

Well-known member
This stuff looks tight. Favorite lift has got to be deadlifts. Nothin better then picking heavy sh!t up and putting it down:dance:
PM me your info


New member
Favorite lift-hands down is seated barbell shoulder press (or up if u wanna get technical). Here's why: despite having huge pecs, legs, and decent sized arms, my shoulders are disproportionately smaller. However they're also disproportionately stronger! Let's face it, there's some vanity in all of us, & I love turning heads as people marvel at me barbel pressing for reps what guys MUCH bigger than me work in the 3-5 rep range. It's a sure fire confidence booster every time.

Despite a Spartan discipline to both gym & diet, I'm teetering on pre-diabetes (runs in the family) and could really use a good glucose disposal supplement. Cash is short, & I could really use a bottle of glucozeme-rx

I have blood sugar testing supplies and can keep a detailed log of this product's empirical effects


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This weeks giveaway is now open...and we have........


JACK'D UP is the Ultimate Pre-Workout formula and can be compared to a new and improved version of the original Jack 3D by USP Labs. USP Labs as most people know reformulated their product due to pressure from the FDA. Hi-Tech has created a similar product, but Hi-Tech improved upon their original formula in a few ways. Do you enjoy having tons of energy, strength, and endurance for your workouts? There's nothing like the right combination of compounds taken pre-workout to deliver consistently mind-blowing workouts to help you achieve your goals. After all, if your workouts are lacking, you can all but forget about making the type of progress you are looking for anytime soon.

Hi-Tech Jack'D UP gives you all the aggression you desire and ability to lift more weight, pump out more reps and have incredible and long-lasting energy, along with enormous muscle-engorging pumps. Jack'D UP is the most intense pre-workout product you will ever want to use again. The amount of energy and focus is perfect, pumps and vascularity are out of this world, but most importantly you will feel great throughout your entire workout. No crash, no bloat, no headaches, no disappointing workouts.

(1,3-Dimethylamylamine or Methylhexamine): This is a very powerful compound found in the geranium plant. It produces sympathomimetic effects in the body, resulting in strong Central Nervous System (CNS) stimulation, allowing for improved strength output, focus, alertness and mood. This is the main stimulant in many of your old favorites that have been reformulated but don't work the same any more. Hi-Tech continues to use 1,3 DMAA to bring you the most effect pre-workout product on the market.

Schizandrol A:Schizadra increases physical force. In essence, it is able to provide a stimulating effect to the body and mind. Treasured by Asian cultures for centuries, schizandra is an outstanding adaptogenic herb that can encourage a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eye.

Caffeine:Scientists and many athletes have known for years, of course, that caffeine before a workout jolts athletic performance, especially in endurance sports like distance running and cycling. Caffeine has been proven to increase the number of fatty acids circulating in the bloodstream, which enables people to run or pedal longer (since their muscles can absorb fat for fuel and save the body’s limited stores of carbohydrates until later in the workout). Caffeine “antagonizes adenosine,” a substance in muscles that builds up during exercise and blunts the force of contractions. The more adenosine in a muscle, the less force it generates. Caffeine reduces adenosine levels, which then enables more forceful muscular contractions and delays fatigue.

Beta-Alanine:The benefits of beta-alanine have been researched in over 20 scientific studies, 15 of which have been published in peer-reviewed journals. Studies were performed in conjunction with prestigious universities worldwide. Tested on a wide range of athletic performance, including sprinting, cycling, rowing, and weight lifting, Carnosyn beta-alanine is clinically proven to:

Beta Alanine has been shown to do the following: Increase muscle carnosine for prolonged periods; Increase muscle buffering capacity; Decrease acidosis; Improve endurance;Delay fatigue; Increase strength; and Speed recovery from intense exercise*
Carnosine is an extremely important dipeptide that is generally present in rather high concentrations in skeletal muscle. It is extremely important because it acts as a buffer of sorts, preventing the increase of acidity or Hydrogen ion accumulation in skeletal muscle; something which is thought to contribute to the fatiguing of muscles. Furthermore, by increasing carnosine levels, power output can be increased as well. In short, you are able to improve your power output, while also delaying fatigue; you can lift more explosively and for longer periods

