Superdrol/M1,4ADD Bulk Cycle


Thursday: 214lbs... 2.5lbs up from yesterday, 16lbs total gained so far. I've started to fill out in my shoulder area as well as my arms, I really hope I can get a few more of these 2.5lb days in before the cycle is up. As long as I can gain at LEAST another 6lbs (which I'm sure I'll surpass that, but you never know) then I'll be at my 220lb mark that I was hoping to get at with this cycle. I have noticed strength go up alot, however, I tend to run out of gas quick. I think this is just because of the new routine that I am not used to yet.

Undertaker: its gonna take alot more than that douche to get me down....I've made huge improvements in my lifting, not just with my size, but with max bench is 260lbs on the smith machine now, just goes to show him that just because a person is skinny, doesnt mean they cant be strong...
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That is a good bench for your size. Us guys with long skinny arms are at a distinct leverage disadvantage so that's really pretty good.

Just keep on keepin on. You'll be turning some heads at 6'7" and 220-240. I wish I were that commands respect from people. lol


Bioman: yeah we are really at a bit more of a disadvantage with the long arms...I really hope to be turning heads at 6'7" 250-275lbs in another 16 months or so...


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If you keep gaining you are going to be a monster... I have a buddy who is 6'6 and nobody even thinks about giving him ****


thats what I hope much does your buddy weigh??? I have no clue what I'd look like at certain weights so I'm trying to get an idea of what I'd look like at 250+lbs...


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he looked good @ 235 cut, he is much fatter now though since he stopped lifting.


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I'm 6'3 and my final destination is 275lbs and ripped(hopefully in the next 5 years). You'd probly have to break 300lb's to look like a bodybuilder.

Having long arms sucks for benching, so my advice is, don't.

Ditch the bench press and do, dumbells, smith etc.

Those long arms are great for deadlifting though.(just watch your form,back can cause all tall guys problems)

How's the deadlift looking tatoo?


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Sure I'm skinny but no where near where I was back in Nov. are some pics to go was taken in Nov. 2003, the other I took the day I started my cycle. 158lbs to 211lbs in a little over a year isnt too shabby IMO..
Looking good Tat! Damn that is impressive :thumbsup:


I use a smith machine at home (but i also use free weights when possible). On free weighted deadlifts, they are fine, I dont know what my max is as I just started doing them about 2-3 months ago.
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When you're just starting out don't get hung up on the numbers..they're just numbers. Form and going to near failure are more important in this stage. Consistency of diet and training regimen trump all of those concepts.

Google up pictures of Nathan Jones for inspiration lol. 6'10" 380 pounds of shear terror.


Friday: 214lbs. no change.
Bioman: yeah I realize that, i just keep reminding myself of the weight I strive for to keep me going. What I lift doesnt matter to me like it used to, I always check my ego at the door if you know what I mean...


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Another guy that's an inspiration for all reallt tall guys is... BOB 'the beast' Sap 6'8 360lb's and natural!!! Now that is insane!


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He's an UFC fighter, fights mortly in japan and asia. He's HUGE in japan, people on the streets know his name, and he's got his own clothing lines etc.

I'll see what I can find.


  • Established
He's an UFC fighter, fights mortly in japan and asia. He's HUGE in japan, people on the streets know his name, and he's got his own clothing lines etc.

I'll see what I can find.

I found some pics, I'll see if I can find more.


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I found some pics, I'll see if I can find more.
COUNTRY : USA / Colorado Spring
HEIGHT : 205 cm 6'8 or 6'9
WEIGHT : 170 kg 375lbs
September 22,1974 ? (K-1)
September 22,1973 ? (SRS-DX)

Taste : reading,Breeding of a cat
Net profit : stock investment
pharmaceutical department
A father is a policeman.

The best time of 100m competition:
11'03" 11'08 11'18"
Bench press:300Kg
Reach:86cm Neck:69cm
Chest measurement:153cm 61,2 inches!!
Stomach:107cm 42.8
Thigh:94cm 37,6 inchs
Arm:65cm 26 inch arms. Probly the biggest on earth?!
Shoes size:45cm Span:35cm

His stats. He's the biggest man I know of that has abs!!!


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He's a bad ass, and competes in kickboxing tourney's over in Asia. Dude is a straight up athlete at that size incredible.


