The New SNS Thermagize XT - Fat Loss, Energy, Focus, & Appetite Control



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The Ultimate 1 Capsule Fat Burning Energizer
Intense Thermogenic Energizer & Metabolism Accelerant
Fast Acting, Long Lasting Energy & Focus

Thermagize XT was designed with one goal in mind – to be the strongest 1 capsule fat burning energizer and appetite control support product available.

Thermagize XT is designed for those looking for a complete thermogenic fat loss formula that delivers long lasting energy, mental focus, appetite control, & thermogenic metabolism accelerant properties.

Thermagize XT Highlights:
  • Thermogenic Fat Loss Formula
  • Fast Acting, Long Lasting Energy
  • Maximum Strength Fat Burner
  • Potent Thermogenic Energizer
  • Intense Metabolism Accelerant
  • Improved Mental Focus
  • Appetite Control Support
  • Clinically Researched Key Ingredients
  • No Deceptive Proprietary Blends
  • One Capsule Dose
Ask Yourself a Few Questions:
  • Do you feel like you lack the energy to exercise or even be productive in day to day life?
  • Is your appetite out of control and holding you back from achieving your desired results?
  • Do you want to achieve maximum results as quickly as possible?
  • Has your weight loss hit a sticking point?
  • Are you tired of taking handfuls of pills of other fat loss products?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, Thermagize XT may be right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
How does the energy feel from Thermagize XT?
Clean, Feel Good, Focused Energy.

The goal of Thermagize XT is to deliver a powerful fat burning energizer that will deliver a potent amount of clean, feel good, focused energy to help you be more energetic and motivated in the gym &/or in day to day life.

Can I stack other fat loss products with Thermagize XT?
Absolutely. Different fat burners and fat burning ingredients work in different ways, and SNS provides a variety of fat loss products that can be stacked together to help you reach your goals.

Thermagize XT stacks great with Lean Edge, Thermo Scorch, Reduce XT, TTA-500, and more.

Do I need to cycle Thermagize XT and if so, what can I take when I am off of it?
That is really based on personal preference.

The old general rule with any stimulant based fat burners was to suggest not using them for longer than 8 weeks without at least a 2 week break. The reason for this was traditionally to help avoid tolerance to the products and by taking short breaks, people may notice a bigger difference when starting back if they had gotten used to the energy provided by the product.

However, now days as stimulant usage in society has increased so much in general, more and more people use stimulant based fat burners for longer periods than 8 weeks and many use them for as long as they feel that they are receiving a benefit from them.

During breaks, to keep fat loss going, people will commonly use Lean Edge or Thermo Scorch, which are great options for stimulant free fat burners and can be stacked with Thermagize XT as well as used when people take breaks from Thermagize XT.

What do you suggest for getting the best fat loss results from Thermagize XT?
When trying to lose body-fat, most people find that following a proper diet and exercise program, drinking at least 10 glasses of water a day, and avoiding unhealthy snacking will help them reach their goals quicker.

Can I use Thermagize XT for energy even if I am not looking for fat loss?
Absolutely. There are many individuals that are not looking for fat loss that enjoy the long lasting clean energy, focus, motivation, and productivity that many people experience with Thermagize XT.


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Examining Thermagize XT’s All-Star Cast of Ingredients:
N-Phenethyl-Dimethylamine is a very potent stimulant and fat burning ingredient that may offer potential mood-boosting effects through increasing dopamine and noradrenaline in the body. Dopamine is commonly referred to as the ‘feel-good’ hormone. These hormones also support improved concentration, alertness, mental focus, positive mood, and an improved sense of well-being.

In addition to its energy and fat burning benefits, common feedback on this ingredient includes improved mood and focus in the gym, during exercise, &/or in day to day life.

enXtra® is a plant-based caffeine-free ingredient that has been shown in clinical studies to promote mental energy and other nootropic benefits like improved attention, mental alertness, and focus.

Alpinia galanga is a culinary herb used in Southeast Asia. Also known as Thai ginger, it is related to the ginger/turmeric family and available as a supplement to provide nootropic and natural energy benefits. enXtra® is a clinically studied and standardized Alpinia galanga rhizome extract.

enXtra® is very unique in that it has been shown in clinical studies to be effective without caffeine, but to also be complementary to caffeine.

