The new 1-T, questions.

Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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I hate living in the uk, to get my 1-t delivered i had to pay a custom fee, a vat fee, and a holding fee, altogether 51 dollars, like thats nearly enough to have bought another 1-t, please Primordial performance never use parcel force in the uk, man it sucks...grrr.
It automatically transfers to parcel force once it hits the UK if we shipped with the US postal service. You think you would have avoided these fees with fedex?



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I hate living in the uk, to get my 1-t delivered i had to pay a custom fee, a vat fee, and a holding fee, altogether 51 dollars, like thats nearly enough to have bought another 1-t, please Primordial performance never use parcel force in the uk, man it sucks...grrr.
are you using 1-T in your stage 3???


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It automatically transfers to parcel force once it hits the UK if we shipped with the US postal service. You think you would have avoided these fees with fedex?

Fed Ex will also charge VAT, various taxes too. I've paid many times when ordering stuff from when sent with Fed Ex.

If you place, "Birthday Present" or "For familly friend" on it, you shouldnt need to pay tax.

Tax only applies as supp. companies put thats its a muscle supplement as the item.


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Eric is 1-t active 1-androsterone the same thing as androsterone (the active on anabolic xtreme's 3-ad product). In other words is 1-t the similar to 3ad plus dhea?? if not whats the main difference?? Please if you could elaborate on this with detail if you dont mind eric i would really thank you.


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your thinking of andrenosterone. That compound is found in 11oxo not 3ad. No it is not the same compound as 1-t


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your thinking of andrenosterone. That compound is found in 11oxo not 3ad. No it is not the same compound as 1-t
No, thats another good point. A lot of people confuse and claim that 3ad is basically 11oxo, which is completely wrong. 11oxo is supposed to be adrenosterone. 3-ad is a bunch of ingredients but main actives are "androsterone"(3a-hydroxy-5a-androstan-17-one). 1-t is 1-androsterone but is it different than "androsterone"? or is it just a transdermal version of the same active?? i dont know what "1-" difference it makes.

Another thing ive heard numerous times and even from ol' patrick arnold that 1-androsterone is basically 1-dhea?? There was a company makin a ph that had the same 1-androsterone active except that it was oral, cant remember off my head.

Anyhow, im no chemist and i hardly know the basics on this crazy ph/ds world so i just wanna make sure that what i will be buying its worth it and not another overhyped supp. So, please if anyone, specially eric, could elaborate some detail, hard facts, on the difference between the androsterones of 3ad and 1-t would help a ton.
Not tryin to cause trouble, I just dont wanna end up getin a transdermal 3ad if is the same stuff hehe


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this is 3ad:

2-Androstenol Acetate Ester, Androsterone [3a-hydroxy-5a-androstan-17-one]

yes androsterone is 1-DHEA. It is 2 steps away from 1-test.

I'm just about to finish up my 1-t cycle. It works and it works well. Libido has been boosted throughout the entire cycle. I've gained about 7lbs of muscle. I could have had better gains but my diet and training just weren't what they should have been.


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Great job on the gains! Did the 1-T keep libido up or did you supp with something in addition to boost it? What's yer PCT gonna look like?
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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No, thats another good point. A lot of people confuse and claim that 3ad is basically 11oxo, which is completely wrong. 11oxo is supposed to be adrenosterone. 3-ad is a bunch of ingredients but main actives are "androsterone"(3a-hydroxy-5a-androstan-17-one). 1-t is 1-androsterone but is it different than "androsterone"? or is it just a transdermal version of the same active?? i dont know what "1-" difference it makes.

Another thing ive heard numerous times and even from ol' patrick arnold that 1-androsterone is basically 1-dhea?? There was a company makin a ph that had the same 1-androsterone active except that it was oral, cant remember off my head.

Anyhow, im no chemist and i hardly know the basics on this crazy ph/ds world so i just wanna make sure that what i will be buying its worth it and not another overhyped supp. So, please if anyone, specially eric, could elaborate some detail, hard facts, on the difference between the androsterones of 3ad and 1-t would help a ton.
Not tryin to cause trouble, I just dont wanna end up getin a transdermal 3ad if is the same stuff hehe
Androsterone is a metabolite of DHT, and is not 1-androsterone. The difference is a double bond in the 1st position.