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TP - i'm considering the same cycle your doing, but I'm a little worried about putting on fat. I know your eatting tons and it's a hard question, but how much is fat?
And is the SD keeping the M1,4add (dbol-esque) bloat down?


I would say very little is actually fat, and bloating isnt really an issue...things seem to be pretty dry around here with the SD... I wish I had access to a good set of calipers but unfortunatly I dont....I'll be posting pics here next week so you can judge from the pictures before the cycle, after the the cycle and after PCT once that is finished.

Monday: 213lbs. Down 1.5lbs since Friday. I had to cut my workout a bit short today, but I got a good chest workout in...I'll do the rest of my back workout tomorrow as I had to watch my son while my wife went to look for a job. (ahh the joys of being a new parent :) )


Tuesday: 216lbs. Up 3lbs from yesterday...seems as if my dieting on the weekend causes my weight to drop a bit, but it comes back with a fury early on in the week...Got in a pretty good back workout today lifting desks at work (deadlift esq type lifting :) ) Our parent office shipped down a semi truck full of crap (racks of servers, desks, etc..)


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Great Progress Tattoo, before and after pics show an amazing difference! Well done!


Keep in mind that is before the SD/M1,4ADD stack...I'll post the after cycle pics next week sometime, and then 4 weeks after PCT I'll post pics...


just posted there... I am of the mindset that I am taking SD to gain size, so, I will do my 4 week cycles to put on as much size as I possibly can, which I dont feel I could do in 2 weeks, and keep the majority of after PCT. I havent gotten into PCT so I dont know how much I'll keep off of this, however I am optimistic and feel like I'll keep the majority of the gains. I havent noticed a huge jump in gains after 2 weeks, but they have been just as steady as the first week. I feel SD (so far) doesnt have large amounts of gains at first and then taper off like some compounds, where SD for me, is giving me constant gains throughout the cycle.


  • Established
thanks for posting TP, i agree that longer cycles should yield better size - but running it 2on,2off(mild pct),2on,2off(mild pct),2on,2off,etc. etc. may allow you to stay on more longer (in the long run.

thanks for the feedback :thumbsup:


yeah, i think someone is just gonna have to try is a new compound so people are just gonna have to do some off the wall things to figure out what works best...too bad there isnt more of this stuff to do testing with....


sorry for the lack of update yesterday. No weight change as of yesterday, still at 216lbs. I know that this is because I've eaten very poorly at dinner lately (I'm still not used to multi-tasking with the kid). I'm OK up until I come home, then the diet falls to **** it seems for the past couple of days. Today should be different however, as I really want to get to the 220lb mark before my cycle ends...

Lean One

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It's possible you're maxed out on the gains with this cycle. Don't try to hit 220 to just end up gaining 4 lbs of fat. You've had a good run.


It's possible you're maxed out on the gains with this cycle. Don't try to hit 220 to just end up gaining 4 lbs of fat. You've had a good run.
I really dont feel like I'm at the end of my gains...yet. I know for a fact that I can attribute the lack of gains the past couple of days to poor diet. Once I get things back to normal then I should see some more gains. I agree with you on the not wanting 4lbs of fat though, that is something I definatly dont want. I'm sure though that this last week on cycle that I can put on another 4lbs, but we'll just have to wait and see.


Thursday: 215lbs. Down 1lb from yesterday, however my diet is back on track so I'm sure I'll be in the +'s tomorrow. Legs are achy after the workout today. I'm actually a day behind on my workouts so Friday and Saturday are catchup days...I'll just split the missed day's workout over the 2 days.


Friday: 216.5lbs. Got all caught up on the workouts so far so I'm back on track. Today at lunch I found the place I ate at will put whey protein in your milkshake which was really cool for a restaurant to do so I took advantage of that and will keep that in mind for future reference. They had a big tub of ISS Whey Matrix and it was pretty darn good in the boston coffee shake I had if I must say so myself...


keep it up bro, your cycle is a huge inspiration for me, I hope my cycle goes as well.


btw, how many calories are you taking in everyday now?


Thanks for the kind words bro...they keep me going...