In human studies, enXtra® has been shown to support mental alertness for up to 5 hours with or without caffeine, with measured benefits starting within the first 30 minutes. It has also been shown to amplify the nootropic (cognitive enhancing) benefits of caffeine.

enXtra® Highlights/Supports:
  • Improved mental alertness within the first 30 minutes.
  • Up to 5 hours of sustained energy and mental alertness.
  • Improved focus and attention.
  • Amplifies caffeine’s cognitive enhancing benefits.
  • May help reduce the ‘crash’ associated with caffeine and other stimulants.
enXtra® is included in Thermagize XT to help energize your mind and body to help you perform and feel your best as you work towards achieving your goals.

Caffeine Anhydrous:
Caffeine Anhydrous is the staple ingredient in many fat loss and energy products and for good reason.

With numerous studies supporting Caffeine’s role in fat loss, most notably through thermogenesis, Caffeine has also been shown to improve exercise performance and has a key role in increasing energy, mental focus, mood, cognitive ability, and has potential synergistic effects with other key ingredients in Thermagize XT.

DiCaffeine Malate (as Infinergy™):
Infinergy™ DiCaffeine Malate is a form of Caffeine that has been bonded to Malic Acid which can both extend the effects of the caffeine and increase energy production through Malic Acid’s role in the Krebs cycle.

By combining the well-established properties of both Caffeine and Malic Acid, Infinergy™ offers a multi-dimensional ingredient that not only optimizes energy levels but also stimulates thermogenesis (fat burning) while promoting mental focus.

Paradoxine (Aframomum/Grains of Paradise):
Paradoxine is a standardized extract of the Grains of Paradise seed, also known is Aframomum Melegueta which is a spice native to West Africa that belongs to the same family as ginger. Paradoxine® is ideal for those looking for improved body-composition and enhanced fat loss.

To understand how Paradoxine works, it requires an understanding of the different types of adipose tissue (fat) in the body:
  • White Adipose Tissue (WAT)/White Fat – are your body’s energy storage cells. Extra calories that aren’t immediately needed by the body are stored as ‘white’ fat.
  • Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT)/Brown Fat – are used for diet and cold induced thermogenesis (maintaining your body’s normal temperature when exposed to cold).
Paradoxine has the unique ability to help convert White Fat to Brown Fat, thereby converting the energy storing fat tissue into the type of fat tissue than helps increase thermogenesis and total calorie expenditure.

Unlike many fat loss ingredients, Paradoxine is backed by human studies. One study on Paradoxine in humans showed that subjects who consumed Paradoxine had a significantly greater increase in energy expenditure, seemingly due to the increase in brown fat activity versus the placebo group. Another study showed that subjects (non-obese women) that consumed Paradoxine had greater decreases in body-fat around the lower abdominals as well as lower levels of visceral fat in the same area as compared to those who consumed a placebo; and very significantly this was with both groups NOT making any changes in diet or exercise.

Synephrine is a naturally occurring substance found in plants that has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is found mainly in Citrus Aurantium/Orange peels.

Synephrine has been commonly used to help burn fat, suppress appetite, and increase energy.

The energy from Synephrine is commonly described as a clean energy without the crash associated with some other stimulants.

Capsimax is a concentrated highly active natural capsaicin extract designed to deliver effective levels of capsaicinoids without the negative side effects (oral and gastric burning sensations) associated with regular capsaicin extracts.

Capsaicinoids have been shown to promote energy production and support fat loss and healthy metabolism through thermogenesis (production of heat in the body) and lipolysis (mobilizing fats for energy production).

It seems like with every day that goes by, most of us find ourselves leading increasingly stressful lives and stress is something that can take a toll on us, both emotionally and physically. Sustained levels of stress can be detrimental to both our physical and mental health. This can take a toll on our relationships, jobs, hobbies, and our appearance.

