'weekend warrior' workout ideas please


New member
hello everyone, due to work commitments for the past few months and at least the next few training in the week has become almost impossible. the only spare time i have will be at weekends so for the time being i'm going to have to train then. my question is has anyone else had to resort to this as a temporary measure, if so what sort of program did you follow and were you able to keep gaining on a two day program. all advice welcome and would especially like to hear from people with a similar problem and how you found things. thanks.
I have no idea how to split up body parts into a 2 day split, but maybe do all your isolations sat., then big heavy compounds sun., or vice versa. At least you'll have 5 days to recover :D

IDK if doing say chest and legs one day, followed by back and shoulders would be a good idea or not. Either way, whatever workout comes sunday is going to suffer compared to saturdays workout.

What I have done is a 5x5 routine 1 day a week, which involved squats, deads, and flat bench. Not the most practical way to do things, but it helps with not losing any muscle. Can't say for sure I gained any, tho :D
This is my first post and, although this is a powerifting thing it may give you some ideas. Check out these articles....

Well, being my first post, I am not allowed to post URLs so go to elitefts.com, go to the articles section and do a search for the S-4 articles. The articles are near the bottom of the list. Hope this gives you some ideas.
thanks for your replies, i checked out the articles in the above post and although they are indeed geared towards powerlifters they do show that a weekend routine might have a place. i'm thinking that to help reduce training volume to ignore directly training biceps and triceps as they receive stimulation during compound movements such as presses and rowing movements and to train chest and back on the saturday (push/pull split) and legs and shoulders on the sunday although this is far from an ideal i hope with 5 days to recover and nailing the nutritional side i should be able to make some progress. again thanks and anybody else with a view please join in. thanks.
One thing to consider would be with your bodypart organization. I would make sure to avoid training something on Saturday that would affect your training on Sunday to a large degree. For example, and you planned it this way anyway, I would be sure to train shoulders on Sunday as training them on Saturday and your chest on Sunday could diminish the effort you could put into your chest work. If you do any low back work I would do it on Sundays after squats.

Another thing would be that if you are able you could train your biceps, triceps, calves and abs during the week at home. It should only take a short time to get the work in.
hello everyone, due to work commitments for the past few months and at least the next few training in the week has become almost impossible. the only spare time i have will be at weekends so for the time being i'm going to have to train then. my question is has anyone else had to resort to this as a temporary measure, if so what sort of program did you follow and were you able to keep gaining on a two day program. all advice welcome and would especially like to hear from people with a similar problem and how you found things. thanks.

Try doing two Full-Body sessions, then - or do Upper/Lower sessions. Stick to the compound, multijoint exercises. Get up a little earlier or before you go to bed, try and fit in ~20 minutes of cardio - if you do HIIT, you can do it in ~12 minutes in the morning first thing before breakfast and your shower. If you really want to train, you'll find a way to make it work.

The Primordial Woman