Kinda what I figured. Not ideal but I’ll probably just try to go with 1mg letro biw for now. In the past I’ve used it sparingly and it def helps both reduce the pain and size of the lump. I’m on day 4 of somotazine, and hunger just did start kicking in a bit yesterday.
The first day I took one cap around noon. A couple of hours later I experienced a strange bodily sensation, hard to describe. I took a second cap that night just before bed and didn’t sleep a wink. Second day I took one cap late afternoon and same thing, no sleep. Third day took one cap again late afternoon, and sleep improved slightly. Yesterday, same thing, but sleep definitely improved last night, but with some very intense dreaming. I think I’m starting to adjust to it and with the melatonin in the product I feel it’s best to start taking it closer to bedtime as recommended. I plan to do that tonight and hopefully the sleep will continue to improve. Not sure why it interrupted my sleep initially. It’s was almost like an anxious buzzing in my head. Very restless. Weird.
For now I’m optimistic that I’ll start seeing some muscle fullness soon and perhaps start putting on a few lbs. Just hope I’m over the sleep issues. That sucked.