Weighing in on Primevil Labs Super Laxo


New member
Jan 5, 2013
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The issue is whether to take Primevil Laxo as a Recomp prior to the summer season or not?

The reason for the concern is i have been through two gyno surgeries, being one surgery per side of my chest and am not sure if there is a connection between laxo and my prior gyno. To explain i had run in the past 2 cycles of epistane. I would run the cycles for 5 weeks, and only run one cycle a year. Everything during the cycles was calculated down to the milligram, yet the last one that caused the issues arose because of pure ignorance. I added Osta Shred to my SERM PCT, following the Epi Cycle and this in turn led to my hormones going insane and gyno coming alive, yet only on one side of my chest. After being fully transparent with the doctors, the only rise in blood work they found was a higher than normal prolactin level, yet estrogen was within its normal range. They put me on Dostinex and levels returned to normality. The next year i had the lump removed and at the end of that summer ran Primevil Labs Super Laxo, on the belief of its lack over shutting down my HPTA System would not caused side effects i had previously seen. At the end of the cycle, i began to feel sensitivity in my nipple and later found what was another lump forming in the un-operated side of my chest. After further blood results the Prolactin returned to a higher than normal level, that was similar to before. Keep in mind last time that i ran super laxo, no supports or post cycle supplements were used.

Two theories that i have considered are: 1. The gyno was present at the time of the first surgery and was maturing at a slower rate, and the Laxo had no effect on it or simply pushed it to the edge and 2: There is the possibility that the supplement was laced with 1-andro or some other mild hormone, thus causing the hormonal imbalance and leading to the events that occurred.

Therefore, the question i am seeking is why this would occur? More importantly is it more likely than not this would happen again if prior steps were taken?
Any input on this situation would be more than appreciated.
Thank you.
I had a similar issue with this product. Had some gyno issues with ostarine his fall. It never got 100% better, but did stop getting worse. Then I ran Super Laxo for a few days and the gyno symptoms immediately came back.

Had bloodwork and estrogen was normal. Did not get the prolactin checked though. It has been several months and has not gotten better. Ralox actually seemed to make it worse.

Tried Caber last week and it seems to help.

I have never had issues with Laxo before, so I wouldn't be surprised if this particular supplement was spiked.
Also, the fact that this product has been discontinued and they have created another Laxo product makes me suspicious.