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This is the first of what is planned to be at least 3 posts reporting on the effects of transdermal pro-androgens.
The subject (rat) is a 48yo male, 6’4”, 198 bs. 18.7% BF, 38.1 lean mass.
This first study seeks to test the hypothesis that Ultra Hard (UH) increases DHT levels.
The primary endpoint is a significant increase is plasma DHT levels and changes in reproductive hormone panel. Secondary endpoints include incidence/frequency of erections, overall libido, thermogenesis, anger, and general alpha-male disposition. All secondary endpoints use an self assessment tool with an arbitrary scale of 1-5, with 5 being extremely high and 1 being extremely low.
Prior to the start of the study, the subject underwent a 3 week washout protocol with no supplements of any kind being used. Baseline plasma levels of T, free T, E, SHBG, FSH and LH were measured in a clinical lab.
This is the first of what is planned to be at least 3 posts reporting on the effects of legal transdermal pro-androgens.
The subject (rat) is a 48yo male, 6’4”, 198 bs. 18.7% BF, 38.1 lean mass.
This first study seeks to test the hypothesis that Ultrahard increases DHT levels.
The primary endpoint is a significant increase is plasma DHT levels and changes in reproductive hormone panel. Secondary endpoints include incidence/frequency of erections, overall libido, thermogenesis, anger, and general alpha-male disposition. All secondary endpoints use an self assessment tool with an arbitrary scale of 1-5, with 5 being extremely high and 1 being extremely low.
Prior to the start of the study, the subject underwent a 3 week washout protocol with no supplements of any kind being used. Baseline plasma levels of T, free T, E, SHBG, FSH and LH were measured in a clinical lab.Djet and alcohol consumption remained constant.
On study day 1 and each and every day for 14d, subject applied 5x pumps of UH to the chest, shoulders, axillae, and torso. The pumps were spread evenly and as consistently as possible. After application, product was allowed to dry on the skin for at least 10min before dressing. In addition to UH, creatine mono hydrate (2mg/d), and L-carnitine , L-Tartrate (LCLT, 600mg/d) were administered PO in the AM.
After 14d, blood was collected and plasma levels of DHT, T, free T, E, SHBG, FSH and LH were measured. Blood was collected 6h post application of UH.
Primary Endpoint: Plasma DHT increased approximately 2-fold (53.0 to 95.0 ng/dL)
Secondary Endpojnts:
Total T decreased modestly 402 to 373 ng/dL
Free T decreased modestly 64.7 to 59.8 ng/dL
SHBG decreased from 46 to 42 nmol/L
E2 remained constant at 22 ng/dL
LH decreased from 3.9 to 3.1 mIU/mL
FSH decreased from 8.4 to 6.9 mIU/mL
Of the self assessment scales, only frequency and hardness of erections and general feeling of alpha-ness increased while on UH. No high or abnormal levels of aggression, libido or thermogenesis were noted.
This study is too short in duration to provide definitive data in support of muscle hypertrophy or strength gains. However, a general feeling of increased strength and stamina in the gym was reported. In addition, the subject reported visible improvements in muscular definition and hardness during the study.
Conclusions and implications
Daily application of UH increased plasma levels of DHT by almost 2x. This increase was accompanied by minor decrease in T and free T, with a concomitant reduction in SHBG, and steady level of E2, suggesting that the overall the effect of UH on endogenous production of T was negligible.
The FSH and LH profile is indicative of favoring endogenous T production reflected in the magnitude of change in FSH with a substantially smaller effect on LH. It is expected the the smaller decrease in LH relative to FSH would favor endogenous T production over suppression. This is a better profile that expected, and suggests that a long-term study will not lead to significant suppression of endogenous T production.
Although 95 ng/dL is a substantial increase from baseline, it is still far below the target of ~200 ng/dL, which has been reported in clinical studies to achieve the desired benefits using 10% DHT topical creams. In addition to the fact that androsterone must be converted to DHT through 2 enzymes, one must also consider that these are plasma levels.They are expected to be lower than local concentrations of DHT in the skin and skeletal muscles in the area of application. Assuming 10% bioavailability (similar to TD T), one may extrapolate that local tissue levels of DHT could be closer to 1000 ng/dL. This is an extrapolation that must be understood to include the following assumptions: That all UH pro- hormones are converted to DHT at 100% efficiency and that the absorption, distribution and metabolism of these pro-hormones is similar to that of TD T. The latter assumption is highly likely given the similar physicochemical properties of androsterone and T, but the former is unlikely as no enzymatic conversion will yield 100% efficiency. Nonetheless the data support a longer term of use and a higher dose as a method to elicit the direct eDHT-mediated androgenic and anabolic effects in this subject using UH.