Creatine Nitrate, Creatine HCL, Creatine Monohydrate & Disodium Creatine Phosphate: While we may negate the increase in Hydrogen ion levels in skeletal muscle by increasing carnosine levels, we still must overcome one more obstacle in order to allow us to prevent fatigue while working out. In this case, we must use a compound which can ultimately increase the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels in muscle. ATP, as we all know, is a high energy nucleotide which acts as the major energy carrying molecule in our bodies. Consequently, muscle fatigue is also related to energy loss in skeletal muscle, specifically, ATP being converted to adenosine diphosphate (ADP). In effect, one phosphate group is lost and must be replenished in order for the muscle cell to continue on working. By supplementing with Hi-Tech's proprietary creatine complex, we are able to increase the levels of phosphocreatine in muscle. Phosphocreatine is a high energy buffering compound which is able to donate a phosphate group to ADP, allowing the formation of ATP once again. In short, we can prevent or reduce fatigue from occurring by increasing phosphocreatine levels, which in turn will allow for the regeneration of ATP from ADP leading to greatly reducing physical and muscular exhaustion.

Same rules..Who wins Super Bow.?


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Bump for entries


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Seeing as how I'm not very good with sports predictions, at all, I did what I do better.
Used scientific analysis, past predictions based on expert field reports... actually, I just
googled predictions; took the top 13 and averaged them in a spreadsheet. (See image)

Screen Shot 2017-02-04 at 5.59.05 AM.png


Well-known member
What's the super bowl? Is that a Chipotle thing?


New member
Seeing as how I'm not very good with sports predictions, at all, I did what I do better.
Used scientific analysis, past predictions based on expert field reports... actually, I just
googled predictions; took the top 13 and averaged them in a spreadsheet. (See image)

View attachment 144848
that's how the bookies & odds-makers do it too these days. That's why they set the over/under to 58- one more then yr calculations came to


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that's how the bookies & odds-makers do it too these days. That's why they set the over/under to 58- one more then yr calculations came to
Seriously? Shows how little I know about gambling. If I had more time and care of effort, I would have taken a larger sampling and then introduced the variable of conditions with which each team performed optimally in the past. (i.e., temperature, home field, etc.)... j/k. No really.


New member
Yes, odds and bookmaking have become much more scientific in the last decade or so. But there's always going to be an X Factor which is why certain bookmakers who seem to have a sixth sense about these kind of things are highly sought after by people from around the world


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All I know is when I pick a team to win all my friends know to pick the opposite..I'm atrocious


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Hard to argue that Brady isnt the GOAT...wow


Well-known member
Winners are Viator77 and Gorgoroth..message me address, email and flavor..congrats


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In, I'd love to get my hands on some of your 1 andro or somatomax!


Active member
Winners are Viator77 and Gorgoroth..message me address, email and flavor..congrats
Hate to be the d bag... but didn't viator guess falcons..? Or am I dumb lol shouldn't it be justhere4comm


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I wasn't looking for correct answer...I just wanted opinions on the game..


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Hate to be the d bag... but didn't viator guess falcons..? Or am I dumb lol shouldn't it be justhere4comm
That's what I thought at first lol. It's all good my man. I had fun playing the game, and watching it!


Active member
Gotcha. Ended up being the d bag anyway. Congrats winners!


Well-known member
I apologize for the confusion..I didn't think it through when I posted contest..


Just wanted to say thanks again for my tub of OFF THE CHAIN I won last month. I will be leaving a review for it in another day or 2.

Spoiler alert... I loved it. :D


Well-known member


ARIMIPLEX® PCT is the most pivotal advancement in Post Cycle Therapy ever introduced. Combining six essential pieces to the PCT puzzle, Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals has raised the bar in Legal Post Cycle Therapy with the introduction of ARIMIPLEX® PCT. ARIMIPLEX® PCT will revitalize testosterone levels leading to increased energy, strength, and sex drive.

Highlights of ARIMIPLEX® PCT Include:

Helps Block Estrogen
Provides Cardiovascular Support
Elevate Testosterone Levels
Helps Restore Liver Enzymes
Prostate Support and Protection
Revitalize Energy Levels and Raise Libido

ARIMIPLEX® PCT was designed to get your body’s testes (gonads) making free and total testosterone again. It also contains an anti-estrogen that acts like a suicide inhibitor of estrogen. In other words, your body cannot produce excess estrogen while taking ARIMIPLEX® PCT which will also lower your existing estrogen levels. It also has an anabolic effect on protein sparing & synthesis which will help you to maintain your weight more effectively even while off cycle. Anterior Pituitary Peptides raise LH levels after a cycle which helps to normalize your bodies endocrine system and a "new kid on the block" when it comes to PCT products. We also added liver regeneration & detoxification compounds to help assist in your body’s repair from previous cycles.

