Stagnation on cycle


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Hi i need help
Im 26yo weight: 200lb, height 5,11
bf 9-11%
My macros are :
Protein 300g
Carbs 700g
Fats 150g
And I'm training 6x per week
Now I'm in 8 week
Testosterone Enanthate 750mg Weekly
EQ 500mg Weekly
Deca 300mg Weekly
Methandienone 40mg daily
Proviron 75mg daily
Anastrazole 0,5 mg EOD
Off course I take protection And drinking alot and I have everything checked
And my gear Is legit I'm sure about that
I'm feeling high agression and Libido Is totally insane but so far I have gained only 10lbs.
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong please


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What is stagnate? Weight gain, strength, size, etc? We need more information.

If you are plateauing, I would suggest backing off on training, reducing volume for a week, or a complete deload. Remember, gear will help your muscle recover, but if you are training balls out 6 times per week with high volume, work a full time job, and have stresses that we all do, your CNS could need a break. Gear will not help your CNS.


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Are you sure that your macros are right? Because I’d honestly think that you’d be blowing up with those macros and that cycle.


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I'm stagnating in everything
I was gaining weight until week 4
From 4 week I have gained no weight at all maybe little strenght And nothing was changed at all.
And I'm sure about my macros I weight every meal but sometimes I eat little less carbs maybe 500g but thats all.

Btw. Sorry for my english I'm from Czech
Old Witch

Old Witch

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What is stagnate? Weight gain, strength, size, etc? We need more information.

If you are plateauing, I would suggest backing off on training, reducing volume for a week, or a complete deload. Remember, gear will help your muscle recover, but if you are training balls out 6 times per week with high volume, work a full time job, and have stresses that we all do, your CNS could need a break. Gear will not help your CNS.
This right here. The central nervous system cannot recover as fast as the muscle tissue on a steroid cycle. If you train to failure on all sets of all exercises, you will need to take some time off to recover or you will feel like you are becoming weaker and weaker.

Also, on a heavy cycle, round about every six weeks myostatin will top out and it will take a great stimulus to create more follistatin to fully engage Muscle Protein Synthesis.


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This right here. The central nervous system cannot recover as fast as the muscle tissue on a steroid cycle. If you train to failure on all sets of all exercises, you will need to take some time off to recover or you will feel like you are becoming weaker and weaker.

Also, on a heavy cycle, round about every six weeks myostatin will top out and it will take a great stimulus to create more follistatin to fully engage Muscle Protein Synthesis.
Can you talk some more about the second part of this? How do you prevent and or overcome this


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Hi i need help
Im 26yo weight: 200lb height 5,11
My macros are :
Protein 300g
Carbs 700g
Fats 150g
And I'm training 6x per week
Now I'm in 8 week
Testosterone Enanthate 750mg Weekly
EQ 500mg Weekly
Deca 300mg Weekly
Methandienone 40mg daily
Proviron 75mg daily
Anastrazole 0,5 mg EOD
Off course I take protection And drinking alot and I have everything checked
And my gear Is legit I'm sure about that
I'm feeling high agression and Libido Is totally insane but so far I have gained only 10lbs.
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong please
It either has to do with your training frequency (how much or lack thereof you’re training each body part), volume (may need to back down a bit), or you may just need to adjust your macros and eat more. Honestly, you should be gaining more, but I’m not sure your experience level. First thing I’d try is increasing the calories, then look at your training. But, when in doubt I always would think calorie increase would be the first thing to try. 6x a week depending on volume may be just too much even with the drugs. I often don’t follow my own advice in regards to this, but you could thrown in an extra day off or two in between hard training days


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Hi i need help
Im 26yo weight: 200lb height 5,11
My macros are :
Protein 300g
Carbs 700g
Fats 150g
And I'm training 6x per week
Now I'm in 8 week
Testosterone Enanthate 750mg Weekly
EQ 500mg Weekly
Deca 300mg Weekly
Methandienone 40mg daily
Proviron 75mg daily
Anastrazole 0,5 mg EOD
Off course I take protection And drinking alot and I have everything checked
And my gear Is legit I'm sure about that
I'm feeling high agression and Libido Is totally insane but so far I have gained only 10lbs.
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong please
1200 calories from protein
2800 calories from carbs
1350 calories from fat

That's 5,350 calories a day.

