Test E and pheromones?


Active member
Hey whats up guys, I am a week and a half on test, and I feel amazing, more focused and I feel like I dont give a fk.... (stupid dont bother me at all) my confidence is through the roof.... but also, ive noticed a few things. First of all I am getting more attention, recently a lot of girls look at me and notice me easier, actually at work, there were girls that never looked at me before, and now they do? its not like my physique has changed that much in just a week!Also I feel more confident and its easier for me to approach unknown girls, for example, there was a woman that looked at me and I opened the door for her, she just looked at me and smile (she looked shy).... its not like I am that good looking :P , in fact I think I am average, so I wonder if test has something to do with all this attention, I think that this topic was discussed before, and I am just curious, do you guys notice the same thing while on test?I have had luck with girls in the past, but not that much, this is more than average, specially with girls that never looked at me and now they do............... this may be a stupid thread, but I am bored and about to update my log LOL
How long are you planning on running? Why are you dropping to 250mg? Continue running 500mg
its gonna be an 18 week cycle, Id love to keep 500 of test but I will include tren in a few weeks, dont want to fk with my lipids before I add tren, while on tren I will lower test to 125*