The subject (rat) is a 48yo male, 6’4”, 198 bs. 18.7% BF, 38.1 lean mass.
This first study seeks to test the hypothesis that Ultra Hard (UH) increases DHT levels.
The primary endpoint is a significant increase is plasma DHT levels and changes in reproductive hormone panel. Secondary endpoints include incidence/frequency of erections, overall libido, thermogenesis, anger, and general alpha-male disposition. All secondary endpoints use an self assessment tool with an arbitrary scale of 1-5, with 5 being extremely high and 1 being extremely low.
Prior to the start of the study, the subject underwent a 3 week washout protocol with no supplements of any kind being used. Baseline plasma levels of T, free T, E, SHBG, FSH and LH were measured in a clinical lab.
This is the first of what is planned to be at least 3 posts reporting on the effects of legal transdermal pro-androgens.
The subject (rat) is a 48yo male, 6’4”, 198 bs. 18.7% BF, 38.1 lean mass.
This first study seeks to test the hypothesis that Ultrahard increases DHT levels.
The primary endpoint is a significant increase is plasma DHT levels and changes in reproductive hormone panel. Secondary endpoints include incidence/frequency of erections, overall libido, thermogenesis, anger, and general alpha-male disposition. All secondary endpoints use an self assessment tool with an arbitrary scale of 1-5, with 5 being extremely high and 1 being extremely low.
Prior to the start of the study, the subject underwent a 3 week washout protocol with no supplements of any kind being used. Baseline plasma levels of T, free T, E, SHBG, FSH and LH were measured in a clinical lab.Djet and alcohol consumption remained constant.
On study day 1 and each and every day for 14d, subject applied 5x pumps of UH to the chest, shoulders, axillae, and torso. The pumps were spread evenly and as consistently as possible. After application, product was allowed to dry on the skin for at least 10min before dressing. In addition to UH, creatine mono hydrate (2mg/d), and L-carnitine , L-Tartrate (LCLT, 600mg/d) were administered PO in the AM.
After 14d, blood was collected and plasma levels of DHT, T, free T, E, SHBG, FSH and LH were measured. Blood was collected 6h post application of UH.
Primary Endpoint: Plasma DHT increased approximately 2-fold (53.0 to 95.0 ng/dL)
Secondary Endpojnts:
Total T decreased modestly 402 to 373 ng/dL
Free T decreased modestly 64.7 to 59.8 ng/dL
SHBG decreased from 46 to 42 nmol/L
E2 remained constant at 22 ng/dL
LH decreased from 3.9 to 3.1 mIU/mL
FSH decreased from 8.4 to 6.9 mIU/mL
Of the self assessment scales, only frequency and hardness of erections and general feeling of alpha-ness increased while on UH. No high or abnormal levels of aggression, libido or thermogenesis were noted.
This study is too short in duration to provide definitive data in support of muscle hypertrophy or strength gains. However, a general feeling of increased strength and stamina in the gym was reported. In addition, the subject reported visible improvements in muscular definition and hardness during the study.
Conclusions and implications
Daily application of UH increased plasma levels of DHT by almost 2x. This increase was accompanied by minor decrease in T and free T, with a concomitant reduction in SHBG, and steady level of E2, suggesting that the overall the effect of UH on endogenous production of T was negligible.
The FSH and LH profile is indicative of favoring endogenous T production reflected in the magnitude of change in FSH with a substantially smaller effect on LH. It is expected the the smaller decrease in LH relative to FSH would favor endogenous T production over suppression. This is a better profile that expected, and suggests that a long-term study will not lead to significant suppression of endogenous T production.
Although 95 ng/dL is a substantial increase from baseline, it is still far below the target of ~200 ng/dL, which has been reported in clinical studies to achieve the desired benefits using 10% DHT topical creams. In addition to the fact that androsterone must be converted to DHT through 2 enzymes, one must also consider that these are plasma levels.They are expected to be lower than local concentrations of DHT in the skin and skeletal muscles in the area of application. Assuming 10% bioavailability (similar to TD T), one may extrapolate that local tissue levels of DHT could be closer to 1000 ng/dL. This is an extrapolation that must be understood to include the following assumptions: That all UH pro- hormones are converted to DHT at 100% efficiency and that the absorption, distribution and metabolism of these pro-hormones is similar to that of TD T. The latter assumption is highly likely given the similar physicochemical properties of androsterone and T, but the former is unlikely as no enzymatic conversion will yield 100% efficiency. Nonetheless the data support a longer term of use and a higher dose as a method to elicit the direct eDHT-mediated androgenic and anabolic effects in this subject using UH.