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A huge thanks to @delsolrob for the opportunity to log Iconic Formulations loaded All Out Sweat Pre-workout! I consider myself somewhat of a supplement guru and would like to think I've tried most ingredients out there and I know what does and doesn't work for me. I took a break from stimulants the past 18 months or so even limiting caffeine to 200mg a day. All Out Sweat used to be my "go-to" pre-workout before my extended stim break. I've also turned a few coworkers offshore onto it as well. Thanks again for the opportunity!


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Background- 53 years old 6' 216lbs. Approximately 15% bodyfat. I've been pretty much focusing on leaning up the past 2 years. I was always 228 lbs with 34" x 34" pants all my life. I'm down to 32" waist. I've always trained for strength but these past few years I've been looking to try and keep my current muscle mass while leaning out. My shoulders are trashed from years of heavy lifting and I want to avoid any kind of surgery if I can help it. I'll be training 6 days a week but hitting just one body part a day while doing lots of super sets and high rep training. I just got home from offshore and attended our bi-annual Family reunion this Memorial Day weekend so I'm looking foward to knocking down some of that bloat after a long 3 day holiday.

The best thing about All Out Sweat is it has some great ingredients to double as an effective fat burner as well! (Mitoburn, Synephrine HCL, Caloriburn, Acetyl L-Carnitine, and Gamma Butyrobetaine)!

I'll be posting later on today when I consume my first serving prior to training!! Thanks again Rob!!


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And here we are! Decided to start with a full scoop since the profile is perfect for it. Mixes perfectly and the taste is probably my favorite of any pre that I,be taken. Also bonus point for no unnecessary blue dye in this product.



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I waited about 15 minutes after practically guzzling my All Out Sweat. I usually try to sip on my pre-workout but it only took my about 5 good swallows and it was all gone. It just taste so dang good! It mixed well and had little to no residue on the bottom with minimal shaking. Today was arm day(Bi's/Tri's) and I couldn't wait to get the work in.

Super Set 3 x 12 Dumbbell curls and 3 x 12 Skull crushers
Super Set 3 x 10-12 Barbell curls and 3 x 12-15 Tricep push downs
Super Set 3 x 10 Concentration curls and 3 x 12 Dumbbell tricep "kick backs"

I usually do either abs or calves but with the energy and drive I had, I trained both! I never had a big "kick" of energy but just tons of reserve, drive, and endurance! It was 69 degrees in the gym but I was sweating more than normal. Today's workout was one of the best I've had in awhile and definitely had to be the All Out Sweat running through my veins!

I finished working out around 18:00 and here it is about 23:15. I never noticed any kind of big crash that happens with heavy stimmed pre-workouts. I'm nice and relaxed and I don't see me having any issues going to sleep but I'll report on that tomorrow. I have to say that I'm more impressed with this now than I remember when I used to take it regularly. Good stuff indeed!!


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I decided to guzzle 1/2 a scoop of All Out Sweat immediately before my workout and then take another 1/2 scoop to sip on during my workout.

Leg day- my legs have always over shadowed my body as I’m abnormally strong in my legs and I loved working them out 3 days a week hitting heavy squats for years. Now I’m concentrating on getting them ripped without gaining too much.

5 sets of Supersets - 20 squats and 20 lunges with 155 lbs.

1 set of 100 leg extensions

1 set very light leg press but only made it to 78 as my legs were trashed!

I absolutely hate cardio but hit the treadmill at 3.6 mph- put on the new Judas Priest album and next thing you know it had been 41 minutes!!! (Plan was for 30!) I was pretty much soaked in sweat but the biggest thing is my endurance- just seems like I could go forever!


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20 squats and 20 lunges
These numbers and exercises shouldn't be in the same sentence ;) Lunges are brutal at 20 reps any weight by 5 sets.


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Sorry no update yesterday as I had to rush my dog (100 lb. Rhodesian Ridgeback) to the vet as she got bit by a snake but she is fine- just swollen on her face/muzzle area-


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Having a hard time walking today- my hamstrings are so sore! I’ve been stretching and taking extra EAA’s but my hammies hurt!

I took a full scoop of All Out Sweat this morning and sipped on it for about 10 minutes.

Chest day- nothing crazy here as I have 2 shoulders that are on the edge of needing surgery.

4 sets incline dumbbell (50, 55, 65, 70 lbs.)