ARIMIPLEX® PCT is a newly formulated Post Cycle "Ancillary Stack" engineered and designed to assist in sustaining muscle mass and minimize adverse reactions from pro anabolic cycles by blocking estrogen, rejuvenating organs, and regulating normal testosterone levels. The fact remains that hormones are completely out of balance during and after any pro-hormone cycle, and in many cases your body is no longer producing normal levels of its own natural testosterone, potentially leading to losses in lean muscle and sex drive. ARIMIPLEX® PCT is the most potent product to hit the market in the PCT arena ever.


ARIMIPLEX® PCT is the most pivotal advancement in Post Cycle Therapy ever introduced. Combining six essential pieces to the PCT puzzle, Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals has raised the bar in Legal Post Cycle Therapy with the introduction of ARIMIPLEX® PCT. ARIMIPLEX® PCT will revitalize testosterone levels leading to increased energy, strength, and sex drive.

Highlights of ARIMIPLEX® PCT Include:

Helps Block Estrogen
Provides Cardiovascular Support
Elevate Testosterone Levels
Helps Restore Liver Enzymes
Prostate Support and Protection
Revitalize Energy Levels and Raise Libido

ARIMIPLEX® PCT was designed to get your body’s testes (gonads) making free and total testosterone again. It also contains an anti-estrogen that acts like a suicide inhibitor of estrogen. In other words, your body cannot produce excess estrogen while taking ARIMIPLEX® PCT which will also lower your existing estrogen levels. It also has an anabolic effect on protein sparing & synthesis which will help you to maintain your weight more effectively even while off cycle. Anterior Pituitary Peptides raise LH levels after a cycle which helps to normalize your bodies endocrine system and a "new kid on the block" when it comes to PCT products. We also added liver regeneration & detoxification compounds to help assist in your body’s repair from previous cycles.

ARIMIPLEX® PCT is a newly formulated Post Cycle "Ancillary Stack" engineered and designed to assist in sustaining muscle mass and minimize adverse reactions from pro anabolic cycles by blocking estrogen, rejuvenating organs, and regulating normal testosterone levels. The fact remains that hormones are completely out of balance during and after any pro-hormone cycle, and in many cases your body is no longer producing normal levels of its own natural testosterone, potentially leading to losses in lean muscle and sex drive. ARIMIPLEX® PCT is the most potent product to hit the market in the PCT arena ever.

It is too common of a theme when many bodybuilders run a highly successful pro-hormone cycle, only to come off and have low testosterone levels that result in a loss of your hard-earned muscle mass and strength, and a sex drive that is in the toilet. ARIMIPLEX® PCT is the World’s Strongest post cycle therapy protocol ever. This testosterone and sex drive restoration aid gets to work immediately upon beginning usage. ARIMIPLEX® PCT immediately begins to lower estrogen, instantly accelerate testosterone production, enhance your mood, and restart your libido.

Restoring normal hormonal balance, as quickly as possible is absolutely crucial for maintaining the lean muscle and strength gained while on cycle. During post cycle therapy, time and muscle are of the essence, as the more time your testosterone levels remain suppressed, the more muscle and strength you stand to lose.

ARIMIPLEX® PCT was designed by looking at the total picture of the body’s reaction at the end of a hormonal, muscle building cycle. A carefully blended scientific formula that specifically addresses the need to protect your body from unwanted side effects that can occur while simultaneously enhancing androgen levels through hormonal supplementation. ARIMIPLEX® PCT is a product that greatly assists the body in returning to its self-regulating, delicate hormonal balance, while eliminating muscle loss, and estrogen related side effects.

Why is ARIMIPLEX® PCT Superior to Other Similar Products?

ARIMIPLEX® PCT combines six essential pieces to the PCT puzzle to combat the most important issues when cycling hormonal compounds: LIVER STRESS, CARDIOVASCULAR STRESS, PROSTATE SUPPORT, INCREASE LIBIDO, BLOCK ESTROGEN & RAISE TESTOSTERONE LEVELS. This product is the most aggressively formulated, strongest cycle support supplement on the market and the only one that utilizes Cyclosome™ Technology to vastly increase the bioavailability of the PCT compounds.

