Supplement recommendations


New member
Hi Im new to this forum!
34 years old, 5’10, 185 lbs, 15-16% bf

i am looking for a supplement recommendation. I lift weights about 3 days a week, and also do heavy cardio... running about 15-20 miles a week. I want to keep my cardio performance, and add some muscle mass. My end goal is about 12% bf at 180-185lbs pounds lean mass.

What would you guys recommend supplement wise to help this progression. My biggest concerns are I dont want to take anything that raises blood pressure/decreases cardio performance, and I would like to keep suppression at a minimum if at all. Is there anything on the market that would fit this bill?

Thanks in advance!
Looks like you're wanting to shed a few percentages off the bf. I would look into True Shred by Hard Rock Supplements. A lot of logs on here will back up the progress it brings in terms of leaning out. It's natural so no pct is required. Two bottles back to back will get you some nice results.