Androsterone is naturaly occurring in the human body whereas 1-androsterone usually isn’t. (has to be obtained from exogeneous sources)



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Great job on the gains! Did the 1-T keep libido up or did you supp with something in addition to boost it? What's yer PCT gonna look like?
usually i use proviron but this time around i decided not to. I would say the the 1-t combined with the sustain alpha at the recommended HCG protocol dosage is what kept everything running smooth.

For PCT I'm going to use PCT tabs by IDS. I have always used a serm in the past and i do have clomid on hand but i think the pct tabs will work fine. I will be using Diesel Test also and I if needed I will be using sustain alpha if i fell my libido start to decline for any reason.


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Hey...Eric! I just received 1-T. Wondering if it could be pulsed as I am travelling on business here & there this month.
I've used Dermacrine and loved it.

Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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Hey...Eric! I just received 1-T. Wondering if it could be pulsed as I am travelling on business here & there this month.
I've used Dermacrine and loved it.

Pulse… eeehh

Id use it every day if you can… the new bottle should be travel friendly for you.



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Not easy to get in & out of customs. What about the pulse?
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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Not easy to get in & out of customs. What about the pulse?
Id honestly save it for when you are settled back into town again.

If you openly present the product it shouldnt be a problem.



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I'm from Canada eehhh!!! Getting into U.S. no problem but getting back into Canada???????????


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Pulse… eeehh

Id use it every day if you can… the new bottle should be travel friendly for you.

It is a very great package...but you can't take more than 3oz on a plane (at least in the US), just a heads up :)


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It is a very great package...but you can't take more than 3oz on a plane (at least in the US), just a heads up :)
Only for your carry on. if you check your luggage there shouldn't be a problem.


Just ordered the HMS. Hoping for good things, and that this product delivers!! Been outstanding reviews so far.


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Just ordered the HMS. Hoping for good things, and that this product delivers!! Been outstanding reviews so far.
Let us know how the stack treats you! :)


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I just wanted to make a note that I had my lipids done on the first few days of PCT and it came back excellent! A little low on good cholesterol (only by 2-3 points), but I already had that prior to the run. So thats good since superdrol really made a hit on my lipids and most anabolics do have at least some negative impact.


On Day 2 of my Epistane/Oxyguno stack, and just got my HMS in the mail! Should I include 1-T in my stack now, or just wait until my other stack is finished?

Also, what product can I take to prevent shutdown while on this stack? Can I just take some ATD (Novadex, 6OXO) or should I use something else?

Some help would be greatly appreciated guys!!
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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On Day 2 of my Epistane/Oxyguno stack, and just got my HMS in the mail! Should I include 1-T in my stack now, or just wait until my other stack is finished?

Also, what product can I take to prevent shutdown while on this stack? Can I just take some ATD (Novadex, 6OXO) or should I use something else?

Some help would be greatly appreciated guys!!
Yeah, Id run the 1-T with the Epistane you got now... that would be a good stack.

Forget the AI's unless you know that you absolutely need them. If you want to prevent some of the shutdown go with the 3 on, 3 off Sustain Alpha protocol during the cycle.



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Hey PP guys....would there be any benefit to breaking up the 5 pumps dosage of 3 in the AM and 2 in the PM.


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Hey PP guys....would there be any benefit to breaking up the 5 pumps dosage of 3 in the AM and 2 in the PM.
The formula itself is designed to be time released. I don't see any benefit doing it that way. I'd stick to the recommended dosing pattern to gain best effects.

The key is though you want to leave it on as long as possible between showers. Somewhere in the 16-24 hour range would be best if at all possible.


