transferring stealth injectibles into a sterile vial


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How many needles are needed for the process of transferring oil from the stealth sachets into a sterile pre-crimped vial: I have 20 ml of tren acetate in 4 separate 5 ml sachets - I want to ensure sterility during the transfer process, and I was wondering if using just one needle for each of the 4 sachets would be sterile enough or would I need a fresh needle for each individual sachet?


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Don't worry about that bro, once it's all in a sterile vial just bake it and put it through a watman filter to ensure sterillity.


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yeah you are going to need to filter it that's where the sterilty will come in.


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How many needles are needed for the process of transferring oil from the stealth sachets into a sterile pre-crimped vial: I have 20 ml of tren acetate in 4 separate 5 ml sachets - I want to ensure sterility during the transfer process, and I was wondering if using just one needle for each of the 4 sachets would be sterile enough or would I need a fresh needle for each individual sachet?
one is good, and filtering is not necessary but for myself I like overkill. but if the pack is good conditon and quality its as good as or better then some vials.


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BTW do not bake the tren, just use a .2 filter is fine if you want to do something. baking tren will degrade it.

WhatsaRoid is that a good thing to be asking? I would delete that if I were you, even without the new rules here discussing payment methods or shipping is a bad idea.


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BTW do not bake the tren, just use a .2 filter is fine if you want to do something. baking tren will degrade it.

WhatsaRoid is that a good thing to be asking? I would delete that if I were you, even without the new rules here discussing payment methods or shipping is a bad idea.
Thanx for the info man I wouldent wanna get banned. Reps for the tren thing I didn't know that...its still good to warm it up a lil before pinning yea?


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Thanx for the info man I wouldent wanna get banned. Reps for the tren thing I didn't know that...its still good to warm it up a lil before pinning yea?
Warming it for filtering or injecting is fine. but baking it or strongly heating it will cause it to oxidize, that is why tren is sometimes red or a dark brown color, pure tren is a clear golden color.


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I had thought that the oxidization had a negligible effect on the hormone. How bad is the degradation Skye? All this time I thought it was purely aesthetic...


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I have the same question as Ubi... Because I after using Whatman, I baked some at 250 degrees for about 20 minutes, and instead of being a clear yellow-gold, it turned to a darker gold color. I too, thought this was simply aesthetic with no impact as to the efficacy of the stuff....


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I had thought that the oxidization had a negligible effect on the hormone. How bad is the degradation Skye? All this time I thought it was purely aesthetic...
Depends, turning a dark gold color like pax's isn't worth mentioning. Darker red is still not much at all, really dark to black is when you get a considerable amount going, I have seen tren e powder that when I recrystallized it I had a 89% recovery rate. Mind that I normally have around 98% or so. (still not sure how they managed to mess it up that bad) if your really over cook the stuff then you can see it turn red and sometimes precipitated out of solution (sometimes mixed with water as little beads on bottom) refiltering it can actually help clear it up sometimes (depends on partial size.

Remember though we are only talking about a few % at most unless you really over due. And the oxidized fina is harmless. But baking is really unnecessary anyway. There are plenty of bugs that will survive a trip through the oven (at the temps we use) and even the BA. Filtering is your real means of sterility. If you must bake your fina try this, pull as much air out of the vial as you can, a vacuum if possible.


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I see.. Kind of what I figured...a while ago an old source/friend of mine unloaded some Tren E on me, that turned out to look like coffee.. he knew he would get questioned about it, so he just thought he'd dump it on me. I don't bake gear anymore regardless, for the very reasons you mention... .20um is all I need.

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