3 sets cables cross overs

3 sets light dumbbell flies

500 push ups- mostly sets of 20- try to do this over 6hr. period- 20 push ups every 15 minutes

Endurance again is really great! I’m thinking I really react well to Peak O2 and Dynamine. Plenty of clean energy but I don’t feel stimmed out at all. So far so good!


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These numbers and exercises shouldn't be in the same sentence ;) Lunges are brutal at 20 reps any weight by 5 sets.
I used to go crazy heavy with lunges because I could but I never seemed to get much out of them. When I scaled the weight back and started doing high reps my hamstrings really started popping. My legs used to grow very easy with the heavy weights. Now I like to keep the weights low and go for the “ripped” look.


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I used to go crazy heavy with lunges because I could but I never seemed to get much out of them. When I scaled the weight back and started doing high reps my hamstrings really started popping. My legs used to grow very easy with the heavy weights. Now I like to keep the weights low and go for the “ripped” look.
Leg size is really about the volume for me, not how heavy I’m lifting at all, for sure.


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Leg size is really about the volume for me, not how heavy I’m lifting at all, for sure.
Definitely agreed with this and truthfully I would take volume over heavy weight any day now for overall injury avoidense and joints.


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Off weight day today but wanted to do some cardio/calves/abs.

Same as before- mixed 1 nice full scoop and probably had it gone in just a few minutes. This All Out Blue Hawaiian flavor is just so damn good!

37 minutes on the treadmill at 3.6 mph- again I make myself go for 30 minutes but All Out had me zoned in and I made it 37 minutes easily.

Heavy calf work- mostly stand up donkey raises- like my legs, heavy gets them growing and not necessarily lots of volume.

Abs- nothing fancy here- basic crunches and leg raises- 5 super sets.

I caught a huge cramp in my abs- probably didn't drink as much water as normal this weekend and had a few drinks so I 'm guessing that was the cause. Those cramps hurt like a mother!!


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Just had to post that song- jammed to that album my whole workout and was still feeling the energy when I got home so I walked the property with my dog up and down some big hills- probably another 30 minutes or so..........I was really sweating! It's starting to get pretty warm here SW Arkansas. All Out Sweat is sure helping with my cut!


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Just had to post that song- jammed to that album my whole workout and was still feeling the energy when I got home so I walked the property with my dog up and down some big hills- probably another 30 minutes or so..........I was really sweating! It's starting to get pretty warm here SW Arkansas. All Out Sweat is sure helping with my cut!
Sounds like an awesome time walking your property with the dog running about!


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Sounds like an awesome time walking your property with the dog running about!
Yeah I'm lucky- I bought 24 acres in the Ouachita Mountains and we basically live on a small mountain. Nothing is flat on my property and I have a few good side x side trails that make for a good workout and takes away from the boredom of a treadmill!


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Yeah I'm lucky- I bought 24 acres in the Ouachita Mountains and we basically live on a small mountain. Nothing is flat on my property and I have a few good side x side trails that make for a good workout and takes away from the boredom of a treadmill!
Oh nice! Sounds like a perfect set up!


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Yeah I'm lucky- I bought 24 acres in the Ouachita Mountains and we basically live on a small mountain. Nothing is flat on my property and I have a few good side x side trails that make for a good workout and takes away from the boredom of a treadmill!
Dang I'm jealous of having my own 24 acre workout park!


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Dang I'm jealous of having my own 24 acre workout park!
On the down side I live too far away from a “gym”- but between my place and my buddies place we have “enough” equipment to get by- We both keep adding weights little by little but good gym equipment it so expensive! Another buddy gave me an old 80” tractor tire to flip- we have to make it happen in the hills!


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On the down side I live too far away from a “gym”- but between my place and my buddies place we have “enough” equipment to get by- We both keep adding weights little by little but good gym equipment it so expensive! Another buddy gave me an old 80” tractor tire to flip- we have to make it happen in the hills!
Most workout equipment beyond a power rack is a little overrated anyway. Between some bands and a econo pulley system you can quite do a lot if you have space and free weights!

Then it mainly just becomes convenience or very specialty things that can make it easier to work around injuries or whatever.


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Back day!! Started with a full scoop of All Out Sweat in about 12ounces of water. Finished that off in less than 10 minutes.

4 sets "Lawn mowers"
4 sets Bent over barbell rows-reverse grip
4 sets t-bar rows
4 sets dumbbell shrugs

Sweating like crazy in my shop with the humidity. Endurance is still way up with the All Out Sweat! 36 minutes at 3.5mph on the treadmill!