Let's take a step back...

How are you tracking your macros? Please provide foods and amounts for a typical day. If you are 5'11" and 200lb you should be gaining steadily every week.


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1 Meal : 50g protein powder
200g oats
2x Banana

2 Meal : 400 ml egg whites
200g oats
10g cocoa

3 Meal : 150g brown rice
200g chicken breasts
BBQ sauce 30g

4 Meal : 100g cashew nuts
2x Banana
50g honey
100g oats
25g protein powder

5 Meal : 200g brown rice
200g chicken breasts
BBQ sauce 30g

6 Meal : 400g cottage cheese

Meal 1,2,4 are made in blender :D
should I train EOD?


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1 Meal : 50g protein powder
200g oats
2x Banana

2 Meal : 400 ml egg whites
200g oats
10g cocoa

3 Meal : 150g brown rice
200g chicken breasts
BBQ sauce 30g

4 Meal : 100g cashew nuts
2x Banana
50g honey
100g oats
25g protein powder

5 Meal : 200g brown rice
200g chicken breasts
BBQ sauce 30g

6 Meal : 400g cottage cheese

Meal 1,2,4 are made in blender :D
should I train EOD?
I find it very hard to believe you're not gaining weight eating 5000+ cals. I think you're eating less than you assume. considering what you posted as your diet and you said youre eating 150 grams of fat a day.....I call BS. you have zero fat source in there except for some cashews...honestly think you're tracking wrong. are you weighing this all out?


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I'm stagnating in everything
I was gaining weight until week 4
From 4 week I have gained no weight at all maybe little strenght And nothing was changed at all.
And I'm sure about my macros I weight every meal but sometimes I eat little less carbs maybe 500g but thats all.

Btw. Sorry for my english I'm from Czech
1 Meal : 50g protein powder
200g oats
2x Banana

2 Meal : 400 ml egg whites
200g oats
10g cocoa

3 Meal : 150g brown rice
200g chicken breasts
BBQ sauce 30g

4 Meal : 100g cashew nuts
2x Banana
50g honey
100g oats
25g protein powder

5 Meal : 200g brown rice
200g chicken breasts
BBQ sauce 30g

6 Meal : 400g cottage cheese

Meal 1,2,4 are made in blender :D
should I train EOD?
So you went from 700 grams from carbs to maybe 500 grams. That 200 gram difference is 800 cals which makes a difference. I think you are either not tracking at all and estimating or not tracking properly. Also, looking at your diet, you are falling very short of the macros you initially listed.

This right here. The central nervous system cannot recover as fast as the muscle tissue on a steroid cycle. If you train to failure on all sets of all exercises, you will need to take some time off to recover or you will feel like you are becoming weaker and weaker.

Also, on a heavy cycle, round about every six weeks myostatin will top out and it will take a great stimulus to create more follistatin to fully engage Muscle Protein Synthesis.
The first part is my issue. My volume has been too much and my intensity is too high. I am following a PPL-5/3/1 hybrid routine. I am still progressing, but at much slower rate. It hasn't helped that I haven't deloaded the 5/3/1 lifts since Memorial Day. I need to change something, but it is so much easier giving that advice than following it!


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1 Meal : 50g protein powder
200g oats
2x Banana

2 Meal : 400 ml egg whites
200g oats
10g cocoa

3 Meal : 150g brown rice
200g chicken breasts
BBQ sauce 30g

4 Meal : 100g cashew nuts
2x Banana
50g honey
100g oats
25g protein powder

5 Meal : 200g brown rice
200g chicken breasts
BBQ sauce 30g

6 Meal : 400g cottage cheese

Meal 1,2,4 are made in blender :D
should I train EOD?
Should you train EOD? ummm... If you are calculating your macros right and still aren't gaining, increase calories. If you're still not gaining, see your doctor.


