Honestly my goals to do motive strength and muscle density and burn fat. Size isn’t a huge goal of mine. If I can get a solid increase in strength and harden up then I’m happy. Currently I’m 43 5’8 150 pounds with already pretty low body fat but get the last bit of belly fat gone with a real legit 6 to 8 pack would be the goal. But then also being able to maintain that. Possibly would run cardarine in conjunction as I’ve heard and read great reviews and did a fair amount of research.
Goals are important gains is such a relative term - Alpha Four is great for building some muscle mass and making you feel amazing at the same time.
If you're looking to lean up and harden up, it can help...but, that's not where it shines the most.
[arguably] The best leaning compound is going to be 11-kt. There are a couple options out there - Iron Legion XI-KT and Iconic Formulations Ultra Eleven. These compounds help do exactly what you're looking to do - get hard, get shredded and lose that last bit of fat - while also maintaining the muscle that you have.
Iron Legion XI-KT has been around for quite some time and it's one of the gold standards of products. Each bottle is 30ml and we generally recommend running it at 1.5ml to 2ml daily for 6-8 weeks. at 1.5ml you would need 3 bottles for a 8 week run.
Iconic Formulations Ultra Eleven is a 210ml gel bottle and you would need 2 bottles for an 8 week run - you would likely still have a little left at the end of the run. each bottle should last 28 days at 5 pumps - I would recommend starting at 3 and working your way up to 4...debatable you would ever need to run a full 5 pumps - maybe for the last 2 weeks to really push it.
Interesting, this would shut me down and provide a dry look or is their estrogen conversion with any benefit f these products? Also they appreciate everyone’s feedback, it’s much appreciated
Alpha four does have estrogen conversion - but this is not a bad thing and you would not need to run an AI with it. The androsterone does help keep the gains dry.
11-kt does not convert to estrogen - it may lead to some lethargy, you could easily mitigate this with some Neuro DHEA (or just some DHEA)
How would you run the sustain alpha? Is this an over the counter pct and would it suffice running after Alpha Four with no other pct
Both products are hormonal and would require a PCT - I would still recommend Sustain Alpha and either Neuro AET or Endoamp Max
Sustain Alpha is a topical gel that you apply each morning. It's one of the leading test boosters