Superdrol PCT Questions



I am sure to get hammered for this question but here goes. I am in the planning/research stages for my first "educated" cycle of Superdrol. Prior cycle was Halodrol with no research and was a disaster...

I have my Nolva (40/30/20/10) but the support supps are where my questions start. I was trying to read as much as I could but I am at the point where I am starting to get confused so I decided to ask my question and take my lumps.

I plan to follow a schedule laid out by Dr.D with the Nolva but I am not sure on the AI and Cortisol blocker. I had planned to run ATD as an alternative to Rebound XT but it shows to be unavailable. Would 6-OXO or Novadex XT be a good replacement? Are there others you can recommend?

Do I need to take a cortisol blocker like Reduce XT or Retain2.0? If so at What doasge? I have seen it recommended at 75/50/25/25. Is this correct even with the capsules being 50mg?

I already take DHEA and AI's Cycle Support on a daily basis so I plan to stick with that.

Let the noob flaming begin...


I don't see why you would get flamed, you are asking before starting:clap2:

TBH i'd try to get clomid for post cycle therapy, or better yet, Toremefine

Using nolva after an superdrol cycle has been linked to delayed gyno

using an AI is not necessary, but a nice addition. Novedex XT would suffice. Run it inversely to the SERM, so start off with one cap a day, after a week, increase to 2 caps, after another week, increase to 3 caps

Again, using a cortisol antagonistic supplement is a nice addition, but not essential. i'd always include one in post cycle therapy though. You need to taper down. So with retain 2:

first week take 3 ED, second week take 2 ED, third week take 1 ED. Important times are upon waking, and noonish


Noobs just seem to get beat up for asking noob questions w/o doing the research first, figured that is what I would walk into...

What kind of dosages on the Clomid or Torem?
I saw a Dr.D post where he recommended 150/100 of Clomid for the first 2 weeks and then 3 weeks of Nolva at 40/30/20.

I can get Clomid but I will have to check on the Torem.

After I get some more comments I will post my plan for final approval.


clomid dosage:

first 2 days=150mg, then

week 1=100mg
week 2=75mg
week 3=50mg - take 25mg for the last two days

torem dosage:

week 1=120mg
week 2=90mg
week 3=60mg
week 4 (if needed)=30mg


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I am sure to get hammered for this question but here goes. I am in the planning/research stages for my first "educated" cycle of Superdrol. Prior cycle was Halodrol with no research and was a disaster...

I have my Nolva (40/30/20/10) but the support supps are where my questions start. I was trying to read as much as I could but I am at the point where I am starting to get confused so I decided to ask my question and take my lumps.

I plan to follow a schedule laid out by Dr.D with the Nolva but I am not sure on the AI and Cortisol blocker. I had planned to run ATD as an alternative to Rebound XT but it shows to be unavailable. Would 6-OXO or Novadex XT be a good replacement? Are there others you can recommend?

Do I need to take a cortisol blocker like Reduce XT or Retain2.0? If so at What doasge? I have seen it recommended at 75/50/25/25. Is this correct even with the capsules being 50mg?

I already take DHEA and AI's Cycle Support on a daily basis so I plan to stick with that.

Let the noob flaming begin...
How old are you? And what happened on the Halodrol?


How old are you? And what happened on the Halodrol?
I am 36, 5'-7", 165#s. I have worked out on and off since I was a teenager. Been serious for the last 6 months, 5 X week. Very solid diet, 6-8 meals a day, 2500 calories (280g protien, 220g carbs, 50g fat). Normal supps with creatine, multi V, joint support, and whey.

The Halodrol cycle its self was fine. I had none of the sides people mention but I also had minimal gains, about 4 pounds. The disaster started with PCT. It was really non-existant. Novedex XT and AI Cycle Support. Needless to say I lost the gains when I shut down.

I was going on the recommendation of the guy I got the HD-50 from. I had no knowledge of what I was taking or how to take it. I want to change that this time. I would like to see better gains and keep them.


Never enough
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Ah makes sense. I hope the calories are a bit higher when you are on cycle, particularly be ready to shovel in more complex carbs to try and avoid superdrol lethargy. Plus in general (as i'm guessing you know) cals in over maintenance = weight gains. If you are pretty stable at your current intake, you'll need to tack in at least 500-1000 more a day to get significant gains.

either aPCT or hdx2 is a decent choice, with the higher 6-bromo in hdx2 you will likely continue gains better into PCT.


