Mike Arnold
Board Sponsor
I'm just saying bro, the guys you have run with don't have the best reputation for putting out quality supps at a decent price. That's putting it nicely.
I have NEVER been in business with ANYONE who has ripped people off or put out low quality products. Just because I wrote articles for IML does not mean I "ran with" the owners of BSL or anyone else. I never worked for BSL. I never even spoke to Aaron or PJ. Virtually everyone I have been associated with in this business has been considered an upstanding individual. It is no different now. I think you have the wrong idea regarding who I associate with.
Now while I understand you have since separated yourself with all those people as you stated I hope you will do the reputable thing.
"All those people"? You mean "one" person? I simply said that I parted ways with my prior business partner because he ripped me off. He had no prior experience in this industry and will probably never enter it again. You make it sound as if I am in need of reformation--like I previously did something wrong and need to be trusted again. Why? I have never NOT done the "reputable" thing in this industry, nor have any of the companies I've worked for.
You have here one product (NSX-6) that has your name on it MA (Mike Arnold) that your claiming wasn't your fault and you never wanted to make it
Brother, please stop taking my words out of context and misrepresenting me. The ONLY thing that EVER went wrong with NSX-6 is that the manufacturer put the entire dose in one cap instead of it being split between two caps (because my old business partner accidentally made a mistake and told him to put the entire dose in one cap)...and we told everyone this on both the website and on the boards where we advertised. It was a simple mistake and the product was never compromised. This had nothing to do with morality or ethics in any way.
No, I never did want to make the product...not because it was bad or because there was anything wrong with it, but simply because it wasn't the vision I had. However, when you have two partners that are both deciding on what gets made, compromise is involved, so I let him choose the first type of product we would make. That was with my old company (SMA labs). Now that we opened MA Labs I have complete control over product design, so the company can move forward according to my own vision.
Ok listen I'm not going to give you a hard time. I truly hope you turn out to be another diamond in the rough. Heck I love good supplements. I also believe that Redcon1 is an example of someone who ran in that same circle, left and has decided to do something good. A lot of people digging their products.
"Diamond in the rough"? Brother, you clearly don't know me...and neither do you have any idea what went on at BSL. Aaron was part-owner of BSL and got fired by the other two co-owners for reasons I won't mention here. He was directly responsible (along with his partners) for all the unethical **** that went down there. How you could possibly lump me into the same category as him when I never worked for or even spoke to any of the BSL owners, is beyond me. I never LEFT BSL...because I never worked for them to begin with. I have never been accused of ANYTHINg unethical in this industry. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I am not trying to toot my own horn here, but I am highly trusted everywhere I post and/or advertise...and known as one of the good, honest guys in the industry. Everything you have said in this thread about me, my history, or my company has been completely wrong. If you want to know what people say about me and my products, go see for yourself on the boards where we advertise.
Hey I believe I am a fairly respected member on the board. You can check some of my posts and logs. I don't have anything against you.
It's hard to believe that when nearly everything you've said about me is not only negative and/or misleading, but inaccurate.
I have bought from BSL and IML in the past and I learned my lesson. I hope you set yourself apart brother.
I agree with you about BSL, but to my knowledge IML has NEVER put out products that didn't contain exactly what the label says...and I have been around IML for a LONG time now. Now, may not LIKE the products you bought from IML, but it wasn't because they didn't contain what the label said they did. Furthermore, that has NOTHING to do with integrity or morality. There are a LOT of companies out there that make products that I don't think work very well, but as long as the label contains what is claimed, you can't accuse them of being morally disingenuous. I can tell you from personal experience that Rob (the owner of IML) is a good guy and has a great rep in this industry for his honesty and sound ethics. Lastly, MA Labs is not IML. Rob ships out all the products and handles the record keeping, but I do all the product design, marketing, advertising, and most other things. I decide which direction the company goes, what gets made, when it gets made, what its price is, where we advertise, etc, etc, etc etc. But one thing I will not tolerate is bashing Rob and his company (IML). You are completely free to dislike IML's products, but don't start attacking him or the way he runs his company. I have known him for many years and he has become a good friend of mine. If you knew him you would know he is one of the "good guys" in this industry...one of the trustworthy ones...and believe me, there are plenty of those who are NOT!