I'm not going to derail this thread by discussing an ingredient that it has nothing to do with.
I was simply trying to be helpful.
Different ingredients affect people differently and I say that all the time - so I'm not disputing that Shilajit may affection you in a certain way, but you yourself acknowledge that you're an exception to the norm on that and that you're also sensitive to negative effects associated with higher levels of acetylcholine and therefore may see negative effects from anything that boosts it easier, which also likely means that you have a hyper sensitivity to it being boosted from things that may not in a lot of people.
In my reply where I said:
For Shilajit, its not particularly acetylcholine boosting. I'm not saying that it may not be for you, but just wanted to clarify that for anyone else reading this thread. I'm a big fan of the ingredient itself and think its wonderful for a lot of things, but I wouldn't promote it as an acetyl choline booster, although I've seen that some brands do.
^^^ I was making sure to acknowledge that it may do that for you - but was trying to clarify for anyone else reading the thread that I wouldn't promote it as an acetyl choline booster although some brands do. What I mean by that was that I wouldn't promote it as one - as in saying to buy it for that purpose - as some brands literally spend marketing money and promote it as an acetylcholine booster and I feel that they are trying to oversell the ingredient in that case as it may do so for some people (like yourself) but if I was intentionally trying to increase acetylcholine, it wouldn't be through Shilajit.
I hope that all makes sense. I tend to do clarifying posts to help people that may read threads and not post to understand the context better bc in some cases they may be looking at them months or years down the road.
I totally understand and appreciate the effort you put in on this message board!
Any hints/timeline for the new product you teased that will contain Spilanthes?!