TRT & All natural supplements



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So this is not a question about anabolics. It’s a question regarding TRT and taking Natural Supplement’s at the same time.

The question is when on TRT does it make sense to take any natural test boosting supplements?

I am currently on TRT and using epi and api plex as well as I plan on starting PAXT soon I get these aren’t exactly test boosting supplements which is why I am taking them. Along with some eaas and some other aminos I take.
But I’m wondering if on TRT and my levels are at 1100 let’s say does it make sense for me to use any natural test boosters


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Makes no sense to take test boosting supps while on TRT.
I enjoy other supps, while on TRT - like some of the ones you listed etc..
Ape McGrapes

Ape McGrapes

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Doesn't really make sense. Ingredients like Black Giner and Maca can increase libido/horniness and something like divanil could increase free test.


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Doesn't really make sense. Ingredients like Black Giner and Maca can increase libido/horniness and something like divanil could increase free test.
So you are saying libido and testosterone aren’t related?

am I reading that right ?

When in TRT just TRT my sex drive in ridiculous as when off TRT it’s already good When on it’s almost unbearable how horny I get


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So this is not a question about anabolics. It’s a question regarding TRT and taking Natural Supplement’s at the same time.

The question is when on TRT does it make sense to take any natural test boosting supplements?

I am currently on TRT and using epi and api plex as well as I plan on starting PAXT soon I get these aren’t exactly test boosting supplements which is why I am taking them. Along with some eaas and some other aminos I take.
But I’m wondering if on TRT and my levels are at 1100 let’s say does it make sense for me to use any natural test boosters
It's hard to give a blanket answer because there are so many different ingredients in that category.

General answer - if you are on TRT and your testosterone levels are at 1100, I wouldn't be looking at using natural testosterone boosters for just the purpose of increasing testosterone levels. However, there are some that may help increase your free testosterone levels and there are some that may increase your libido, and there are also some that can help increase your libido, free testosterone, and also help keep estrogen levels optimized.

  • Xtreme Performance Gels Alpha Gel - this is very commonly used by people on TRT to help with their libido and also to help keep their estrogen levels under control.
  • CEL Cloma-Plex - this product was designed to be the closest that a natural, legal supplement can be to Clomid. The reason it was made was at the request of TRT clinics that we get referrals from - they had asked us to do a supplement like clomid/enclomiphene. It does have natural anabolic muscle building properties, but it also has properties to help keep estrogen levels under control and to help optimize free testosterone and libido.
  • SNS Inhibit-E - very commonly used by people on TRT to help keep estrogen levels under control and its unique in that it promotes a healthy testosterone to estrogen ratio and a lot of people see an increase in their free testosterone levels.
  • SNS Inhibit-P - very commonly used to help reduce prolactin and many people on TRT will see improvements in libido, mood, and free testosterone levels.
So it really depends on what you are looking for out of a supplement.

If the main goals are workout related, then I would focus on natural anabolics that work via different pathways or a variety of pathways. A couple examples:
  • Phosphatidic Acid XT - works via completely different non-testosterone related pathways
  • Pepti-Plex - works via completely different non-testosterone related pathways
  • Anabolic Effect - may help increase free testosterone levels but that's not the primary pathway through which it works. It's a natural anabolic muscle builder that works through several different pathways and the free testosterone boosting is just an added bonus.
  • Anabolic XT - may help increase free testosterone levels but that's not the primary pathway through which it works. It's a natural anabolic muscle builder that works through several different pathways and common feedback on it is lean muscle, strength, endurance, and improved motivation to train.
  • Prime XT - works through non-testosterone related pathways. It's a natural anabolic muscle builder and common feedback is really good strength gains, especially when getting into third to fourth week.
I hope that information helps.


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So you are saying libido and testosterone aren’t related?

am I reading that right ?

When in TRT just TRT my sex drive in ridiculous as when off TRT it’s already good When on it’s almost unbearable how horny I get
Libido and testosterone levels aren't necessarily related.

The general thought is that the higher your testosterone level, the higher your libido, but there's a lot more to it.

There are many people that have high natural testosterone levels that struggle with low libido and many men that are on TRT that their libido is still low, and there can be a lot of reasons behind that.

Just a few things off the top of my head that can influence libido - stress, high estrogen, low estrogen, high prolactin, high cortisol, low DHEA levels.

An example from a supplement standpoint - Pine Pollen and Tribulus-750 is great for libido in most people, but I wouldn't suggest that stack to anyone that's focus was just increasing their testosterone levels.


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Libido and testosterone levels aren't necessarily related.

The general thought is that the higher your testosterone level, the higher your libido, but there's a lot more to it.

There are many people that have high natural testosterone levels that struggle with low libido and many men that are on TRT that their libido is still low, and there can be a lot of reasons behind that.

Just a few things off the top of my head that can influence libido - stress, high estrogen, low estrogen, high prolactin, high cortisol, low DHEA levels.

An example from a supplement standpoint - Pine Pollen and Tribulus-750 is great for libido in most people, but I wouldn't suggest that stack to anyone that's focus was just increasing their testosterone levels.
Thank you. Great info to both my comments. Appreciate it


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I'm with Steve - there are some great options that will work synergistically with TRT.

Dermacrine is something that many guys on TRT use to keep DHEA and pregnenolone levels optimal - as these will go down while on testosterone. There are a number of TRT clinics that offer Dermacrine to their clients - some also carry Iconic Formulations Neuro DHEA and Neuro Pregnenolone.

A lot of guys see a great boost to libido when they jump on TRT, but those effects aren't usually as long lived as men would prefer.

Some Iconic Formulations products that would likely offer a bit of benefit for guys on TRT:
Neuro DHEA
Neuro P5 (pregnenolone)
Sustain Alpha - more for the other effects of resveratrol and 7,8 benzoflavone
EndoAmp - the effects of this product are so incredibly underrated - one of the only 800mg dosed Phosphatidylserine products

I recently created some articles/blog posts about some of the benefits of 7,8 benzoflavone, Resveratrol, and Phosphatidylserine


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