Whether it be from an actual increase in appetite, grabbing some comfort food, or being an emotional eater, many of us find that as our level of stress goes up, so does our appetite and food consumption.

KannaEase™ is a high potency specialized Sceletium Tortuosum (Kanna) extract that is designed to support positive mood, relaxation, calmness, improved sense of well-being, and more.

KannaEase™ is included in Thermagize XT to help the energizing effects be smoother and without the crash associated with many stimulant-based fat burners, and also to help keep your mind off the stresses of day-to-day life and focused on your goals instead of food.

Rauwolscine is a type of plant alkaloid that is very popular in many weight loss products because of its potential energy and fat loss benefits.

Rauwolscine is classified as an alpha-2 antagonist; this means that it is thought to help block alpha-2 receptor stimulation which may help the body to release more norepinephrine and prevent the formation of new fat tissues.

Rauwolscine is also thought to have aphrodisiac properties in some people, which is important to some people as dieting can reduce libido in a lot of people.

Stacking & Synergy:
Thermagize XT can be used with Lean Edge, Thermo Scorch, Reduce XT, MitoBurn XT, GlucoVantage XT, Paradoxine, TTA-500, or a variety of other SNS products to help you reach your health and fitness goals.

Thermagize XT
The Ultimate 1 Capsule Fat Burning Energizer™
Fat Energy I Fat Burning I Increased Metabolism I Focus I Appetite Control
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Thermagize XT Intro Sale:

20% Off Intro Sale
For a limited time, save 20% off of Thermagize XT and all Thermagize XT multi-packs

Promo Code: thermagizext20

Thermagize XT
  • Normal Price: 39.99
  • Sale Price : 31.99 (saves 8.00)

Thermagize XT - 3 Bottles
  • Normal Price: 109.99 (saves 9.98)
  • Sale Price: 87.99 (save an additional 22.00 for a total savings of 31.98)

Thermagize XT - 6 Bottles:
  • Normal Price: 209.99 (saves 29.95)
  • Sale Price: 167.99 (saves an additional 42.00 for a total savings of 71.95)

Thermagize XT - 12 Bottles:
  • Normal Price: 399.99 (saves 79.89)
  • Sale Price: 319.99 (saves an additional 80.00 for a total savings of 159.89)
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This new Thermagize XT is a completely new experience than the original.

The original was very strong, too strong for some people.

The new Thermagize XT delivers a smooth clean energy and focus that lasts for 4 to 5 hours for most people and is great for appetite control.

A very interesting bit of feedback that we received was 2 separate female customers that didn't know each other and lived in completely different parts of the country both said that the energy and appetite control reminded them of the old Twinlab Ripped Fuel back from the ephedra days.
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Ahhh, this profile synergy is so great!!! I was wondering what it would be, and it doesn’t disappoint.


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A lot of times when products with Rauwolscine get discussed here on AM, there are a few people that don't like the ingredient.

This Thermagize XT formula delivers the energy and appetite control of Rauwolscine, but is formulated to offset the overstimulation and other unwanted effects that some feel from Rauwolscine.

To test that theory and prove it, I sent out samples to several people on here that normally don't like Rauwolscine.
I told them it was a product with Rauwolscine in it, but I didn't tell them anything else about it. Just that I wanted them to try it because I knew they didn't normally like the ingredient and that we'd figured out a way to deliver the energy and appetite control benefits of it without the other aspects they didn't like, and that all I asked was they provide honest feedback.

I had sent some to @Hyde, @Resolve10, @slimsaw00 and there were a couple more people that I need to find my notes and remember their screen names.

If anyone that's tried it could share your feedback, it would be so appreciated.
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Ahhh, this profile synergy is so great!!! I was wondering what it would be, and it doesn’t disappoint.
This is actually the one that I sent you samples of with Rauwolscine in it and asked you for your opinion on it :)


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This stuff was clean. I’ve used all the “versions” of thermagize and this was my favorite so far.