For instance, Milk Thistle is standardized for Silymarin, has been shown in studies to support proper liver function and will also help make the cycle more potent. We use the 80% extract of Milk Thistle, giving you a very potent liver support herb with a high amount of the studied extract. However, the Cyclosome™ Technology increases bioavailability approximately 8-10 times!

ARIMIPLEX® PCT not only is the most advanced over the counter Post-Cycle Therapy product, but it is also a state of the art complete hormone modulation unit. ARIMIPLEX® PCT will decrease estrogen, raise free testosterone, control cortisol and boost sexual performance to levels never before experienced. Arimistane or Androst 3,5-dien-7,17-dione is the main Estrogen/ Aromatase inhibitor in ARIMIPLEX® PCT that causes many of these benefits. Androsta-3,5-diene-7,17-dione (also known as Arimistane) will have users experiencing all of the benefits from an increase in testosterone and reduction of high levels of estrogen and cortisol. It is a natural compound that is a downstream metabolite of DHEA that exists in the body. Arimistane will elevate the user’s natural myotropic state, leading to more muscle mass, better recovery, decreased fat storage, and increased libido! The first effects users notice is a drying out and hardening effect, showing increases in vascularity and increased definition. Unlike other aromatase inhibitors, it won’t give you sore joints from dryness or kill your sexual performance.

Arimistane has exhibited a superior binding affinity over other AI's to the aromatase enzyme, leading to a greater ability in shutting down the active enzyme. In measuring the effectiveness of the binding affinity to the enzymes, lower Ki value represents higher binding affinity. Androst 3,5-dien-7,17-dione has a value of .22 (.mu.M), which is superior when compared to other AI's. 6-OXO has a value of .43 and Formestane has a value of .6, whereas 3-OHAT has a value of 6.5 (.mu.M) making it the least specific for binding affinity.

If you’ve ever run a pro-hormone cycle before the common post-cycle advice is to boost natural testosterone levels by suppressing estrogen production. This fails to recognize that hormone levels are in a very delicate balance, regulated by complex mechanisms, and that every change in hormone status has an inverse, and sometimes catastrophic, reaction. When you take any externally supplied hormone, it will cause a positive imbalance of your body’s natural hormones while on cycle and a negative imbalance when transitioning off cycle. Hormone levels want to be in a precise balance, which includes the testosterone /estrogen balance. When taking a Testosterone booster or Prohormone the body wants to be in balance, but when the testosterone levels skyrocket while on-cycle, you must recognize that your body reacts to create balance by increasing natural estrogen production. This is kind of like a see-saw effect. Excess estrogen will impede the production of testosterone and cause unwanted effects in healthy males. Again, the key is balance and your body needs some estrogen. Many commonly used PCT products work by completely eviscerating estrogen from the body. This is far from supporting the delicate balance in the body. ARIMIPLEX® PCT is the only product that focuses on the whole picture to promote an optimal environment for muscle growth in the body is created by effectively managing estrogen and maximizing testosterone and luteinizing hormones (LH). Androst 3,5-dien-7,17-dione effectively manages estrogen while maximizing testosterone levels! Androst 3,5-dien-7,17-dione is a potent aromatase inhibitor (AI) that works to decrease circulating levels of estrogen in the body. Androst 3,5-dien-7,17-dione reduces the amount of androgens in the body that can convert to estrogen by acting as a suicide inhibitor, effectively binding to the aromatase enzyme and creating an irreversible reaction. ARIMIPLEX® PCT works by increasing the body's production of testosterone, a naturally occurring anabolic hormone. It also promotes protein synthesis, one of the primary factors involved in muscle growth