Looks like I am going to go with the Clomid or Nolva as I do not have a source for the Torem.


Ah makes sense. I hope the calories are a bit higher when you are on cycle, particularly be ready to shovel in more complex carbs to try and avoid superdrol lethargy. Plus in general (as i'm guessing you know) cals in over maintenance = weight gains. If you are pretty stable at your current intake, you'll need to tack in at least 500-1000 more a day to get significant gains.
This was a major error the first round. I kept the diet at the point I was at. At 2500 I do well when not on cycle so next time I plan on going 3000-3500 a day. I plan to try a couple BSN True-Mass, ISO-Pure, or AST Muscle-XGF shakes daily to provide the additional calories.

I plan on running a complete log this time to keep an accurate account of where I am also.


Never enough
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This was a major error the first round. I kept the diet at the point I was at. At 2500 I do well when not on cycle so next time I plan on going 3000-3500 a day. I plan to try a couple BSN True-Mass, ISO-Pure, or AST Muscle-XGF shakes daily to provide the additional calories.

I plan on running a complete log this time to keep an accurate account of where I am also.
Really go with nutraplanet waxy maize starch and the sams club EAS protein. Way cheaper, and just as much of a mass gainer IMO. You are going to want a lot of it from carbs, like over 350g of carbs a day.


Really go with nutraplanet waxy maize starch and the sams club EAS protein. Way cheaper, and just as much of a mass gainer IMO. You are going to want a lot of it from carbs, like over 350g of carbs a day.
How much is the EAS at Sam's? My local Wal-Mart has the 2.2#'s for $18.


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its the 6lb bag for $24, and its the clean protein of theirs, only 2g fat + 3g carbs with 23g protein

hmm $28 now, damn whey prices


One last question. When is the best time to start the PCT? I have seen recomendations but nothing for Superdrol. Do I just start it the last day?


I'm doing M-Drol right now. PCT is Clomid/Aromasin/Myogenx

Clomid 4 weeks 105/70/35/35
Aromasin 4 weeks 25/25/25/25
Myogenx 2 weeks 6 caps ed

Support Supps during the 3 weeks on and 4 weeks PCT
2g Milk Thistle
1g Hawthorn Berries
200mg COq10
600mg Red Yeast Rice
500mg FF Niacin
500mg Glucosamine
2 tabs Zinc for Acne

Thats all I can remember right now, those are the most important. Good luck.


I'm doing M-Drol right now. post cycle therapy is Clomid/Aromasin/Myogenx

Clomid 4 weeks 105/70/35/35
Aromasin 4 weeks 25/25/25/25
Myogenx 2 weeks 6 caps ed

Support Supps during the 3 weeks on and 4 weeks post cycle therapy
2g Milk Thistle
1g Hawthorn Berries
200mg COq10
600mg Red Yeast Rice
500mg FF Niacin
500mg Glucosamine
2 tabs Zinc for Acne

Thats all I can remember right now, those are the most important. Good luck.
If possible I would like to know how your cycle turns out.
I have most of the support sups worked out. I take glucosamine daily already and AI's Life support. I plan to up it to Cycle Support when I get ready to start the cycle.
Here is the break down on the two:
Cycle Support:
Red Yeast Rice 1200 mg
Silymarin (milk thistle extract) 1000 mg
NAC 1200 mg
Hawthorn Berry 1000 mg
Saw Palmetto 300 mg
Policosonol 20 mg
Celery Seed Extract 150 mg
Nettle Root 250 mg
Idebenone 100 mg

Life Support:
Red Yeast Rice 600 mg
NAC 600 mg
Silymarin(milk thistle) 500 mg
Hawthorn Berry 500 mg
Saw Palmetto 150 mg
Nettle Root 125 mg
Celery Seed Extract 125 mg
Idebenone 50 mg
Policosonol 10 mg

I may just double the dose on the Life Support. It has the extreme advantage of being in pill form and despite what has been said IMO Cycle Support tastes horrible.
It looks like I will be running Clomid for PCT because I have yet to find a source for Torem, still looking though. Once I get it all worked out I will post the details and possibly a log of the cycle.
Right now I am planning Clomid/Retain 2/Hyperdrol/Cycle Support...but that could change.


that looks good, i have heard very good things about myogenx so you might want to consider that. people say it increases sex drive (which hasn't been a problem thankfully), but I am experience test. atrophy (balls shrinking) so it should help


anyone heard anything about phosphatidyl serine... not suggesting it over any others but just wondering if anyone has used it for cortisol control

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