Started PCT, have a few questions.


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So I decided to end my little experiment early. In case any of you don't remember my previous post, I was going to taper or pulse off mdrol at the end.

I ended up doing a 10/20/20 + 5 days at 10mg of MDrol. Strength gains in the 4th week were somewhat stagnant, but I was able to hit the same PR's as I did in my 3rd week minus the extra sets that I added for sticking points. Calorie intake was lowered to about 3200-3500. Weight stayed the same. Started Nolva yesterday at 40mg.

Nolva will proceed as follows:
6 days@ 40mg
6 days@ 30mg
12 days@ 20mg
6 days @ 10mg

I will also be finishing up my bottle of Cycle Assist before switching to just milk thistle. PCT Assist was also started yesterday, and I will be running the entire bottle (30days).

So far, I haven't felt anything different. Lethargy was about the same, no change in energy levels. Eating a bit less, but still above maintenance. Took the weekend off and just slept a lot. Back to the daily grind tomorrow, and we'll see how my lifts go. Upper body power day tomorrow.

Now for the questions... where should my calorie intake be? I will be starting a cut after PCT in Jan, so what should my calorie intake be at now? I would imagine that I should be eating at slightly above maintenance, or right at maintenance with a high protein diet. I don't want to lose lbm gains, but I probably was overeating by about 500 Cals while on cycle, and gained some fat which I would like to lose.

What about cardio? should I start running on my days off from the gym? or should I wait until my body is used to the new muscle mass before doing any lengthy cardio?


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i would keep calorie intake at what it was during your cycle or even a bit higher. Worry about losing fat when you cut, not during pct

dont do cardio during PCT unless you bump up your calories to make up for it.


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I went from intake of about 4-4300 cal to about 3200 cal now. Can someone justify being at a 1500 cal surplus when on PCT?? I'm still on a surplus, but jsut not that much of a surplus. I am actually having a harder time eating since my appetite has gone down a bit. I'm keeping protein intake high though.


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didnt realize you were on such a surplus. I would still eat 500+ calories above maintenance.


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I'm at about 500 above maintenance right now. So I should be good. currently at 80kg, not feeling stuffed, nor hungry most of the day, so I think it's about right.

My body is quite odd... I've been calorie counting, and when I try to gain weight, it's absurdly difficult. Same thing when I try to loose weight... oh well, that's probably better so I don't lose too much on PCT. LOL

Thanks for the input.

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