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I do 3.5 mph on incline on the treadmill for 20-30 minutes frequently and that always gets me sweating at the end!


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Got called to go take a "random" drug/piss test for work today. Raining and storming like crazy. Sipped on and extra big scoop of All Out Sweat today on the way to the clinic (about a 40 minute drive). After my morning coffee and the All Out, I had no problems whatsoever giving my sample! lol! Decided since I had to run some errands around Hot Springs that I would find a local gym to get a workout at- Found one that only charged me $10 for a workout-


Got a great shoulder workout and concentrated on the burn rather than any heavy weight. Both my shoulders are one bad lift away from needing surgery- Ended up doing tons of cable work and they had a shoulder press machine (I used to hate these) that really let me do a bit of weight without hurting my shoulders (rotator cuffs). Ended up with one of the best shoulder pumps I've had in a long time.

To get my heart rate up a bit and shorten my time in the gym I did 4 sets of calves and 4 sets of abs jumping back and forth between them with no rest. Took a little breather then hit one of the Life Cycles as i hate treadmills- ended up doing 42 minutes and was sweating like crazy- nice workout followed by a local nutrition shop peanut butter/banana protein shake-

Worked up a great sweat today and had my best pump since starting the All Out Sweat!


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Got called to go take a "random" drug/piss test for work today. Raining and storming like crazy. Sipped on and extra big scoop of All Out Sweat today on the way to the clinic (about a 40 minute drive). After my morning coffee and the All Out, I had no problems whatsoever giving my sample! lol! Decided since I had to run some errands around Hot Springs that I would find a local gym to get a workout at- Found one that only charged me $10 for a workout-


Got a great shoulder workout and concentrated on the burn rather than any heavy weight. Both my shoulders are one bad lift away from needing surgery- Ended up doing tons of cable work and they had a shoulder press machine (I used to hate these) that really let me do a bit of weight without hurting my shoulders (rotator cuffs). Ended up with one of the best shoulder pumps I've had in a long time.

To get my heart rate up a bit and shorten my time in the gym I did 4 sets of calves and 4 sets of abs jumping back and forth between them with no rest. Took a little breather then hit one of the Life Cycles as i hate treadmills- ended up doing 42 minutes and was sweating like crazy- nice workout followed by a local nutrition shop peanut butter/banana protein shake-

Worked up a great sweat today and had my best pump since starting the All Out Sweat!
What line of work are you in where they call for random drug tests?


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What line of work are you in where they call for random drug tests?
I’m a Subsea Engineer in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico. I usually get called once a year for a random test. We get tested fairly regularly at the heliport before going offshore. The tests at the heliport are performed by our client (Shell, BP, Chevron, etc.) The random tests are from the company I work for.


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I used to get “randomly” selected for DOT-mandated drug testing when I was an aircraft mechanic a couple times/year. Meanwhile there were many older guys who hadn’t in years. Seeing as I don’t even drink, shop manager knew I was always good for a clean piss & didn’t mind, plus I was one of the youngest. But we got to take them on site so it was never inconvenient.

Sounds like you made it into a great day nonetheless!


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I’m a Subsea Engineer in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico.
That sounds like a pretty interesting line of work! Schedule probably isn't fun at some times of the year I bet.


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Dang computer crashed and I ended up having to get a new laptop- I hate going through a new computer and getting things set up as my "old" computer was.

Wednesday was Biceps day- 4 sets of straight barbell curls
4 sets of preacher curls
4 sets of dumbbell curls
4 sets of reverse curls
4 sets of forearm curls (sitting on bench with straight bar)

What a great workout! The energy with this All Out Sweat hits me just right- Seems like nothing crazy but 40 minutes later I'm zoned in and getting some really good workouts in. The endurance has been really great! Ended up on the treadmill for 32 minutes at 3.6 mph after the workout.


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Thursday- Triceps day

Tried just a bit more than 1 scoop today..........nice!!!

4 sets of skull crushers
4 sets of dumbbell tricep kickbacks
4 sets of seated over head dumbbell press......during the last set something in my shoulder kind of "popped"- scared the heck out of me and it did hurt for a bit but nothing seems to amiss. I think I have some loose cartilage/rotator cuff issues that crop up from time to time. I had a pretty good tricep pump going and didn't want to push my luck so I ended my workout there.