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I was eating whole eggs
But recently switched to egg whites
I hate yolk to be honest :/
That Is the missing fat.
And if im counting right it all should have 770g carbs 354g protein 135g fats
Is it right? :eek:


Do what you’re body tells you. I do 6 days a week and some say I overtrain. I say they are just trying to slow down my gains.


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You’re eating slightly less than a pound of meat a day. You should double that at least. Two pounds of meat might seem like a lot but it’s not. Split it up into 2-4 meals.


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5-8 eggs preworkout, a lb of steak post workout, .75 lb of chicken at lunch, and .75 lb of chicken at dinner. Cheese, butter, yogurt, nuts, avocado, fatty meat. These are your friends. And use 2 cups for your carb sources instead of one. So two cups of oats when you eat them and two cups of rice when you eat that. And potato’s are the best carb source for adding weight to my body. It might work for you too.


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In the simplest of terms...
If you're Not taking 2 or 3 big sh17s a day you are not eating enough. Especially if you're a fast metabolism skinny type guy.
Double down..

Also are you taking into account more fat loss? Are you getting leaner but the scale is sitting?
Old Witch

Old Witch

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You should switch foods, and probably get more proteins and fats. Obviously the high carbs aren't doing much for you at this point if you're telling the truth. You should be eating something more like five or six big ass hamburger steaks a day, cheese on top, and some salads with ranch all over them, gigantic burrito from chipotle.... keep your breakfast the same. Bet the scale moves again. Just make sure you get your fiber in or you won't sh1t ever again.


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"Just make sure you get your fiber in or you won't sh1t ever again."

Seriously made me laugh out loud

But for real, that's the truth. Eat your fiber OP
You should switch foods, and probably get more proteins and fats. Obviously the high carbs aren't doing much for you at this point if you're telling the truth. You should be eating something more like five or six big ass hamburger steaks a day, cheese on top, and some salads with ranch all over them, gigantic burrito from chipotle.... keep your breakfast the same. Bet the scale moves again. Just make sure you get your fiber in or you won't sh1t ever again.


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I have changed my diet to
370g protein
320g carbs
250g fats
42g fiber

It should be around 5000 cals

I have already gained to 208lbs
But i have ONLY 200g of meat Is it a problem? I hate meat to be honest :/
And i take psyllium as fiber suplement
and i take sh1t 2 times a day :D


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I mean considering you're quite close to my all year round weight I find it hard to believe you're not gaining considering you've only put on 10lbs and you're on gear. The high amount of carbs should add a good amount of water too. Maybe a stupid question but do you count these calories from the time you wake up until you go to bed or during 24 hours?


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You should switch foods, and probably get more proteins and fats. Obviously the high carbs aren't doing much for you at this point if you're telling the truth. You should be eating something more like five or six big ass hamburger steaks a day, cheese on top, and some salads with ranch all over them, gigantic burrito from chipotle.... keep your breakfast the same. Bet the scale moves again. Just make sure you get your fiber in or you won't sh1t ever again.
Metamucil is my friend


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I'm counting my calories from the I time wake up until I go to bed. A was never gaining water even on oxymetholne


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Eat more Whole Foods, train 4-5 days a week. You need rest days. You can always throw in 25mg of mk677 for an extreme appetite boost. How do you train/workout?


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I'm counting my calories from the I time wake up until I go to bed. A was never gaining water even on oxymetholne
If you can t gain weight on this diet, you either have the fastest metabolism in the world or you training 7 hours per day...Not to mention test deca eq dbol combo on high carb intake , you should bloat a lot, are you sure you have legit gear ?

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