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Thanx Trauma...

another question for you...I was wondering if 1-T could cause heartburn as I have read on the net that hormonal changes can cause the lower esophagus sphinctre (sp,sp?) to relax allowing acid to escape the stomach. Been noticing a little heartburn since on cycle and I rarely had heartburn before in my life!:squareeyed:



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Thanx Trauma...

another question for you...I was wondering if 1-T could cause heartburn as I have read on the net that hormonal changes can cause the lower esophagus sphinctre (sp,sp?) to relax allowing acid to escape the stomach. Been noticing a little heartburn since on cycle and I rarely had heartburn before in my life!:squareeyed:

I've personally never read anything to significantly support that (GERD), but let me see what i can dig up. :)

What other supplements if any were you taking at that time as well? Did you change or augment any foods in your diet?


Yeah, Id run the 1-T with the Epistane you got now... that would be a good stack.

Forget the AI's unless you know that you absolutely need them. If you want to prevent some of the shutdown go with the 3 on, 3 off Sustain Alpha protocol during the cycle.

So using an AI like arom-X during a Havoc/1-t cycle isnt needed? Im using Alpha Sus 3 on 3 off during this run. Havoc 30mg ED and 1T 4 pumps ED. At the end of my 2nd week of Havoc I was going to start using Arom-X 3 caps a day to help with shutdown and libido issues. The symptoms arn't that significant but I was considering uping the Havoc to 40-50mg Ed. I was going to use the Arom-X into my PCT to controll this a bad idea? I dont want to spress all estrogen I know. Im using supprecissus as well as about 10mg a day of fish oil for my joints and slamming water. Im up 4lb and leaning out already. Not bulking either.


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I've personally never read anything to significantly support that (GERD), but let me see what i can dig up. :)

What other supplements if any were you taking at that time as well? Did you change or augment any foods in your diet?
Only other supps I am taking on and off are Fenugreek, Macca, Cla, was taking Dermacrine a while back. No diet is not changed. Thanx!


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Only other supps I am taking on and off are Fenugreek, Macca, Cla, was taking Dermacrine a while back. No diet is not changed. Thanx!
I can already tell you right off that that CLA has been associated with heart burn both anecdotally and scientifically. I'm still looking for other causes, but this without a doubt can be contributory.


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I workout in the evenings after work around 5:30 and then I come home eat and shower. Question is, is it fine if I just apply the 1-T when I get out of the shower?


Yeah, I work out in the late mornings, sometimes afternoon, and then i come home and take a shower, and just apply the 1-T after i'm all dry. I don't think it has to be in the morning, they just suggest the morning because it's usually 24 hours before your next shower, and the more contact time with the skin, the better.

BTW, GREAT skin product PP! My skin loves this stuff!! My fiancee commented on how soft it makes my skin. It's only been day 3 on this stuff, so too soon to say if it's REALLY working yet. I'm sure it will!!

Eric or Trauma, how long does it usually take for 1-T to produce it's maximum effect?


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Yeah, I work out in the late mornings, sometimes afternoon, and then i come home and take a shower, and just apply the 1-T after i'm all dry. I don't think it has to be in the morning, they just suggest the morning because it's usually 24 hours before your next shower, and the more contact time with the skin, the better.

BTW, GREAT skin product PP! My skin loves this stuff!! My fiancee commented on how soft it makes my skin. It's only been day 3 on this stuff, so too soon to say if it's REALLY working yet. I'm sure it will!!

Eric or Trauma, how long does it usually take for 1-T to produce it's maximum effect?
Exactly, as long as you're allowing sufficient time on your skin between showers, you should be good to go.

The formula really does do a great job with hydrating the skin. My wife actually commented on that as well when i was using 1-T.

You should start seeing some effects in the first 2 weeks such as increased appetite, and some endurance. Weeks 3-6 is where you're going to see the most effects in terms of mass and strength gains.


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I workout in the evenings after work around 5:30 and then I come home eat and shower. Question is, is it fine if I just apply the 1-T when I get out of the shower?
Yes, that would be fine. Exfoliating the skin prior to application is important in enhancing the absorbtion effect.

The key is allowing ample time for the product to do its job because it's designed to be time released. Leaving it on the skin for 16-24 hours between showers would be ideal.

