Trenavar cycle, stack it with dmz or msten?

I plan to run a cycle with test, trenavar, and stack it with either msten or dmz. Does anyone have any knowledge/experience on which two would be better for bulking? Ive ran msten before and had great gains. Is dmz stronger?
Why not both? =P

VL Necrobombs that were released way back when had msten/dmz/trest in them I believe. Tren and trest are similar from what I can tell. Trest just being more "wet" as it aromatizes like a bltch.
Why not both? =P

VL Necrobombs that were released way back when had msten/dmz/trest in them I believe. Tren and trest are similar from what I can tell. Trest just being more "wet" as it aromatizes like a bltch.
Stacking 3 orals? That sounds a little bit too much, trenavar is already very strong, however ive read that dmz and msten are better in the size department
Guess it just depends on what you want to do. Some people don't believe in stacking 3 orals, some people dgaf lol.

But yeah, this is what is inside one cap of necrobomb:

DMZ: 15mg
M-Sten: 15mg
Trest: 30mg

So if you did run DMZ and Msten you'd have a similar stack, but Tren instead of trest.
Anabolic Technologies

Looking up that brand, they put their liver detox stuff right in with their DMZ. Most notably the Milk Thistle I believe have some studies to back up it can hinder oral steroids.

I can't post links yet, but take out the plus signs and change to the .


I plan to run a cycle with test, trenavar, and stack it with either msten or dmz. Does anyone have any knowledge/experience on which two would be better for bulking? Ive ran msten before and had great gains. Is dmz stronger?

From what I read, DMZ is stronger.
Sten/Tren would be a great combo. A little drier than DMZ/Tren imo. You can't go wrong either way. Both are great compounds and yield very similar results. I found Sten to be just a tad drier. Mass and strength gains are a wash. I don't recommend stacking the two methyls unless you plan to do pre/post/post pct bloods. It really is an eye opener to see what just one methyl can do to your liver, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels, let alone two strong methyls + Tren. The added mass and strength from stacking would not be worth the increased risks IMO.
That brand has had nothing but bad reviews since the ban passed. Yours was likely very under dosed or completely bunk altogether.

Either bunk or I didn't respond; I remember seeing people saying dymethazine was a compound that was hit or miss
Either bunk or I didn't respond; I remember seeing people saying dymethazine was a compound that was hit or miss
Doubtful. The whole "non-responder " thing is thrown around too casually sometimes. Some users won't gain half what another guy gains but that doesn't mean they didn't respond to the steroid. It means either their training/Nutrition wasn't on point or the product was underdosed.
Doubtful. The whole "non-responder " thing is thrown around too casually sometimes. Some users won't gain half what another guy gains but that doesn't mean they didn't respond to the steroid. It means either their training/Nutrition wasn't on point the product was underdosed.

**** was bunk then because my training was fine and I was eating more than I ever had at that time haha
Doubtful. The whole "non-responder " thing is thrown around too casually sometimes. Some users won't gain half what another guy gains but that doesn't mean they didn't respond to the steroid. It means either their training/Nutrition wasn't on point or the product was underdosed.

I think the "non responder" thing actually exists lol i ran msten from brawn nutrition and made great strength gains and mass gains. Since the msten worked so well i assumed their other prohormones would be as effective. So I used their "tren" prohormone and I experienced no side effects whatsoever. Strength gains were minimal, and i was eating 3500 plus calories. Someone else logged this prohormone and said he had horrible sides, impotence, roid rage. And a lot of muscle gains. Either it was a bad batch or i was a nonresponder
Sten/Tren would be a great combo. A little drier than DMZ/Tren imo. You can't go wrong either way. Both are great compounds and yield very similar results. I found Sten to be just a tad drier. Mass and strength gains are a wash. I don't recommend stacking the two methyls unless you plan to do pre/post/post pct bloods. It really is an eye opener to see what just one methyl can do to your liver, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels, let alone two strong methyls + Tren. The added mass and strength from stacking would not be worth the increased risks IMO.

Could i still be able to bulk with trenavar and epistane?
Someone else logged this prohormone and said he had horrible sides, impotence, roid rage. And a lot of muscle gains. Either it was a bad batch or i was a nonresponder

It's messing with hormones. That dude could have been a more naturally aggressive person. He could have also had other things included in his stack, perhaps he's on medications such as prozac, adderall, welbutrin, etc... that all effect personality and things like that. There's a ton of variables involved.

Maybe he took twice the dosage? lol When it comes to anabolics, I really don't know if there's such thing as a non-responder as much as there are either items not actually being what they claim and/or underdosed.
Would you recommend adding the epistane towards the end of the cycle? I plan to run a cycle of 8-10 weeks.

You could do it either way but I would rather start with 5-6 weeks of Epistane and then up the Tren for the last 2-3 weeks. Or, if you load up on cycle supports you can push it and run both for 8 weeks. I wouldn't push Epistane beyond that.
Always go test with orals and don't use two liver toxic orals if you're not ready to take half the dosage. The liver isn't the most worrying thing with steroids and people always seems to be worrying about this more than anything , but that doesnt mean you shouldn't care of it.
You could do it either way but I would rather start with 5-6 weeks of Epistane and then up the Tren for the last 2-3 weeks. Or, if you load up on cycle supports you can push it and run both for 8 weeks. I wouldn't push Epistane beyond that.

Have you ran tr3n by olympus labs before? If so how effective was it for bulking? I think id rather add the msten with it instead of the epistane since my goal this cycle is mass.