Supplement recommendation please


New member
Hi Im new to this forum!
34 years old, 5’10, 185 lbs, 15-16% bf

i am looking for a supplement recommendation. I lift weights about 3 days a week, and also do heavy cardio... running about 15-20 miles a week. I want to keep my cardio performance, and add some muscle mass. My end goal is about 12% bf at 180-185lbs pounds lean mass.

What would you guys recommend supplement wise to help this progression. My biggest concerns are I dont want to take anything that raises blood pressure/decreases cardio performance, and I would like to keep suppression at a minimum if at all. Is there anything on the market that would fit this bill?

Thanks in advance!
Honestly start with diet and form. Add in some creative and then look at others.
dermacrine for 2 months followed by 2 months of sustain alpha.

THEBIGT gets 20% off at iconic formulations
Honestly start with diet and form. Add in some creative and then look at others.

Agreed. Consistency in diet and training then I would say you can start adding in a natural anabolic or two and see how it treats you.
Agreed. Consistency in diet and training then I would say you can start adding in a natural anabolic or two and see how it treats you.
agreed...but this is the supplement section and title of thread is 'supplement recommendation please'.
So basically you want to drop about 3% body fat based on your current stats?

If that’s the case I would go true shred and thermoamp. They will help keep “ most”of your current 185 if your macros are right and help the fat fall off. I would also add in another day or two of lifting if you can.
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agreed...but this is the supplement section and title of thread is 'supplement recommendation please'.

That's true :) Alright i'll add onto my previous statement and say consistency in diet + training and throw in the True Shred for the cherry on top.
Both. Don’t make me come in there !
There are a lot of great options available to help you reach your goals.

Fat Loss - to help aid with fat loss, I would suggest Lean Edge. It's stimulant free so there won't be any issues with blood pressure and there is nothing in it that would be detrimental to you cardio workouts. There are several cardiovascular supportive ingredients in it so it may actually help with it.

Lean Muscle - I would suggest Anabolic Effect. It's all natural and there would be no suppression. Common feedback includes increases in lean muscle, strength, and endurance. Here is a great link to an Anabolic Effect review by a very well respected member:
He just started another cycle of it; review link:

If you are interested in something that can help with you endurance (and more), since you like to run, you can check out PEAK02. It has some great clinical studies on it done at UNC Chapel Hill that show that it helps increase endurance, VO2 Max, etc.
Here is a link to our write up on it: Invalid Link Removed

There are plenty of great options and I could add more here, but I wanted to keep it simple by picking just one thing per category.