I hate too much stimulation with my morning workouts and sometimes find somethings give me too much increase of HR during my endurance work beyond my preference, but I didn’t have that problem with this. Increased mood, energy, and work capacity without any unwanted HR increases or weird over stimulated feelings. 👍


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@MrKleen73 this is the product I literally just mentioned to you in our PMs a few minutes ago. I am posting my exact quote from the conversation regarding it:

“Steve just dropped the new SNS Thermagize XT today, and I finally got to see the formula. Buy a bottle of this! When I made my order with the XPG Carnitine a while back when it dropped, he sent me 10 of these caps in a bag and said this has a little bit of Y in them but please just try the formula and give me your honest feedback; I know you do very poorly with Y. I had no idea what was in it. Man, I have used it 6-7 times now on mornings I was intermittent fasting or last week when extended fasting and it’s just the best single diet pill I’ve ever taken. I mean it kicks in FAST when fasted, it does make me sweat some but the feel good smooth energy and productivity it brings lets me just love & enjoy the morning, lasts a good 5 hours. The only thing is I can’t consider a cup of coffee for at least 4 hours; it’s a 1-cap all-you-need value product.”

I loved it. I can pop a single cap with my morning water & supps while I am getting my son ready for school and I’m ready to take on the morning. Every time I used it, I was knocking out my work left & right for hours. I wasn’t just productive - I was loving the process, feeling great & happy despite no food.

I WILL be buying this!


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Interesting inclusion of KannaEase in this to smooth out the stims. Tell me more about the thinking and results from that?

kid amnesiac

This is a perfect single cap stimulant. I’ve had the privilege of having this new version for a few weeks and I can confidently say it is the best version yet. I’ve tried it pre-lift, pre-run and pre-all day kids sports events. Every time is has surpassed my expectations of great, clean energy.

I always get worried about alpha-yohimbe, especially pre-workout as I am not a fan of clammy hands and chills. This version has absolutely none of that, I’m guessing due to the modified dose along with the Kannaease.

When I’m headed away for work or kids events I am consistently packing this new version. It allows me to be awake and focused while knowing I am burning fat and consuming less food due to the appetite suppression.

A fantastic product. Yet again though, Steve has complicated my life … do I take this or Lipo Elite? Unlike all of the natural anabolics these aren’t stacked as easily :) I guess these are good problems to have.


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Need to try this as the first 2 versions were just too strong for me but I love the profile of all 3.


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Interesting inclusion of KannaEase in this to smooth out the stims. Tell me more about the thinking and results from that?
I can tell you that for me, n=1, this is smoother than taking a single 150mg cap of either SNS ‘Eria Jarensis’ or 1.5mg Alpha Yohimbine, while obviously being a much more powerful thermo and energy supplement overall.

Those are great single-ingredient products, but this one is flagship status


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@MrKleen73 this is the product I literally just mentioned to you in our PMs a few minutes ago. I am posting my exact quote from the conversation regarding it:

“Steve just dropped the new SNS Thermagize XT today, and I finally got to see the formula. Buy a bottle of this! When I made my order with the XPG Carnitine a while back when it dropped, he sent me 10 of these caps in a bag and said this has a little bit of Y in them but please just try the formula and give me your honest feedback; I know you do very poorly with Y. I had no idea what was in it. Man, I have used it 6-7 times now on mornings I was intermittent fasting or last week when extended fasting and it’s just the best single diet pill I’ve ever taken. I mean it kicks in FAST when fasted, it does make me sweat some but the feel good smooth energy and productivity it brings lets me just love & enjoy the morning, lasts a good 5 hours. The only thing is I can’t consider a cup of coffee for at least 4 hours; it’s a 1-cap all-you-need value product.”

I loved it. I can pop a single cap with my morning water & supps while I am getting my son ready for school and I’m ready to take on the morning. Every time I used it, I was knocking out my work left & right for hours. I wasn’t just productive - I was loving the process, feeling great & happy despite no food.

I WILL be buying this!
do you do if?


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This is actually the one that I sent you samples of with Rauwolscine in it and asked you for your opinion on it :)
differences from old one? i was just looking at your yohimbine yest and only considered getting it because yours is like 1.5 per cap and i can NOT take yohimbine! i dont think i liked the old version so i switched to thermoscorch. i think i still have 4 bottles of thermoscorch would it be good to stack? soooo many questions lol
@sns8778 hurry along in here so i can order. this fat aint gonna burn itself lol :p
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do you do if?
Yes; whenever I am not actively trying to gain weight I intermittent fast on non-training days. This product works really great for those mornings if I wake up hungry or want the extra energy.

