Supplements and powerlifting



New member
What is everyone's position on legal performance enhancing supplements in powerlifting?
After watching Bigger, Stronger, Faster and seeing that Louie Simmons, West Side Barbell (which I am currently working on that method for the past 10 weeks or so, but took this week off due to a cold) is on anabolic steroids.
I'm not plateauing at all and I'm not really looking for that push, I just wanna shed a few unnecessary pounds by the summer (sorry if it sounds like a typical "gym brah").
I eat clean whole foods: Eggs and oats, chicken breasts, yogurt/milk, tuna, brown rice, steak, veggies.
I even cut protein shakes out and replaced them with whole foods.

I've been looking at The ONE Supplement
www dot planetarynutrition dot com/The_ONE_Supplement_2nd_Gear_Free_p/1supplement.htm]«The ONE Supplement - Applied Nutriceuticals The One Prohormone - FREE 2nd Gear PCT
but it seems like it would be a little too much.

I was running my sled once a week but now that I work on my days off, I have no time to do any GPP work between school and work.

Any suggestions? Tips? Advice?



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If you want to lift against clean guys or at least the majority of them are clean, lift in a drug free org. I have lifted open for a few years and i am clean, mainly because my lifts are not all the impressive even compared to the top clean guys. If i get to a point where i had a chance to compete in the USAPL at the arnold i would switch to the USAPL. I am not sure what answer you are looking for about the drugs in powerlifting.

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