You may ask.... Isn't some or most of these compounds going to be destroyed in the liver or gut before reaching the bloodstream? Normally the answer would be Yes, if you eat prohormones orally, most of the androgens will not make it into the bloodstream due to the fact that the sensitive molecules will be destroyed in our digestive track or by the liver. However, that was before the development of Hi-Tech's proprietary Cyclosome™ Technology described below. Hi-Tech is a leader in the Bodybuilding and Prohormone industry being one of the only companies that have brought many first to market hormone compounds. Researchers at Hi-Tech recently developed a proprietary process called Cyclosome™ Technology. This one-of-a-kind technology brought to you by the leaders in Prohormones involves the entrapment of hydrophobic prohormones and other Testosterone boosting compounds in the form of water-soluble Prohormone–cyclodextrin (CD) complex in liposomes has been investigated as a new strategy to combine the relative advantages of CDs and liposomes into one system, namely Prohormone-in-CD-in-liposome systems called Cyclosome's™. You can think of all this in terms of a ‘Trojan Horse,’ passing through the liver unharmed and intact. As opposed to being destroyed in the liver like all other hormonal products on the market, past and present. This new Cyclosome™ technology allows the ‘Trojan Horse’ to deliver prohormones and testosterone boosters to the systemic circulation by the intestinal lymphatic route, circumventing first-pass inactivation in the liver for the very first time. Almost all previous Oral capsules and tablets manufactured to increase testosterone — including Testosterone itself — are involved in the "first pass affect" which renders the active compounds virtually useless.

Cyclosome™ Technology — the most advanced liposomal delivery technology ever developed for bioavailability is the answer to getting poorly absorbed Testosterone boosting compounds and legal prohormones into the body so they can work! The pharmaceutical industry has embraced this cutting-edge technology in recent years and now ARIMIPLEX® PCT will be one of the first to utilize it in a testosterone booster and anabolic agent.

For Cyclosome™ preparation, an overall understanding of the interaction between CDs and lipid components of liposomes is necessary for this complex. Hi-Tech has developed a Double-loading technique, which is a revolutionary strategy to prohormone release and increase prohormone-loading capacity. The Cyclosome™ approach can be useful in increasing prohormone solubility and vesicles stability, in controlling the in vivo fate of hydrophobic compounds and in avoiding burst release of prohormones from the vesicles. To obtain a stable Cyclosome™, the CDs should have a higher affinity to prohormone molecules compared with liposomal membrane lipids. Cyclosomes prepared by Hi-Tech's double-loading technique are the most advanced targeted prohormone delivery system ever developed because they have a fast onset action with prolonged prohormone release process and the significantly enhanced prohormone-loading capacity.


1. This month is a month of love. Tell me why you love someone special in your life!
2. Initial thread review and a final thread review
3. Final review one of the forum stores (Mind and Muscle, Lockout Supplements, Nutraplanet, etc)
4. 18+ years of age
5. USA shipping addresses only


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Wow awesome opportunity here. I'm currently on cycle and would to use this during my pct.

I love my wife more than anything. She really has stuck with me through the good and the bad. We have been together for 20 years and 10 of those married. We have 2 kids together and she really is the perfect woman.


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I love.....myself! Not to be selfish or anything, but you can't possibly have a healthy relationship with anyone if you don't. Only by caring about yourself and taking care of yourself, can you have a meaningful and caring relationship with others.


Oh man Could I use This in upcoming PCT. best of it to everyone applying, Hi-Tech puts out some good stuff I'm sure this is on pace as well..

1. This month is a month of love. Tell me why you love someone special in your life!

I would have to say the mom first of all because she has given her all for me to live the very best life possible from the day I was conceived and many years til this day if she could..

2. Initial thread review and a final thread review

3. Final review one of the forum stores (Mind and Muscle, Lockout Supplements, Nutraplanet, etc)

4. 18+ years of age

5. USA shipping addresses only


Well-known member
More replies!


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Well-known member
Very cool just saw this now, would be great for pct in couple months!! .. not a problem with all qualifications.. And as for has who I love.. I cant just pick one..sooo... my Wife and my two kids. They mean everything to me! And I love them more then anything, and can't imagine my life with out them!


Well-known member
Last day to enter. Winners will be picked tonight!


Well-known member
Don't miss this opportunity! Today's the last day


Well-known member
Very cool just saw this now, would be great for pct in couple months!! .. not a problem with all qualifications.. And as for has who I love.. I cant just pick one..sooo... my Wife and my two kids. They mean everything to me! And I love them more then anything, and can't imagine my life with out them!
I love.....myself! Not to be selfish or anything, but you can't possibly have a healthy relationship with anyone if you don't. Only by caring about yourself and taking care of yourself, can you have a meaningful and caring relationship with others.
PM me your info!


Well-known member
oh wow.. just saw this now.. awesome.. thanks!!


Well-known member
Congrats winners

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