Some guys apply the 1-T early in the am, and some guys late at night depending on their schedules. Lethargy or insomnia has been reported as well with some users, so adjust your dosing times accordingly if need be.

I haven't forgotten about your PM either, i'm just a bit behind, but it will be answered. :)


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Yes, that would be fine. Exfoliating the skin prior to application is important in enhancing the absorbtion effect.

The key is allowing ample time for the product to do its job because it's designed to be time released. Leaving it on the skin for 16-24 hours between showers would be ideal.

Some guys apply the 1-T early in the am, and some guys late at night depending on their schedules. Lethargy or insomnia has been reported as well with some users, so adjust your dosing times accordingly if need be.

I haven't forgotten about your PM either, i'm just a bit behind, but it will be answered. :)

Thanks! :thumbsup:


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Yeah, I work out in the late mornings, sometimes afternoon, and then i come home and take a shower, and just apply the 1-T after i'm all dry. I don't think it has to be in the morning, they just suggest the morning because it's usually 24 hours before your next shower, and the more contact time with the skin, the better.

BTW, GREAT skin product PP! My skin loves this stuff!! My fiancee commented on how soft it makes my skin. It's only been day 3 on this stuff, so too soon to say if it's REALLY working yet. I'm sure it will!!

Eric or Trauma, how long does it usually take for 1-T to produce it's maximum effect?
Reps to you!


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I've cycled Epistane last year and was wondering what are the similarities or differences between Epi & 1-T as far as results? I loved the strength & pumps from Epi. Can I expect the same or better?:cheers:
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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I've cycled Epistane last year and was wondering what are the similarities or differences between Epi & 1-T as far as results? I loved the strength & pumps from Epi. Can I expect the same or better?:cheers:
1-T will probably lend to similar results with more thermogenic/fat loss effects and without the liver stress.



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Eric - recommendations/suggestions for stackers to maximize the fat-loss aspect? (yes, seen the thread @ PP forum)
Eric Potratz

Eric Potratz

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Eric - recommendations/suggestions for stackers to maximize the fat-loss aspect? (yes, seen the thread @ PP forum)
A high protein keto diet with CLA, cod liver oil, and a good stimulant based thermogenic.



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Hey PP guys. I am on my second week of 1-T and noticing my left nipple is sensitive/sore. Is this the 1-t? Anything to be concerned about?:smileeek:


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Hey PP guys. I am on my second week of 1-T and noticing my left nipple is sensitive/sore. Is this the 1-t? Anything to be concerned about?:smileeek:
What other supps if any are you taking?

The dermacrine included in the 1-T formula can/will convert to a small amount of estrogen. Is the nipple just sensitive to tactile stimulation, or is there a palpable lump behind the nipple itself?

Have you ever had an prior issues such as this beforehand?


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What other supps if any are you taking?

The dermacrine included in the 1-T formula can/will convert to a small amount of estrogen. Is the nipple just sensitive to tactile stimulation, or is there a palpable lump behind the nipple itself?

Have you ever had an prior issues such as this beforehand?
Never had issues before. the sensitivity comes and goes. Today....for eg. there's nothing. No lump right now, but the nipple was sticking out for a while. Like I said the issue seems to have subsided...lasted for about 3 days when I prompted. Ideas???? Anything to worry about?????:sigh:


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Never had issues before. the sensitivity comes and goes. Today....for eg. there's nothing. No lump right now, but the nipple was sticking out for a while. Like I said the issue seems to have subsided...lasted for about 3 days when I prompted. Ideas???? Anything to worry about?????:sigh:
As long as the issue seems to be resolving, you should be fine. Definitely keep tabs on it though, and if it returns with further development of increased sensitivity or palpable glandular tissue, an additional intervention may be needed such as an aromatase inhibitor.

The dermacrine (DHEA) addition to the formula will have some estrogen conversion, but i really don't think enough to cause any significant issues (however there are always exceptions to the rule, especially those with previous issues.)

Monitor the situation, but don't become overly obssessed with it either.

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