I have also been using this some the last 10 days to support some extended fasting for fatloss and inflammation reduction.
Ape McGrapes

Ape McGrapes

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I swear I mentioned the Eria Jarensis and enXtra synergy on here in the past. Feels good to see it validated. Think OL used the combo in a PWO as well. I was pairing Swanson enXtra with SNS Eria Jarensis.


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Yes; whenever I am not actively trying to gain weight I intermittent fast on non-training days. This product works really great for those mornings if I wake up hungry or want the extra energy.

I have also been using this some the last 10 days to support some extended fasting for fatloss and inflammation reduction.
so no jittery panic attacks? yohimbine KILLS me! im scared of it lol serious tho!


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differences from old one? i was just looking at your yohimbine yest and only considered getting it because yours is like 1.5 per cap and i can NOT take yohimbine! i dont think i liked the old version so i switched to thermoscorch. i think i still have 4 bottles of thermoscorch would it be good to stack? soooo many questions lol
@sns8778 hurry along in here so i can order. this fat aint gonna burn itself lol :p
New one doesn’t have Dynamine, Theobromine, or Teacrine, 30mg less total caffeine, then added EnXtra, Synephrine, and Kannaease.


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Interesting inclusion of KannaEase in this to smooth out the stims. Tell me more about the thinking and results from that?
Thermagize XT is designed to give a good clean, smooth focused energy and motivation and KannaEase goes very well with the ingredients for that.


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differences from old one? i was just looking at your yohimbine yest and only considered getting it because yours is like 1.5 per cap and i can NOT take yohimbine! i dont think i liked the old version so i switched to thermoscorch. i think i still have 4 bottles of thermoscorch would it be good to stack? soooo many questions lol
@sns8778 hurry along in here so i can order. this fat aint gonna burn itself lol :p
I can't take Yohimbine HCI but I can take Alpha Yohimbine and really like our Alpha Yohimbine caps (answering as to you part about Alpha Yohimbine caps).

Yes, Thermagize XT and Thermo Scorch will make for a great stack. Going to be doing Thermagize XT, Lean Edge, Thermo Scorch, and Reduce XT myself.


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so no jittery panic attacks? yohimbine KILLS me! im scared of it lol serious tho!
I think its important to distinguish between Yohimbine and Alpha Yohimbine to start with - regular Yohimbine is more likely to do that than Alpha Yohimbine. Most people that can't take regular Yohimbine can take Alpha Yohimbine, but some people still can't.

So far, every person that tried Thermagize XT can - and that's a big reason I sent samples specifically to people that I knew didn't like or respond well to Yohimbine or Alpha Yohimbine, so that they could try Thermagize XT for themselves.


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I can tell you that for me, n=1, this is smoother than taking a single 150mg cap of either SNS ‘Eria Jarensis’ or 1.5mg Alpha Yohimbine, while obviously being a much more powerful thermo and energy supplement overall.

Those are great single-ingredient products, but this one is flagship status
I'm so glad that you like it.

It's interesting that you said flagship status - because that's something I've thought about in relation to the feedback on this, that I think that it has the potential to be a real defining and flagship product for us because people really love it.

The energy to me is super clean and the appetite control is exactly what I need - I do not get hungry at all, but I can make myself eat so I can stay on my meal plan/diet.


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I'm so glad that you like it.

It's interesting that you said flagship status - because that's something I've thought about in relation to the feedback on this, that I think that it has the potential to be a real defining and flagship product for us because people really love it.

The energy to me is super clean and the appetite control is exactly what I need - I do not get hungry at all, but I can make myself eat so I can stay on my meal plan/diet.
Took one again today while fasting! Down to my last few; I’ve got to order some more so I don’t run out. They are just too beneficial to both my diet and job success; I’ve already gotten caught up with work from the weekend off

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