Triple Crown Stack


New member
I have started taking this stack. I will up the dose to the recommended one according to PES, since it has been 3 days already. I have read some good reviews on it so I hope to get some good results. Just a little about my self, I'm in the military and currently deployed in Afghanistan. Before deploying over here I hurt my back and wasn't able to work out much. I began my leave prior to my deployment and then my wife had our little boy which added another 10 days and all I did was spend time with the family and ate a lot but did not work out. Well I gained a lot of weight with all of it being fat. I deployed at a crazy 245 pounds. Well after 7 months of working out and eating in moderation I am down to 202. I would like to loose some more fat and retain as much muscle as possible. I'll try to post a before and current picture but I would like to lean out a little more before I head back home in less than two months.

I was taking Lean EFX before I started and I have a couple of them left, would it be bad to stack these two or just leave the lean EFX alone? I plan on ordering some OEP about a month out from me heading home. Would it be ok to stack the OEP with the triple crown or should I just hold what I got.

I currently workout twice a day since I have the time to do so. I do cardio at lunchtime and then lift at dinner time. For cardio I either run or do some type of circuit training and for lifting I do a 6 day split hitting each muscle twice a week. As for eating it is kind of hard to have a strict diet here but not impossible. Where I stay at is a civilian camp and the food for the most part is not too bad or too fattening. Once I get home I will be able to control more what I eat.

So I guess what I'm asking after all this rambling is, it is ok to take the Lean EFX with the ALPH-T2 for the rest of the bottle which I think is a total of 10 to 15 pills. Thanks


New member
Thanks, I'll post how this stack goes. I'm liking it so far to be honest I'm look forward to seeing how begins to work in week 3 and 4.

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