Cardio- 30 minutes at 3.6 mph-


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I ended up having to weed eat, push mow, and cut my property today as we are going kayaking on the river tomorrow then tomorrow night I'm going Bass fishing on Lake Ouachita. I ended up drinking a half scoop of All Out Sweat and worked a few hours. Came in to have some lunch and then mixed up another slightly "bigger" half scoop- lol! Got in a zone and weedeated and push mowed for 3 more solid hours but then realized just how bad I was sweating and just how hot it was. (hit 94 while I was at it) Shut it down to hydrate and about 30 minutes later I was wiped out. Done for the day but All Out Sweat made it much easier to get my work done for sure.


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Thursday- Triceps day

Tried just a bit more than 1 scoop today..........nice!!!

4 sets of skull crushers
4 sets of dumbbell tricep kickbacks
4 sets of seated over head dumbbell press......during the last set something in my shoulder kind of "popped"- scared the heck out of me and it did hurt for a bit but nothing seems to amiss. I think I have some loose cartilage/rotator cuff issues that crop up from time to time. I had a pretty good tricep pump going and didn't want to push my luck so I ended my workout there.

Cardio- 30 minutes at 3.6 mph-
Glad nothing seems to be wrong! Sounds like you were on a heck of a pump session too!


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Finally took a weekend off from anything as I had family up and we spent Saturday and Sunday kayaking on the river and riding side x sides. Drank some beer but kept my calories from eating pretty low which is unusual when I drink!

Fresh start today- decided to do something a little different this week- going to concentrate on burning calories.

1 big scoop of All Out Sweat! Temperature is wonderful here this morning (65 degrees)!

5 x 20 pushups
5 x 20 crunches
5 x 20 body weight squats

Minimal to no rest between sets

Push mowed 2 acres - tons of weedeating

45 lb. Kettlebell snatches..3 sets to failure

Kettlebell good mornings- 3 sets to failure

100 more crunches, pushups and squats.

Once again the endurance was great and I worked up a heck of a sweat!


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Did a couple hours of yard work on All Out last Thursday myself before leaving a weekend trip! Definitely gets you in the zone for a good weedeating - edged the whole yard lol


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Tuesday- pretty much the same - tons of push mowing that I normally use my Grasshopper riding mower in- pushed 3 acres after downing a big scoop of All Out Sweat….. locked and loaded and sweated my azz off!


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Since I won't be home for July 4th- I decided to basically weedeat about 1/4 mile at the bottom of my property-4 ft. shoulder with a little ditch then a bunch of shubs/weeds growing out of the mountain face- I usually hit it with the Grasshopper but you can almost watch the grass grow daily- The brush is growing out of the mountain side like crazy- the county usually hits it once a year at the end of the summer but I wanted to tackle it myself and skin it back so it looks good (having lots of visitors over the July 4th holidays). Started with a huge scoop of All Out Sweat- 07:15 after bathing in natural bug repellant I started. Pretty much kept at it until 14:30 with a small break for lunch (protein bar). I had my headphones on jamming to some Pantera and Testament. Weather was perfect when I started- 65 degrees but felt great. By the end it was 92 degrees and sweltering hot. Took about an hour break and decided to do a little leg work. Hit another 1/2 scoop of All Out Sweat to get me off my tired ass! Ended up doing light lunges and squats- tons of volume- pretty good pump and no problems with endurance thanks to All Out. Tomorrow will be more of the same- trying to get everything cut shorter than normal and weedeated, sprayed, and honey dews all done before heading offshore early next week!


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Friday was a "rest" day but ended up taking a scoop of All Out Sweat and walking the trails on my property- made about 10 rounds and had a great sweat worked up! I also did some ab training but no weights- my shoulder still doesn't feel 100% so I'm not wanting to push it too hard.


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Saturday- decided to change things up and do a full body workout type day- started with sipping on an "extra large" scoop of All Out Sweat!

3 x 20 light deadlifts
3 x 20 light lunges
3 x 20 dumb bell curls
3 x 20 skull crushers
3 x 20 military press
4 x 12 dumb bell "lawn mower" pulls

5 x 20 sets of ab crunches

No cardio but did this with minimal to no rest between some sets. Heart was screaming but I felt great and was sweating my azz off! Summer is here and even though I started early (07:15), my shop heated up quickly. I'm still really loving the endurance aspect of this All Out Sweat! I'm sure I've lost a couple lbs too and I'll probably weigh in Monday. No much of the All Out Sweat left but I've already ordered and received another tub!!


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Happy Father's Day everyone!!

Big day of doing no working out or cardio today!! Although I had a lot of "little" things to try and get done before heading on the road to go to training Thursday and then offshore on Friday!

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