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use only the Adipoxil later use TT-33 and combine with other stim is not bad combine both but will cause lethargy.


The bottle just indicates to take the caps spread throughout the day. Should it be on an empty stomach or not?


i am 4 weeks into a test e cycle, clean bulk - making fantastic strength and size gains but also some unwanted fat - would it be ideal to run the TT-33 while on test cycle to help make my bulk a "leaner" one - if so having 6 weeks left would i run the tt-33 now, or towards last 4 weeks? really what is the best time to run it? or better to run TT-33 after test cycle is over?


  • RockStar
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i am 4 weeks into a test e cycle, clean bulk - making fantastic strength and size gains but also some unwanted fat - would it be ideal to run the TT-33 while on test cycle to help make my bulk a "leaner" one - if so having 6 weeks left would i run the tt-33 now, or towards last 4 weeks? really what is the best time to run it? or better to run TT-33 after test cycle is over?
If using it when bulking, 1 bottle will last 8 weeks. Most people use 2 caps daily when bulking. If you are not aware, thyroidals like tt33 can increase protein synthesis. As you get farther and farther into the AAS deal, you will see that many people use t3/t4 on cycle whether cutting or bulking to stay lean and to increase protein synthesis to make gains.



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If using it when bulking, 1 bottle will last 8 weeks. Most people use 2 caps daily when bulking. If you are not aware, thyroidals like tt33 can increase protein synthesis. As you get farther and farther into the AAS deal, you will see that many people use t3/t4 on cycle whether cutting or bulking to stay lean and to increase protein synthesis to make gains.

im on 4 a day now of tt33 whilst bulking. havent noticed much of a thermogenic effect but the weather has also got a lot colder so its hard to compare!


so at 2 caps a day 8 weeks is ok without a break? the additional protein synthesis sounds great but would i be better off at 4 caps a day if i want to burn off some of that unwanted fat one can get while bulking?

also i believe i read on here somewhere that you are suppose to take this on an empty stomach? my stomach is rarely truely empty on this bulk lol...for instance if i wake up and take my first dose and then drink a protein shake immediately after with my cup of oats a few minutes after the that the best approach? or do i have to wait for the tt-33 to absorb on an empty stomach before i can eat? and b4 sleep i eat my cottage cheese / casein powder sludge i guess pm dose would be right before this final meal? 2 caps a day obviously its 1 am 1 4 caps would it be 2 at wake and 2 before sleep?

also i have a lady friend very interested ...the question i have for her..she gets up at 5 am and does her aerobics first thing ...i read somewhere on here not to take tt 33 around your workout to avoid how long does she have to wait before first does in this case? (for me am and pm dosing works great my workout is mid - day)

last question...would tt-33 work or be pointless for a friend who is currently not working out at all?

sorry for so many questions but i have 0 experience with thermogenics, thyroidals, fat burners even....



  • RockStar
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so at 2 caps a day 8 weeks is ok without a break? the additional protein synthesis sounds great but would i be better off at 4 caps a day if i want to burn off some of that unwanted fat one can get while bulking?

also i believe i read on here somewhere that you are suppose to take this on an empty stomach? my stomach is rarely truely empty on this bulk lol...for instance if i wake up and take my first dose and then drink a protein shake immediately after with my cup of oats a few minutes after the that the best approach? or do i have to wait for the tt-33 to absorb on an empty stomach before i can eat? and b4 sleep i eat my cottage cheese / casein powder sludge i guess pm dose would be right before this final meal? 2 caps a day obviously its 1 am 1 4 caps would it be 2 at wake and 2 before sleep?

also i have a lady friend very interested ...the question i have for her..she gets up at 5 am and does her aerobics first thing ...i read somewhere on here not to take tt 33 around your workout to avoid how long does she have to wait before first does in this case? (for me am and pm dosing works great my workout is mid - day)

last question...would tt-33 work or be pointless for a friend who is currently not working out at all?

sorry for so many questions but i have 0 experience with thermogenics, thyroidals, fat burners even....

Hopefully I answer all your questions here, I may miss something. If so, just re-ask it!

As for your friend who does not work out, TT33 will help, but more than likely not enough to make a difference. It will enhance his metabolic rate, so even when resting it will be higher than normal, but I truly have my doubts it will do enough to promote fat loss that he is looking to achieve, at the same time I never recommend supplements over training and nutrition. Those two have to be in check before I will ever suggest relying on a supplement. TT33 is used to supplement and aid a good diet/workout program, not replace them.

TT33 is best IMO taken on an empty stomach. Thyroidal hormones are bound by calcium and rendered inactive if my memory serves correct. In the hospital, all pts on synthroid are given it 30 minutes prior to breakfast. I have always taken my TT33 that way, as does my girlfriend. Just take it right away when you wake up. 2-4 caps for 6-8 weeks should be fine. Most people run it much higher and for much longer, but we at I-Force nutrition stand behind what our label says as the safe and recommended dosing.

Your female friend, I would just take it first thing when she gets up. I don't play to much into the catabolic effect that quickly.
