seeing any real results from Alphamax based on my experience.
If you were thinking Anabeta Elite but don't want the redundancy of more Forskolin (I do like high doses sometimes) you could look at SNS Anacylcus XT.