After week 3 the weight gains started to slow down...maybe there is a max to how long the gains can go on one cycle, however I still am a firm believer that if you eat more, then the gains will still continue, even if not as fast as they originally did.

As far as how much I am eating now, I'd have to say about 3700-3900 per day. I eat alot of turkey cutlets (very high in protein, and I get cases of 18 packs for $8 per case, there are 4 cutlets in each pack) and chicken breasts (working on getting the same deal with chicken breasts from the same guy), TONS of pasta which is my wife's doing..she is Italian; and lots of tuna.
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Monday: still sitting at 216lbs. Had a great run on SD, this has to be the best compound I've run across. I start PCT tomorrow so I'll post pics again in 4 weeks. Here is a pic from real change except I've filled out a decent amound... 18lbs to be exact.
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and it shows. Good Job TP.


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GREAT WORK TP!!! Ok, I'll undo caps lock. Solid. Dominant.
You have busted your ass; keep it up.

Lean One

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Good cycle bro! Looking thick. the 18lbs looks good. You don't even look like you need to cut at all. Keep on bulking! :thumbsup:


I might cut before summer to get the ole abs out...I have some M5AA I'd like to try, so we'll see...I'm definatly gonna bulk until late March early April naturally though and then cut from there...


4 days into PCT and I'm holding strong at 216lbs, so I havent lost any weight since I've stopped the cycle. I know everything isnt out of my system yet, but most of the time by now I've lost a few pounds....this is a very good sign as far as I am concerned about keeping my gains. I have noticed looking a bit more cut not being on cycle, so their might have been SOME water with the M1,4ADD, but I cannot testify to that, I am just making visual observations, however, if there was water, it was very very little.

Lean One

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Sounds good. I'm sure you had some water from the M14ADD. And the fact that you look more cut means it's going away. I think the SD is going to play a maijor role in maintaining your gains as the effects seem to linger for up to a week and a half after stopping it. It will help keep you full. You may drop a couple pounds by the seccond week though as you loose some glycogen.


9 days into PCT and I'm still holding at 216lbs. I think it is safe to say I'll be keeping all of my gains off of this cycle. I do believe I might have lost some BF % because I look more defined, the wife said something about it last night without me saying anything to her..I had been thinking I was looking a bit more cut but didnt want to say anything to her as she will normally just agree with whatever I say pertaining to lifting so she doesnt have to discuss with me..


Sure I'm skinny but no where near where I was back in Nov. are some pics to go was taken in Nov. 2003, the other I took the day I started my cycle. 158lbs to 211lbs in a little over a year isnt too shabby IMO..
Woah man! you're right! Major progress! I was reading all the lame arguements before these pics and didn't get what the heck was going on, but now I agree with the rest that you're doing just fine. Keep chuggin' away man!


2/22/05- Update. I changed my diet about 2- 2 1/2 weeks ago to try and "thwart" the oncoming love handles on my lower back. I started running a bit and changed what I ate drastically. I limited my fat intake to 40g per day, while keeping protein and carbs high (330/460) and about 3500-3600 calories. I have lost a decent amount of the love handles but have kept all muscle mass from what I can tell. I went from 216lbs to now 206.5lbs. I ate pretty terrible (fat content wise) while I was on cycle, and even before being on cycle, so I decided to start eating really clean to get rid of the handles while keeping muscle on. I will post pics after I get back from the Arnold Classic. When I get back, I am thinking of starting either my SD/M4OHN cycle, or SD/Test Enan./EQ cycle for one last bulk before summer.


New member
hey tat. Im doing the same cycle in about 4 weeks.
I want to run the SD and M1,4 for 6 weeks though.
These are both methyls , did you have any liver problems or
any other sides?

Do you think you would have run it for 6 weeks if you had enough
PH? I want SD 20mg , M1,4 90mg


i didnt "feel" anything wrong, but without proper bloodwork, one cannot 100% say, however, I felt fine. Just make sure to have some liver protection for PCT like milk thistle and NAC, etc..

As far as running the SD at 20mg for 6 weeks, I for one know I couldnt run it that long and keep seeing gains...I'd start with 20mg and up it to 30mg whenever you stop seeing gains at 20mg. I also cannot tell you whether 90mg of M1,4ADD will be enough, you might repsond to that little, or you might not...only your body will tell you...

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